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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

Page 13


  "Why are we here? Who are we meeting? Can I go back?" I blurt out all at once, the feeling of safety completely disappearing. Jake stands directly in front of me, taking hold of my arms.

  "Look at me." He says firmly, blue eyes flickering between mine. I breathe in sharply, my heart hammering against my chest.

  "You're with me and I'll never let anything bad happen to you. We're here because I think he can give us the help that we need. We can't fight this alone Emily."

  That's how we end up walking along the roof of a derelict building before we come face to face with another door. Jake enters and walks down the staircase with me directly behind him. It's dark, cramped and smells like rotting fish. At the bottom we're faced with another door and I stand back and watch as Jake knocks on it three times before kicking the bottom right corner. I blink and take a step back, wondering what the hell I'm witnessing right now.

  "Is that a code?" I mumble in slight shock. The door bangs causing me to jump and it opens slowly, creaking. Jake takes a deep breath, releases my hand and pushes the door open further.

  My hand grow clammy with nerves and I follow Jake, taking in my surroundings. It's a dark room only lit up with a few bulbs hanging from the ceiling. In front of me is a large pool table and next to it was a small bar scattered with a few bottles of alcohol on top. The walls are covered with graffiti, a language I don't recognise.

  I glanced to my left, noticing a set of leather seats pushed up against the wall. So it's basically a bachelor pad. . . Nothing too scary.

  I inhale deeply, forcing my nerves to calm down. My eyes flicker over the room and I notice the desk in the far corner. Sat behind it is one of the most intimidating men i've ever laid eyes on. He's staring directly at me, dark eyes flickering with interest. His black hair is fixed firmly in place by gel, catching the light from the bulbs.

  He's dressed in all black and I notice a very expensive looking gold watch perched on his wrist. In one hand he holds a cigar and in the other, a small black object. He twists his hand, almost as if he knows exactly what I'm staring at. It suddenly dawns on me what he's holding . . . A gun.

  My eyes widen, the fear inside of me becoming almost unbearable. I look around for Jake desperately but he's the definition of calm, walking up to the man and taking a seat next to him.


  Mr I-Carry-A-Pistol nods towards Jake in greeting, sporting a heavy Spanish accent. His tone is icy and dangerous causing a shiver to run down my back. He places the gun down on the coffee table in front of him and looks at me, eyes burning into mine. I watch in disgust as his eyes roam over my body and I stand there helplessly.

  "Who is this?" He asks, quietly turning towards Jake. He held out a cigarette for Jake to take.

  "She's the girl I was telling you about." Jake responds, taking the cigarette from his hands and lighting it. He leans back in his seat and I watch him in shock, seeing a completely different side to Jake. He doesn't bat an eyelid at the gun that is causing my knees to shake with fright and he appears . . .

  Comfortable. Like he belongs here.

  I swallow the lump lodged in my throat and tear my gaze away from an icy set of eyes. It's then when I notice two other men stood against the wall, holding pool cues and chatting quietly to each other. I've been so caught up and frightened from the gun, I didn't even notice them before.

  They look young, maybe nineteen or twenty. They both wear identical black vests and have a slightly tanned complexion with dark jet black hair. One of the men glance at me giving me a cute lopsided grin before holding out a pool cue.

  "You play?" He asks and I shake my head, feeling rooted to the spot. This entire room is creeping me out and the hairs on the back of my neck are stood up pin straight, covered with goosebumps.

  "It's been a very long time since we've had such a pretty girl in here."

  My head snaps back to Mr-I-Casually-Carry-A-Gun-On-Me. He's once again leering at me and I look down at my hands, fiddling with them nervously. Standing in front of him makes me feel like a piece of fresh meat, an object. I grit my teeth in anger towards Jake, he never should have bought me here.

  I hear him get up, standing to his feet. He begins to get closer and my heart starts to thump wildly in my chest causing it to ring through my ears.

