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Protectors of the Veil

Page 27

by Dawn Matthews

  He started investigating. He tracked down every first-hand eyewitness of anything strange inside those tunnels. Nobody had made it to the end. They were all scared off by Red-Eyed Mike or they got lost, or something else happened before they got close. Why was he permitted, and the police? It could only be that they weren’t interested in the gate at that time, he figured. None of this was satisfying enough. He started investigating anything he could on paranormal occurrences or anything out of the ordinary. Eventually, Shawn started tracking down first-hand eyewitnesses of any kind of strangeness. He still wanted answers for what happened to Tobe and Jake. He started writing books on his findings. Then he started going to the places he was investigating. He was getting his friends involved, and it has been spreading like an infection.

  In his quest, Shawn has become one of ours, as has several of his friends through his influence.


  “Your mission is to keep them from spreading too much information. Kiev is your partner today. He will guide you. Good luck, Agent Gehr.”

  “Thanks,” Jason said to the machine.

  The car appeared with Kiev was already in there. Jason got in and closed the door, and they immediately found themselves parked in front of a house.

  “Hi, Kiev,” Jason said. “They could at least give me time to say hi.”

  “Hello, Jason,” Kiev said. “We can always get out after we say hello. Of course, Mr. Smith is more awake than the average person, so we shouldn’t wait too long. He already noticed the car parked in the driveway and he’s getting nervous.”

  Both men got out of the car and walked up to the house. Jason knocked on the door. Shawn was freaking out a little, as he wasn’t sure if they wanted to kill him or not. He grabbed a loaded .45 and stuck it in his holster. He opened the door just enough to see both men with one eye.

  “What do you want?” Shawn asked.

  “Hi, Mr. Smith,” Jason said. “My name is Agent Jason Gehr, and this is my partner Agent Kiev. We’d just like to ask you some questions about your work.” Both men flashed badges at Shawn.

  “What kind of questions?” Shawn asked.

  Jason looked around them, “We’d rather not say out in the open, sir.”

  “We have information you that might interest you about your friend’s death,” Kiev said to Jason’s surprise.

  Shawn opened the door wide, “Tobe?”

  “Yes,” Kiev said.

  "Come in,” Shawn said eagerly. “Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?”

  “No,” Jason said, “thank you. We’re good.”

  Shawn sat down as quickly as he could and was at the edge of his seat, “What do you know? I want know as much as you can tell me!”

  "I will tell you more than you can handle, but only if you agree to my terms. First, you may never write about this in one of your books. Second, you must keep your research confined to things like hauntings. If you agree to these terms, I will explain why,” Kiev said.

  “I hate hauntings,” Shawn said.

  “Of course, you do, as hauntings are a part of Order and you are drawn to Chaos, which is why we are willing to explain this to you if you agree to do what we ask,” Kiev said.

  “Deal,” Shawn said. “I’ll do whatever I have to if it means hearing the truth about Tobe’s death and the tunnels.”

  “Okay,” Kiev said, “the reason you can’t publish this information is because it would endanger all of existence.”

  “How?” Shawn asked.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard of the veil between worlds? The veil that separates all the dimensions?” Kiev asked.

  “Yes, I’ve heard of it through my research,” Shawn confirmed.

  “If too many people know all about other dimensions, interdimensional entities, and things of that nature, the veil will be destroyed before it’s supposed to be. That would be catastrophic,” Kiev said.

  “What...” Shawn started to say but Kiev held his hand up.

