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Victor Deus (Heritage of the Blood Book 1)

Page 17

by Brent Lee Markee

  “Well, I don't know if I have any giants in my family tree, but from what the lady who raised me before Walkins took me, my father was a Stroml'dier mercenary from up north.”

  “How come you never told me any of this?” Ashur said looking at the boy in a new light. “Stroml'dier in your blood would explain a lot!” Ashur slapped Shawnrik on the back and motioned for him to take a seat.

  Shawnrik shrugged as he sat down. “I dunno, you never asked.”

  “Ye know the Stroml'dier are descendants of an alliance of Giants from the Storm and Cloud clans, and a clan of men who went north to defend the barrier hills. The name used to be Storm Soldiers, but somewhere along the line it got twisted into Stroml'dier.” Dunnagan stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Shawnrik looked from the Dwarf to Ashur and when his mentor nodded Shawnrik nearly burst. “The Stroml'dier are descended from Giants? I…” He went quiet as the implications of this new development sunk in.

  Dunnagan started to laugh. “I like the boy already Ashur, he reminds me a lot of you. Except'n I think he's going to be a lot bigger than you in a few years. Eh?”

  “And he'll be better than me a few years after that, if I have anything to say about it.” Ashur looked at Shawnrik proudly. “He's gonna' have to keep up with someone even worse than Nim I'm thinkin'.” Ashur looked at Dunnagan to see if he caught his meaning, he had.

  “Worse than Nim eh? That's a tall order boy. So Nim's got an apprentice and you've got one too eh?” Dunnagan took a drink of ale, and sat still for a moment looking at Shawnrik over the rim of his mug. Finally he nodded. “Aye, I'll go with you. No' just because it's you askin' either. I want to meet this boy that's more dangerous than Nim, and I want to see what we can do with this lad here. I can see a fire burning in his belly, and I like it!”

  “By the way, isn't there something against drinking when you're a cleric?” Ashur asked with a wink.

  “Bah, Cypheria wouldn't deny a dwarf a drink between jobs. She's not a cruel Mistress. I suppose it is time to start the next job though.” He downed the ale and slammed the mug onto the table. “No drinking until we're clear of danger!” Dunnagan looked down at his empty mug and said a short prayer. “Cypheria, protect those of us that now venture forth to rid the world of vileness.”

  They stood and Ashur dropped a few coins on the table before they went outside to get their mounts, and head off on their journey.

  “I'll be right back. I have to get Thunder from the stables.” Dunnagan started off towards the stables that were next to the inn.

  “That old goat is still alive?” Ashur called after Dunnagan.

  “No, lad. This is Thunder's son, Thunder Jr. He's bigger and ornerier than Thunder ever was.” He disappeared around the corner.

  “Great” Ashur mumbled.

  “What?” Shawnrik asked.

  “You'll see.” Ashur got onto his mount and Shawnrik followed suit. Several minutes later Dunnagan came riding out on one of the biggest rams that Shawnrik had ever heard of. He wondered how it kept it's head up with the massive horns that curled on it's head. It was a gray color that reminded Shawnrik of a storm cloud. That must be why he's called Thunder. Shawnrik thought, he was wrong. Dunnagan put the ram into a canter to meet up with Ashur and Shawnrik, and the noise that arose from Thunder's hooves made it apparent where his name came from. Everyone within a block stopped to watch the ram as it cantered over to the two horses. When Dunnagan reigned back a bit and brought Thunder to a walk, the noise abated, and most people went back to what they were doing. Shawnrik couldn't help but stare at the massive beast. It was a full three hands taller than the horse he was riding, which wasn't a small animal by any measure, and the Dwarf on it's back made it look that much larger. Shawnrik was a full head taller than Dunnagan, but seeing the dwarf on the back of Thunder made him look that much smaller. Everything about Thunder said power, and Shawnrik wasn't so sure that any less could be said about Dunnagan.

  “We ready to go?” Dunnagan asked from atop Thunder.

  “We have to make a stop off for some essentials, but then we're off.” Ashur said shaking his head at Dunnagan and Thunder.

  “Good, I need to get some more Jerked beef, and some feed for Thunder.”

  Shawnrik listened to the two talk, and didn't say a thing. He was in awe of the two men that would be training him to survive, and he didn't want to miss a thing that either of them had to say.

