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Charger (The Protectors Series) Book #16

Page 7

by Teresa Gabelman

  Chapter 9

  Charger joined Jake, the groom, and the rest of the guys who’d come together to celebrate the marriage between two important people in all their lives. As the best man, he made sure they all had a shot of strong whiskey. Charger definitely needed it. Wearing this tux was way out of his comfort zone, and having to reassure Jake that Tracy was not going to run had his anxiety level, which was normally at a zero, above a two. That was high for Charger. Not much got to him. Add a tux and a raving Guardian in love… yeah, that was enough to drive him insane.

  “I’d like to raise a toast to Jake and Tracy,” Charger started, but Kane interrupted.

  “If she shows up.” Kane snickered, earning a glare from Charger, who had just gotten Jake calmed down. “Plus, aren’t you supposed to give this speech later?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Kane,” Creed growled. “I need this shot, and if it takes Charger giving a fucking speech, then so be it.”

  Kane thought about that for a minute, then shrugged, lifting his shot glass. “Good point.”

  “Jake, we wish you and your beautiful bride peace and happiness.” Charger continued, then his eyes narrowed. “But if you ever hurt her, we will all kill you slowly, in the worst possible way imaginable.”

  Approving grunts of agreement filled the room as the whiskey was downed. “Damn good speech,” Creed said, then poured himself another shot.

  “That speech sucked.” Jake gave Charger a sideways glare. “What the fuck, man? You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “She’s one of the good ones.” Charger poured Jake another shot. “You got lucky, fucker.”

  “Stop being a pussy.” Kane nudged Jake as he passed. “But you know how we feel about women, and well, until you grow tits, you’re fucked. Oh, sorry, Reverend.”

  Charger chuckled when Kane noticed the reverend standing there staring at him with a disapproving glare. “The bride is here,” the reverend announced, looking toward Jake. “If you could please take your places.”

  “Thank you. We’re on our way,” Charger answered as Jake took another shot of whiskey that Creed poured him. Charger held back with Jake until they were alone. “You ready for this?”

  For the first time in his life, Charger felt a jolt of jealousy hit him directly in the chest. Jake’s smile was that of a man in absolute love with the woman he was about to marry. “I was ready the moment I saw her.”

  Charger had known Jake for longer than he had known anyone in the Guardians. The shit they had been through together bonded them with a force that nothing could break. He was there the day Jake and Tracy met. Jake had been a tongue-tied fool, something Charger never let him live down.

  “Then let’s go make her yours.” Charger slapped him on the back. Both men walked through the hallway to the large room set up for the ceremony. It was full of fellow Guardians, as well as close friends of the couple. Charger nodded to a few he knew as he took his place next to Jake at the front of the room. Kane stood next to him and Creed next to Kane. Val was supposed to be there, but he was a no-show.

  “This tux has got to fucking go,” Kane mumbled, pulling at the vest.

  “I don’t know.” Creed looked down at himself. “The ladies seem to like it.”

  “Unlike you, I don’t need a tux to get the ladies.” Kane shot that jab toward Creed with a snicker.

  “Fuck you, Kane,” Creed hissed loudly, causing those closest to them to laugh. Creed looked past them to the reverend. “Sorry, Rev.”

  Charger rubbed the bridge of his nose but did notice how all the women in the crowd were hungrily staring at them. He also noted the angry glares coming their way by the men at their side. The music started as all eyes went to the back of the room. The bridesmaids began the walk toward them, looking pretty in their wedding attire. Chantel came into the room owning it, her smile beaming. Their eyes met, and she gave him a wink. He had always liked Chantel, and she was one hell of a Guardian, who was loyal to a fault. He’d worked with her quite a few times in the past.

  “Holy fucking shit.” Kane gulped, drawing Charger’s attention. As his eyes went toward Kane, they caught sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen standing in the large doorway and knew instantly it was Raven.

