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Page 6

by Pepper North

  “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” Madi promised with fat tears rolling down her face.

  “We’re going to make sure you remember, Madi. Come here. Lay over my lap,” Nora instructed. They watched her drag her feet to them.

  “I’m sorry!” Madi cried harder.

  “I know, Madi,” Nora said not hesitating as she leaned Madi over her knees with her bottom toward Ryan. Nora held a small bottom cheek in each hand pulling them apart to reveal Madi’s clenched anus still shiny from the thermometers lubrication.

  Ryan pressed the piece of soap into Madi’s rectum following it with his finger to press it deep into her bottom. Immediately, Madi began to squirm. He removed his finger and Nora pressed her bottom cheeks together to hold the soap in place. “You will need to hold this in your bottom for five minutes. After that, we will put a diaper on you and lay you in your crib to go to sleep. The soap will cause you to poop. Call for us, and we will come immediately to change your diaper. We don’t want you to be uncomfortable. We just want you to realize that we want to take care of you like our Little girl. Some things that we ask you to do will be embarrassing at first. It’s a step we take together. Soon you won’t be so embarrassed. You’ll realize that it’s our pleasure as your Mommy and Daddy to take care of you completely. This is why we want you to be part of our family.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll use my diaper,” Madi promised. “Can you take it out? It burns!”

  “That’s my good Little girl. I’m glad you’re learning your lesson. The soap does burn inside your bottom,” Nora maintained the pressure holding her buttocks together. Nora and Ryan watched her bottom jerk and quiver.

  Ryan began to rub her back. “You’re doing a good job, Madi. Let’s think about pleasant times. Tell me something that you enjoyed today. I loved tickling you and being together.”

  Nora added, “I enjoyed helping you pick out some new clothes.

  Sobs and sniffs presided Madi’s voice. “I like being held in your arms.”

  Nora answered, “I did, too, Madi.”

  “I liked meeting Emily and playing,” Madi added. As she lay miserable on her Mommy’s lap, Madi began to think about all the things she had gotten to experience today. She had dreamed of someone taking care of her for years. Why had she tried to get out of using her diaper? “I was really stupid. I ruined everything.”

  “No, Madi. You didn’t ruin anything. Mommy and Daddy will always care for you. You just have to let us. If you make a mistake as all Littles do, you will be punished. It doesn’t feel good, does it?”

  “Noooooooo!” wailed Madi. The soap burned in her rectum, and she had an overwhelming urge to poop.

  “Okay, Madi. Your five minutes is up. Daddy’s going to put a diaper on you, and you’ll go to bed early tonight,” Ryan said as he stood to lift Madi and carry her to the changing table. He laid her down and wrapped her bottom in a diaper before carrying her over to the crib and placing her inside. Nora raised the railing, and they both said “Goodnight,” before turning down the lights and leaving the room.

  Chapter 16

  Madi wrapped her arms around her roiling tummy. She squeezed her buttocks together in a desperate attempt to keep from messing her diaper. “I did this to myself,” she reminded herself. “I shouldn’t have lied to my Mommy and Daddy.” Big tears ran down her cheeks as the soap continued to burn in her bottom.

  “Aaahhh!” Madi cried out as she lost the battle and the soap fueled poop burst into her diaper filling it. Madi sighed in relief from the burning. The filled diaper was very unpleasant, but Madi decided quickly that it was better than the internal irritation. She had learned a hard lesson. She stood up on her knees and looked through the railing rattling it to make sure it couldn’t be lowered. Madi urgently called out, “Mommy! Daddy!”

  Nora rushed in and lowered the crib railing. She wrapped Madi in her arms and helped her down from the crib. Holding Madi’s hand, Nora walked her over to the changing table.

  Madi felt the warm, filled diaper sway as she walked to the changing table. She scrambled up on the padded surface and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment as her Mommy opened and discarded her soiled diaper. She felt the cool cleansing cloths as Nora wiped her bottom clean. She paid special attention to the puckered opening that was reddened from the stinging soap. Madi heard a jar being opened, and she peeked under her hands to see her Mommy scooping up a dollop of white cream.

