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Omegas Unchained (The Rogue Pack Book 8)

Page 4

by Samantha Cayto

  Elijah grimaced. “Yeah, well, I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “No,” Graydon agreed. “You won’t.”


  With his fingers curled into tight balls, Griffin clamped down on his wolf. The urge to shift and pee in a circle around Ryan would have been laughable if it didn’t hurt so much. Gods, he was a mess and getting way above his station. Bad enough that he entertained thoughts of mating one of the alpha’s family, to act on his desires would be stupid in the extreme. That was especially true given that he’d come off probation only recently, and they were in the middle of a freaking gathering to boot.

  What is my problem?

  So the Green Mountain alpha had practically knocked Ryan to the ground, and had then spent molar-grinding minutes chatting him up? That was a good thing. Elijah seemed like a decent guy and had a great reputation as a fair and modern-thinking pack leader. As the widowed mate of an alpha, Ryan deserved to achieve that status again. He shouldn’t have to settle for a beta, especially one that was starting from scratch with little status and nothing to his name.

  This was what he got for allowing his imagination to run wild. Those days during his recovery, in which Ryan had been an almost constant companion, had been the best in his life. Even with his horrible injuries. Ryan’s gentle, warm touch had proven to be a balm to all of Griffin’s physical and emotional pain. Their time together had been easy, in which Griffin had felt that he could let down his guard and simply be himself. Ryan, too, had appeared to relax around him. No awkwardness, although the omega was always sweetly shy. Little Milo’s frequent presence had given the illusion of their being a family. For a short while, Griffin had given into the fantasy of that.

  But the reality was that Ryan wasn’t his mate, never would be. Lorcan would find the boy a suitable alpha, someone who would cherish him the way he deserved. No vile dominant like Haldon would brutalize and control the omega ever again. Griffin was sure Lorcan could be trusted to do right by Ryan. He already had by allowing Milo to live, then taking them both in as part of his family instead of turning them away or shunting them to the lowest level of the pack.

  Any thoughts to the contrary would only serve to make Griffin miserable. He needed to shut down that train of thought, and no more lingering in the kitchen, either. Gods, he was pathetic, drawing out his coffee break while watching Ryan go about his duty. Playing sire to Milo when he had no right to care for the pup. He was taking advantage of Ryan’s sweet nature. Of course the omega offered to fix him a special breakfast. The omega had always been hard-working and an asset to any pack. It didn’t mean anything. Nor did Ryan’s nursing him back to health. Griffin had been kind to him, so Ryan was taking a turn at doing the same.

  “Relax, they won’t be staying long.”

  Griffin jerked at the sound of his friend’s voice. He’d been so absorbed with watching Ryan, he’d missed Jagger’s approach. He glanced at him. “What do you mean?”

  Jagger scoffed. “You know, the other packs. That Green Mountain alpha won’t have time to move in on the omega.”

  Griffin shouldn’t have been surprised that his friend knew his secret. They’d been a tight unit, along with Daxon, back in Haldon’s pack. Even with low status, they’d done their best to protect the servients. And while Griffin had tried not to show a preference for Ryan, Jagger knew him too well.

  “He doesn’t seem to be slow-walking it given that he turned a chance encounter into a courting session.”

  “Yeah, the fucker has smooth moves for sure. I heard it all from inside the longhouse. He did it right under the alpha’s nose, too. Ballsy.”

  Griffin ground his molars some more. He’d only been able see the interaction from a distance, and that was because his focus on Ryan was relentless whether he willed it or not.

  “That’s one word for it. How did Lorcan take it?” He hated asking, yet couldn’t help himself. Besides, this was Jagger. If he couldn’t be honest with him, then he was truly alone.

  “Oh, you know, like he takes everything—reasonably with a dash of scary fucker mixed in.”

  “Good,” Griffin replied with a firm nod. His watchful gaze told him that the servients were done taking their breakfast, as were the visiting dominants, and it was time for the host ones to go up. “I would expect no less from him. He will protect Ryan instead of forcing him into a convenient mating.”

