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Page 4

by Pepper North

  Ryan helped Madi stand on her knees in the tub as Nora released the water and brought a thick, fluffy towel over to the tub to wrap around the Little girl. Ryan picked her up from the tub and walked cradling Madi in his arms as he allowed his new Little girl to recover. Her young face was wholly relaxed from her sexual release as she blinked trying to make sense of the sensations. Ryan would bet a lot of money that Madi’s orgasm had surprised Madi the most. The amazement in her eyes as she looked up at him hinted that she was not used to having an orgasm.

  Nora loved seeing her husband so entranced by Madi. “That Little girl was going to become very spoiled,” she thought with a gentle smile. “And that would be just fine with me.” Nora gathered clothing that might fit Madi before they went out to shop. When she had selected a pair of gray leggings and a pink tee shirt, Nora called softly to Ryan. “Hon, would you lay Madi on her changing table? Let’s get her dressed before she catches a chill.” The married couple worked well together, and soon Madi was dressed.

  “We’ll have to get some shoes today also, but Madi can wear her big girl tennis shoes to Gordon’s. Here are some socks for her cute toes,” Ryan said as he began to wiggle her toes back and forth with a large finger.

  Their Little girl shook her head as if to clear the fog and began to giggle happily as her Daddy tickled her feet. Her face lit with a big smile. “Daddy, Daddy, no fair. No tickling!”

  “Little girl, just you wait. Daddy and Mommy have all sorts of tickling for you,” Ryan said as he winked at Nora. But now, it’s time for breakfast so we can go get that Little girl some diapers and clothes.”

  Chapter 10

  Nora sat next to Madi’s high chair and spooned oatmeal into her mouth. She laughed at the look on Madi’s face as she swallowed the thick mixture. “Oatmeal is good for you, Madi. What do you usually eat for breakfast?” she asked handing the Little girl a sippy cup of juice to wash down the taste of the oatmeal.

  “I usually have coffee and a doughnut on my way to work. Can I have some coffee? It will help me wake up,” she asked with an innocent smile.

  “Little girls don’t drink coffee, Madi. There will be a lot of changes ahead for you. Some you probably will love and others, you won’t. We’d like you to stay with us all the time, Madi. Would you like to live here with us?” Ryan asked holding his breath.

  “I have an apartment, but I’d like to stay here as much as I can. I’ve been hoping to find a Mommy and Daddy for so long. I really don’t want to be alone,” Madi looked down sadly. “I don’t like being alone, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck with me because some silly computer program matched us together. What if you get tired of me?”

  Nora and Ryan immediately shook their heads “no.” Nora leaned forward to kiss Madi’s sweet lips. “We won’t get tired of you, Madi. We both can tell already that you are the Little girl who we’ve been waiting to find. We just need to prove that to you. What would you think about staying with us for the next three weeks until the end of the month?”

  Madi nodded her head in agreement. “I have to give a month’s notice at my apartment complex. We can decide at the end of the month what we should do.” She looked down at the tray. “I really hope that I get to stay.”

  Ryan tilted her chin up with a gentle hand. “We’ve already decided to keep you here with us forever. But it’s only fair that she gets to decide if you’re ready to move in with us permanently. We’ll go over to your apartment tomorrow and bring back some of your professional clothes and your car. While you’re at home, you’ll be a Little girl. When you’re at work, you can be your adult self - but just for a short period. If you’re going to be a Little girl, you’ll need to make some adjustments. Now, three more bites of oatmeal and finish your juice,” Ryan instructed firmly as Nora lifted another spoonful of oatmeal to her lips.

  After brushing her teeth and pottying one last time, Madi was buckled into the back seat of the Redmonds’ large sedan. She patted the child seat that she was secured in tightly. “I don’t really need a baby seat,” Madi began.

  “Madi, you let Mommy and Daddy decide how to keep you safe,” Nora said firmly. Her tone indicated that there would be no negotiations. “Now, let’s play a game to get better acquainted! We’ll each name a category and Mommy, Daddy, and Madi will give their answer. I’ll start. My category is Favorite Colors. I like purple best,” Nora revealed.

