The Takeover
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As with most projects in life, The Takeover was a team effort. So—special thanks are due to…
My literary agent and good friend, Cynthia Manson. Her commitment to the book and guidance during the entire process were invaluable. I am very fortunate that she chose to take on this project.
My editor at Dutton, Peter Borland, who is nothing short of a manuscript surgeon. I don’t mind saying that you are reading many of his words too. I hope we have many more of these together.
My partner in crime and the chairman of my pre-submission editing committee, Stephen Watson. His suggestions and support were extremely important.
My film agents, Richard Green and Howard Sanders at Pleshette, Green & Sanders. The Paramount deal still amazes me.
Mace Neufeld, Bob Rehme, and Albert Beveridge at Neufeld/Rehme Productions.
Horst Fuellenkemper, John Paul Garber, Roland Chalons-Browne, and August Kumbier for their support.
Others I want to thank: At Dutton—Elaine Koster, Peter Schneider, Lisa Johnson, John Paine, Sara Bixler, and Jane Leet. Elsewhere—Gerry Barton, Giff Breed, Gordon Eadon, Kevin Erdman, Barbara Fertig, Walter Frey, Jim and Anmarie Galowski, Susan Hancock, Judy Hansen; David Jones and Jim O’Connor at Aubrey Lanston; Mike Lynch, Patrick Lynch, Kheil McIntyre, and Ray Murray; Paramount Pictures; Rick Slocum, the Sonnhalters, Rick Stoddard, Bob Sroka, Stewart Whitman, and Bob Wieczorek.
STEPHEN W. FREY is a vice president of corporate finance at Westdeutsche Landesbank in Manhattan and was previously in the mergers and acquisitions department of J. P. Morgan & Co. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey.
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