  Chapter 8

  New Horizons

  Year 3043 AGD

  Month: Preparation

  Evening of the Third Third day

  Continent of Terroval

  North of Safeharbor

  Where are we going?” Shawnrik asked after both men had been quiet for a while.

  “North” Ashur said abruptly.

  “Well I can tell that much just from the direction we're heading.” Shawnrik said and then regretted the comment a moment later when he got a sour stare from Ashur.

  Dunnagan laughed, “Why'd you ask then?”

  Shawnrik sighed. They had left Safeharbor a few hours ago traveling on the road out of the North Gate. Dunnagan and Ashur had been talking up until a few minutes ago, catching up on the time that they were apart. It appeared from their conversation that neither of them had done anything eventful since they were last together, but Shawnrik thought that both of them were playing down their experiences. Ashur talked about cleaning out sewer rats, and Dunnagan talked about squashing some lizards. Shawnrik knew what kind of sewer rats Ashur had been hunting, so he could guess that the lizards probably walked on two legs and carried weapons at the very least. Of course both of the men seemed to know what the other was talking about, but Shawnrik had to decipher a lot of the conversation.

  Dunnagan pulled back on the reigns of Thunder, and came alongside Shawnrik.

  You look like your thinkin' again. I always like to find a nice rock to sit on when I'm thinking.” Dunnagan laughed lightheartedly. “So, how did you and Ashur meet, and what were ya' doin' before he met ya'?”

  “He was a thief!” Ashur called back from the lead position. “He was on watch for Victor and I snuck up on him.”

  Shawnrik's face went red at the truth of the statement.

  “I'm askin' the boy, why don't you run on ahead and see if anyone is waiting to ambush us.” Dunnagan said dismissing Ashur.

  Ashur looked back at him and then a crooked grin spread on his face. “I might just do that. I'll try to save you some fun if there is anyone.” With that he put his horse into a gallop and went ahead up the road.

  Dunnagan looked at Shawnrik. “Is that true boy?”

  Shawnrik nodded.

  “Who's Victor?”

  “He's the one that Nim is training right now.” Shawnrik replied quickly.

  “Is he the same age as you, or older?”

  Shawnrik looked away from Dunnagan and chuckled.

  “What's so funny lad?” Dunnagan asked affronted by the chuckle.

  “Victor is getting close to eight and a half.” Shawnrik looked back at Dunnagan to show that he was quite serious.

  “Eight and a half?!” Dunnagan spurted in disbelief. “Most lads can't even piss straight at eight and a half.”

  “Well, Victor is a shaper, and a thief. Probably anything else he wants to be he'll be that too. He's one of the smartest people I've ever met, and one of the most thoughtful too.” Shawnrik looked away to the distant horizon as he spoke.

  “You sound like you have a lot of respect for the boy.” Dunnagan was looking at Shawnrik in a new light now.

  “I think I would die for him.” Shawnrik said honestly.

  Dunnagan looked at Shawnrik with a new respect in his eyes. “You remind me of Ashur more and more every time I talk to you, but have you ever considered serving as a Cleric? If you really want to keep your friends alive being a Cleric is one of the best ways to do it.”

  Shawnrik looked at Dunnagan thoughtfully. “I never considered that.” He said honestly. “What does
a person have to do to become a cleric?”

  Dunnagan smiled. “We clerics receive our powers from the god we serve. Each god has different types of clerics. Clerics of Ragnos are more battle hardened, and tend to focus on things that will help in battles. Clerics of Ol' Thom, or one of the evil gods tend to have more necromantic powers, and they twist the healing spells to do harm instead.”

  “What about Cypheria, I've heard the name invoked, but I never truly understood why?”

  “Ah, lad. Cypheria is the goddess of all protectors, be they protecting companions, laws, or knowledge. Cypheria believes that if something is worth protecting than it is worth protecting with your life. So we clerics follow the same philosophy. Sometimes to protect a friend all you may have to do is heal them, but sometimes to protect a friend you may have to fight off a horde of baddies. Whatever must be done to protect that which is entrusted to us, we will do, as long as it doesn't break our moral code. This is the same moral code as most goodly races. Never kill women or children. Never kill an unarmed or helpless person. Help out when you can and where you can. Never violate or take advantage of anyone. Things like that.” Dunnagan looked at Shawnrik.