  “I like purple, but yellow is my favorite. Daddy, what’s your favorite color?” Madi said clapping her hands. This was fun!

  “I like grey,” Ryan answered.

  “But that’s so boring,” Madi protested. “Are you sure you don’t like orange or fuchsia?”

  Ryan shuddered visibly. “No, Little girl. I like grey. Hey! Maybe Daddies like to be boring.”

  Nora and Madi laughed. “I bet you’re never boring, Daddy,” Madi said smiling at him in the rearview mirror. “Now me! It’s my turn! What is your least favorite food?”

  “I don’t like waffles,” Nora admitted.

  “How can you not like waffles, Mommy? They’re buttery and syrupy!” Madi protested.

  “I’m with you, Madi. I like waffles. However, I don’t like grapefruit. It’s sour, and I always get squirted in the eyes,” Ryan laughed. “Those things should be categorized as a deadly weapon. That juice squirting in my eye could blind a fellow.” He made a funny face in the mirror at his Little girl.

  Madi rolled around laughing. “You’re funny, Daddy. I kind of like grapefruit and lemons. You get to make funny faces when you eat lemons.” She made a sour face at her Mommy who had turned around. “I don’t like peas. They just roll around on your plate, and they taste like dirt.”

  “I guess I should get rid of those twelve cans of peas in the pantry,” Nora said with a straight face.

  “No, Mommy. You can’t like peas,” Madi begged.

  “I don’t think there’s a vegetable that your Mommy doesn’t like,” Ryan said sadly.

  “That’s just wrong, Mommy,” Madi protested. “Vegetables are slimy.

  “Not the way, I fix them,” Nora promised. As she smiled at the two most important people in her life. They continued to play the game to learn more about each other. Nora was beginning to see more of Madi’s personality. This captivating Little girl intrigued her. She owed Noah Sandoval a big thank you for designing PLAYTIME.

  Chapter 11

  Madi slipped her hand into Nora’s as they walked into Gordon’s. She looked around in fascination at the store and the people. Everywhere she looked there were Littles with their Mommy or Daddy. She didn’t see anyone else that had both a Mommy and Daddy with them. Ryan selected a cart making sure that all the wheels worked properly before helping Madi sit in the plastic seat at the front of the basket. He buckled her in safely.

  “Okay, Mommy. Where are we off to first?” Ryan asked Nora watching her smile at him.

  “Let’s start in clothing. Madi needs a nightgown and a few casual outfits that are the right size,” Nora answered looking over Madi’s small figure. “We’ll have to try on a few things to make sure they fit correctly.”

  Ryan directed the cart into the Little girls’ department. Nora had him stop at a rack of cute nighties. She pulled a couple out and held them up to Madi to check the size.

  “I can’t tell which would fit better. Ryan, help me take this tee shirt off Madi, and we’ll slip this over her head,” Nora asked.

  Before Madi could protest, they had stripped off her tee shirt, and she sat buckled into the cart nude from her waist up. Madi grabbed at the tee shirt and missed before wrapping her arms around her breast. “I can’t sit here without a shirt. What are you thinking?” she said rudely to Nora and Ryan.

  Within a few seconds, Ryan had Madi out of her seat, and her grey leggings and underwear pulled down to her ankles. He placed her over the basket with her tummy balanced on the wire frame before beginning to spank her bottom sharply. “You do not talk to your Mommy and Daddy with this rude tone. We are
here to try on clothes and make sure we get the right size, Little girl!”

  Madi couldn’t believe how much his spanks hurt. Her eyes filled with tears and she tried desperately to get away. Now her breasts and her bottom were on display. She looked around at the other shoppers to see who was going to stop Ryan. She was amazed to see that several Mommies and Daddies nod their approval at Nora and Ryan. The Littles just looked sad for her.

  Ryan continued to spank her naughty bottom. He knew this first spanking was important. Madi would need to surrender to their guidance and realize that Mommy and Daddy make the rules. He watched her bottom turn from a blush to a pink color, and then, begin to turn red when she stopped protesting and covered her face with her hands as she sobbed.

  “I’m sorry, Mommy. I’m sorry, Daddy,” she cried with big tears dripping on the floor below the cart.