  Without bothering to say more, he headed for the porch. Jagger, naturally, fell into step beside him unprompted.

  “Right, but my point is that this gathering isn’t going to last more than a few days. I can’t see how Elijah will have time to make his case to Lorcan or Ryan for a mating. I mean, I assume Lorcan is giving Ryan some say in it. That seems to be the norm in this pack.”

  Griffin’s heart rate picked up the closer he got to the omega’s location. His wolf paced in agitation. Although he appreciated his friend’s efforts to allay his worries, he really needed him to shut up. He didn’t have to say anything, however. As they hit the first step, Jagger fell silent.

  Griffin greeted those he passed on his way to the trestle with quick nods and brief smiles. It was humbling how easily he and his gamma friends had been accepted fully into the pack. He would have understood a different outcome given the vicious war they’d been forced to wage. It had been enough that Ryan and the other servients had been given a home. Still, he appreciated having a pack to live fully in again.

  Grabbing a plate, he started piling it with various meats and slices of French toast. He knew that the Rogues were fortunate to have plenty of food to go around. Ryan stood on the other side of the long table with other kitchen workers, helping where needed. But when Griffin reached for one of the omelets sitting on a heated tray, the omega stopped him.

  “Oh, wait.” The boy’s cheeks pinked up when Griffin looked at him. “I, um, have some here just for you.”

  Ryan reached behind himself and picked up a small plate with three omelets on it. “I made these without peppers. I know you don’t like them,” he added with a quick flutter of his lashes.

  Griffin was momentarily stunned. He wasn’t sure what to say and feared his own face was turning red.

  Jagger had no trouble, however. “Hey, that was real nice of you, Ryan. Wasn’t it, Griffin? I mean for Ryan to notice what you like and to go to that extra effort…” The gamma grunted as Griffin stepped on his foot and put his weight on it.

  “Yes,” he said, finally finding his voice, although it sounded strained to his ears. “That’s very kind of you.” He held his plate steady while the omega transferred the eggs to it. “You didn’t need to bother. I could have, you know, picked the peppers out.”

  Gods, no one would ever accuse me of being smooth. I may as well just congratulate Elijah now.

  Ryan smiled at him shyly. “It wasn’t any trouble. Really, it’s no big deal. You should try one of the muffins,” he added as he put the now-empty plate on the table.

  “Thanks, but I prefer your bread.” That compliment rolled off his tongue easily because he meant it. Ryan was an awesome baker. He would set a fine table for his mate whenever he was given the chance.

  And there were those pesky thoughts rearing up again to make him and his wolf miserable. He changed the subject for both their benefits.

  “Where’s Milo?”

  “Kyle’s watching him while I serve.”

  Griffin looked around. “Everyone’s mostly all set. Have you eaten?”

  Ryan shrugged. “I grazed while I helped make breakfast.”

  “That’s not the same. Fix yourself a plate.” He hadn’t intended to make it an order, or to use his dominant tone.

  Too late, it had come out that way, and Ryan didn’t hesitate to comply. A quiet, “yes, sir” came tripping out of the omega’s mouth before he busied himself with filling a plate.

  There was something primitively satisfying in seeing the omega do his bidding, and in a way that was protective of the boy. Dangerous thoughts. Ryan w
asn’t his mate, and he had no right to order him about even with the best of intentions.

  “Admit it,” Jagger whispered, “your cock his hard and your wolf is strutting over how prettily he’s obeying you. And, I bet Ryan didn’t make special omelets for Elijah,” the gamma added with a smirk.

  “Do you want me to crush what’s left of your foot?” Griffin issued the warning in an equally low voice and without taking his eyes off Ryan.

  Holding a plate that wasn’t as full as Griffin would have liked seeing, Ryan came around the table to stand next to him. “May I ask a favor, Beta?”

  Griffin furrowed his brows. “Of course.”

  “May I sit with you? Both of you,” he quickly added, “while I eat. I, ah, don’t want to join Kyle inside at the family’s table because Milo will make a fuss if I don’t pick him up. I could use a bit of a break, and I’m a little nervous eating out here with all of these strange dominants around.”

