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Monster Girl Islands

Page 15

by Logan Jacobs

  I could feel every inch of her tightness adjust to the movement, and it was like a silken vice on my cock trying to squeeze everything out of me. Soon, the queen picked up the pace and started moaning hard. I let go of one of her hips and reached down to rub her clit with my thumb. In a matter of seconds, this goddess was moaning loudly, and suddenly my name came bursting from her mouth.

  “Ben, oh my goddess, Ben!” Nerissa screamed.

  This only encouraged me more, and I increased the pressure on her clit with my thumb and watched her face the whole time. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she started panting hard. Then her mouth dropped open, and a guttural moan escaped as I felt her tighten around my cock again, followed by a gush of wetness as she climaxed.

  The queen collapsed on my chest, and I let her rest for a minute there. Then she giggled as she looked up at me, and I could see nothing but satisfaction and happiness in her eyes.

  I leaned in to kiss her again as I grabbed a hold of her hips. I might not currently have had the upper body strength to flip her over, but I sure as hell could bring her over the edge again from underneath. I sucked on each of her nipples as she tried to sit up but stopped her in her tracks.

  She was mine now.

  I held the queen tight as I thrust my hips up hard from beneath her. She let out a bit of a groan, but that didn’t stop me. I started bucking faster and harder and kept her in place with my grip. I sucked one nipple and watched the other breast bounce while I pounded into her. I listened as her breathing picked up pace once again, and I knew I had her close. Her second orgasm came barreling in, and she constricted so hard around me, it sent me over the edge, and I groaned as I unloaded a gallon of my seed inside this perfect queen.

  I didn’t know how long we laid there, half dead and completely spent, but it was barely enough time to recover our strength.

  Then Nerissa slid off me, much to my disappointment, and snuggled up to my side.

  “I am sorry I didn’t tell you exactly what was going to happen,” the queen whispered, “but I was afraid you would think too hard about it and possibly leave us because of it.”

  My first reaction was to get angry at her doubt in me, but once I thought about it, I realized she had a point. I was sure there were plenty of men out there not willing to take on that kind of responsibility. Still, it didn’t completely excuse keeping me in the dark.

  “I’ll tell ya what,” I replied with a grin, “you don’t bamboozle me like that again, and I promise to keep an open mind. I did, after all, join this tribe willingly. That means I am open to and ready to learn everything that comes along with it.”

  I was rewarded with a deep kiss for my answer. Apparently, the queen was willing to accept my terms.

  “Nerissa, what would you say is the most pressing need to get done before the storm season comes in?” I asked after we pulled apart.

  She remained quiet for several minutes while she thought about my question. I appreciated that about her, she was always thinking and learning.

  “I would say the defenses, actually,” she finally answered. “They are in dire need of attention and are going to take the most time. Because of this, it is my intention to get started with replenishing the fields and getting them ready. I think once the women are instructed properly, they can take over quickly, and you can move onto the defenses where your time is going to be most utilized.”

  “That’s actually a very good idea,” I replied. “I was so impressed they were able to harvest the coconuts with just a little direction, so I am confident they can do the same with the fields. How long before storm season?”

  “About four moon cycles from now,” she said with a yawn. “It isn’t an exact measurement, but very close.”

  “That doesn’t give us a lot of time,” I mused, “but I am sure we can accomplish a lot. At least it will mostly be done before any of the babies arrive.”

  “That doesn’t give you a lot of time,” she said, half asleep. “Don’t overdo it.”

  “I think a lot can be done in nine moon cycles, even with the storm season coming.”

  I heard her giggle in a sleepy voice at my response, but I didn’t know what was so funny until she next spoke.

  “You silly guppy, the babies will be here in three moon cycles.”

  Then she kissed me on the cheek, promptly fell asleep, and left me there to freak the fuck out.

  I had three months to come to terms with being a father.

  Oh, fuck.

  Chapter Ten

  It took me forever to fall asleep after finding out how long the gestation period for these women were. I should have known better than to think anything from my old world applied here. Still, it didn’t stop me from tracking down Talise as soon as possible the next morning and bombarding her with my questions.

  “You’re telling me the women from your world carry their babies for nearly nine moon cycles?” she gasped.

  “That’s exactly what I am telling you!” I chuckled.

  “My goddess,” she whispered, “they must be exhausted by the end.”

  “Yes, most of them are,” I muttered as I ran a hand through my hair. “Talise, I have to know, how small is the baby when it arrives? Will it be okay?”

  I was suddenly terrified these women were going to give birth to some little seed or hatchling that should still be in the safety of the womb or a pouch. They were dragon-serpentine woman, after all. Would they have eggs? Then I remembered Nerissa said they were mammals and not amphibian in nature. So, were they like marsupials, instead? Like a panda bear? Those squirmy little newborns weren’t very sturdy.

  I was pacing back and forth in Talise’s hut and probably wearing a hole in the floor, but I was genuinely worried about all of this. How could I protect something the size of a potato?

  Talise walked over, touched my arm, and amazingly grounded me with the simple gesture. I immediately calmed down and stopped all my anxious gesticulating and pacing.