  He stops until he's inches away from me, the strong scent of expensive cologne filling my senses. I want to turn my face and breathe in anything but his scent which is quickly becoming overpowering and sickly. I bravely take a small step back, creating distance.

  "What is your name?" He asks me quietly, his voice slick and smooth.

  "Emily." I respond, never once looking him directly in the eyes.

  "Pretty thing suits you much better."

  He chuckles quietly and I chew the inside of my cheek, turning so that my gaze meets with Jake's. His face appears emotionless, watching as his gang leader treats me like this. I notice his hands are clenched tightly in fists by his side.

  Is his anger directed at me or his boss?

  "Emily? You can look at me, I won't hurt you," the man says, humour lining his voice. I glance up at him and study his face, not believing his words. Nothing about this man could be associated with safety.

  "I don't believe you," I whisper quietly letting my eyes drop to my shoes. He sucks in an annoyed breath at my response.

  "You don't have to believe me but answer me one question. Would Jake bring you here if I would hurt you? You are a friend of Jake so you are a friend of ours." He replies a little too smoothly, gesturing to the other two men in the room.

  "You are in danger, no?" he asks, his head tilted slightly as he studies me. I glance at Jake and he looks away from me, not meeting my eyes. A stab of pain flows through my heart and I clench my fists tightly. Jake didn't ask me if this is what I want, he assumed I'd want protection from one evil man against another.

  Did he ever stop and think what I'd have to pay in exchange for this protection?

  A strong feeling told me it wouldn't be pleasant.

  I shakily walk towards the door, ignoring the burning stares I was getting.

  "I'm not in any danger. I'm sorry for wasting your time but it looks like Jake got it wrong. It was nice to meet you, sir."

  "Amil." he replies bluntly, studying me carefully. His eyes are slightly narrowed and I swallow the lump in my throat, willing myself to stay calm.

  "It was nice to meet you Amil. I'm sorry but I don't want to be involved with any of this. Don't worry though, I'll keep quiet. I've learned to keep my mouth shut over certain things."

  By this moment, my hands are shaking and I turn around, pulling open the door and walking away from the danger and away from Jake. I don't stop running until I'm back at home with my bedroom door locked and windows firmly shut. Darkness completely invades my room and I climb into bed, gathering as many blankets as I can find.

  All I want is to feel safe and protected.

  Chapter Twenty - Partners in crime.

  My bedroom door flings open, the lock completely falling apart from the force. Jake stands in the doorway, his chest rising and falling heavily.

  He looks angry, really angry.

  "What the hell was that Emily?" he yells at me, eyes narrowed. I stand up off my bed and face him, my hands clenched angrily by my sides.

  "Do you know how much I had to convince him to take you round there? He isn't someone you walk away from! He wanted to help you!"

  His tone is icy and his face becomes cold, emotionless. I suck a breath, the anger inside me increasing until it's ready to explode.

  "How dare you take me there without even asking me first Jake! I told you I don't want to live in fear anymore and you put my safety in the hands of a gang leader. He has a gun Jake, a freaking gun! Do you know how scared I was?" I say sadly, my voice breaking. I take a step forward, challenging Jake who's now silent, thinking carefully about my words.

  "Taking me there made me realise how little I know you. You say they shouldn't be
messed with but you're one of them, aren't you?"

  Jake's eyes lit up with fire, his whole posture turning rigid. I knew my words have angered him, his entire body seizing up.

  "I'm not one of them," he says bluntly, his voice quiet. His fists are clenched and he stares at me directly, eyes never blinking.

  "You're lying." I respond, shaking my head.

  "You fit right into that place. You took me away from Trevor and put my safety into the hands of a gang leader. I don't want to live a life in fear Jake! I've spent years of my life being terrified."

  "You stood back whilst someone beat you for years. I was making sure it wasn't going to happen again! I care for you Emily!" Jake yells back, his usual beautiful features twisted with anger. I feel a pang of hurt stab through my heart and I blink before hitting back at his harsh words.