  The boy ducked his head in an utterly fetching way while he waited for a response.

  “Are any of them bothering you?” Griffin asked the question with a tone a little harsher than he intended.

  “Oh, no.” Ryan licked his lower lip, the tiny movement capturing Griffin’s attention. “It’s just that the Strongbloods are so wild, and the Green Mountain dominants are friendlier than I’m comfortable with.”

  Meaning Elijah, I hope. Except that the alpha was inside with Lorcan, so maybe that’s not who Ryan was referring to at all. And, why was Griffin even analyzing this request? It fit in with his most fervent wishes.

  “Of course, you can. Let’s find a spot around the corner.” He shot Jagger a meaningful glance to make sure he understood to stick with them. He wasn’t going to assume Ryan really wanted to be alone with him. Surely, he hadn’t meant that?

  Jagger flashed him a knowing grin before stepping aside to give Ryan room to go past him. As the head of the short line, Ryan led them all to the very back corner of the porch. Most of the dominants had ranged themselves in the yard, sitting on the ground or on top of large boulders on the edge of the lawn. So this spot was unoccupied and it had the benefit of containing an empty chair.

  Griffin nodded toward it. “Have a seat, Ryan.”

  It pleased him to a ridiculous degree that the omega complied with another one of his shy smiles. The boy looked comfortable and even let out a soft sigh as he settled against the cushions. The sound had enough of a sexual echo to it that Griffin’s cock pulsed and his wolf chuffed. He admonished them both. This was nothing more than a sign that Ryan was tired and needed a break, no matter how small.

  Leaning against the porch railing, he tucked into his plate of food, keeping his gaze on Ryan. The omega shot him a glance before doing the same. That minor observance made Griffin grip his fork and plate with fury. Haldon hadn’t allowed anyone to start in on a meal until he, himself, had begun eating. Naturally, he would have imposed the same rule in his private household. Poor Ryan must have learned that lesson early and painfully.

  “Careful,” Jagger whispered into his ear. “You’re going to bend the fork, break that plate and send your special omelets crashing to the floor.”

  Griffin elbowed his friend in response, but also let up because he was right. The was no point in marring this perhaps unique opportunity to spend time with the omega. The past was buried along with Haldon’s rotting carcass.

  Make the most of what you have.

  He shoveled more of his omelet into his mouth. It was cold, but he didn’t care. Ryan had gone to the trouble of making this food just for him. It hardly mattered what it tasted like, which was delicious, actually, regardless of its temperature.

  “These are great,” he heard himself say. “You’re a wonderful cook.” He could have kicked himself for his inanity, was surprised that Jagger wasn’t doing it for him, then immensely pleased when Ryan smiled at him.

  “Thank you.” He shrugged his too-thin shoulders. “I like doing it, and the alpha is kind to let me.”

  “Lorcan’s like that,” Griffin agreed with a nod of his head. “He’s good at allowing pack members perform to their strengths and not making them do anything that would upset them.”

  “Yes.” Ryan plopped the remnants of a muffin in his mouth before licking some crumbs off his thumb.

  Watching all of this was both mesmerizing and arousing. Such simple, everyday actions shouldn’t have been so alluring. With Ryan, everything was, though. Whether he was kneading bread dough, serving up food, or sliding a strip of bacon past those tempting lips, sucking on a fingertip, then the thumb…his pretty eyes peeking up at Griffin…fuck me, is he doing that on purpose?

  No, couldn’t be. As the thought rattled around in Griffin’s overheated head, Ryan dipped his gaze down again and focused on his food. But the omega’s cheeks had turned a dusky pink, testament that regardless of what he’d intended, he was aware of Griffin’s attention. The boy’s Adam’s apple bobbed on a hard swallow.

  That small movement gave Griffin something different to worry about. “You don’t have anything to drink.”

  “Oh, that’s okay, Beta. I’m fine.” Ryan hunched in on himself.

  “No, you need something to wash all that down.”

  Griffin didn’t question himself over this. Dominants took care of servients. This was something he would have done for any other one, not only Ryan. He balanced his plate on the porch railing before straightening.