  Meeting her shielded eyes, Nora smiled at her Little girl. “Mommy will help your bottom feel better.” Nora spread Madi’s legs apart widely and noted that the Little girl was soaked with shiny arousal. Madi was very receptive to anal stimulation–even negative stimulation. She smiled to herself thinking, “Madi is the perfect Little girl for us.” She spread the cold cream around Madi’s anus before sliding her finger into her rectum and spreading the cream around.

  Instantly, Madi’s felt relief. There was still some burning, but it was so much better. Madi relaxed onto the surface of the changing table. “Oooohhhh! That’s so much better. Thank you, Mommy,” she said with relief filling her voice.

  “You’re welcome, Madi. Not always will I be able to sooth your bottom. If you’re this naughty again, your Daddy and I may decide that you need an angry bottom overnight to help you learn a lesson. Can you tell me what you’ve learned this time?” Nora asked holding the soothing finger deep in Madi’s bottom.

  Her Little girl wiggled in embarrassment at the implanted finger, but it felt so good, she didn’t want it to be pulled out. She met her Mommy’s eyes. “I learned that I should use my diaper. And, that I should never lie to Mommy and Daddy.”

  Nora smiled and nodded. “Those are good lessons to remember.” She withdrew her finger and wiped her hands clean before wrapping a fresh diaper around Madi’s bottom. She helped Madi off the table and rocked backward a little as Madi lurched forward to wrap her arms around Nora’s waist.

  “I’m so sorry, Mommy. Are you going to send me away?” Madi asked looking sadly up at her Mommy’s face.

  “No, Madi. I’m never going to send you away. You’re my Little girl. If you’re naughty, your Daddy and I will punish you, but we won’t ever send you away,” Nora reassured her. She wrapped her arms around the small figure that had become so important in just the twenty-four hours that she’d been in their house. This is your home now. I don’t ever want you to leave.” She leaned down and kissed Madi’s pink lips softly and then, once more sweeping her tongue into the Little girl’s mouth. Hearing her moan, Nora lifted her mouth to smile at the Little girl. “Would you like to go apologize to Daddy? He’s right next door, and I bet he’d love to hug you before you get tucked back in bed.”

  Madi smiled and hugged her Mommy tightly one more time before rushing to the door and entering the attached master bedroom. She stopped in her tracks as Ryan walked into the bedroom fresh out of the shower. Her Daddy had a towel wrapped low around his hips. Madi tried to memorize the sight of his muscular body glistening with droplets of water. Her Daddy was so handsome.

  “Madi?” Ryan asked. “Are you okay?”

  The Little girl rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his waist as Nora walked into the room. Madi clung to his body as her apology burst from her mouth. “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I’ve learned my lesson. Mommy says she won’t send me away. Are you going to send me back to my apartment?”

  Ryan’s eyes met Nora’s over the Little girl’s head. They smiled at each other warmly. “I couldn’t send you away, sweetheart. You’re already in my heart.” He hugged her tightly feeling her slight, almost nude body pressing into his warmth. Her small nipples poked rigidly into his chest. Ryan felt his penis twitch in response. He was so glad to hold his Little girl and know that each step they took together, positive and negative, helped bond the trio together. “I’m glad you learned a lesson.” He stepped back to look at Madi’s face. “Did you use your diaper?”

  Her face turned bright red. “Yes, Daddy,” she mumbled looking
at the floor.

  “Never be embarrassed about using your diaper. You’re a Little girl, right?” Ryan looked at her with a gentle smile.

  “I’m your Little girl?” Madi whispered peeking up at him. “Yours and Mommy’s?”

  “That’s right, Madi. You’re our Little girl,” Ryan said warmly. “Now, let’s go into your nursery and have a bottle. You need some liquid in your system, and I’ll get to hold you.” As they passed Nora, she handed them a bottle of water. Ryan nodded his thanks. Nora had obviously had the same thought that he did and had prepared the bottle while he talked to Madi. He cradled the Little girl in his arms as she emptied her bottle. Madi was yawning widely as he carried her to bed. He tucked Snuffles into her arms and kissed her softly. “Sleep well, baby.” He smiled at her mumbled “Daddy” as her eyes closed heavily.

  Chapter 17

  After changing Madi’s diaper twice during the night due to the soap suppository and the bottle of water, Ryan and Nora let the Little girl sleep in on Sunday morning. They knew all the changes in her life were stressful and that she needed extra sleep. They sat at the kitchen table chatting over coffee and donuts that Ryan had run to pick up as a special treat for Madi.

