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Talent For Trouble

Page 5

by Bianca D'Arc

  “I talked to Master Toombs before your session this morning. He won’t ever betray your confidences, but he agreed to teach me a bit about the usual paths of recovery from something like what happened to you.”

  “Why?” That seemed the all-important question at the moment, though she could barely form the single word. Darak moved closer, touching the sparkling gems on her cheek softly, his gaze tracing the curves of her face.

  “I don’t want to scare you or rush you. I…care for you, Jana, in a way I never expected. I want to help you overcome your past and make peace with your present.”

  “That’s a very tall order, Darak.”

  Her eyes shifted away as he came nearer. His big arms surrounded her lightly, his warm skin a comfort to her. He held her loosely, protectively almost, though there was a banked fire in his eyes.

  “What you saw in the hall—that was perfectly normal for people on Council worlds. I know you were shocked, maybe even a little appalled, but joining with others is something we almost take for granted. Those two young men are cousins of mine, and they both have strong, though fledgling, Talents. Joining with Shill in that way reenergizes them, and she is more than happy to be part of their therapy.”

  “Reenergizes them? In what way?”

  He rested his chin atop her head, tugging her closer as her breathing slowed a bit. Little by little, it seemed he was acclimating her to his touch. The sneaky bastard.

  “Kirt and Whelan have been assigned study sessions in the mornings. I know this because they were part of the crew of the Circe on our last run, and they, too, leapt up a bit in the rankings after Micah and Jeri freed you from the collective. They’re young, just yeomen on their first voyages, and now, suddenly they have to deal with a whole lot of new energy they never expected. My uncle Brandon has been working with them, when he has time, and he is a harsh taskmaster. He trained Micah and I in our early years, and we often needed frequent replenishment of our energies after a session with him.” He chuckled, and she felt it all the way through her body, pressed as she was against him now. “Sex is one of the most powerful, and pleasurable, ways to recharge our psi batteries, so to speak. The first time your sister and her mate took pity on me and allowed me to share pleasure with them was, in fact, just after we’d all three spent all our energy to try to heal one small boy on the planet Liata.”

  “I don’t want to hear about you and my sister.” Anger bubbled up at the thought of them together. Anger and, loath as she was to admit it, jealousy.

  His big hands stroked her back soothingly. “I understand that better than you think, but you must know the truth of it so doubt cannot stand between us. At least that’s what Master Toombs told me, and I think his words have merit. You need to know that it wasn’t done lightly or without good reason. We were in a combat situation and needed to return to full strength quickly so we could help the people of Liata. The stakes were high, and we did what we had to do.” He chuckled once more, squeezing her lightly. “Not that we didn’t enjoy it.”

  She punched him on the arm. “You’re a rogue.” Then, she thought about Liata—the planet against which she had led an invasion force while still under the control of the collective. The guilt tore at her soul. “Did you save the boy?”

  “Yes. You’ll meet him no doubt, in time. He is the youngest brother of the Circe’s Loadmaster, Trini.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She sighed, and her breath caused a shiver in him, she noted. She wasn’t sure if she liked the idea that she could cause him any sort of sexual response. She knew men when they were out of control sexually, and she didn’t dare think of what damage this huge male could do to her if he should lose control.

  She tried to back away from him, but his arms tightened. He wouldn’t let her go, and she began to panic.

  “Darak, I don’t want this.”

  He stroked her back in long motions, murmuring softly. “Be at ease, sweet Jana. I only want to hold you. That’s all. To feel you against my skin and know you are with me.”

  “I won’t have sex with you.”

  He chuckled. “I know. You’re not ready for that yet, but one day… One day, you will be, and I’ll be with you. I dream of that day, Jana. Every night since I met you, I dream of the day you’ll be mine.”

  The thought of it scared her, but yet, his raspy words caused a shiver of something like fire deep down in her womb. It was the oddest sensation, and she didn’t understand it at all. He made her feel all quivery, and not from weakness, but from some sort of female power she never knew she had.