  “What would you like?”

  “Any kind of juice will be nice.” He flicked his gaze up at Griffin.

  “Not milk?” The omega was still nursing, so didn’t that mean he needed to drink more of the stuff he was making for his pup?

  Now the spots on Ryan’s cheeks got darker. “Um, no, any kind of liquid will do.”

  “Okay.” What did Griffin know about this stuff anyway? He had to assume Ryan could make this kind of decision himself. The boy was a father, after all, and he’d been an excellent nursemaid to Griffin. Beta that he was, sometimes Griffin felt like he was dumb as a rock about domestic things. That had been his upbringing. His sire had been one of Haldon’s must trusted betas when it came to planning war and keeping the other pack members in line.

  The memory of it sent a sick feeling down to his stomach and made his wolf growl. He reburied the feelings and hurried off to get Ryan that juice.

  He found a pitcher of what smelled like apple juice on the nearly empty trestle and filled a nearby glass. Before he could return, however, Liam’s mate popped over with two mugs of coffee.

  “Here, Beta,” the omega offered them. “You and the gamma must be thirsty, too, although how you can stand drinking this stuff is beyond me.” The boy wrinkled his nose as he gave over the mugs handle first so that Griffin could take them with one hand.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” He tried for casual, yet respectful. It was always tricky when interacting with another dominant’s mate. Liam was pretty easy-going for a gamma, but Griffin didn’t want to put that to the test by acting untoward with the guy’s omega.

  “Well, you’re looking out for Ryan, so it’s the least I can do.” He gave Griffin a knowing smile and the frank expression caught Griffin by surprise.

  Griffin backed away. “Yeah, he needed a break and with the strange dominants around…”

  “Got it. Just doing your duty.” The kid winked at him. Winked.

  Before Griffin could even think of a proper response to that, the omega had already turned and walked away. Griffin had no choice except to do the same. He found Ryan staring at his plate still, picking at his food. Jagger had finished his and was lounging against the railing, keep his own gaze away from the omega. That effort pleased Griffin, although it didn’t surprise him. Jagger was good friend. No way he’d ever try to horn in on someone Griffin wanted. Despite his best efforts, Haldon had never managed to corrupt their friendship.

  Griffin handed a mug to Jagger on his way over to Ryan. The gamma accepted the offering with obvious gratitude. C
offee really was one of the best things their kind had adopted from humans.

  He held the glass out to Ryan. “Here. It’s apple juice.”

  “Oh, thank you, Beta.” The omega grinned as he accepted the drink. He took a long swallow. “It’s very refreshing. And you were right, of course. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m fortunate to have a beta looking out for me.” He fluttered his lashes before drinking some more.

  Griffin’s chest puffed up. He couldn’t help his reaction. The appreciation of a servient, especially an omega, stroked his beta sense of pride. “You’re welcome.”

  He should have left it there. Some entirely stupid part of him couldn’t. “And, I like it better when you call me by my name.” He mentally smacked himself the second the words came out of his mouth.

  But then Ryan rewarded him with one more shy smile and a quiet, “Griffin.”

  All the blood pooled down into his dick at the sound of his name tripping prettily past those luscious lips. He practically stumbled back to keep from shoving his bulging package into the boy’s face. Hot coffee spilled over his fingers at the abrupt movement. He ignored it while silently accepting that it was no more than what he deserved. When he turned to face Jagger, the guy’s face had reddened with his obvious effort to keep from bursting out laughing. He grimaced at his friend and retook his place against the rail.

  “Thanks for the coffee,” Jagger stuttered out in a breathy voice. “I’m lucky to have a good friend like you.”

  Griffin turned only his head to glare at the gamma. “I will kill you dead,” he mouthed before slugging down his own coffee and willing his body into submission.

  By the time he had, the rest of his breakfast had gone ice cold, but when he trusted himself to look at Ryan again, he lost all appetite anyway. The omega was staring at him with the kind of soft, adoring expression that gave a dominant a hunger that no food on the world would satisfy.

  Chapter Three


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