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by Pepper North

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Pepper North


  Author’s Note:

  Other titles by Pepper North

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23



  Excerpt from Jake: Dr. Richards Littles 4

  Excerpt from The Keepers: Payi

  Text copyright ©2017 Pepper North

  All Rights Reserved

  Author’s Note:

  The following story is completely fictional. The characters are all over the age of 18 and as adults choose to live their lives in an age play environment. This is a series of books that can be read in any order. You may, however, choose to read them sequentially to best enjoy the characters. Subsequent books will feature characters that appear in previous novels as well as new faces. Prepare to enter the new world of Dr. Richards’ Littles. Enjoy!

  Other titles by Pepper North

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  The Keepers: Payi

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  The Keepers: Pien

  Oliver: Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  The Magic of Twelve: Marigold

  Luna: Dr. Richards’ Littles 19

  Lydia & Neil: Dr. Richards’ Littles 20

  A Little Vacation South of the Border

  The Magic of Twelve: Hazel

  Roxy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 21

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: First Anniversary Collection

  Jillian: Dr. Richards’ Littles 22

  The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

  Hunter: Dr. Richards’ Littles 23

  Sharing Shelby: A SANCTUM Novel

  The Magic of Twelve: Pearl

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: MM Collection

  Electrostatic Bonds

  Grace: Dr. Richards’ Littles 24

  Chapter 1

  Madeline pushed back her home office chair and looked out the dining room window. She’d just hit send on the PLAYTIME application, and she was already second-guessing her decision to list herself on the specialized dating site. She stood up resolutely and walked over to pick up her floppy hat and keys. Madeline forced herself to go out for a walk on the beautiful afternoon to get out of her apartment and away from the computer before she changed her mind.

  Stepping out of the front door, Madeline stopped and rolled her shoulders. She was doing the right thing. She’d been searching for an age play relationship for a long time. She’d met a few people that said that they were interested in age play, but she soon realized that they were just willing to say anything to be in a relationship with the wealthy Trent Danton’s daughter. She clasped her hands in front of her and said a short prayer of thanks that at least they hadn’t gone to the media when the relationships had ended. At least in that way, she has chosen a partner that well.

  A friend had told her about the new dating site a few weeks ago. Penelope had shared the news of the site as a tidbit of weirdness. Someone wanting a Mommy or Daddy was so fake. They must just want to con someone out of money. Her friend had no idea that Madeline was interested in age play. Penelope had gossiped about it at lunch saying that it must have been designed by a very wealthy man with deviant sexual tastes.

  Madeline had a completely different reaction to the news. She tried to act nonchalant, but inside she was cheering with excitement. She sped home that afternoon and logged on immediately. Madeline had visited it frequently in the last couple of weeks trying to decide whether she should try it or if she should just give up and settle for another vanilla relationship that was doomed to failure.

  Finally, she had filled in the application on thePLAYTIME site. She had to take a picture of her ID proving that she was over eighteen and attach it to her application. She took a deep breath and pressed the join button before she could talk herself out of it again. Madeline stared at the screen as it announced that her application had been received and that she should receive a notification of any suggested matches as soon as her application was fully processed.

  Madeline knew she’d go crazy just watching the screen. She set her tablet on the couch and ran to change clothes. She might as well go for a walk while she debated whether she was brilliant or brainless for putting her information on a dating site regardless of how secure it was supposed to be. Tying her shoes and grabbing her keys, she set off with a quick pace toward the park.

  “Honk!” a blue sports car came to a brake-squealing stop just inches from her. Madeline realized as she shook in the reaction that she had just stepped blindly off the curb right in front of the oncoming car. Thank goodness, they were paying attention.

  “I’m so sorry,” she began in a rush as a beautiful couple flung open the car’s doors and rushed toward her. “Thank you for stopping. I was lost in thought. I’m sure I gave you a scare.” Madeline looked ruefully down at her cell phone that she had dropped when the horn sounded so close to her.

  “Are you all right, miss?” The tall, muscular man ran his hand through his thick black hair pushing it out of his eyes as it fell in waves over his forehead.

  His wife was right behind him. She came over and hugged Madeline. “That must have been very scary. My heart is racing even now,” she confessed. Her blue eyes were filled with concern as she stepped back to look over Madeline’s petite form as if she was making sure that the young woman was okay.

  “I… I‘m fine. I’m just sorry I stepped in front of you. I was thinking too hard and not watching where I was going,” she confessed. “It was my fault totally.”

  “If you were my Little girl, you’d be stretched over my lap with your bottom being thoroughly spanked,” the man said firmly. Madeline was surprised to see his wife nod her head in agreement. He leaned over to pick up the cell phone turning it over to see the shattered screen. Handing it to the waiflike figure, he said softly, “Thank goodness, this wasn’t you!”

