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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5

Page 57

by Mackenzie Morris

  Jaylen struggled to pull free from the numerous iron shackles and leather straps that secured him to the metal table. His clothes had been stripped from him and a heavy steel gag was tightened in his mouth. It made his jaw ache terribly, but he knew that would be the least of his worries. He wanted to close his eyes and look away, but he couldn't. Jaylen screamed through the gag as the woman who looked exactly like his dead mother forced his left eye open and produced a needle and threat. She plunged the needle through and quickly sewed his eye open. She continued with the other side as he started hyperventilating.

  The woman giggled as she snipped the ends off of the strings and wiped the blood away. "There. Now I know you'll watch me closely and see everything like a good boy should. Now, we will continue, won't we, sweetie?"

  A thin knife plunged into Jaylen's left leg, scraping across his femur. He was trembling as the hot blood flowed from the wound and pooled on the metal table underneath him. He groaned as the woman unlatched the gag and removed it from his quivering lips. "Mom, please stop."

  "Why did you kill me?" The woman asked, licking the blood from the blade. "Why did you kill me, Jaylen? I loved you. Why didn't you love me?"

  "I did love you, Mommy. I did."

  The woman stabbed the knife back into the wound on his leg then twisted it cruelly, drawing out an agonized scream from Jaylen. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have given me more pills."

  Jaylen's body tensed as he drew a shaky breath. "You're not . . . my mother."

  "True. I'm not your mother, boy. Not really. I'm a demon, silly."

  "Why . . . are you doing this?" Jaylen asked then groaned as the demon twisted the blade again.

  "Because you need to learn a very valuable lesson, Jaylen Corrifus. I have tried so many ways to get through to you. Nightmares, memories, bad feelings, even giving you shadow magic that you refused to use. Now, I'm forced to use another tool in my demonic arsenal that is guaranteed to get your full attention. Pain. If there's one thing that a human can't ignore, it's pain."

  "What do you want from me?"

  The demon yanked the knife out of Jaylen's leg. "Break your vows and bow to Carvael's supreme power. He needs you, Jaylen."

  "What could he need me for? He's the archangel."

  "Stop asking stupid questions!" The knife dug deep into his other leg, splattering more blood over the table. "Will you bow to Carvael?"

  "Ah!" Jaylen's chest was heaving as his vision started to blur. "Never! I will do Sola's will and no one else's."

  The demon took a pair of pliers from the wall and pressed Jaylen's hand onto the metal. Once his hand was outstretched, she clamped the pliers around his thumb and squeezed until his thumb snapped.

  He squealed. "Sola! Oh, Sola, help me! Stop this, please!"

  "How are you feeling, Jaylen?"

  Jaylen's eyes stung and burned with the need to blink, but the thread that had been sewn through his eyelids kept him from doing so. Tears streaked down the sides of his face. His breathing was rapid. The leather and metal bit into his skin.

  "Tell me what you are thinking, or I will start cutting off your toes one by one." The demon mocked, tapping the tip of the knife along his toes.

  "Unconsciousness. I want unconsciousness. I want to die."

  "Too bad. I'll keep you awake through every hit, cut, and stab."

  Jaylen thrashed his head and strained against the bonds. "No. No, please."

  "Awe. You look so cute when you're strapped down to a table." The demon dragged her tongue up the inside of Jaylen's legs then slid her fingers underneath the leather dog collar and licked her lips. "So sweet. Mmm. Maybe after we're done here, you could be my little pet and stay here with me forever. Because this is where you belong, Jaylen. Half of your soul has already been corrupted, so the rest of it will be soon enough. In time, you will either break and become a demon like me, or you will continue to struggle and suffer day after day after day secured to this table while I and other demons use you for all of our sadistic pleasures."


  "What was that?" The demon asked.

  "I said never!" Jaylen shouted. "I will never be damned to Hell. Do you hear me? You can do whatever you want to me, but I am a paladin until the day I die. Sola will save me."

  "You think Sola will save you? Ha ha! You are humorous, if not completely insane and hopelessly faith-driven. You're making me mad. You don't want to make me mad. Just for that outburst, you're losing one."

  Jaylen shook his head frantically and tried to kick at the demon to no avail. "No. Please don't. Don't!"