  “I don’t think that day will ever come. Not for you or any man, Darak.” Her words were much softer than she intended and laced with something that sounded awfully like regret.

  Darak pulled back slightly, and his gaze zeroed in on her lips. Telegraphing his intentions, he leaned in slowly, but she couldn’t move. She was paralyzed, waiting for his inevitable kiss. She didn’t know why she wanted it, but she did.

  His lips met hers gently at first, then with tender pressure. His hot tongue swept inside, stroking her with his masculine heat. She heard a moan and realized dimly that it came from her own throat as his pressure increased and he moved her closer to his body.

  At some point, he began unfastening her clothing, but she didn’t notice until suddenly her bare nipples scraped his muscular chest. The sensation was like nothing she’d ever felt before. It was heavenly!

  He was sculpted and firm, yet gentle and somehow kind. He touched her so tenderly, was so careful of her, she could hardly equate this ultra sexual touching with the kind of assault she had experienced before. Darak was truly a master at giving pleasure. Perhaps, she thought with one small, cautious part of her brain that was still functioning, she would follow where this led and find out if she could truly experience the kind of pleasure of which he and her sister had spoken. Could it be possible?

  She was shocked out of her incredible thoughts by his fingers closing around her nipple. He tugged firmly, igniting a fire in her womb that was new and exciting. She squirmed underneath him as he guided her down to lie on her back on the firm mattress. He was hot and hard above her, his chest rubbing rhythmically against hers as his hands traced paths over her skin, lingering on the still healing crystal invasions, zapping her with little jolts of his energy even as his caresses inflamed her senses. Even in passion, he was mindful of her healing body and tried to help her. She realized, in that moment, that this remarkable man was more than the roguish exterior he tried so hard to cultivate, truly.

  “Darak,” she moaned when he let her up for air, “what are you doing to me?”

  He kissed his way down her throat, his lips moist and firm against her skin.

  “Pleasuring you, sweet Jana.”

  His voice rumbled against the side of her breast before his mouth opened over her nipple, sucking it in deep. She nearly shot off the bed, the pleasure was so intense. While he sucked, his hands roamed. One inserted itself into the opening of her wide slacks, pushing down and in until he reached her unbelievably wet pussy.

  “Mmm.” He pulled back from her nipple with a wet popping sound and smiled down at her. “You’re wet for me. I think you like this more than you thought you would. Am I right?”

  Confusion reigned in her mind for a moment, but she couldn’t deny the pleasure zinging through her veins. She nodded, her eyes wide as his mouth moved to her other nipple and his hand pushed farther between her legs.

  “Open for me, Jana. Spread your legs and let me show you how it can be.”

  She complied without conscious thought as he bit down gently with his perfect, white teeth on her other nipple, the one with the crystal shards arrayed around it in a semi-circular pattern. Was it her imagination or were the crystals pulsing in time with his tongue’s pulling on her nipple? The thought made her even hotter.

  And then, his fingers found her clit. He rubbed and teased, finally pushing one of his long, strong fingers down into her hole, sliding deep a
nd easily through the copious wetness there for him. She couldn’t help it, she screamed when her body exploded in pleasure, calling his name.

  It was long moments before she could open her eyes. Her breath came in rough pants as he leaned over her, placing little nipping kisses all over her bare chest. She was amazed to realize she still wore her loosened slacks and his hand rested over her pussy as if soothing his favorite pet.

  “You’re beautiful when you come.” His devilish eyes twinkled down at her as she blushed to the roots of her hair.

  “I… I’ve never done that... I’ve never felt that before.” Her words were hesitant, her mind still unable to grasp the enormity of what had just happened.