  Madeline had looked down immediately to hide the flash of interest that she knew was in her big brown eyes. She’d never been lucky to have anyone that cared enough about her to spank her. She nodded her head slowly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose. I should go.” Madeline turned and started to walk away quickly. She heard the couple ask her to wait and call after her that they’d give her a ride home if she needed one. Madeline just waved a hand and began to cut through yards and parking lots to make sure th
at she disguised her route home. You never knew what kind of people you’d run into out in the world. “Hopefully, they were good people,” she thought to herself. She was sorry that she had scared them.

  Chapter 2

  Ryan and Nora Redmond looked at each other as the small brunette hurried from their view. Ryan shook his head as he turned to walk back to the car putting one large guiding hand on the small of his wife’s back. “Thank goodness, I wasn’t changing the radio station or looking at my phone. If I hadn’t seen her immediately, I would have hit her. She’s so small, I’m sure she would have been seriously injured. Are you okay? I stopped very suddenly,” Ryan asked his wife.

  “My body is fine. My brain is still imagining that pretty girl laying on the ground after being hit. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a close call. Thank goodness, you kept your cool and were able to react so quickly.” Nora answered as she sat back in the passenger seat. “Let’s go home and call for a pizza. Suddenly, I’m not up to going out for dinner tonight.”

  “Good idea, honey,” Ryan nodded his head as he turned around at the next light and headed back home. He didn’t want to admit it to his wife, but he was pretty shaken up. That had been so close. He knew he must have imagined the flash of interest in the young woman’s eyes when he’d mentioned the spanking. Ryan rubbed his face with one hand trying to recover.

  Soon enough, the Redmonds had arrived at the large, iron gate sealing off their home from the rest of the world. Ryan pressed in the code and drove through as the gates opened. He hesitated in the lane until the gates had closed completely before proceeding down the tree-lined drive to park at the front entryway. He left the car out so he could drive back down to the gate to meet the delivery man. He stepped out of the car and walked quickly around his favorite sports car running his hand across the hood. He was glad it hadn’t been damaged either, but he couldn’t get that young lady’s scared face out of his mind when she’d realized that she’d almost been hit.

  Opening his wife’s door, Ryan helped Nora out of the car before escorting her up the stairs. Their butler/handyman, Oliver, opened the front door to help them inside. “You must have eaten very quickly to get home so fast. How is the food at McDonald’s these days?” he joked.

  Nora smiled but didn’t laugh. “Oliver, we had a young lady step out in front of us. We almost hit her.” She waved off his question, “It was totally her fault. She wasn’t at a corner or a crosswalk. She said she was thinking and didn’t pay attention. We were shaken up and decided to come home and order a pizza.”

  “Good idea, Nora. I knew people drive crazily on Friday night, but I didn’t realize people walk crazily as well. You’re safer at home,” Oliver agreed.

  “I’m going to get online and order at Romano’s. Can I twist your arm into letting me order a Romano’s pepperoni pizza for you?” he asked smiling at the man. Oliver was about his height at 6’4” but, he was built like a semi truck. Oliver usually never ate junk food, but Romano’s was his guilty pleasure.

  Oliver smiled broadly, “That would be great, boss. Romano’s is worth the five extra miles I’ll have to run to work off that cheese and pepperoni. I’ll be glad to meet the delivery man at the gate.”

  Ryan shook his head immediately. “It’s your day off, Oliver. I’ll go get the pizza. Are you going to be around, or should I give you a call when your pizza’s here?”

  “Just call, boss. Who knows where I’ll be. Thanks again for the pizza. I’m sorry you had a scare, but Romano’s will make you feel better instantly,” Oliver smiled. He excused himself and walked swiftly down toward the kitchen. For a large man, he walked quietly and quickly. Anyone trying to break into the Redmonds’ home would be very foolhardy.

  “Go change, Nora. I’ll order from my computer in my office. Would you like our regular pizza with the works?” Ryan asked running his keen eyes over his wife’s toned body in her snug, purple dress.

  “I’m going to have to run an extra five miles, too, but you bet,” Nora smiled. “It’s my favorite.”

  “You don’t need to worry about additional miles, honey. You are way too beautiful to hang out with a ruffian like me,” Ryan complimented. “Now, off with you before I forget to order a pizza and Oliver takes it out on me tomorrow making me go on that run with him.”

  “Oh, you’re going anyway but, I’ll go change. I’m starving,” Nora turned and headed toward their suite of rooms.