  "Too late."

  Jaylen screamed as the shears sliced through his small toe on his right foot and the bone splintered.

  The demon crawled on top of him until she had her chest touching his and her orange eyes glared into his mind. "Nine left. We don't want you to not be able to walk very well, right? You listen here, paladin. I will tear apart every inch of your body until there's nothing left. We have all the time in the world down here. And when your flesh and muscles have been ripped away and all that's left are your bones, I will simply flick my wrist and have you whole once again. You will be a pristine canvas just waiting for me to do this all over and over and over."

  "What . . . do you . . . want?"

  "Here. Let me put this in simple terms that even a dumb human like you can understand. You have two choices. You turn into a demon, or you have eternal pain. It's a simple decision, isn't it, Jaybird?"

  Jaylen was growing weak with blood loss and pain. He stopped fighting. "Don't call me that. You . . . don't get to call me that."

  "I can call you whatever I want, sweetie."

  "Sweetie?" Jaylen groaned in agony. "I'm not your sweetie, demon."

  "No? Then how about we try something else?" The demon walked around the table and picked up a metal spoon with the edges sharpened and placed it over Jaylen's right eye. "If you are going to continue to be stubborn, then this is the next step. Say goodbye to ever seeing the world the same way again, sweetie. Oh, and this will hurt a bit."


  Chapter 8

  "Jaylen?" Zeriel groaned in pain as he grabbed onto the side of the banister in the temple and pulled himself to his feet. "Jaylen? What is going on?"

  Oviel helped to steady him. "Zeriel, are you all right? You fainted."

  "Ugh, I think so. Wait. Something doesn't feel right." Zeriel looked down at himself. His wounds were gone. He was wearing a frilly brown petticoat with a pink lace blouse and white tights that laced up the sides with gold string. Tall brown boots with heels and violets tucked into the laces went up to his knees. There was something on his head. Zeriel pulled it off. It was a wide brimmed white hat with peacock feathers in the golden ribbon. Why was he wearing this stuff? This was how he used to dress in Heaven before Doran happened.

  "You'll be fine. Come on now, this is over. How about we go to the tavern down the street and have a few drinks before heading back to Heaven? At least in the human world, we can get something other than wine. How's that sound, Zeriel?"

  "Wait, what? Hey Oviel, what's going on? Where's Jaylen?"

  Oviel led the way out of the temple then turned to face him. "Who?"

  "Jaylen, Jaylen Corrifus? The paladin? I was his angel. He's the reason we're all here. This was supposed to be his coronation."

  "What? No. This was Prince Averin's coronation. You watched the entire thing. You must have hit your head a little too hard. I think some whiskey will clear you right up."

  As they walked down the stone steps outside the temple, a flash of white showed in the corner of Zeriel's eye. What was that? He turned and took the ends of his feathers in his hand. White feathers. Pure pearlescent white. "I have white feathers."

  "Of course you do, silly. You're the Prince of Heaven. Everyone loves your feathers. They're the whitest ones in Heaven." Oviel placed his hand on Zeriel's shoulder. "Look at me. Are you sure you're all right? You're acting really strange."

  Zeriel wat
ched as Oviel took the hand of a bald white-winged angel who joined them. "Axaniel, what are you doing here?"

  "What do you mean? I go wherever Oviel goes. You know that. Stop playing games, Zeriel. We'll have to get you back for this prank tonight at the tavern."

  Zeriel started growing desperate. "This isn't a prank. I'm serious. I don't remember any of this. It's like I've been living in an alternate reality."

  Oviel shook his head. "Stop freaking out. This is reality. I can assure you of that."

  The bright light danced warmly on his skin and lingered in the air. Then it hit him. "The sun is back?"

  Axaniel doubled over laughing. "Wow, Zeriel. Are you sure you didn't start drinking early? Where would the sun go?"

  Oviel hit his arm jokingly. "Good one, Zeriel. Of course the sun is here."

  "Did Sola bring it back?" Zeriel asked.

  "Back from where?" Axaniel asked. "No, it's never gone away. You're messing with us. Come on, man. Did we forget your birthday or something?"

  "No . . . no, it's nothing. Let's get to the tavern. I think I need a really strong drink."

