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A Dark Horse

Page 33

by Cooper, Blayne

  Adele settled her hands on Natalie’s hips and lightly squeezed.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Natalie muttered, enthralled, her hand never stopping. Her fingers trailed down Adele’s throat. She turned her hand so that the backs of her fingers trailed lightly over delicate collarbones. She gave Adele’s shirt a tiny tug. “Can I see more? Please?” Natalie whispered, brushing her lips over the tip of Adele’s nose.

  Adele’s heart thudded in her chest and her knees felt weak. Her tongue seemed to be frozen in her mouth so she just nodded and allowed Natalie to slowly strip off her shirt, fingers trailing from her shoulder and down her arms, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. Adele’s shirt puddled on the floor.

  Natalie lifted Adele’s wrist and gently brought it to her mouth where she lovingly kissed the bandaged flesh. “We need to keep this dry.”

  “Okay,” Adele answered, her voice soft and breathy.

  Warm hands trailed down Adele’s slender middle and around to the front of her belly, and sure fingers dipped beneath the waist of her jeans and stopped. Adele sucked in a breath.

  “Can I?” Natalie asked, watching Adele’s face closely, her lips curled in a small smile.

  Adele nodded and heard the dull pop of a button on her jeans and her zipper being lowered, inch by inch. She held in a moan. Natalie dropped slowly to her knees in front of her and looked up. Holy shit. Her nipples hardened at the sight.

  Natalie grasped Adele’s hands and laid them on her own shoulders for balance. “Step, please.”

  Dutifully, Adele stepped out of her jeans and Natalie whisked them away.

  Moist lips dropped tiny kisses all around Adele’s belly button, causing her to shiver in anticipation and a flood of warmth to pool between her legs. Okay, maybe it was time to rethink what she wanted out of this bath.

  “You taste good.”

  The words tickled her skin, and Adele felt her chest flush hotly.

  Unexpectedly, Natalie dipped her tongue inside Adele’s navel.

  Unable to stop herself, Adele shrieked and squirmed away laughing.

  Natalie joined in, clearly delighted, her eyes dark with arousal. “I found a ticklish spot.”

  Adele felt a large portion of her nervousness fade. She reached down and pulled Natalie to her feet. “Isn’t that everyone’s ticklish spot?”

  Natalie grinned coyly. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Yes,” Adele whispered, “I actually really would.” Standing in front of Natalie in only a white bra and mismatched red panties, she wrapped an arm around the other woman and pulled her close.

  Natalie gave her a saucy wink. “Well—” Her gaze dropped to a massive bruise that started at Adele’s shoulder and went all the way down to the middle of her thigh. “Oh, my God, Ella!” She moved to touch the injured flesh but clearly unsure of what was safe to touch, she hovered in place.

  Adele captured Natalie’s hands. “I’m okay. And the water is getting cold.” That was a lie. The tub had a heater. But that wasn’t the point. She was drifting in a lovely, erotic haze, and didn’t want it spoiled by focusing on the grim reality of what had happened.

  Natalie looked like she wanted to protest, but Adele squeezed her hands to signal that she really was okay. Adele threaded one of her own hands into soft hair, feeling the silky strands move between her fingers, and kissed Natalie firmly, but resisted the urge to rush things and deepen it. Natalie clearly got the message because Adele felt warm hands drop to her waist and linger there for a moment before moving to her panties.

  And that’s where Adele stopped Natalie’s progress.

  “Nuh-uh.” Adele shook her head and smiled. “Now it’s your turn.”

  Without a trace of hesitation, Natalie took a step back and stripped out of her sweater and yoga pants, leaving Adele to watch, mouth parted, breath coming in fast bursts. Chin held high, she stood before Adele in a royal blue bra and panties, her pulse visibly pounding in her neck.

  Adele’s hungry perusal started at hot pink polished toenails and worked its way up pale, toned legs, across womanly hips, and stopping briefly at a firm belly that had, to her surprise and delight, a very unprofessorly belly ring. Adele’s money was on a spring break in the late nineties being the culprit. She would be asking about that later.