  Biting into the chocolate-covered, long donut, Ryan groaned in delight at the delicious taste. “I’m glad I went to pick up donuts. I almost think I lied when I said I was getting a treat for our Little girl.” They both laughed. Their eyes drifted to the baby monitor that relayed Madi’s soft breathing from her crib.

  “I can’t believe we found her, Ryan,” Nora said with tears in her eyes.

  He set his donut down and moved to kneel next to Nora’s chair. Ryan gathered his beloved wife into his arms. “I can’t believe it either.” They held each other tightly before Nora asked, “Do you think we’re doing okay?”

  “I think you’re the best Mommy any Little girl could ask for, Nora,” Ryan said without hesitation. “And, I’m pretty terrific as a Daddy if I say so myself.”

  Nora playfully slapped his arm. “Oh, you! Of course, you’re a great Daddy.” She leaned in to kiss him tenderly.

  Ryan immediately took control of the kiss. He moved one hand behind her head to urge her forward as he swept his tongue into her mouth claiming the space as his. Nora moaned in reaction to his domination. He loved how she responded to his lovemaking. She was so strong but always yielding to his strength. Ryan began to kiss down her neck loving the shivers he felt running through her body. He reached her low neckline and had started to run a caressing finger under the edge of the tee shirt when they both froze as the baby monitor relayed the rattle of the crib railing and a tentative, “Mommy? Daddy?” Ryan groaned in reaction and rested his head against his wife’s soft chest. He began to laugh softly as he felt the tremors from her silent laughter.

  “We knew a Little girl was going to change our lives,” Nora said as he looked up at her. She glanced down at the large erection pressing against her inner thigh. “We’ll have to take care of you later, Daddy.”

  Ryan ran a strong hand from her knee to her inner thigh. He pressed against the moist heat he could feel even through her jeans. “I’m going to hold you to that, Mommy.” He kissed her lips softly and stood. “I’ll go get that little girl. Would you like to fix her a bottle?” He turned as she nodded smiling.

  “Go get that precious Little girl. Take her temperature,” Nora reminded with a wink. “We need to make sure that she’s healthy before we start all the preparation for her appointment with Dr. Richards.”

  “Good idea,” Ryan said wandering down the hall. He walked quickly through the master bedroom into the nursery. The sunlight was streaming through the window to light up the cheerful room. His Little girl was sitting up in her crib rubbing her eyes sleepily. “Good Morning, Sunshine! Did you sleep well?” he asked Madi.

  She nodded still half asleep. “I need to go potty, Daddy.”

  “Use your diaper, Madi. Do you want Daddy’s help?” he asked lowering the crib railing.

  “Please,” she said blushing slightly.

  Ryan reached in and lifted Madi out of her crib. He laid her tummy down over a strong arm and patted her softly before pressing firmly on her lower back. “Be a good girl and use your diaper, Madi,” he encouraged. Within a few seconds, she relaxed over his arm, and he knew she was pottying. “What a good girl, you are!” he praised her as he carried her over to the changing table. Ryan laid her down and swooped in to kiss her lips.

  “You taste like Mommy,” Madi said perceptively blinking her eyes at him.

  As he unfastened her diaper, Ryan’s eyes twinkled. “Your Mommy’s kisses are sweet! I have a surprise for you for breakfast. It’s a special treat. Want to guess?” He wiped her bottom clean before turning her on her side and lubricating the thermometer. Madi was still sleepy, so she didn’t protest until the cold thermometer slid deep into her bottom.

  “No, Daddy. I feel good,” Madi turned her head to look at him.

  “That’s wonderful, Madi. Daddy’s still going to take your temperature. Now, can you guess what your treat is?” Ryan had discovered that Madi responded best to a no-nonsense answer and a distraction. He smiled as she relaxed back on the table and began patting her hands together as she thought.

  “Breakfast tacos?” she guessed.

  “What in the world are breakfast tacos?” Ryan laughed.

  “You know eggs and sausage and stuff in a tortilla,” Madi said amazed that he hadn’t heard of it.

  “Did your Dad make those for you when you were a child?” Ryan asked curiously.