  As they walked down the street, Zeriel watched the people with the shimmering black skin covered in white runes and purple eyes in their colored silk robes. "Ka'taylins?"

  "Mystics and druids from the south. Yep. Their trading ships are in the harbor. You've never taken notice of them before."

  "The Ka'taylins are alive?" Zeriel asked, looking to see if there was any sort of joking in Oviel's eyes.

  Oviel raised an eyebrow. "Uh, yeah. They're actually immortal. I could have sworn we've had this conversation before. You know, this isn't very funny anymore. I'm starting to actually worry about you. We'll have you checked out once we get home."

  "And that is where?"

  Axaniel chuckled. "Heaven, of course. You know, on second thought, maybe drinking isn't the best thing for you right now."

  Zeriel stopped. "Yeah, maybe you're right. You two go ahead without me. I've got something to take care of right quick. I'll meet up with you at the tavern in an hour."

  "Good. Then we can be there for the execution."

  "Execution?" Zeriel asked. "What execution?"

  "Some thief the guards have been after for a while. There are always angels in attendance at executions."

  "Sure. I'll be there." Zeriel flew quickly over to Jaylen's house then landed and knocked on the door. If Oviel and Axaniel were here in this strange dream world, then maybe Jaylen would be as well.

  A slender blond teenage boy with pale grey eyes and a black rose tucked behind his right ear opened the door. "Hi."

  "Hello there. What is your name?"

  The boy's voice was tiny and whispering. "Nimiel."

  "Nimiel? That's an angel's name, isn't it?"

  "I'm named after one."

  "All right, Nimiel. Is your father home?" Zeriel asked.

  "My father is dead."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. How about your mother?"

  The boy ran off into the main room of the house. "Mommy, there's a nice man here with wings."

  A woman who looked just like Jaylen's mother stepped up to the door and smiled warmly. "Holy Angel, what can I possibly do for you? I am honored by your presence."


  The woman frowned. "No. I'm Caren."

  "Huh. I see. I must be mistaken. Caren? Interesting. Tell me, Caren. Do you have another son?"

  She gasped and covered her heart with her hand. "Are you going to take him to Heaven? Is Jax dead? I just checked on him in his crib and he was fine."

  Zeriel caught the woman's arm as she tried to run off into the house. "Hey, stop. Shh. It's okay. Your baby is fine. Do you mind if I come inside and speak with you?"

  "I would be honored, Holy Angel."

  "Call me Zeriel."

  "Prince Zeriel?" Caren asked, leading him to the wooden table where she pulled out a chair for him.

  "The one and only."

  Caren straightened the tablecloth. "Nimiel, go make some tea for our guest, please."

  The boy ran off into the kitchen. "Yes, Mommy."

  Caren sat down across the table from Zeriel. "Now, how can I help you?"

  Zeriel looked around at the familiar house that looked like it hadn't changed at all. "I had some questions. Nothing serious. If you don't mind me asking, how did your husband die?"

  "Oh. He wasn't my husband. Have you come down to our world in order to smite me?"

  "Smite you? Why would I smite you?"

  Caren's mood went dark. "I have sinned against Sola. My husband, Dyrim, was a paladin. We started seeing each other about ten years ago. His angel, Nimiel, tried to stop us, but we didn't listen."

  "Nimiel, like your son's name?"

  "Yes. Do you know about Nimiel the angel?" Caren asked. "He goes by Nim for short. He wears a crown of black roses. He has blond hair and grey wings? He says they're ugly because they're tattered and frayed, but I always told him he was beautiful."

  "No. I've never met an angel named Nimiel."

  Nimiel approached Zeriel then bowed as he handed him a tiny jade teacup filled with steaming tea. "Here. I hope you like it. It's my favorite. I added honey to it, just how you like it."

  "How did you know I like honey in my tea?"

  "Oh . . . just guessing. You're really handsome, Zeriel."

  "Uh, thank you? So tell me, Nimiel, how old are you?" Zeriel asked.


  "Are you going into the clergy like your father?"

  "You could say that I have an interest in heavenly pursuits." Nimiel stroked Zeriel's feathers. "Nice feathers."

  "Thanks. Can I speak to your mother alone for a few minutes?"

