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In the Paths of Righteousness (Psalm 23 Mysteries)

Page 3

by Debbie Viguié

  There was a scattering of applause as Cindy blinked in surprise. “Excuse me,” she said, standing up after a moment.

  Kyle turned to look at her. “Yes?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

  “What do you mean ‘joining us’?”

  Kyle nodded. “Aaron left this morning after what happened. That left us two men short. Hence joining.”

  “You mean, you still plan to go through with this?” Mark piped up.

  “Of course. It was an accident, a terrible, tragic accident, but we all have jobs to do. And everyone here understands the same thing that Martin did.”

  “And just what is that?” Cindy asked.

  Kyle’s smile only got bigger. “The show must go on.”


  Jeremiah had been fairly certain this was coming. He hadn’t told the others, though, because that would have meant admitting that he could read lips and from quite a distance. He had been watching as Kyle talked to his producer and that was how he knew Hank and Norman were replacement crew. The only thing that surprised him was just how fast the network had managed to get them there.

  “He can’t be serious,” he heard Mark say.

  “I’m pretty sure he is,” Jeremiah answered quietly.

  He glanced at Cindy to see how she was reacting. She looked angry.

  Kyle continued. “Everyone on horseback except our cowboys will be wearing protective helmets. This gives us the added advantage of being able to add cameras so that we can see what you’re seeing.”

  He held up a helmet. “You just switch it on like this,” he said, demonstrating. “Simple.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” Cindy breathed.

  Jeremiah was right there with her. That was several more cameras to sabotage. It was a lot of effort to make sure that his face would never show up on television. He took a deep breath. Maybe it wasn’t too late to get out of all of this. It would be easier.

  “I can’t believe he’s not sending us home or at least postponing,” Mark said, “some people have had a great deal of trauma.”

  It was clear that Mark was referencing his wife, but there were those on the crew who had probably known Martin and would need space to deal with their grief over his death.

  Traci paled noticeably and Jeremiah couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

  Mark had just about had enough. Enough blood. Enough surprises. Enough tragedy striking in the vicinity of his wife. Enough...everything. It had been a brutal year, the worst one of his life. Traci was the only thing that had gotten him through all the terribleness, all the hard times.

  He just wished he could protect her from the evil of the world, but it seemed like more and more he was bringing his work home with him. It wasn’t right. To be honest, he wouldn’t blame her for leaving. She hadn’t yet, though. She just kept sticking by him and smiling despite all the hell he brought into her life.

  Despite what had happened to Paul and what he himself had done to the suspect he was interrogating the day Paul died. He still had nightmares. Months to heal, extensive work ordered therapy, and with Jeremiah no less, hadn’t managed to put an end to those. It had slowed them down, though. He had finally come to accept himself, accept how he’d tortured that suspect.

  He hadn’t come to accept that the man he had called partner for years had been living a lie. His partner Paul hadn’t been who he said he was. The irony was, the body of the real Paul Dryer, killed as a child, had surfaced not that far away from where the fake Paul had died.

  Since discovering that his partner’s identity was a lie he had worked to discover the truth. He had combed old databases of missing kids hoping to discover who the fake Paul had been before assuming the identity of the Dryer family’s kidnapped child. What made it even worse was that he seemed to be the only one who even cared. Paul’s parents didn’t want to accept the truth. Their money and influence had guaranteed that the police department didn’t pursue the investigation. After all, both Pauls were dead. Only Paul’s sister had given him any help, telling him that she had been suspicious that the boy who had come home a couple of years after being kidnapped wasn’t her brother.

  Since his search had been on his own time and not the department’s, it had meant a lot of late nights. Traci hadn’t complained once. She had even told him that she needed to know the truth as much as he did. He wasn’t sure that was the case, but he was grateful for her support. He didn’t deserve to be so lucky.

  He should have taken her to Hawaii. This was a lousy way to spend a vacation. Truth be told, just being around Cindy and Jeremiah anymore made him think of death. At the rate they were helping to solve crimes both of them should have been on the police force. He smiled grimly, trying to imagine the chaos that would cause.

  Cindy stared at Mark, wondering why he was smiling so oddly at her. She could tell he had thought of something that amused him although for the life of her she couldn’t imagine what. She did know that he wanted to leave and head back home as much as she did.

  “We should go,” she said. “This whole thing was a bad idea. I’m sorry I let my crazy brother rope me into this and drag you along with me.”

  Traci reached out and laid a hand on her arm.

  “Please. Let’s not let last night ruin our vacation,” Traci pleaded. “It’s terrible, but if he’d had a heart attack or something during dinner I’m sure we wouldn’t even be questioning going. I think it’s just the way...the way I found him.”

  “She’s right,” Jeremiah said quietly. “For all we know Martin didn’t even slip in the bathroom. He could have had a heart attack and fallen.”

  “I guess we should be grateful it happened here before the ride started instead of out there on the trail,” Mark conceded.

  Traitors. They were both clearly moved by Traci’s desire to soldier on despite what had happened.