  “Come sit down, Ben,” she ordered. “I have some tea for you, and I will answer all your questions as best I can, but you have to gather your wits about you so you can think.”

  I looked at her with her hand on her hip and a no nonsense look on her face, and my dick twinged in response. How in the hell did she make everything she did sexy?

  I walked over to the table where my tea was waiting and even managed to take a seat without huffing one bit. I thought again about how I allowed her to feed me and see me at my most vulnerable without putting up much of a fuss. This made me realize I might just be putty in her hands. Goddess forbid she ever figured that out.

  Talise handed me honey and coconut milk for my tea and then put a tray with little cakes on it nearby.

  “Enjoy your tea, Ben,” she said with a smile. “Give me a moment, and I will answer all your questions.”

  She disappeared into the corner of her hut covered with plants and all of her other healing supplies and left me there with my thoughts. I fixed my tea how I wanted it and mindlessly ate half the tray of cakes. I had skipped breakfast so I could catch Talise before she started about her day, and I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

  I was contemplating another cake or two, when Talise returned with a bundle in her hands.

  “Hold out your hands,” she said.

  I did as I was told, since I didn’t want to argue with this woman, and she placed a bundle of cloth and who knows what else in my hands. It probably weighed about six pounds and was maybe a foot and a half long.

  I held it and looked at her expectantly. “What is this?”

  “That is roughly the size of a new baby when it is born,” she said gently. “It is not a seed or an egg. You will not misplace it or sit on it or lose it in the wash.”

  This actually went a long way in consoling me and calming my fears. This bundle was tangible, and it was just about the same size as a human baby. I looked down at this wad of stuff Talise threw together and imagined a baby with the queen’s silver hair o
r Talise’s aqua scales, and something in me softened.

  I could do this. It would all be okay.

  “My best guess as to why we have such short gestation periods is because nature insists on it,” the healer went on to explain. “We are much more exposed to dangers of all sorts than I believe the women from your home are. If we stayed pregnant for nine moon cycles, there would indeed be very few of us.”

  This actually made a lot of sense. Evolution had advanced the cell generation of these beings as a means of survival. The faster you grow, the less time you are vulnerable to predators.

  “Talise, thank you,” I sighed, “I was beside myself not knowing what to expect, but you were able to alleviate my fears, just like you always do.”

  She smiled and then kissed me on the forehead.

  I pulled her close to me and hugged her. I needed to feel close to her for just a moment.

  “Ben, I think it is time for those sutures to come out.”

  “Really?” I mumbled, since I was rather distracted. I’d managed to rest my head on her breasts and wasn’t in a hurry to move.

  “Yes, really,” she laughed.

  She gently pulled herself away and got a small scalpel that had been made out of seaglass and a pot of some sort of astringent that smelled citrusy. Then she took a piece of cloth, cleaned off the wound, and started removing the sutures.

  “How long would something like this take to heal in your world?” she asked with a curious tilt of her head.

  “Depending on how deep the cut and where it is,” I replied, “fourteen sun rises at a minimum.”

  “This is the sixth day, and this is completely healed,” she told me. “Also, this was no shallow cut, I could see your bone when it was still open. I also noticed the injury to your head has healed and gone.”

  I reached up to touch the spot where I’d bashed my head on the boat when I was pushed into the water by the storm. I could feel a little scar there, but that was it.

  “Talise, how long have I been here?” I asked when I realized I’d lost all track of time. “Do you know?”

  “Today is the fifteenth sunrise since Sela first spotted you on the beach.”

  It was hard to believe I’d been here for over two weeks, but at the same time, it felt like I’d been here all my life. Before, I’d struggled to find a place in the world where I would fit in and could make a difference, but I’d found that on this island, and I was happy with my choice.

  “Are you okay, Ben?” Talise asked as she put her hand on mine.

  “Yes,” I assured her, “I just got lost in thought about how much time has passed and how much I want to get done.”

  “Are you sure that’s all?” she pried with one eyebrow slightly raised.

  “Absolutely, positively sure!” I said with a big laugh. “You are the last person I would try to hide something from, Talise.”

  “Hmmm, you do have a brain in that large head after all,” she teased.

  “Let’s use this big brain of mine and head over to the fields to see what we can get done.”

  The healer took the arm I offered to her, and we began the walk across the village to the western side of the island where the crops were grown. We passed several women who joyfully greeted both of us, and it was hard not to notice how upbeat the atmosphere was across the village. All of the women were laughing more than usual and going about their duties with renewed vigor.

  “You have brought a lot of hope, Ben,” Talise said as she voiced my thoughts aloud. “You were the answer to many prayers sent up to our gods and goddesses. Not only have you saved the queen and many of our people, but now you are helping us grow our numbers once again.”

  “I just hope I can live up to all the expectations,” I said nervously, “I definitely don’t want to let anyone down.”

  “Nonsense!” she scolded. “The few things you have done have made a huge difference already.”

  “You really have it out for me today, don’t you, Talise?” I teased.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” she flirted. “Just wait until tonight!”