  Madi’s face froze into a blank expression. “No, my father wasn’t involved in my care as a child. My mom left when I was just a few months old. The nannies were too busy, but the cook was wonderful. She’d make breakfast tacos for me on my birthday.”

  Inside Ryan was shaking his head in disbelief that a man could ignore his daughter. “I’m glad there was someone that you remember fondly. Everyone taking care of my Little girl should have spoiled you. I’ll look forward to trying some breakfast tacos with you sometime.”

  She nodded her head as she lay on the changing table. “I’ll make them for you, Daddy.”

  “No, sweetie. You’re too little to use the stove, but I’ll let you help me make them sometime. Okay? Ryan asked as he rubbed her back. Two more minutes before the thermometer would be finished registering her temperature. “So, your treat isn’t a breakfast taco. Any other ideas?”

  “A puppy?” Madi asked smiling at him, her eyes twinkling with laughter.

  “What? A puppy? You are a funny, young lady!” He leaned down and kissed her slowly. Lifting his head, Ryan winked at Madi. “You add so much fun to my life, Madi. Thank you for applying to PLAYTIME. Already, your Mommy and I can’t imagine life without you. Now, let’s see what the thermometer says. It’s been in your cute bottom long enough.” He pulled it slowly from her rectum and rotated it to read the temperature. “There’s some poop on the thermometer, Madi. We’ll have to help your bottom push all that poop out later. Now, your temperature is fine. Let’s put some clothes on that Little girl, so she doesn’t catch a cold.” Ryan wrapped her in a diaper and then selected a cute tee shirt and leggings for her to wear with fuzzy socks.

  Once she was dressed, Ryan lifted her to the ground and took her hand. “Let’s go see Mommy. Maybe you’ll figure out the treat before we get there.” Madi tried to rush down the hall, but her Daddy said, “No running inside, Madi.” She pulled at his hand trying to hurry him along. Finally, they reached the kitchen. When Ryan let go of her hand, Madi rushed to her Mommy seated at the table.

  “Mommy! I missed you,” Madi said as she leaned over to hug Nora.

  Nora scooped her Little girl up and sat Madi on her lap. “I missed you, too.” Nora kissed Madi deeply. She listened to Madi’s moans of enjoyment before lifting her head. She tilted Madi back to lay in her arms and pressed a warm bottle of formula to her lips. “Drink your bottle, Madi.” She rocked Madi slowly from side
to side smiling down at the Little girl as she sucked the delicious formula from the bottle. With her free hand, Nora rubbed Madi’s tummy softly before running her hand under the soft tee shirt to move further up Madi’s body to cup a small breast. Nora heard Madi’s breath change. “Her Little girl was enjoying this,” Nora said to herself as she drew light circles around one breast and then, the other. As the bottle was emptying, Nora plucked lightly at Madi’s left nipple. Madi’s eyes were drifting shut. Nora’s hand moved to her other breast as the bottle emptied and Madi began to pull air through the nipple. Nora moved her hand from under Madi’s tee shirt and pulled the bottle from Madi’s mouth gently. She sat Madi back up on her lap as her eyes fluttered back open.

  Madi protested the end of the caresses with soft noises and moved her hand to cover the neglected breast. She began to rub her nipple. Nora quickly pulled Little girl’s hand away from her small breast. “No, no, Madi. Mommy and Daddy get to touch your pretty breasts. Little girls don’t get to touch themselves.” She plucked Madi’s right nipple and kissed her mouth, sweeping her tongue inside to taste the formula. Nora was delighted to feel Madi’s tongue respond and rise to tangle with hers. Nora leaned back smiling.

  Madi turned her head at a clicking noise next to her. She saw Ryan removing the tray from her high chair. Ryan picked her up easily and sat her in the chair latching the tray back into place. He sat a sippy cup of juice in front of her and opened a box of all types of donuts. The smell was heavenly.

  “Here’s your special treat, Madi. We usually eat a healthy breakfast, but today, it’s donuts! Which one would you like?” he asked. He ran his finger above the donuts.

  “Can I have the one with pink frosting and sprinkles?” Madi asked licking her lips.

  “That is exactly the one I picked just for you,” Ryan said smiling. He pulled the donut out and placed it on her tray. “There you go, sweetie. Enjoy. Drink your juice, too. You need to have lots to drink, today.”


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