  “Cypheria sounds like my kind of goddess. Can you teach me how to be a cleric?” Shawnrik saw new possibilities unfolding in front of him, and felt renewed hope for the future.

  “Of course I can show you the way, but most of it has to come from within yerself. Ye already sound like one of Cypheria's clerics, now ye just need to believe'n it with your entire being. You must devote your life into her service and into the protection of what is dear to you and to her. Even if you've already devoted yer life to this Victor lad, Cypheria will still be able to overwhelm that. Just remember, if you are in the service of Cypheria, you are in the business of protectin', and if you're in the business of protectin' then you can protect those entrusted to ye that much better. I myself have been a cleric for quite a long time, but I think the world could use someone with the skills of a thief, a fighter, and a cleric. If ye continue on the path that you follow now, ye may never be the greatest fighter, or the most powerful cleric, but ye'll have a versatility that few could match. Ye should learn all ye can from Ashur about fightin' and being sneaky. “I'll be there to teach ye about the mystical parts, and a little bit of the Dwarven style of fightin'. It's always been my belief to learn all ye can, because knowledge is power, and I've found that the more I know about what's going on, the better I can protect those in my trust. Don't be worried if you don't feel anything at first, some don't feel any different until they have been in her service fer many years, and some never truly understand that Cypheria is always with us.”

  Shawnrik nodded his head to everything that Dunnagan had just said. Victor had told him many of the same things about learning once, and he planned on continuing to follow that advice now. Shawnrik found a peace within himself at that point, and completely gave himself over to being a protector. “I want to be in the service of Cypheria. From this day forth I will use all of my skills to protect those people around me.” He said these words with a fierce determination, and Dunnagan recognized the tone of pure truth.

  Shawnrik thought that he might have been imagining things, but he felt a great burden lift from his shoulders, and then a different burden that was much heavier, but seemed much easier to carry had settled back onto him. He then felt a soft but strong hand settle itself onto his shoulder. It reminded him of a father giving reassurance to his son that he was going to be there, by his side, in the battle to come. However he knew that the protection granted was much stronger than any father could give, and a tear ran down his cheek.

  Dunnagan watched the transformation of the boy right in front of him with a certain awe. He seemed to sit straighter now, and his whole manner said that he had a purpose. Then Shawnrik looked at his shoulder like something was on it, and Dunnagan knew what had happened. “Ye feel it don't ye, the hand of Cypheria. It's always there to assure us that we are doing right. Not many can feel it, and most never do. I think that 'tis Cypheria's way of reassurin' us that our goals follow her path. She must have some use for you and Victor. Yer goal of protecting the boy seems to be Cypheria's goal also.”

  They rode in silence for a few minutes, until Ashur could be seen riding back down the road. Shawnrik wiped his face with the rag he had for keeping dust out of his mouth when the roads weren't so muddy. Ashur turned his horse around and waited for the two to catch up before reining in beside Shawnrik and matching their pace. Ashur looked at Shawnrik with a puzzled expression, and then he looked at Dunnagan who was smiling proudly.

  “What happened to you boy, you look different, and what are you grinnin' at over there?!” Ashur had a bewildered expression on his face.

  “Shawnrik here has decided to follow my path and become a cleric of Cypheria.” Dunnagan stated proudly.

  “Damn it all to hell, I can't leave you alone with anyone for five minutes! I suppose you're going to be converting heathens as we go too.” Ashur was looking at the two in utter disbelief. “I was only gone a few minutes!” He shook his head.

  “Don't worry Ashur, I'm still going to learn all I can from you, but I'm also going to learn all I can from Dunnagan too.” Shawnrik said with a new sense of purpose.

  Ashur looked at them both, and finally said, “Oh, well all that means is you'll have to work twice as hard.” He shook his head again, and then nodded. “Well, I guess you could do worse than becoming a cleric. At least you will still be able to put most of the stuff I'm going to teach you to use, and it's always good to have another person around who can heal me if I get into the grinder.” They all chuckled wryly at that.

  “Cypheria knows you need enough healin'!” Dunnagan said, which inspired a new round of laughter.