  "I don't need gang protection! I can do this myself!" I hit back, my voice wobbling as I speak. I knew my words are a lie but I need to say them out loud for myself. If I can't protect myself, I can't expect anyone else to. Jake suddenly lunges towards me and I scream, backing up into the wall. He grabs my arms tightly, holding me close against him.

  "Let me go," I whisper, my voice trembling.

  "I'm not Trevor, I won't hurt you."

  I pull my head away from him as far as I can go, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. My entire body is shaking as Jake picks me up before placing me back down, his arms still holding me in place.

  "Open your eyes."

  I open them slowly and stare back at my reflection in the mirror. Jake is lifting my top up, exposing the blue and black bruises that are now slowly fading. They look alien next to my tanned skin, holding painful memories. I feel my eyes fill with tears and I look away, repulsed at the sight of me. Jake still has hold of my arms and is standing behind me, watching my reaction.

  "You told me you don't need my help. Look at your body, look at what he did. It kills me to see you like this Emily." His words echo down my ear and I squeeze my eyes shut, tears sliding down the side of my cheek.

  "He was willing to help you. We all want to help you."

  He let go of me, dropping my arms. They fall limply against my side and I let out a muffled cry as Jake leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. My body sinks into the floor, heavy sobs overcoming me as I realise he's right.

  This is one long battle I can't win myself.


  There's a soft knock on my door and Ivory pops her head round before joining me on the bed. She takes one look at my red eyes and pounces on me, wrapping me up in a hug. I hold onto her tightly, grateful to have her with me right now.

  "Jake will look after you, I promise. He know's what he's doing, let him help you."

  I glance at her and wonder whether she's aware of the danger her cousin is involved in. Just how much does Ivory know about Jake's role in the gang? Instead of prying her for information, I nod weakly and she smiles in return.

  "I'm having a party tonight, you should come. It'll cheer you up."

  "You're such a party whore." I reply, giving her a smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes. Ivory mocks hurt, placing a hand over her heart before grinning back at me.

  "You are coming, right?"

  "I'm not sure, I'm not in the mood." I respond, still feeling pretty beat up. Right now all I want to do is drown my sorrows in ice cream and lie in bed all day.

  "Please Emily? We'll make you look a thousand dollars and Jake won't be able to resist you."

  I took a moment to think before finally nodding causing Ivory to squeal loudly. Jake and I may be fighting but that doesn't mean Ivory should also be on the recieving end of that. She's my friend and I don't want to let her down. How could you resist her puppy dog eyes and toothy smile?

  "I wish Trish was here, she loves parties."

  "When she gets back from her holiday, we'll have to go to twice as many parties to make up for lost time." Ivory giggles. I nod my head, feeling my spirits rise.


  "Wow girl, you really do work miracles." I murmur in Ivory's direction, inspecting myself in the mirror. My hair is curled in soft bouncy waves, resting on my shoulders. Ivory applied my makeup perfectly, a dark smokey eye to compliment my brown eyes finished off with a pink nude lip. I have on a thin diamanté choker and some simple stud earrings.

  She persuaded me to wear tight a white fitted halter-neck top that exposes my arms but covers my stomach. Underneath I wear simple black high waisted jeans and finish my look off with some wedges.

  I'm definitely not a heels kind of girl.

  After spraying myself with a few spritz of perfume, I'm finally ready. Excitement settles inside me and the drama I had this morning with Jake is beginning to be pushed to the back of my mind. I'm so ready to let loose and have a good time.

  "Thank you for everything you've done Ivory, you're an awesome friend." I tell her truthfully. Ivory waves her hand around modestly before replying —

  "Don't thank me. You're an awesome friend too." she smiles and I leaned in to hug her tightly. Her soft scent lingers around her and I step back, impressed.

  "You smell good."

  "It's my new perfume, its magic in a bottle. It's like a human magnet, I attract both guys and girls." She giggles, her face the definition of carefree.

  I laugh along with her and we hold hands tightly before walking out the door. I can hear a few people already laughing and chatting downstairs, indicating the party has well and truly started.