  Ryan headed toward his office. “Maybe someday, they’d find a perfect Little girl for the nursery attached to their master bedroom. Nora had worked so hard to make it perfect for a Little princess. Now, they just had to find one,” he thought to himself as he powered on his computer and ordered the pizza.

  With that task done, he took advantage of the twenty minutes that he would need to wait before driving back to the gate to pick up the pizza. Ryan clicked on the PLAYTIME logo on his computer. Nora and Ryan knew the designer, Noah Sandoval. They had invested in several of his previous software designs. Noah hadn’t allowed anyone to invest in PLAYTIME. It was all his baby. He had, however, let the Redmonds know that he’d met his own twin, Little girls on his personal dating service. Immediately, Nora and Ryan had filled out an application and built a profile. For three months, they had been searching for a match but hadn’t found anyone whose profile had over a 50% compatibility rating. It wouldn’t hurt to check.

  As the app opened, Ryan looked away checking his phone for messages. He saw an email from PLAYTIME and glanced back at his screen. Immediately, he stood up and raced down the hall to the master bedroom. “Nora, honey! Nora, you won’t believe this. She’s there. She’s our match,” he shouted triumphantly.

  Nora rushed to meet him at the doorway. “What are you talking about, Ryan? Did you bump your head on the steering wheel?” she joked.

  “No, Nora. I’m totally serious. You haven’t checked your phone either. She’s there. She’s a 100% match. We’ve found our Little girl,” he said exuberantly.

  “Our Little girl?” Nora asked trying to follow his words.

  “It’s her. The girl we almost hit. She’s just applied to PLAYTIME. I bet that’s why she wasn’t paying attention. Remember when we debated for days whether we should apply or not? She had just finished her application, and she went for a walk to think. Thank goodness, we didn’t hit her. She’s ours, Nora,” Ryan hugged his wife to his wide chest. “Come on. Let’s send her a message.” He pulled Nora down the hallway to his office.

  Nora’s head whirled with the improbability that after three months, their match had been located. She followed Ryan quickly into his office and around behind the large mahogany desk. There she was. Madeline’s gamin face looked out at them from the computer screen. Nora threw her hands around Ryan’s shoulders and squeezed his muscular torso. The two stared into each other’s eyes as they held on to each other in disbelief. Three whole months, they had been waiting three months.

  “You’re right! It is her! Ryan, I can’t believe this,” Nora said looking back at the screen. “She’s just adorable. I can’t believe I hugged her, Ryan. Let’s send a message.” Nora sat down at the computer and hit the reply button. “What should we say?”

  Chapter 3

  As the two crafted their message to their Little girl, Madeline was also discovering the notification message from PLAYTIME. She had just arrived back at her apartment and was berating herself for almost getting killed when her phone buzzed again. Madeline pulled it out of her pocket and squinted her eyes to read the cracked screen. She could make out the PLAYTIME logo and 100% match, but she couldn’t see the picture of the person with whom she had been matched. Madeline couldn’t even see the first name, just Redmond. She leaped from the couch and ran to her room to grab her tablet.

  It took forever to power up, but finally, she was looking at the message clearly. She’d been matched with a married couple. Madeline had filled out her application to be paired with either a Mommy or a Daddy. She hadn’t considered that a couple would
be looking for a Little girl. She got a funny feeling in her stomach. It seemed like she could actually have a real family. She didn’t have a picture of them, but she did have their names, Ryan and Nora Redmond. Quickly she opened a new window and googled the couple.

  “Oh, no!” Madeline said aloud. “That’s the couple from the blue sports car. They would never be interested in me. I almost killed myself by stepping out in front of their car like a simpleton.” Madeline shook her head sadly. She’d already blown it. Madeline scanned through the information about the handsome couple fascinated by them. Both Ryan and Nora were architects and worked together in their own firm. They specialized in creating dream houses for wealthy couples. There were rumors of all sorts of secrets these homes contained, but their employees were well paid and loyal. Any secrets would remain hidden from the media. They didn’t seem to run in the same circles as her father did. That explained why she hadn’t run into them until tonight.

  Madeline groaned again in embarrassment. She’d almost made them run into her tonight. They’d never be interested in her. She began to press her finger on the button to turn off the power when a message popped in from the Redmonds. She clicked on the message to open it and wrapped her arms around herself as she read.

  Dearest Madeline,

  We have been searching for our own Little girl for a long time now. Thank you for taking a chance and applying on PLAYTIME. We are so eager to meet you again. We want you to feel safe when we meet. Here is the nonemergency number of our local police department. Call and ask for Detective Victor Adams. He has known Ryan for years and will be glad to act as our character reference. If you need to talk to others, we’ll send you as many names as you’d like. Victor is also a Daddy to his adorable, Little girl, Emily. You can speak openly with him if you’d like.


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