  “Then, I’m truly blessed.” His words were formal, his tone serious as he leaned forward to kiss her. “I’m honored to be the one to teach you first of pleasure. Thank you for sharing that with me.” He pulled his hand out of her crotch and brought it to his lips, igniting her fire all over again as he licked his fingers quite deliberately. “You taste divine, as well, Jana.” His eyes held promises. “I would very much like to lick you there one day soon. I hope you’ll let me.”

  “Darak!” She was completely scandalized as he chuckled at her response.

  “Now, tell me. Don’t you feel a bit more energized than you did just a few moments ago? Even that little act of pleasure can bring you a great reserve of energy. Do you feel it?”

  Jana thought about how she felt, physically and psychically, and she realized with a start that her low energy reserves had been recharged to some extent in just these few short moments. It was amazing, really. Such a small thing to bring so much energy. She would have had to spend weeks resting to regain these levels that came from just one orgasm in Darak’s capable arms. No wonder these Talents shared their bodies so freely if this was the result. She began to understand a little bit about why these people had evolved to behave as scandalously as they did and how her little sister could have come to accept such behavior when they had been raised quite differently.

  “I do feel better.” She couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice, and he lifted her to a sitting position with a lusty grin.

  “Feel free to call on me any time you need a boost, Jana. I mean that sincerely.”

  “I’ll just bet you do.” She was amazed she felt free enough to tease him, and his answering rakish smile warmed her heart.

  “Now, much as I enjoy these,” he cupped her breasts in his large hands, squeezing gently and rubbing her nipples until she squirmed, “we’re late for lunch.”

  “Stars! I forgot.”

  He laughed out loud while she scrambled back into her top before shoving his shirt into his hands and urging him to get dressed. If he didn’t get that stupid grin off his face, Jeri and her mate would know exactly what had held them up. That stupid grin, and the raging erection she saw outlined quite clearly as he stood in front of her to tuck in his shirttails.

  Suddenly, she felt guilty. She was no better than the demon men who had raped her and left her wanting while she’d been under the Wizards’ control. She’d taken all the pleasure here and given Darak nothing.

  “I’m sorry.” Her words whispered through the room, stopping his laughter. He dropped to one knee in front of her, taking her shoulders gently in his hands as he sought her eyes.

  “For what?”

  “You gave me something here, Darak, and I’ve given you nothing. I don’t think I even can.” Her doubts swamped her, but his arms reassured her as he pulled her close for a quick hug.

  “I ask for nothing but your happiness, Jana. This isn’t a competition, and I’m not keeping score. I consider it a privilege to give you pleasure, and I ask nothing in return. Not now. Perhaps not ever, if you cannot put your past behind you. Allow me to help you, Jana. Allow me to bring you pleasure when you need it. That’s all I want.”

  A tear shimmered down her face. This man was too amazing for words. She feared he would grow tired of his promise, but then, he’d already seen her through so many weeks of therapy in the hospital. He was a good man who lived up to his promises, she could tell.

  “It seems so unfair.” She pushed back from his embrace and wiped her face. “You’re a very special man, Darak of Geneth Mar. More special than I deserve.”

  He kissed her lightly, almost as if in benediction, before rising and holding out his hand to help her stand. He had led her almost to the door before he spoke.

  “You deserve all that is good and pure in this world, Jana, but for now, I guess you’ll have to settle for me. Slightly tarnished and ragged from overuse, but still willing to try.”

  She laughed at his self-assessment as they left the chamber, and he kept her laughing all the way to the luncheon room.


  Micah and Jeri weren’t oblivious to the blush on Jana’s cheeks or the twinkle in Darak’s eyes, not to mention the bulge in his pants, but they said nothing to make Jana feel even more uncomfortable as they sat down to a light lunch. Before long, the conversation turned to the herd of horses that had been brought together in one of the larger expanses of open land that was part of the massive estate.

  Jeri told her sister how she had sent out a silent call to those wild horses in the area that wanted to come live free on their land and how, only a few days later, a large herd had gathered. There were untamed lands and mountains off to the west of the estate, where most of the horses had carved out a living for themselves. They would still roam free, but if they needed any sort of help, be it food or water or medical assistance, they now had a refuge. Jeri and the staff of capable horsemen she had chosen and was training would see to it that her promise to the wild horses of Geneth Mar was kept.