  “Let me tell you everything, then you can ask questions,” he said. “Let me start at the beginning. Ages ago some of the Gods decided to try and create children that were opposite of what they were. This had never been done, so they didn’t realize how horrible that would be. What they created was insanity. It was just barely existence, and very close to Nothingness. It was Order. With Order came things like pedophilia, victimhood, etc. The Gods of Chaos had to separate the Order from Chaos. They separated the other dimensions that were pure out of the dimension you’re in now. On one side of this dimension is Chaos and the other side is Order. This dimension is both…duality. They created humans to help separate the Order from the Chaos. Each human from the very first human has been split after death and put into another body over and over into Order and Chaos. We are now nearing the point that the Order and Chaos is almost completely separate. Once that is complete, all the dimensions of Chaos will become one and all the dimensions of Order will become one. The two will be separate. Order will be severed from the Source of All, the Self-Created One, and they will eventually devolve into Nothingness. Chaos will be pure and free from insanity.

  “You humans have things very confused. In your defense, it’s not always easy from your perspective to tell which side is which…”

  Shawn interrupted, “Holy shit! You’re not human!”

  “Well, I’m not,” Kiev replied, “but Agent Gehr is very much a human. As I was saying, Order is sort of like a mirror image of Chaos. While they look similar, they are opposite. That means the values of Order is opposite of the values of Chaos. Almost everything here on this plane is a mix of Chaos and Order, so to tell one from the other is very difficult. Much of this country is based on Christianity in some way. The Christian faith ignores so much of existence that they could never separate Order from Chaos. That’s why your tunnels are called ‘The Gates to Hell.’ They realize there are two sides but have them completely mixed. Nearly everything is called Satan and any place not ‘heaven’ is called ‘hell.’ Lucifer is not Satan, in fact, they aren’t even on the same side. God is just a title and most people talk about different entities because they’re just using a title. There is a point to this, and of course, Christianity is not the only religion to do this. Most religions do this.

  “I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. Those tunnels do not contain the gate to hell, but the gate to a dimension of Chaos. Tobe had been drawn to those tunnels because of their Chaos. He was one of the purer Chaos souls. The one you call Red-Eyed Mike greeted him and he asked some questions. The choice was his. He was worried he would never return to this dimension. Mike told him what I told you; at the end of the war he would return. What he was leaving behind was the part of him that was Order. When the dimensions of Chaos become one, all of Chaos will be one…Tobe included.”

  “You’re saying I’ll see him again? Even if I don’t go through the Gates of Hell?” Shawn asked.

  “Indeed, things will be very different, but you will both be in the same dimension,” Kiev said.

  “I can’t tell anyone about this?” Shawn asked.

  “You may discuss this with your friends Will and Matt, nobody else. They are also Chaos, and it will be good for all of you to discuss it with each other. Nobody else would believe you anyway,” Kiev said.

  “That is true,” Shawn said. “I will adhere to the agreement. Thank you, that is what I was looking for but didn’t know how to find.”

  “You are most welcome,” Kiev said. He stood put a hand on Shawn’s shoulder and walked to the car.

  Jason had learned some new things himself. He shook Shawn’s hand and went to the car. “Well that was the easiest case I’ve ever been a part of,” he said. Before he finished his sentence, they were in the garage. “Shouldn’t we have Mason recruit him?”

  “Not this one, the Temple of Kek will take him,” Kiev said.

  “What’s the Temple of Kek?” Jason asked, but when he looked over, Kiev was gone.


  Bertha dashed into the elevator and for a change, she heard some upbeat jazz music.

  “Nice, thanks elevator, I need this.”

  By the time the doors opened, she was feeling a bit less stress despite the heavy workload.

  “Beaubien, you’re up,” Bertha said. She handed him the paper and went back to the jazz in the elevator.

  Beaubien swiped his finger in the fingerprint machine and typed in his case number.

  “Good afternoon, Agent Beaubien. I believe you’ll enjoy this assignment. In fact, I’ve gotten special instructions for you. First let me tell you the story of your case:”


  It was Afghanistan 2014. Sgt. Vincent Reilly leads his team through the desert. They were headed southwest toward Kabul through the area known as Hindu Kush. Their mission was nearing its end and they were finally going home. Hindu Kush was well known to many soldiers because of its countless accounts of various paranormal experiences. Many have seen vimanas, the ancient crafts detailed in the Hindu texts. There have been sightings of Afghan vampires, bigfoots, and all kinds of other strange phenomena.