  "You look amazing by the way," I compliment her. She's dressed in a baby blue crop top and denim jeans, the colour contrasting perfectly against her hair. She wears little makeup beside from some mascara and lipgloss. Her look is always laid back but she rocks it.

  "So do you! Lets forget about Jake and have the best time." Ivory responds and I nod my head, agreeing with her.

  The party is now in full swing.

  Ivory is bouncing from person to person, laughing and giggling. It seemed like she knows every single teenager in town. Everyone is in good spirits, music bouncing off the walls. After speaking to a few friends, I decide to take a break and sit at the far end of the room. I didn't feel like socialising much, I simply wasn't in the mood.

  My eyes scan the crowd and I know I'm looking for one specific person, Jake. I miss him. My heart stops for a moment as I catch a glimpse of dark hair from opposite the room. He walks in with a few of his friends, all of them dressed amazingly. My eyes immediately land on Jake.

  He's wearing a plain white shirt underneath a denim button down that he'd left open. The material clung to his toned torso and arms perfectly. My eyes drifted down, roaming his body. He wore dark jeans and an expensive looking watch sat on his wrist. His hair is messy but styled, exactly how I like it.

  Urgh, he looks amazing.

  Why did the boy have to be so. damn. fine?

  Girls watched them move hungrily, giggling behind their hands. Most of them bat their long eyelashes at them, trying to dig their claws in as soon as possible. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at them. I lean back and watch Jake, studying the way he moves. He always appears so cool and laid back, full of confidence. Without meaning to, he owns the room.

  He's scanning the crowd, looking for someone in particular. Could it be me? I stop breathing as his gaze falls on me and our eyes lock together. His expression appears apologetic for a few seconds before one of his friends speaks to him and he tears his eyes away from me.

  I also look away, ignoring the pain that stabs through my chest. I didn't want to be at this silly party anymore but I'm here for Ivory, no-one else. I silently wish Trish was here to liven things up for me, she's always the heart and soul of every party.

  A guy from college sits down next to me, exhaling deeply as he drops himself down.

  "Hey Emily," he smiles, running a hand over his messy blonde hair. I give him a sheepish wave and a small smile in response.

  "Hey Mike, are you enjoying the party?"

  "It's ju
st like every other one, you know? Only thing different is you. I've never seen you at one of these before." Mike smiles, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

  "I don't normally party, believe it or not. This is my second one."

  "Really? You totally look like a party girl." Mike smirks and I tilt my head at him, smiling. Is he flirting with me?

  "Not that there's anything wrong with that! I mean —" Mike stutters, noticing me looking at him intently. I giggle at him, shaking my head.

  "Mike, its fine. I know what you mean." I re-assure him, a small smile on my lips. A slight blush covered his cheeks and he signals at my cup, changing the subject.

  "Want another drink?"

  "Sure, why not?"

  "I'll be two minutes, don't go anywhere," he grins before disappearing into the crowds. I'm not going to accept the drink from him, I know how silly it is to take a drink from a potential stranger. I simply accept because I don't want to be rude. I close my eyes and lean back, probably looking like the least sociable person in the room.

  "Emily! Come dance with me," Ivory pouts unhappily, tugging on my hand. I give her a small smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes.

  "Yeah, sure," I mumble, allowing Ivory to drag me up off the couch. She clutches my hand tightly as we weave through the crowd and into the centre of the room. Someone turns the music up higher until the beats are bouncing off the walls, vibrating through the floor.

  "Jake is watching you," Ivory grins, leaning close to my ear so I can hear her. My eyes widen and I feel my stomach tighten in knots.

  "He is?"

  Ivory nods, her auburn hair flying around her shoulders. "Show him what he's missing," she smirks, motioning for me to follow her lead. She begins to move her hips along to the beat, her arms flying above her head. I grin widely at her and mirror her actions, my own body reacting to the music. It feels good to let loose and have fun.


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