  With that, she took off running toward the fields, and I waited a few seconds before I sprinted after her. She threw a glance over her shoulder, saw me approaching fast, squealed a delightful girlish laugh, and managed to run even faster. I wasn’t a slow runner by any means, but these women were almost freakishly fast on those webbed feet of theirs. The healer soundly beat me to the fields by a good ten yards, and I would be damned if I let her have a head-start the next time.

  Talise stopped for a celebratory dance and didn’t see I was still running, so I was able to grab her into a spin before I gently tackled her to the ground. I pinned her arms down and straddled her waist so she could not get away so easily. She laughed, squirmed, and seemed to make an attempt at escaping, but I knew she was right where she wanted to be.

  “Think you can get away from me that easily?” I asked the intoxicating healer.

  “I think you better up your game if you plan on keeping up with me, you flounder!” she giggled and squirmed some more.

  I looked at her aqua eyes sparkling with delight against her alabaster skin, her raven hair full of grass from the fields, and her lavender wrap all wrinkled up beneath her, and I knew what I had to do.

  I stared at her deeply in the eyes as I slowly leaned in close to her lips. Her smile stayed, but her laughter gave out and was replaced by heavy breathing. She watched me move closer, and she started biting that bottom lip, and she damn well knew what it did to me.

  Then I leaned in close to whisper in her ear.

  “You can only blame yourself for this,” I said softly.

  She moaned softly as I pulled back and bent like I was going to kiss her. Instead, I used my weeks old scruffy face and attacked her bare neck and collarbone with it and caused her to collapse into a ticklish fit of giggles.

  “Ben, you scoundrel!” she squealed through her giggles. “Stop this instant!”

  She was really putting up a fight, but I wasn’t going to let her go without a little satisfaction of getting the best of her. So, I pulled back like I intended to stop, but just as she started to catch her breath, I attacked the other side of her neck.

  “Ben!” she begged. “Please! I surrender! I really do!”

  I relented after such an epic win on my part and pulled back to let her catch her breath. I still held her pinned down, and threatened to start the tickling again, but never actually did so.

  “Remember that you surrendered,” I teased right next to her fin-wing shaped ear.

  Then I leaned in to kiss her like I’d planned to from the start.

  As I kissed the healer, I gently ground my hard-on against her so she knew what she did to me. A groan of want and desire escaped her, and I was satisfied with knowing I drove her as crazy as she did me. I softened the kiss and very reluctantly pulled away. Then I stood up, reached down to pull her up, and held her in my arms for a moment before letting her go.

  Talise glared at me with mock anger and stuck out her bottom lip. It made me want to tackle her again and not stop this time, but I managed to restrain myself.

  “You really are a barnacle,” she huffed as she dusted herself off.

  I laughed and noticed the red marks from my beard on her neck and exposed chest. I reached out to touch them, and she looked down to see what I was pointing at.

  “What did you do to me?” she pouted.

  “Just a little love burn, sweet Talise,” I purred. “Wait until they are between your thighs.”

  The healer immediately flushed at my promise for later, and I walked off toward the handful of women who had witnessed the whole thing. They were giggling, and I knew there was a huge smirk on my face. I risked a glance back over my shoulder to see Talise standing there with a gorgeous blush deep on her cheeks and a look of shock on her face. I needed to remember this because I doubted it would happen again any time soon.

  “Ladies,” I addressed the five women
standing there, “merry morning. I was hoping I could talk to you about ways to save these fields and hopefully produce some hearty crops before the storm season hits.”

  Just then, Talise joined me and was all business, after she jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow. Her light blow made me realize I’d practically wrestled her to the ground and barely even noticed my shoulder injury in the process. I tested my theory by moving my arm around a bit more. It was sore in some positions, but nothing terrible. The sharp pains had disappeared, and it was practically back to being as good as it had been before the battle.

  This woman by my side really did work miracles.

  I grinned at her, and the dirty look she was trying to give me faded away as the same realization hit her. She’d fixed me better than any doctor in my own world could have with their advanced medicine and machines.

  “We are going to create a fertilizer using compost and some other things that are going to make you want to bathe with the sweetest smelling of soaps afterwards, but it will be well worth it,” I explained to the women with a smile. “I want you to start collecting all the waste from the different vegetation we use in the village, things like coconut shells, pineapple rinds, banana peels, anything of that nature. I also want you to collect a few baskets of fish guts from the kitchens. We don’t need a lot, just enough to boost some of the minerals in the soil. Seaweed is another good one, but we want to make sure it is washed in fresh water very well to get rid of any excess salt water. Too much salt can be bad, but a little is perfect.”

  They all listened intently to what I had to say and nodded that they understood. Their faces showed me they were eager to get started and see what they could do.

  “Ben,” said a sweet voice, and one of the women stepped forward, “my name is Hali, and I am in charge of the kitchens and all that goes in and out of them. You have given me so much hope that we will not only survive the storm season, but flourish while the rain comes down. I will do whatever you think is the right course of action.”


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