  Sgt. Reilly had never seen anything and didn’t expect to; such things were nonsense and he had no time for it. The desert was huge and they were driving a long way. They needed to stop for the night, so Sgt. Reilly started looking for caves for the men to spend the night in. Better a cave than out in the open where they’d be easily spotted.

  Vince grabbed the radio. “All Bravo Victors, this is Bravo Actual. Halt in place. Set up static perimeter to include the 240Bs. I want everyone in place five minutes ago. All team leaders on me. Actual out,” he yelled over the roar of the vehicles. Normally he would have a team carefully check out the cave, but something came over him. He was to go check out the cave alone.

  The team leaders assembled in front of him. “I want you four roving, two teams. Talk to your people, keep them awake. I’m going to check out that cave under that escarpment. It’s fifty meters uphill, so it’ll be a few minutes. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is to move from position unless I call for support. Hua?” His troops nodded in assent.

  “Come,” he heard a tiny voice whisper. He looked around and realized nobody else heard it. “Shit,” he thought to himself, “I’ve spent too much time in the fucking desert. I’m losing it.” What he actually said out loud, as he adjusted his camo hat, was, “I need a godsdamned smoky treat for this. I’m sick of this fucking chew shit, I need a Hoyo!” He reached into the vehicle and grabbed his chew and put it between his lip and his gums. He grabbed an M4, nodded and started up the hill.

  His men looked at him in confusion. He couldn’t blame them, as he had no idea why the hell he was going into an unsecure cave alone either. He made his way up the hill like he owned the damn thing; he didn’t bother to try and hide himself. He had no idea where this carelessness was coming from, he just felt this drive to get up there as quick as he could. Something was calling him, pulling him.

  When he reached the top, he could see something standing inside the cave. It was much too small to be human. He walked toward it until he could finally make out what looked to be a large rat with the face of a man. It had a black beard and mustache and was wearing a tiny hat on his head. “What the fuck?” Vince said.

  “Do not be alarmed,” the little rat man said. He was much larger than a regular rat, especially since he stood on his hind legs, like a person.

  “Oh no,” Vince said, “nothing to worry about, I’m just standing here talking to a fucking rat man. Who are you and what are you doing in the middle of the desert? Or maybe this is just the heat and stress of war. Maybe you’re not real.”

  “I’m interdimensional. I exist on many dimensions. I don’t spend much time on this one, unless one of my Gods asks me to do something. Who am I? Well, many of your kind call me Brown Jenkin, and I have no aversion to the name,” Brown Jenkin said. “I was asked to help with you, so here I am. This desert is a huge portal. The rules are different here. It’s easy for me to get here. Come inside now, I have things to show you.”

  Vince was certain he had lost his mind entirely, he was following a rat with a human face and a hat into a dark cave. It’s a good thing he was going home soon. As he walked further into the cave, he could see a kind of barrier. It was clear, but wavering. It was like what heat looks like rising off a car, only this wasn’t THAT hot. It was definitely warm, but not enough that he should be able to see it. He reached his hand out and it was like the air felt squishy, but it wasn’t something he could hold onto. He walked through it and it felt warm and calming. It wasn’t just a barrier, it was like he was feeling another dimension.

  “Come, come, follow me, please.” Brown Jenkin beckoned with his tiny hand.

  There was an inky black blob that was levitating and constantly changing shape. Tentacles formed out of the blackness, then retracted. “Do not be frightened, Vincent. I am Kek. There will be a big battle before you reach your destination. You will need protection. I cannot protect you unless you are mine. Pledge yourself to me and I will ensure you live to go home and see your children.” Vince had heard of Kek before. Kek was an ancient Egyptian God of Chaos. He was a God of Darkness.

  “You want me to sell my soul?” Vince laughed. “I don’t fucking think so.”