  “Goddamn,” Charger said, ignoring the reverend clearing his throat. Charger couldn’t have said another word if he tried. His mouth went dry, his body tensing as he watched Raven nervously look around the room at everyone staring at her. He caught Chantel waving her on toward them from the corner of his eye. Her gaze narrowed at Chantel, but she did take a step, then another one and another one until she was halfway there, and then their eyes met. Her steps slowed as she wobbled slightly. She quickly looked away from him. Charger’s stare roamed down her body to see her bare leg through the long slit in the dress as she took a step. His eyes then lowered further to the sexiest pair of high heels he’d ever seen. Okay, that wasn’t true. He’d seen plenty of high heels in his life. It wasn’t the heels at all that were sexy, but what filled those heels.

  The crowd rose from the chairs, but Charger was having a hard time turning his attention away from Raven, who now stood almost directly across from him. Actually, Jake was in his way, making him take a small step back so he could continue staring at her.

  “The bride is that way,” Kane whispered with a snort next to his ear, making him jump.

  “Get the fuck away from me before I ruin Tracy’s moment,” Charger said as quietly as he could from the corner of his mouth.

  “Ruin her moment and I will kill you both,” Jake hissed from the corner of his.

  Charger forced himself to look toward the back of the room with everyone else as Tracy appeared. Alone, she walked toward her future husband, who left the front to meet her halfway. She was definitely a beautiful woman and perfect for his friend. Tracy’s smile brightened the room. Her eyes glowed with happiness as Jake leaned down to kiss her lightly on the lips. They whispered words to each other as the crowd chuckled, whistled, and clapped.

  They made their way back toward the reverend, where everyone else’s attention turned. Everyone’s other than Charger’s. His attention was all for the dark-haired woman standing across from him with a radiant smile on her face as she watched the ceremony, fixing Tracy’s long veil when needed and taking her flowers for the exchanging of the rings.

  If anyone asked Charger to repeat what had just happened, he would have failed miserably. Finally, Raven glanced his way. Their eyes met and held. A smile tipped his lips as he purposely let his eyes roam down her body and then back up. She was not smiling. Nope, she was now glaring at him then mouthed, “What?”

  Charger chuckled with a cocked eyebrow, causing her to flip him off from behind her flowers. When she huffed with a roll of her eyes, his gaze went directly to her breasts that heaved under the thin fabric of the dress. His cock stirred, and he really had to focus on controlling himself and his cock, or he would definitely ruin Tracy’s moment with gossip about the groomsman who walked down the aisle with a hard-on.

  “You may kiss your bride.” The reverend’s voice broke through Charger’s thoughts, surprising him. Damn, he’d missed the whole ceremony. Cheers from the crowd had him looking around to see Jake and Tracy walking away with their joined hands raised.

  “Go!” Kane nudged him toward Raven, who was looking at him expectantly. “Or I’ll take her, and I’m not Val, fucker. I won’t let her go.”

  Charger reared back with his elbow, catching Kane in the stomach, shutting him the fuck up. Offering Raven his arm, they followed Jake and Tracy. Knowing that Kane saw Raven as a sister, he let his comment go… this time.

  “You do know you flipped me off in front of a man of God.” Charger glanced down at her, his eyes going straight to her deep cleavage, then quickly looking away. Damn. He knew she was built, but never had seen her dressed in anything other than leathers and pants. Or maybe he just didn’t want to see it.

  “He didn’t see me,” Raven shot back with
a smirk.

  “What was that all about anyway?” Charger always liked sparring with Raven. She was quick with her wit and gave as good as she got.

  “Because of your smirk.” Raven stumbled in her heels, but Charger caught her. “Damn high heels. A man has to be the one who invented these damn things.”

  “My smirk?” Charger’s brows lowered. “What smirk?”

  “The smirk you gave me before I flipped you off.” Raven let go of his arm as they lined up next to Jake and Tracy while the rest of the wedding party made their way toward them. “I know I look foolish. The damn dress doesn’t fit, I can’t walk worth a shit in high heels, and Chantel did my makeup, so if that’s messed up, it’s her fault. I swear I’ll kill Sharon when I see her next. And when I say kill, I mean dead. Worm fucking food, dead.”

  Both Charger and Raven noticed the reverend staring at her in horror.

  “Sorry, Reverend.” Raven sighed. “Bad day.”

  “If you need to talk, child, I will make myself available.” The older man gave her a sympathetic pat on the arm before walking away.