  Perfect breasts, encased in dark silk and lace, captured Adele’s attention for even longer before her eyes bid them a farewell, for now, and continued their journey upward. High on Natalie’s chest were a smattering of tiny freckles in a pattern that Adele suddenly wanted to map with her tongue.

  Natalie’s chest rose and fell quicker under the weight of Adele’s unabashed and appreciative scrutiny.

  Adele snapped out of her trance when she realized that she’d been quiet for so long that Natalie was beginning to shift awkwardly. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, hoping she wasn’t actually drooling. “Holy Christ, Nat,” she breathed reverently. “You’re perfect.”

  Natalie finally exhaled. “I’m not,” she said, moving close to Adele again. When their bra-covered breasts and naked bellies pressed together, they both groaned. “But I’m glad you think so. And that thought goes doubly for me.”

  With a parting kiss, Adele reached around herself and unhooked her bra, allowing it to fall to the floor. She wondered how long it would take Natalie’s gaze to drift downward. Huh. Five seconds. She was impressed, knowing that was about four seconds longer than she could have managed. Then she stripped off her panties and stepped into the steaming water, moaning the second it hit her skin.

  The delicate scent of jasmine rose up from the tub and swirled around them.

  Natalie looked a little stunned as Adele settled in with a sensual groan, leaving the arm with the bandage out of the water and casually resting on the side of the tub. She tilted her head and regarded Natalie’s slightly open mouth with affection. “You can come in wearing what you have on, if you like.” Though there was no denying she hoped Natalie wouldn’t.

  Natalie’s gaze finally jumped up to meet Adele’s eyes. “I…um…” She licked her lips. “What?”

  Adele laughed, flattered. “Are you coming in?” Her eyes were heavily lidded. “The water feels awesome.”

  “Oh, right.” Still preoccupied by Adele’s naked body that was only just covered by the bubbles, Natalie unhooked her bra and let it fall carelessly to the ground. Next came her panties.

  The light worshipped Natalie’s skin as she climbed in behind Adele and it was all that Adele could do not to reach around and pull Natalie into her lap. Too soon, her mind scolded. She bit her lower lip.

  The water rose with both women in the tub and twin, satisfied sighs filled the room.

  “I need one of these tubs at home,” Natalie said softly as she rolled her shoulder. “Do you think my neighbors will mind if I tear down their kitchen to make room?”

  Adele frowned at the thought of Natalie leaving New Orleans. What did Wisconsin have over New Orleans? Well, except the job Natalie worked so hard for, and her parents, and her friends, and no reminders of where her brother was murdered, and her townhouse…but other than that. Adele rolled her eyes at herself.

  Adele stretched out her legs and enjoyed the way the hot water instantly began to relax stiff muscles. Desire battled with fatigue and her continued craving to have her hands pretty much anywhere on Natalie’s body. “Nat, can I still wash your hair?”

  “I’d love that.”

  “But how are we going to do it without getting your stitches wet?” she wondered out loud. “Maybe we can put some tape or…” The water in the tub shifted dramatically and Adele turned around to see Natalie dunk herself fully underwater. A few seconds later, Natalie came back up sputtering and slicking her long hair back with one hand.

  “Oh, God, this feels good.” Natalie wiped some bubbles from her lips. “Were you saying something?”

  Adele shook her head at her friend’s blatant disregard for doctor’s orders. She’d have to keep a clos
e eye on her. “Nope.” She made a spinning motion with her index finger and was promptly presented with Natalie’s back. It looked strong, utterly feminine, and the bare, glistening skin called out for Adele’s touch, as though it had a voice of its own.

  Natalie’s dripping arm snaked out of the tub as she reached down and picked up her wineglass. Taking a deep swallow, she wordlessly offered it over her shoulder to Adele, who polished it off, enjoying the warming sensation as the liquid slid down her throat and into her belly. She set the empty glass aside.

  Natalie squared her shoulders. “Ready.”

  Adele squirted a healthy dollop of shampoo in one hand and very gently began massaging it into Natalie’s hair, taking care to stay away from the neat row of stitches.