  All eyes swiveled to Cindy. She didn’t want to go, but then, that was nothing new. She was afraid of getting up on a horse and wasn’t looking forward to being stuck in the middle of nowhere on one. However, if she didn’t go she’d just be using Martin’s death as an excuse. Looking at Traci she saw the pleading look in the other woman’s eyes.

  Cindy knew firsthand how hard it could be to deal with the trauma of finding a dead body. Anything she could do to make the next few days easier for Traci she should do. She slowly nodded. “Okay. If we’re all agreed, then let’s get this show on the road.”

  Fifteen minutes later she was regretting those words as she stood on the ground next to her horse. She was holding the reins in her left hand. She regarded her mount distrustfully. It was a tall horse, very beautiful and bright white. It eyed her, ears flicking back and forward and she felt like it was actually daring her to mount.

  Kyle came over. “I picked the prettiest horse for you. I remembered how much you loved the Lone Ranger when we were kids. This horse is even named Silver after his horse. Beautiful, isn’t he?”

  “He’s a bit tall,” Cindy admitted. “But he is very pretty,” she hastened to add.

  “He can be a little on the spirited side, but I’m sure you’ll have no problems.”

  Her mouth went dry. “I don’t think I can do this,” she said.

  “Why, what’s wrong?”

  “Kyle, I’ve never even been on a horse before. If I’m going to do this I need a nice, short, slow horse. I appreciate the thought, but I can’t ride this horse.”

  He frowned. “I can switch horses with you today I guess until we get this sorted out. My horse is much shorter and from what I can tell pretty gentle.” His face lit up again. “This will work great, actually. Since I’m the host it makes more sense for me to be on the flashy horse anyway.”

  “Yes, thank you,” she said, feeling relief flood through her.

  He took the reins from her. “No problem. My horse, Petite, is right over there, the bay with the white stockings,” he said, pointing to a horse that was still standing, reins tied to the fence.

  She turned and ma
de her way to the horse. “Good, Petite,” she said when she got up close. She patted the animal’s neck gingerly and she didn’t move. Cindy took it as a good sign.

  “You want me to show you how to mount?” Jeremiah asked, coming up beside her.

  “That would be great.”

  “I can give you a boost or you can try to get up on your own,” he said.

  “How would I get up on my own?” she asked.

  “Put your left foot in the stirrup, grab the reins and the pommel in your left hand, the back of the saddle with your right. Then bounce up and down on your right foot and then hoist yourself up.”

  Cindy realized very quickly that she was going to have to take up yoga or something when she got home. Just trying to get her foot up and into the stirrup proved challenging.

  “Here, I’ll just give you a boost,” he said after a moment.

  He bent down slightly and laced his fingers together. “Put your right foot in my hand and I’ll give you a boost up. When you’re on your stomach across the saddle, swing your right leg over and sit up.”

  “What if I just slide over the other side?” she asked dubiously.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let you.”

  Had it been anyone else telling her that she would have had her doubts, but she trusted Jeremiah. If he said he wouldn’t let her fall off the other side then she wouldn’t. She put her boot into his hands and he heaved her up in one quick, powerful movement.

  A second later she found herself swinging her leg over and sitting up just as he had told her and she was on the horse. He helped her get her feet into both stirrups, adjusting the length for her. He showed her how to hold the reins in her right hand and when he was finished he stepped back.

  She felt a momentary flare of panic as she realized it was just her and Petite.

  “Now, to get her to back up, pull the reins straight back,” he said.

  She did and let out a little squeak of anxiety as the horse started walking backwards.

  “Now relax them again.”

  She did and Petite stopped.

  “Excellent. We’ll make a rider of you yet,” he told her with an encouraging smile.

  She smiled hesitantly back then watched as he retrieved his own horse, a dark red one, and mounted in one smooth motion.

  “That was impressive,” she blurted out. “You must have ridden a lot.”

  He dropped his eyes to his horse. “Not much,” he muttered, more to himself than her.

  It seemed odd, almost like he didn’t want to admit to having a lot of experience although the way he sat on the horse he looked as confident as the two cowboys who were already in their saddles.

  “Looks like Mark finally made it onto his horse,” he said. “I was beginning to think he was going to be riding backward today.”

  Cindy looked over at Mark and Traci and couldn’t help but wonder if she looked as awkward on her horse as Mark looked on his. Traci, on the other hand, looked confident and happy. Cindy wished she knew what that felt like.

  “Alright, everyone up on their horses,” Kyle called, walking Silver down the line. “When we get about five miles out we’ll be turning on our helmet cameras. That’s when we’ll be picking up the cattle. Alright, move ‘em on out!”

  The horses began to move forward, falling into a loose line and Cindy’s stomach lurched as Petite took her place. This is really happening, she told herself. A moment later she could swear she heard someone singing Happy Trails and she found herself grinning.

  Kyle swung up onto Silver and she had to admit that he looked good on top of the beautiful horse. She was surprised that he hadn’t chosen him straight off. He had wanted her to have the pretty horse because she had liked The Lone Ranger. She was surprised that he remembered let alone cared. She stared at his back thoughtfully as he moved toward the front of the little cavalcade. Maybe the next few days would be a good thing, a chance to actually get to know her brother.

