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Midnight Angel

Page 9

by Lisa Marie Rice

  But she wasn’t protesting, not at all. She sighed, lifted her mouth away from his long enough to murmur, “Douglas,” and then kissed him again.

  She was kissing him. Kowalski was a good strategic thinker and in that electric moment, he realized that they were going to have sex—and soon.

  Every muscle tightened as he warred with himself. Part of him wanted to rise up—right now—carry her into the bedroom, throw her on the bed and drop right on top of her. Now that it was completely unzipped, the pretty dress wouldn’t have to be ripped off her, he’d just slide it off with a swipe of his hands. Whatever she was wearing underneath—well, that would have to go right away. Either he’d have to get her underwear off her the easy way or he’d rip it off. Either way, he wasn’t about to wait more than two seconds to get her naked.

  And a second after that, he’d be in her, fucking her hard. Full tilt, flat-out, pubis-grinding, bed-rocking fucking. Holding her legs high and wide as he pumped in her as hard as he could.

  That image brought him up in horror. He actually jolted.

  “What?” she whispered without opening her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he muttered, and bent to kiss her again.

  Shit, he’d split her in two if he did that. He was big and as aroused as he’d ever been in his life. His cock felt like a baseball bat. Allegra was so delicately built, he just knew she’d be small and tight. Those two things together weren’t going to work in bed without hurting her, unless he made sure she was ready.

  Once in bed he was going to have to be very careful. Kowalski was used to rough fucking and probably subconsciously he’d chosen partners who wanted just that, because no one had ever complained. The women he’d been to bed with weren’t looking for anything but a big cock that could stay hard long enough to please them. That was exactly what he had to offer. No more, no less.

  This was something else entirely.

  Allegra was a lady and needed to be treated like one.

  And she was blind. Essentially helpless. That thought jolted him, too.

  Kowalski had no illusions about how it was he’d ended up with this beauty in his arms. It wasn’t his charm and it sure as hell wasn’t his looks. Allegra had been through a traumatic experience tonight and was scared to be alone. It was very likely tonight was the only night he’d get with her. He had to do it right. He couldn’t get out of control and forget she was blind.

  The last thing he needed was to get too rough and spook her, make her scared.

  Kowalski knew how to war-game. It was his specialty. Part of war-gaming is putting yourself in your enemy’s head. In this case Allegra wasn’t the enemy, of course, but for a second he could put himself in her head anyway. He could well imagine the feeling of being in bed with someone like him who got rough. He was two hundred-forty pounds of pure muscle. A man who’d trained in martial arts every day of his adult life. She couldn’t control him in any case, no woman could. But a blind one—

  Jesus. She’d be at his mercy. Completely. Not able to defend herself in any way. Not able to grab something to hit him with if she got scared. Unable to phone anyone.

  He consciously gentled his hold on her, determined that she wouldn’t have a second’s hesitation about him, a moment’s unease. Tonight had to be pure pleasure.

  He lingered over her mouth for a long time, hand gently outlining her breast over the gauzy material. She shifted again and the dress gaped open.

  Kowalski put his hand under the bodice of the dress, on the upper slope of her breast, and left it there, heavy and warm, while leaving her mouth to press soft kisses along her jaw. The corners of her mouth tilted upwards. He slid his hand lower, delighting in the feel of her silky skin on the palm of his hand and the silky material on the back of his hand.

  Jesus, absolutely everything about this was pure delight. The feel of her, the sounds she was making, the smell of her.

  He let his hand rest on her breast, the small, hard nipple stabbing into the cupped palm of his hand. Oh, yeah.

  He rubbed her nipple and she purred. That was the only word for it. Fuck, she shouldn’t do that. He was trying to take this slow but he was close to exploding. His balls were tight, close up to his groin.

  His mouth drifted down, down, over all that smooth skin, holding her breast up for him. He opened his eyes long enough to look down for a moment, delighting in the sight. There she was and—yup—her nipple was pale, pale pink, his favorite.