  Natalie groaned out her approval, and asked in a quiet voice, “How bad is it? The spot they shaved, I mean.”

  Adele scooted closer, the water next to Natalie’s body somehow seeming even warmer. She pressed her lips to Natalie’s shoulder and tasted her skin, her hands stilling. “Not bad at all. Your hair completely covers it. They only shaved a small spot.” She felt Natalie release a long breath and wondered if that had been bothering her for a while and whether she should have reassured Natalie earlier. Adele reminded herself to be more thoughtful. Natalie wasn’t some gruff guy. She deserved more tender treatment.

  It took a while, but with the help of a sprayer, they finished each other’s hair. Adele felt herself growing sleepy. The heavy sexual tension that had permeated the room even more completely than the steam had melted into something softer and more soothing, and Adele’s eyelids began to droop.

  “Now you turn around,” Natalie commanded softly, her smile audible in her voice.

  Adele obeyed without thought, and Natalie scooted in close behind her and wrapped her legs around Adele’s. She wound an arm around Adele’s belly and gently pulled their bodies flush, resting her chin on Adele’s unbruised shoulder, keeping her arm and hands just below full breasts.

  Adele leaned back and her eyes closed at the sensation of soft mounds pressing into her back, lean legs encircling her, and warm breath caressing her neck and ear. “I can’t believe you’re so soft,” Adele murmured.

  “You’re soft too.”

  “Your arms are so light around me,” Adele said almost absently. She traced Natalie’s forearm with a fingertip, sending bubbles sliding from heated skin.

  “I guess you’re used to someone so much bigger. Landry is not a small guy.”

  Adele grunted her agreement. There were many times she enjoyed the physical contrasts between her and Landry. But being with Natalie like this was different in an altogether delicious way. It was new and exciting, and familiar and comfortable all at once.

  “What have your other girlfriends been like?” There was a long pause before Natalie added, “Amelia told me that you came out to your family as bisexual when you were a teenager. I hope that was okay.”

  Adele’s expression turned thoughtful. “I don’t care who knows.” She felt Natalie’s relieved exhale. “Does it bother you that I don’t identify as lesbian? I’ve never heard you mention anything other than a former girlfriend, so I’m assuming there are no ex-husbands in your past.”

  Natalie’s arms tightened around her and let go. Her words sounded strained. “No ex-husbands or boyfriends. The only thing that would bother me is if you wanted to date men…or actually anyone else at the same time that we see each other.”

  “Speaking of that…there’s something I should probably tell you.” This confession would probably be a little embarrassing, but Adele knew this was the right time to bring it up.

  Natalie’s whimper was barely audible.

  Adele’s forehead crumpled, and she wished she could see Natalie’s face as she spoke but Natalie held her firmly in place. “Hey, what’s the matter?”

  “It’s not that I’m not willing to compete for your attention,” Natalie growled, her voice taking on a slightly possessive tone Adele hadn’t heard before. “I am. And I know it’s too soon to be talking about being exclusive, but I just don’t think I can handle the thought of you and someone else together. The thought of you kissing…” The words trailed away softly, and Natalie shivered.

  Adele pried Natalie’s arms away and spun around, a little shocked to see stormy eyes peering back at her. “What on earth are you talking about? I’m not trying to tell you I want to date anyone but you. I want to see where things can go for us. Just us. Okay?”

  Natalie exhaled noisily but still seemed a little wary. “You’re sure? Because I’ve been there before, Ella, and I didn’t like it.”

  Adele’s nostrils flared. “The thought of you with someone other than me makes me want to lose my mind. We’re on the same page. Trust me.”

  Natalie didn’t bother to hide her relief.

  “But,” Adele paused to draw in a deep breath. “I should tell you that I haven’t been romantically involved with a woman since I was in high school. I guess technically it was a girl. Or girls. There were two of them.”

  Natalie’s eyebrows lifted.

  “I mean, we were all girls, not women. So it was okay. And the two girls weren’t at the same time. And even though we kissed and stuff…we never…” Adele’s cheeks heated. “We never, you know.”