  Ryan lifted her from the cart and held her securely to his body. He shushed her softly as he rubbed her back calming her tears. He gave her as much time as she needed.

  Madi looked around at the other shoppers. No one acted as if the spanking was out of the ordinary. She started to notice that here and there, Little boys and girls were undressed just out in the open spaces of the store as their parents helped them try on new clothing. She was amazed at the number of diapers, and bare chests were on display. She finally leaned back to look at Ryan. “Daddy? Aren’t there any dressing rooms?” she asked incredulously.

  “No, silly!” a high voice said behind them. “Littles don’t need a dressing room. Wow! Your bottom is red. Your Daddy is a good spanker.”

  Madi turned around quickly to see a Little girl standing behind her. She was petite with long brown braids on each side of her head. She wore a Gordon’s nametag. “Who are you?” Madi asked bewildered.

  Pointing to her nametag, the Little girl introduced herself, “I’m Charlotte Gordon. My Daddy owns the store, and I get to work here. I haven’t seen you before. Is this your first time shopping here?” Charlotte asked. She was very friendly.

  “Hi, Charlotte,” Nora said with a smile. “I’m Nora, and this is Ryan. We’ve shopped here many times before when we were setting up a nursery for our Little girl. We’ve waited for a long time, and finally, we were matched on PLAYTIME last night.

  Charlotte jumped up and down before darting forward to wrap her arms around Madi. “I’m so excited for you! Congratulations! Madi, no wonder you were looking for the dressing room. Everyone here at Gordon’s is just like a family member. Dr. Richards’ treats everyone, and he organizes the funniest events for all the Littles. We all know each other, and everyone has been undressed in front of the others many times. Pretty soon you won’t even think about it,” she promised. “Do you need new clothes?”

  Nora answered with a smile at the helpful Little girl, “We do need some new clothes and a nightgown at least. Do you think this one would fit Madi, Charlotte?”

  “Nope, that one’s too big. Try this one,” Charlotte flipped through several nightgowns to pull out a bright, yellow nightie decorated with bumble bees.

  “I love yellow,” Madi said as she rubbed the tears from her cheeks. Her Daddy pulled up her pants and sat her back into the seat. Madi hissed as her spanked bottom pressed into the hard, plastic surface. She didn’t protest as Nora lowered the yellow nightgown over her head and helped her lace her arms through the sleeves. She brushed down the front of the nightgown. “It’s so soft and so yellow!”

  Ryan laughed. “Thanks to Charlotte, it’s a perfect size. And the perfect color as well. It’s so bright that you’ll glow in the dark! Let’s get one more so you’ll have an extra. What color would you like, Madi?”

  “How about purple?” she suggested. She turned to Charlotte to explain, “My Mommy’s favorite color is purple.” With Charlotte’s help, their cart began to fill with many treasures.

  As they approached the cashiers, Charlotte asked helpfully, “Anything else you need? Enema supplies? Paddles?” She laughed at the shocked expression on Madi’s face. “You haven’t been to see Dr. Richards yet, have you?”

  Madi shook her head cautiously looking at her parents to see what their reactions were. She didn’t think their smiles were a good sign. She really didn’t like Ryan’s answer of “not yet.”

  Chapter 12

  After their visit to Gordons, the Redmonds and Madi made a quick stop at her apartment and gathered the professional clothes Madi needed for work. Madi drove her car to the Redmonds’ home. Arriving at home with all their supplies, Madi’s head was spinning with all the changes that had occurred in her life in the last twenty-four hours. She sat down on the kitchen floor as Ryan and Nora took their purchases out of the Gordon’s bags. She missed the look they gave each other as they noticed her sitting quietly staring into space. Ryan quickly prepared a bottle and began to warm it up as Nora knelt by Madi.

  “Madi, come sit on Mommy’s lap,” Nora said softly as she urged Madi up on her feet and over to a chair. She swept the Little girl on to her lap and leaned her back to lay against her arm. Nora rocked her slowly as she hummed softly. When Ryan brought her a bottle, Nora brushed it against Madi’s pink lips. “Here you are, baby. Drink your bottle for Mommy,” Nora whispered.