  “No, it is a dedication. You do not understand everything. Allow me to show you.” Again, tentacles formed, and this time one touched his head. He saw the creation of Order. He saw the insanity it was and the insanity it caused. Kek showed him what the Gods of Chaos, the Ancient Ones, were doing to destroy Order. He showed him the battle that he would face tomorrow, and his lifeless body laying amid the havoc. Vince saw the cults of Order, those in power. He saw what they did and what they were. He saw the cults of Chaos, the ones in power, and what they did and what they were. They fought for freedom; nothing was more chaotic than freedom. He saw the vision that Order wanted. Then he saw what would be when Order and Chaos were split in two. Then it was over. He didn’t remember falling to the ground. His head began to ache.

  “I see your point, but what about my men?” Vince asked.

  “They cannot all be saved. Some embrace the insanity that is Order,” Kek said.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right, Marks is a complete cuck. Is there anyone worth saving?” Vince asked.

  “Only Miller and Hunter. If you all dedicate yourselves to me, I can help you. Later, you will be contacted by some of the ones I have shown you,” Kek said. “Is there anything else you would like besides to live?”

  “I’m easy. I want a slow painful death for my enemies and a box of Hoyo De Monterreys waiting for me when I get home,” he said.

  “As you wish. Before you lie a bowl and a dagger. Kneel before me and cut yourself, collecting the blood in the bowl,” Kek instructed.

  Vince did as he was told and collected a good amount of blood.

  “There is a quill and parchment. Dip the quill in your blood and write out that you dedicate yourself to Kek from this moment into infinity. All of you belongs to Kek. Relax human, I can only protect the bits that belong to me. You will honor Kek, and fight for Chaos when needed. In return, you will get the protection of Kek, which is no small thing,” Kek said. “Now dig a hole in the sand, light the parchment on fire using the candle flame, and put it in the hole.”

  Vince did as he was told and to his relief, there was enough blood to write all that.

  “Do you want the suffering and slow death of those you battle tomorrow? You must define your enemies,” Kek said.

  “They will eventually anyway, you showed me that. If the three of us can make it home, that’s good enough for me,” Vince said.

  “I will send something terrifying to help you tomorrow. You and the two I mentioned will be fine, just keep driving. You must send those two in here. When they are done, this dimension will disappear and you and your men can set up your camp here for the night,”

  “Thank you,” Vince sai

  “You are most welcome,” Kek said.

  Vince called the other two up, Scottie Miller and Rick Hunter. He told them to do what Kek said. He left them to do their dedication and told the others that they would be staying in the cave for the night. The men prepared to carry their things to the cave and cover the vehicles so they wouldn’t be spotted. It took about fifteen minutes to gather everything and cover the vehicles. By then Miller and Hunter were coming down the hill to help.

  During the night, Vince and Miller were on watch duty. They never discussed Kek. They did, however, see lights in the sky. The lights came closer; they could see they were some kind of crafts. They both felt that whatever was controlling the crafts wanted them to see them, as if they were saying “hello, we’re here.” Then they flew high in the sky until they looked like stars. Other than that, the night was without incident.

  The next day as they traveled through the desert, Vince, Miller, and Hunter were on super high alert. The sun began to set, but they would not stop this night. They were too close to their destination. Vince spotted something in the distance, and he radioed to the rest of the men to prepare for battle but not to stop driving, as Kek had instructed him. The closer they got to the other vehicles, the darker it got. They knew Afghanis were terrified of the dark, especially in the mountains. Not so much the dark as what was lurking in the dark. Right before they got there, the sun went down completely and something took over the men. There was what looked like a sandstorm, but wasn’t. It was surrounding these cars. Vince didn’t know Arabic that well, but he was able to pick out one word, the word for Djinn.

  Private Awad, in the same vehicle as Vince, translated, “They are saying they are being attacked by Djinn and that we are protected by evil. They are terrified and will not bother us anymore.”


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