  “You can still speak with the horses.” Jana’s voice was full of pride and a bit of awe as she regarded her little sister. “Papa had the same gift.”

  “Did he?” Jeri was excited by the idea that her gift had been passed down from her lost parent.

  Jana frowned slightly. “He never spoke of it with you? I mean, I know it was his big secret, but when I turned thirteen, he sat me down and told me about his gift. He taught me how to shield my own fledgling powers and warned me never to speak of them to anyone but him or Mother.”

  “They both died before I turned thirteen.” Jeri’s voice held aching sadness, and Jana held her hand out to her sister, an offer of comfort.

  “I remember his words, Jer. I’ll tell you what he told me.” Both women were fighting back tears. “Papa said that I should embrace my gift and not fear it, but rather fear the Wizards that would try to use me for my gift. He said he and Mama had lived in fear of the Wizards their whole life, but by being careful and shielding tight, they had survived so far. He warned me to do the same, but above all, he told me to be happy. As he was with Mama and us.”

  “Little did he know we would have so little time left with our family.” Jeri’s face was sad, her eyes wistful. “He was such a good man.”

  Tears rolled down her face, and the two girls clung to each other, the men placing their broad hands on the women’s backs in silent comfort.

  Before long, they all decided to troop outside and see the horses. The herds had always been a source of peace for Jeri, and Jana remembered her time among the horses of their homeworld with fondness, though she hadn’t been around horses in many years. Jana was tentative, at first, her wobbly legs unsure on the uneven turf, her gait uncertain as the huge animals bore down on them. Jeri, of course, was fearless, holding up her arms to the big stallion that galloped over to receive her attention first. Jeri’s laughter rang out through the countryside and lightened every heart that heard it.

  Jana remembered her childhood spent among the herds on Mithrak as several of the young colts and fillies gathered around her, tickling her with their velvety muzzles. She reached out to them with her hands and her unshielded mind, surprised when she received a few faint images of happiness and warmth from their complex minds.


  Suddenly, a huge black stallion moved his way through the smaller horses, vying for Jana’s attention, and stopped just in front of her, eyeing her carefully. Jana held her breath. This was, by far, the most gorgeous animal she had ever beheld, and he seemed to know it. He was haughty and powerful, sizing her up as she regarded him.

  “I call him Darkest Hour.” Jeri’s soft voice came from not too far away. Jana knew her sister was watching them, but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the great stallion that faced her. “He is the leader of the wild band from the western mountains. The yearlings are all his get.”

  Jana could see it then, the remarkable resemblance between this strong stallion and the young horses that had so playfully greeted her. They had his strong shoulders and powerful build, though none had a match for his pure black, glossy coat.

  “He’s magnificent.” Jana’s voice was a mere breath of sound. The stallion stamped his foot once as if in agreement and bowed his head just slightly. She took that as a sign that she could move closer. She wanted to touch this beautiful, powerful creature. She wanted to commune with him on a non-verbal level.

  She reached out her hand, and he moved into her caress, fitting his soft cheek into the palm of her hand. She smiled and stroked him, patting gently and scratching by his ears as he moved into her. Within moments, she found herself putting her arms around his strong neck, his huge head moving to encapsulate her in his warmth and seeming protection. It was a moment of pure magic.

  Without conscious thought, she stroked her fingers into his thick mane and, with an agility she’d thought long gone, she pulled herself up onto his bare back. She was breathless a moment, waiting to see if he would let her ride, and then, he was off, slowly at first until he cleared the crowd of the herd and people, then faster and faster as she found her seat. She felt as if she had never been away from the horses with which she’d been raised. She felt a perfect union with the glorious beast beneath her as he picked up speed across the open field.


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