  “Great.” Raven threw her hand up, accidentally dropping her flowers. “Now I have a reverend possibly wanting to do an exorcism on me.”

  “I think that’s a priest. I don’t know what’s the difference between the two. Guess I should since I’m a Guardian. I used to know but can’t remember. I called him a reverend, and he didn’t correct me,” Kane rambled next to her.

  “What…” Raven shook her head back and forth, just staring at Kane. “…in the hell are you talking about?”

  “You said he wants to do an exorcism on you, and I said—” Kane stopped talking when Raven threw up her hand toward him.

  “Never mind.” Raven sighed, and Charger noticed she kept tugging at her dress, pulling it away from her body as she kept looking down at herself. He felt an overpowering sense of protection for her, not that he didn’t have that before. No, this was different. Very rarely did anyone see Raven vulnerable. Actually, Charger had never seen her vulnerable, and it caused a strong reaction inside his soul.

  Raven bent down to grab her flowers as the wedding guest began coming up the line, but he beat her to it. Slowly, he stood, handing her the flowers.

  “Thanks.” She grunted as she once again tugged at her dress, but he grabbed her hand, stopping her.

  Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “The smirk was in appreciation.” Her shocked eyes shot to his, their faces inches apart. “You are absolutely beautiful, Raven.”

  He knew he shocked her because her mouth opened, but nothing came out. Raven was never at a loss for words, ever. With a smile that reached his eyes, Charger turned to meet the guest who moved to them, wishing with everything he had that no one other than Raven was in this room at this very moment because there was more he wanted to say and… do.

  Chapter 10

  “What are you doing sitting here alone?” Tracy plopped down beside her at the bridal table with her beer and a huge sigh. “No one is allowed to sit.”

  “Stop being a bridezilla.” Raven frowned with a snort. “I’m in a dress wearing shoes made by the devil himself, and my face hurts from smiling in all those damn pictures. Seriously, how many pictures did they take?”

  “But you love me.” Tracy grinned, taking a swig of beer, watching the full makeshift dance floor.

  “Never said I didn’t, but even I deserve a break from the craziness.” Raven straightened up, then glanced at Tracy. “It really was a beautiful wedding. I’m so happy for you.”

  Tracy laughed, wrapping her arm around Raven’s shoulders. “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it, grumpy?”

  “You know me, if I ain’t bitchen, I ain’t happy.” Raven rolled her eyes but smiled as she, too, watched the crazy-ass people dancing to some upbeat tune Raven had never heard. “So, you guys going on a honeymoon?”

  “Nah, not right now. Maybe later. Jake’s been talking about joining with the Warriors. Heard quite a few Guardians are doing that or at least considering it. Seems you started something,” Tracy replied, then laughed when a guy Raven didn’t know danced past their table, looking like a total goober. “Hope he isn’t trying to pick up chicks with that move.”

  Raven frowned. “What do you mean I started something? I didn’t quit the Guardians, though I did transfer. Though there does seem to be some confusion since I’ve been called a traitor a few times tonight.”

  “Same thing, Raven. Quit…transfer…you left and answer to Sloan Murphy. And who the hell called you a traitor?” Tracy’s tone turned deadly. “I may not be a badass like the rest of you, but I can be pretty scrappy when I need to be.”

  “Calm down, killer.” Raven grinned, then shrugged. “No one said it to my face, but I have excellent hearing and know when I’m being talked about.”

  “Who, Raven?” Tracy put her beer down, then faced her.

  “Who do you think?” Raven sighed with a flip of her hand.

  “Sonya,” Tracy growled, then started to stand, but Raven stopped her.

  “Sit down. You are not going to brawl in your wedding dress.” Raven laughed and gave Tracy a hug. “She doesn’t bother me, so it shouldn’t bother you.”

  “She’s a bitch and has always been jealous of you.” Tracy took another drink of beer. “She’s been after Charger forever. She even tried to transfer to your unit because of Charger, but he turned her down. Jake likes to gossip, so I hear it all.”