  After a few hours of riding Ashur rode back and told them that they needed to find a place to camp for the night, and that he had spotted a likely spot just up the road on his latest reconnoitre. The three rode in silence until they arrived and set up camp.


  Victor hadn't seen Nim since earlier in the morning when they were all on the roof. After declaring that he and Victor were going to have a change of scenery he had run off stating that he would be back later. Victor had been left sitting on the roof with a list of most of the well-to-do merchant's and their families, and had nothing else to do but read it. It was nearing dusk when Nim finally appeared. He found Victor where he had left him, except that he was now asleep halfway through the list he was reading. Nim kicked Victor's chair twice, and woke him up.

  “What is it?” Victor asked groggily.

  “You could have at least finished the list before you fell asleep.” Nim said wryly.

  “This is my third time going through it!” Victor said defensively, and Nim was taken aback. It had taken him a few years to compile names and descriptions of most of Safeharbor's nobles from kingdoms that were allied with Safeharbor, and the main body of the Merchant class. The list was comprised of well over a thousand people, and Victor had read it two times just today.

  “Well no wonder you fell asleep!” Nim said lifting Victor out of his chair and setting him on his feet. “I fell asleep many times while I was making the list, there's no reason you shouldn't fall asleep reading it. Now up boy, it's time to go out scouting.”

  “Scouting?” Victor asked as he rubbed his eyes.

  “Yes, get your good clothes there's a party tonight.”


  “Dreams of conquest have led many to their demise. Dreams of power have doomed many more. Dreams of wealth are perhaps the most dangerous of the three.” The old mage lectured his student as he had so many times over the years. “On the other side of the token though, there are just as many fools. Dreams of a peaceful society of coexistence have led many to their demise. Dreams of Valor have doomed many more. Dreams of obtaining the love and trust of everyone is the most dangerous of this trio.” He looked at his student who was watching him with only half intere
st. He knew that half of her interest was good enough, but he knew where her other thoughts were, and he couldn't allow her to dwell on those thoughts for too long.


  His staff hit the table directly in front of her, which was completely successful in bringing about her full attention. “So what can we learn from this lecture?” He asked.

  “Don't dream.” She answered with spite seething through her tone.

  The old mage stared at his protégé, and resisted the impulse to hit her on the head with his staff. “On the contrary.” He said adopting a civil tone. “All of these men and women had the right idea, but they lacked the balance that would allow them to see their dreams come into fruition. Those that seek conquest must assure those that follow them do so in the hopes of a peaceful existence in the future, or there will be dissension amongst his followers and there will be many that wish to have the power all to themselves. Of course, that does not mean that this concept is completely flawless. There are always those that will be jealous of the power that those in charge wield. Many cannot stand to see anyone else succeed where they have failed, but if the person in question is followed by those that truly love and respect him, he will be unstoppable. Fear and strength are only good for establishing an unstable respect that can easily disappear at the first sign of weakness. Whereas the person who is followed by friends that know his weaknesses can be compensated and even empowered by their skills is nearly unstoppable.”

  “I know all of this, you've told me it all before, more than once.”

  “Yes, but there is nothing wrong with repeating a lesson to be sure that your student has learned it, and since you think you know the rest of the lesson so well, I would like you to continue it.” The old mage took a seat at the table in the center of the room that his pupil was sitting at. He sat down with a groan silently cursing time for taking it's toll on him, it was not something that he was used to.

  With a sigh his pupil continued the lesson. “Those that seek wealth or power without taking into account the fact that wealth brings power, and power usually results in wealth, and that to have one you must keep the other. If you acquire great wealth it will bring you power. If you do not take advantage of that wealth, and use it wisely to bring you more power your fortune will either sit there useless, or decline into nothing, and whether it be wealth or power, there will always be someone to try to take it from you. That is what makes wealth and power a double edged sword. The same can be said about valor, and the quest for righteousness. No matter how hard you try, there will always be those that do evil deeds, and you can never gain the love, respect, and admiration of everyone. It is useless to try, and quite often ends poorly, however; If you truly strive to gain the love and respect of those around you, you will often gain the respect of others you may never meet. In other words, you can never hope to achieve the admiration of all, but if you strive to better those around you and care for their needs, you will gain the respect of many who hear of your deeds.”


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