  Natalie’s brows drew together. “You mean…?” She gave Adele a significant look.

  Adele shook her head. “Nope.”


  “I’m pretty sure I would remember. But there was lots of kissing,” Adele said hopefully, as though that might somehow change Natalie’s perception.

  Natalie still looked a little stunned. “Nothing past that?” She leaned forward and bypassed Adele’s lips in favor of a kiss to her jaw and then lower.

  Adele shrugged, enjoying the tongue that began to lave the sensitive place where her neck met her shoulder. She laid her hands on Natalie’s thighs. “I always assumed there would be more women in my future, which is why I told my family about my orientation at all. I’ve always appreciated women, and some men.”

  “So you prefer women, but are attracted to both sexes?”

  “In theory, if I only had to limit myself to one gender to find arousing, then yes, it would be women. So I guess you could call that a preference. But men have never been off the table for me, sexually or emotionally. Just by happenstance I dated a few guys before Landry while I was in college. It could have just as easily been a woman.”

  Adele stroked the soft skin beneath her hands, relishing the closeness. “And Landry…it’s sometimes hard for me to remember this now, considering how things ended for us, but he really did sweep me off my feet. He’s older and was so respected on the force. He has a really strong, charismatic personality that drew me in. Maybe more important than anything was that he taught me more about being a detective than anyone else.”

  Natalie huffed. “Plus, he’s gorgeous.”

  Adele sniggered and supposed she owed the devil his due. “There is that.”

  “So you were hot for teacher?”

  Adele hadn’t thought of it that way, but it did sum it up nicely. And here she was, hot for teacher again. Apparently she had a type. “I guess so.”

  “Did you regret it? Not having any deeper relationships with women before settling down?”

  Adele moaned a little when teeth grazed her skin again. “Not while I was married, no. I was happy. But now…now, I’m a little embarrassed that my experience with women consists only of what you can do under the bleachers during halftime at a football game.”

  Natalie chuckled throatily. “I’ve been on the receiving end of your kisses, Ella. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I only wish I had gone to your high school.”

  Adele nibbled on Natalie’s earlobe, feeling a little smug and relieved, but also exhausted. She shifted and pressed her cheek to Natalie’s and they both slouched a little deeper in the hot water, any remaining tension drifting away.

  This was as fa
r as Adele was ready to go tonight. If there was ever a time to back away before she got in over her head, this was it. But Natalie’s arms were wrapped loosely around her and when they started to move to draw her closer, Adele knew deep in her soul that she didn’t have the willpower to deny herself something she wanted so badly.

  “So you’ve never been with a woman, and yet you’re in this tub with me now, naked as the day you were born, kissing and nibbling and generally driving me mad, and you’re as cool as a cucumber?” The words were said sleepily. “I’m clearly not as brave as you.”

  Adele almost burst out laughing. Natalie thought she was being cool about this?

  Natalie captured Adele’s lips in an almost chaste kiss. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Adele’s mouth went dry.

  “But just to sleep, okay?” Natalie added softly, sounding a little apologetic and self-conscious. “It’s not that I don’t want to do more. God, how I want to do more. But the water has me so relaxed, and my ibuprofen has started to wear off. I don’t want to mess this up by going too quickly. And—”

  “Shh. That’s more than okay.” With a final very gentle nose-to-nose nuzzle, Adele pushed herself to her feet. Water cascaded down her in warm sheets and she extended her hand, palm up. She smiled broadly and let a little of her growing adoration show. “To sleep, together, sounds perfect.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next day…

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Adele gripped the steering wheel tighter and willed Natalie to change her mind.

  Natalie clutched a plastic shopping bag from Home Depot against her chest. “I—I, yes.”

  “Then remember what I said, okay?” Adele pulled up in front of a ratty 1950s Shreveport roadside motel that had been converted into studio apartments. Most of the parking spaces were empty, but a couple of beater cars that were more rust than metal, and an ancient jalopy motorcycle that sat in pieces, dotted the parking spaces in front of the units.


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