  “And she’s had it out for me ever since.” Raven cocked her eyebrow. Sonya was a decent Guardian but as selfish as they came. If she didn’t agree with a plan, she voiced it no matter how crazy it made her sound. Any of the women Guardians who were better than her, Sonya made sure she made them miserable. She tried that with Raven once, but Raven put a stop to it. One thing about Raven, she could fight as well as any man, but she could also out bitch anyone “I had nothing to do with his decision.”

  “Oh yes, you did.” Tracy smirked, then her eyes widened. “You really don’t see it, do you?”

  “See what?” Raven seriously didn’t want to talk about Charger. She was confused by his earlier behavior. He had never ever commented on her looks, and for him to call her beautiful threw her brain into a tailspin. She was so tired of having her heart broken by him that she didn’t want to read anything into his words or in the way he looked at her. Ever since the night he walked away from her without a second glance, while she lay in his bed ready to surrender her heart and soul to him, she had made sure she just became one of the guys. It had been her only survival tactic to save herself from Charger O’Neal. What a fucking mess. She noticed Tracy was still staring at her without answering. “See what, Tracy?”

  “Him, the man, Raven. I’ve seen behind his tough exterior when he doesn’t think anyone is looking.” All teasing was gone out of Tracy’s voice. “I don’t know why he is like he is with you, but the way he looks at you is not a man who doesn’t feel anything.”

  As much as she wanted to ask more, believe every word, Raven knew the dangers of going down that rabbit hole. It was a danger she just couldn’t afford. She would much rather face an army of demons singlehandedly with only her wits and hands as weapons. Yeah, she felt that strongly about wishing for things she knew would break her.

  “Tracy, girl, I love you, but stop. Charger and I will never be.” Raven stood, pulling Tracy up and realizing that just saying those words hurt her heart. “You have a whole room full of guests waiting to wish you well, plus a handsome new husband glaring at me for taking up your time. Get away from me before I’m the most hated person in this place. I have enough enemies as it is.”

  Tracy hugged her tightly, then whispered in her ear, “I’m right, and I suspect soon all these people will be at your wedding.”

  Before Raven could respond to that nonsense, Tracy was off and in Jake’s arms. With her feet killing her, Raven sat and reached down to take off the shoes from hell. Pictures were over, and so was her time in these fucking s

  “Never thought the day would come that I would see you in a dress.” A deep male voice had her smiling as she finished with her second shoe. “I have to say it’s a sight for sure.”

  “Watch it, Wyatt.” Raven straightened, holding one of the shoes. “I need a place to dispose of these fucking shoes.” She pointed it at him.

  Wyatt’s head fell back as he laughed. “You sure haven’t changed. How you been, Raven?”

  “Fine, until a few hours ago when I was stuffed into this dress,” Raven said, then grinned. “The shit I do for my friends, huh?”

  “Well, if no one has told you yet, you look beautiful.” Wyatt gave her a gentle smile, but his words brought back a memory from a few hours ago of Charger saying those exact words.

  “Thanks, Wyatt.” Raven dropped the shoe she’d threatened him with. “How have you been? Seems like forever since I talked to you.”

  “Fine, until a few hours ago when I found out one of the best Guardians turned traitor,” Wyatt answered in the same fashion she had, cocking his eyebrow at her with a half-frown.

  “You too, huh?” Raven sighed as she started to stand up, wanting to leave. The word traitor bothered her only slightly since the people she had heard it from so far didn’t matter to her, but Wyatt was different. What he thought of her mattered a lot. “I thought you knew me better than that, but again I was wrong. I really am a bad judge of character.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute.” Wyatt stood, grabbing her arm. “Raven, I’m just messing with you. I’m a little pissed you didn’t come to me if things weren’t working out with Charger and the guys instead of going with the Warriors. I would have put you on my team without any questions. Is someone seriously calling you a traitor?”

  “Yeah, you.” Raven looked up at him. Wyatt was older than her, but they had always clicked. He was handsome as sin, nice until you crossed him, and loyal to a fault. His team loved him, respected him, and would die for him. She’d actually saved his ass once, putting hers on the line during a very intense operation, and since then, they had been close. Even though he ran his own unit, they had worked together frequently. “And a few others, but honestly, I don’t give a shit what they think. I do care about what you think. Hell, I’m surprised the rumor mill hasn’t been running rapidly about me. How is it you just found out?”


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