  She tasted pale pink, too, like some strawberry and vanilla ice cream cone. He suckled, trying to be gentle. When he lifted his head, she had turned a slightly deeper shade of pink, nipple and areola gleaming from his mouth. A lock of deep red hair had fallen over her shoulder and he shifted it away, kissing the skin beneath.

  “Do we want to take this to the bedroom?” he asked, his voice quiet.

  Allegra smiled. She cupped his head with both hands, thank God missing his scar again. She nuzzled his neck, feeling her way up to his ear. “Oh yes, Douglas. I want that very much,” she whispered in his ear, raising the hairs on the back of his neck. Then she turned her head and kissed his ear and—bam!—he surged into orgasm.


  Damn! That was close! He was able to pull himself back at the last second, by tightening every muscle he had, but he hung there for long seconds, shaking.

  He rose up off the couch with her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

  Allegra felt set free from hated shackles when Douglas lifted her into his arms.

  Every second of every day since she’d become blind required grinding effort, a second by second planning of every move she made, lest she fall down or bump into something or somehow hurt herself. She was exhausted by the time she made it to bed at night, only to stay awake for hours, tense and depressed, staring sightlessly at the ceiling.

  When she did fall asleep, she had nightmares.

  This was like having her life given back to her.

  She was in Douglas’ strong arms, content to let him take her where he wanted. Where both of them wanted to end up—in her bedroom.

  She’d been as aroused as she had ever been on that couch, kissing him, feeling his huge, strong hand on her breast, as gentle as a feather. It was such a contrast—the deep power she felt in him, the oversized muscles, the big, long limbs and this gentleness, even tenderness, when he touched her.

  Allegra relaxed completely in Douglas’ arms. She didn’t have to think, she didn’t have to plan, she didn’t have to worry—she could just be. Nothing bad was going to happen to her, not while she was being held by him. Not while he was with her. She trusted him deeply in that.

  He was putting her down, so they must be in her bedroom. Allegra stood, hanging on to his arms.

  “I’m not going to turn on the light,” he said in that deep, gravelly voice that seemed to penetrate to her very bones.

  “Thanks,” she whispered. Allegra melted. Having the lights on would put her at a disadvantage, so he was depriving himself of light. It was such a thoughtful gesture tears sprang to her eyes.

  “Hey,” he rumbled. A large thumb wiped the skin under her eyes. “You want the lights after all? Is that what this is about?”

  Allegra gave a watery half-laugh. “No, I don’t want the lights on, silly. What I really want is for you to kiss me.”

  “Oh, yeah.” His whisper was hot in the night. She reached up and met his mouth halfway. Oh, God, his mouth. He was a superb kisser, so skilled she felt the heat way down in her stomach and even lower. Each time his tongue touched hers, she could feel her stomach muscles tightening, her vagina clenching. She shuddered and clung to him even more closely.

  This was so incredibly delicious, much more of a turn-on than even making love with another man had ever been. Such heat and power. She melted and would have fallen had he not been holding her up.

  Allegra lost herself in Douglas’ mouth, twisting to feel more of him, her arms reaching way up high to encircle his neck.
br />   The heat coming off him was so great it took her a moment to realize that he had slipped her dress off her shoulders. It pooled around her hips, unable to fall to the floor because he was holding her so tightly against him. She pulled away for a second, just enough so that her dress could fall to the floor, then she leaned up against him as he kissed her and kissed her and kissed her. One long seamless kiss that lasted forever.

  Her bare breasts were crushed against his dress shirt, but beneath the cloth she could feel the hard planes of his chest. God, such power. She wanted to feel his skin against hers and scrabbled to get him naked as quickly as possible. She unbuttoned his shirt and had to reach high and wide to try to slip it off his shoulders. The material stuck and she groaned impatiently.

  There was a low rumbling sound, charming in its intensity. Douglas laughing.