  "Go ahead. Whatever you learn here won't change anything. You'll like it better. I promise."

  "Uh . . . what?"

  "Nothing." Nimiel skipped away into another room.

  Zeriel turned back to Caren. "Could you help me with something important? Don't judge me or think I've lost my mind. I need some answers to some questions. These questions are going to make me sound like an idiot or a crazy man, but bear with me. What city is this?"

  "Ilyan, the capital of Vilyron."

  "When was the last Cleansing?"

  Caren looked genuinely confused. "Cleansing? What is a Cleansing?"

  "Huh. Never mind, then. So I suppose there are no red paladins?"

  "Red? No. They all wear pale yellow to honor Sola. Are you feeling all right? You should know all about the paladins, Holy Angel."

  "I know. I think I drank too much and it got to my head. Anyway, do you know of a paladin named Jaylen Corrifus?" Zeriel asked.

  "Never heard of him. Corrifus, you say? As in the royal family? None of the princes are named Jaylen."

  "Okay. What about an archangel named Carvael?"

  She sipped her tea. "Oh, yes. He is so kind. When Dyrim died, Carvael showed up here at the house. I knew for sure that he had come here to hurt me, to punish me for seducing one of Sola's holy paladins, but he didn't. Instead, he was comforting and brought me some warm food. He even played with Nimiel in the backyard to try to cheer him up."

  The backyard. Zeriel set his empty teacup down on the saucer and stood up. "Caren, would you mind if I checked the backyard for something? I think I dropped something when I flew here."

  "Oh, go ahead."

  Zeriel went into the backyard then pushed the door to the shed open. He grimaced at the sight and the smells. None of his belongings were there. Instead, every crate and table was covered in various human body parts, still bleeding. Various plants were growing in clay pots, some of them glowing with different glittering colors. An all too familiar leather dog collar and leash hung from the far wall. "What the hell?"

  "Does this scare you?"

  He spun around to see Nimiel leaning casually against a nearby tree, plucking petals from the black rose in his hand. "Nimiel, what is this?"

  "I know what scares you, Zeriel. But you shouldn't be afraid. I want t
o be your friend."

  "What is this? Tell me what is going on."

  "Those people's body parts are from people who were already dying. So do not be afraid."

  Zeriel blinked as the boy vanished, leaving behind a clump of black petals where he had been standing. "Oh, this is so strange."

  The flapping of wings approached from behind him. "Hey, son!"

  Zeriel's heart leapt in his chest when he saw the white-haired elderly angel with the gold wings. "Dad? Get away from me. Don't touch me."


  Oviel joined them out of nowhere. "Don't worry about him, Carvael. He's been acting weird since he fell and hit his head. I'm sure it's nothing."

  "Oh, no." Carvael reached out and stroked Zeriel's spiky hair. "Poor Zeriel. We'll get you taken care of, sweetie."

  Sweetie? Since when did his father call him sweetie? More than that, since when was Carvael actually civil?

  "Oviel, let me speak with my son alone, please."

  "Of course." Oviel flew off into the sky.

  "Are you all right?" Carvael parted Zeriel's hair and examined him. "You have a bump, but it shouldn't be enough to make you act strangely."

  "I'm fine. Really. I must just be tired."

  "Tired? What have you been doing to tire yourself out so much?"

  Zeriel sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I need some sleep."

  "Sleep? Okay, now I know something is wrong with you. You haven't slept a day in your life."

  "Oh, that's right. Because I'm a Holy Angel again."

  "Again?" Carvael asked.

  "Never mind. Forget about it. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think someone must have put something in my drink or injected me with something."


  "I think someone drugged me."

  "We will get you back to Heaven and I will personally call a meeting of the Angelic Court to find out what is going on with you. Poisoning a Holy Angel is a very grievous offense. Are you sure?" Carvael asked.

  "Yeah. Take me home."

  "After the execution. Follow me. It's about time."

  Zeriel followed his father over the buildings until they landed on top of a store overlooking the plaza where a large group of citizens was gathered around the gallows. Oviel was already there with Axaniel at his side, both silently watching as a young boy with messy brown hair and bright green eyes was led on stage. Zeriel felt sick. Liam.


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