  The Little girl opened her mouth and rubbed her tongue against the rubbery nipple. A little formula dripped into her mouth and Madi wrapped her mouth around the nipple to begin drinking the delicious mixture. She moaned unconsciously as she relaxed into her Mommy’s arms and her beautiful eyelashes drifted down to lay against her cheeks.

  Nora continued to rock Madi gently as she held the bottle for her. By the time the bottle was empty, Madi was asleep. Nora kissed the top of her head and looked up as Ryan took a picture of the two. She smiled at him and blew a kiss in his direction.

  Ryan laid down his phone and moved to Nora’s side. He lifted the sleeping Little in his arms and carried her smoothly into the nursery. They undressed Madi entirely and wrapped her bottom in one of the new diapers that fit thanks for Charlotte’s help. Picking her up and laying her on her side in the crib, Ryan tucked Snuffles next to the sleeping Little before lifting the railing. He turned to Nora and kissed her deeply. They turned to look at Madi for a few minutes before tiptoeing quietly from the room.

  As they walked down the hall, Nora whispered, “We need to remember that our Little girl is trying to process a lot of information and adjust to her new life. She’ll need to be babied literally for a while. I think we need to make an appointment for her with Dr. Richards, so we can make sure that she stays healthy. Would you call him and see if he has any appointments in the evening or next weekend?”

  “I’ll do it right, now,” answered Ryan as they entered the kitchen. He picked up his phone and selected the correct contact listing. “Hi, Matt. This is Ryan Redmond. Believe it or not, our Little girl is tucked into her bed taking a nap.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Ryan. I bet Nora is ecstatic. You’ve been preparing for this for a long time. Did you find her on PLAYTIME?” Matt Richards asked. His kind tone was easily detected over the phone connection.

  “We are both pinching ourselves,” Ryan laughed. “Yes, our match came through rated as 100% compatibility just last night. Madeline, we call her Madi, had just submitted her application and then gone for a walk. She was so flustered that she stepped off the curb right in front of my car. She scurried off after we made sure she was okay. You can imagine how shocked we were when her sweet face showed up as our match. She agreed to meet us last night, and we all knew instantly that she belonged to us.”

  “Wow! I’m glad she wasn’t hurt. What can I do to help you all adjust?” Dr. Richards asked.

  “We’d like to bring her in for a physical exam. Would you have any time in the evenings or next weekend? I hate to interrupt your time with Zoey, but I think it would be best to let Madi’s work schedule be consistent for a while,” Ryan explained.

  “I see a lot of patients in the evening. That’s no trouble. I can play with Zoey
any time after my surgeries and rounds in the morning. I actually just had a cancelation for Monday at 6. Is that too soon?” Dr. Richards asked.

  “Monday at 6 is great. Any preparations that we should do before we get there?” Ryan asked as he watched Nora pick up a pad of paper to take some notes. “You’ll have a messenger bring some cleanser this afternoon. Mix a cup with a full two-quart enema bag of warm water. She should hold it for twenty minutes and then, release. Follow that with a full bag rinse of warm water twice to make sure all the cleanser is flushed. Nothing to eat after twelve in the afternoon,” Ryan paused looking at Nora. When she nodded and tapped the pad with her pen, Ryan continued, “Thanks, Matt. I think we’ve got it. We’ll look forward to introducing Madeline to you on Monday.” He disconnected and looked at Nora. “I don’t think our Little girl is going to like her enemas. What do you think?”

  Nora replied, “No way,” and they both began planning how to help Madi enjoy her enemas. She’d have a lot in her future. The new parents already had learned from the other Mommies and Daddies that Little boys and girls were much healthier and happier with clean tummies.

  Chapter 13

  Two hours later, a sleepy Madi began to call for her Mommy and Daddy. Ryan entered the nursery and lowered the railing. He picked Madi up in his arms and sat down in the rocking chair to hold her as she woke up. The two sat quietly for several minutes until Madi began to squirm on his lap. Ryan felt his penis begin to harden and lengthen as it pressed against Madi’s hip. She froze in place as she felt it press against her.

  “Daddy?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes, Madi,” he answered kissing her on her forehead.


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