  “Hang on, honey. Let me do it.” His voice was gravelly, heat in the tones. He set her away from him for a moment and she felt cold and abandoned. Whispers of cloth, the rustle of clothes falling to the ground and then he was back, completely naked, kissing her, and—oh yes! It was bare flesh to bare flesh and he felt just as delicious, just as powerful, as she had imagined.

  Her arms stretched to hold him. The palms of her hands smoothed over the broad, deep shoulders, lifted to wind around his neck. She was on tiptoe, pressed against him. His erect penis was hot and hard against her stomach, like warm steel. All of him was like warm, hairy steel. He lifted his head a moment, holding her tightly against him. They stood there, her heart racing so quickly and so hard she thought it would pound its way out of her chest.

  Her heart had pounded like this earlier, under the podium, from fear. Her heart was getting a real aerobic workout tonight, terror and sex instead of a five-mile run. Well, she’d take the sex any day, if it was going to be like this. She was so excited she could barely stand and they weren’t even in bed together.

  The feel of him was so luscious. Unlinking her hands from behind Douglas’ neck, Allegra brought her hands down over his chest, lingering over the flat male nipples, so unlike her own. They were tiny and hard, like a bead of buckshot. As she moved her thumb over his nipple, wondering what color it was, she could feel his penis moving between them, swelling and rippling.

  How delicious! She did this to him! Humming in delight, Allegra kept her finger on his right nipple so she could find it with her mouth and bent to kiss him there, a light licking, sucking kiss. From high above her head she heard a groan, his lungs bellowed and a light sheen of sweat covered his chest.

  Oh, she wasn’t poor, blind, helpless Allegra any more. No, no, she was big, powerful Allegra, reducing this enormous man to mush. She bit him lightly around the nipple and he cried out. She nearly laughed with delight. Biting him lightly on the hard chest muscles, she dropped a hand to his groin. His penis was huge, rock-hard, big veins standing out so far she could feel them. She ran her hand up its length, her fingers barely meeting around him, her thumb caressing the large bulbous head. He was weeping semen, a sign of uncontrollable male excitement, she knew.

  Well, she was unmistakably excited, too, wet and hot, in a more private part of her body.

  Douglas’ hands were tight around her, one big hand cupping the back of her head, the other around her waist. He broke the silence of the night, walking her slowly backwards toward the bed. “Don’t worry about anything, honey. I have protection.”

  Just moving with him was such a turn-on. Allegra was entranced at the feel of his muscles against hers as he moved. It took her dazzled brain a second to process his words. Protection? What—? Oh.

  It was daring and probably risky, but the feel of him was so wonderful she didn’t want to relinquish one inch of his body against hers. In hers. Just the thought of all that power, moving inside her…

  She shivered in anticipation. One last brush of her body against his and she had decided. This man wasn’t sick, in any way.

  “You, um, you won’t need condoms.”

  He stilled. He’d been kissing her neck but now he lifted his head. Her neck felt cold, and bereft.


  “I said, um, you won’t need condoms. I was in the hospital…a long time, and they had to put me on the Pill.”

  A slow exhaling of breath. “I can come in you? Without a rubber?” His voice sounded hoarse, raw.

  Well, that wasn’t quite the way she’d put it, but… “Yes.”

  In a second, she was lifted, stripped of panties and stockings and laid gently on the bed by trembling hands and then he was on her, hard and heavy, kissing her deeply. These kisses were ferocious, taking, as if she had some secret elixir he desperately needed and could only get through her. He was holding her head tightly, tilting her head this way and that so he could kiss her from every possible angle.

  Wonderful as his kisses were, Allegra was distracted by the feel of his naked body on hers. He’d been on top of her before, under the dais at the Foundation, but that had been different. They’d had layers and layers of clothing, and each second felt stolen. Now she felt as if she’d slipped into some different dimension, where time was like honey, golden and slow.