  After what had happened to their sister when they were kids they had quickly grown apart as Cindy closed herself off and Kyle became more and more of a daredevil. She had always been so angry with him for taking stupid risks with his life. Then, eventually, she had forced herself to stop caring. Well, at least as much as she had. Then when her brother became famous and he was all her mother could talk about Cindy had let the anger over that color her feelings even more.

  Maybe she’d been unfair to Kyle. He clearly cared about her. Sure, this whole stunt for his show would probably get him huge ratings but if it was just about that, he wouldn’t have tried to give her Silver.

  “What are you thinking?” Jeremiah asked.

  She turned her head to see him riding beside her, easy in the saddle.

  “That maybe my brother isn’t the devil.”

  He smiled. “Wait, it’s early yet.”

  She laughed at that. Jeremiah always seemed to know what to say to make things better. Her horse, Petite, seemed to be trying her best, too. She had a smooth walk and she seemed quite calm. She just followed along behind the horse in front of her without any steering from Cindy. She actually lifted her left hand off the pommel long enough to give the horse a swift pat on the neck.

  “I know, he’s got plenty of time to be the jerk I always think he is.”

  “Then again, maybe the two of you will get to bond some,” Jeremiah said.

  “I’m hoping,” Cindy admitted. “I think his fans know him better than I do.”

  “Including Traci?” Jeremiah asked.

  “Especially Traci,” Cindy said with a grin as she noticed that the other woman was following right behind him, her horse’s nose practically touching Silver’s tail. “Should she be following that close?” she asked after a moment. She thought she remembered somebody saying something about trying to keep a horse-length between.

  “No, but if it irritates his horse hers will get a swift kick for it,” Jeremiah said.


  He shrugged.

  After what seemed like just a couple of minutes Kyle halted and the rest of them came to a stop as well.

  “The herd’s just over that hill,” he said, pointing to a small rise in front of them. “We’re going to pick up the pace a bit. Now is the time to turn on your helmet cameras.”

  Cindy dutifully obliged, watching as everyone else did the same.

  “Smile, you’re on Candid Camera,” she heard Mark say from behind her.

  She shook her head, refusing to turn and look at him. She realized with a start that she suddenly had a bit of stage fright. Everything she said and did from this point forward would probably be recorded and could potentially be seen by millions of people. She felt her cheeks getting warm. She just hoped she didn’t embarrass herself. She’d have to watch what she said and did. She could just imagine if she slipped up even a little how a couple of the people at the church would look at her.

  Fortunately unless she did something totally out of character she figured that no one she actually worked with would care. Still, there were a couple of judgmental people she could think of who wouldn’t hesitate to point out to her if she had done anything unchristian or unladylike. She wrinkled her nose at the thought then hastily tried to relax her facial features. People would wonder why she was making that face.

  Stop being paranoid! she told herself.

  “What’s wrong?” Jeremiah asked.

  Great. Now she’d have to admit it out loud.

  “Just a little stressed out about being on camera,” she said, forcing herself to try and smile at him. After all, his camera would be recording her since he was looking in her direction.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure it will be fine,” he said.

  She wanted to ask him how he knew, but then people would wonder why she was paranoid about being on camera and would think she was hiding something.

  How does Kyle live like this? she wondered.

  Kyle kicked his horse forward into a trot and the other horses followed suit. Cin
dy hung on to the pommel, her stomach lurching as her horse jumped forward. The trot was a lot bumpier and she felt like her bones were being jostled together. Fortunately, it gave her something other than the cameras to fixate on.

  They trotted swiftly up the hill and in a moment crested it. Cindy looked down into a valley and was awestruck as she saw hundreds of cattle dotting the grassy floor.

  I’m really doing this, I’m really on a cattle drive.

  She took in the scene below her and couldn’t help but marvel. People had been doing this for hundreds of years. It was part of a long tradition, part of her heritage as an American. Now it was her turn to take part and experience what her ancestors might have. It took her breath away.

  Somehow it hadn’t been truly real to her until that moment. Despite all her fears and misgivings she felt a little thrill of excitement. She was going on a real adventure. She saw Traci trotting down the hill in front of her and heard Mark mutter something behind her. In that moment she decided she was going to live this adventure to its fullest. There were trained cowboys and a police officer, Escape! Channel employees, and Jeremiah there. What could possibly go wrong?

  She began to trot down the hill. It took her a moment to adjust to the incline and to not feel like she was going to fall forward onto her horse’s neck. The other horses were beginning to fan out, no longer following each other in single file and she saw the cowboys galloping ahead of the rest of them, streaking toward the herd, making high pitched whistling sounds as they did.

  She turned Petite to follow Kyle who had headed his horse toward the left, realizing she had no clue where she was supposed to be or what exactly she was supposed to do. She glanced around and saw Jeremiah and his horse just behind her. Traci and Mark had brought their horses to a standstill and looked like they were talking to each other. She wondered if the sight of all the cattle in the valley had impressed them as much as it had her.

  She turned her attention back to Kyle. He, too, had halted his horse and was half turning as though getting ready to address his followers.


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