  The feel of the man was so delicious she wanted to press tightly against him. Every time he moved, every time he breathed, he rubbed against her, his heavy, hard weight increasing the sensuality by a factor of ten. Sex had never been so…sensual before, where every sense besides sight woke up and smelled the roses.

  One hand left her head and ran slowly down her side. He moved just enough so he could touch her breast and it was as exciting as before. More, because she knew they were going to have sex soon and each touch prepared her body for him.

  It was so amazing. Her body had completely taken over. It was doing things without her having to direct it. She realized now that with previous lovers she’d had to turn herself on, in a way. She’d had to direct sexy feelings to her breasts and vagina all by herself because she hadn’t been that turned on by the man. But not now. Oh God, not now. Now her body just melted wherever it touched Douglas’ without her having anything to do with it.

  His mouth left hers and traveled down her neck and to her breast. She shuddered as she felt his mouth open over her.

  His light touch on her breast, his mouth on her nipple, excited her almost beyond bearing. She could feel how hard her nipples were, how his mouth seemed to touch her breast and between her thighs at the same time. Each tug of his mouth was met with a contraction deep inside her.

  She could feel how wet she was, how soft she felt. She could feel how wet he was, too, lightly sweating, the tip of his penis wet with semen.

  For her.

  Douglas was being so very careful, touching her as if she were made of blown glass, capable of shattering at the lightest touch. She wasn’t delicate and she was as turned on as she’d ever been in her life. He needed nudging along.

  His hand was moving slowly, ever so slowly, toward her groin. At this rate it would take him all night. Allegra twisted against him, running her hands over that wide back.

  “I’m ready, Douglas. Right now.” The whispered words sounded loud, they seemed to echo in her head.

  The big body stilled except for his chest, moving like bellows. She could hear his heavy breaths in the quiet of the night.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She could feel that. The way he touched her was as clear as words, the way he was obviously holding himself back, the way he never, ever used his strength against her…no, he didn’t want to hurt her.

  By way of an answer, she opened her legs under his, lifting them along his thighs. She was completely open to him, moist and swollen and ready. He had to feel that.

  Oh, yes, he did. Douglas groaned, shifted slightly until he was at her entrance. He was absolutely enormous. She’d known that—she’d felt it—but somehow it was more real, now that he was preparing to enter her. He wasn’t using his hand. Both his hands were now cupped around her head, his tongue stroking deep in her mouth,
echoing what he wanted to do further down.

  Several of the men she’d been to bed with had to use their hands to help themselves penetrate her because—she realized now—they hadn’t been fully erect. That wasn’t the case here. Douglas could just as easily have been made of warm steel. His penis was utterly rigid and perfectly capable of entering her on its own, without anyone’s help.

  She felt his back muscles move as he started pressing forward into her. Slowly. It didn’t hurt because he was so careful, but it could have. He was entering her by degrees, the slow friction creating incredible heat, while kissing her deeply, and it was already the best sex she’d ever had. It was as if she were being penetrated for the first time, he touched so many parts of her that had never been touched before. When he finally stopped, he was so deeply inside her, she felt stretched.

  Allegra ran a hand over his back again, feeling the ripple of deep muscle, until she came to the hard flesh of his butt. As she touched him there, he groaned again and circled his hips, grinding in her. His short, wiry pubic hairs felt stiff against her super-sensitized flesh.

  The large base of his penis ground against the swollen lips of her sex and she felt pierced, completely taken. Her thighs quivered with the effort of keeping them open and with the orgasm she could feel coming.

  Douglas’ hands left her head and moved down to cup her hips, holding her tightly, moving even more completely into her and she held her breath, the slow free fall of climax moving closer. He wasn’t moving but the weight of him, the fierceness of his grip, the depth of his penetration—it was almost too much. So when his lips left hers and he kissed his way along her jawline down to her neck, and nipped her there, right there, where stallions nipped their mares, it was like lighting a match to a fuse. With a wild cry, Allegra simply exploded, contracting sharply around him as he ground even more deeply into her.


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