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Homeland Defense

Page 23

by Leo Nix

  Doff nodded but didn't laugh at the joke. “Yeah, makes sense. So… they can't push us out of this defensive position. They've tried frontal, they've tried flanking. I don't think they've got enough to surround us now we've cut them down by half, that leaves, what, ten or so out there?”

  Chan thought for a moment and nodded while keeping an eye on his own quarter. “I think they'll pull back and tell their commanding officer they've killed us all. The whole company have done extremely well against us, Sarg. They took out the Bushmaster and half our guys, they just might leave.”

  “I sure hope so,” groaned a wet and uncomfortable Beamy. He was lying on his side next to Doff listening in on the conversation.

  There was a sound of firing to their left flank and Halo looked across the sand dune to see who it was. He saw two terrorist soldiers rise and run back towards the vehicles. Then another two ran. A whistle blasted three times and the rest of the terrorists began to withdraw. More gunfire sounded from the same direction.

  “Hey, someone's firing at them from out there in the bushes. They're retreating back to their trucks,” called Halo.

  Doff and Chan peered over the same dune and watched, like spectators at a tennis game. Halo stood and fired at the disappearing enemy but they were too far away for accurate assault rifle fire and the misty rain now hid them. His rifle clicked empty, he'd finally used all his remaining bullets.

  “Hand me the Blaser, Chan. I might be lucky and hit someone.”

  He grabbed at the sniper rifle without moving his head and pulled the stock into his shoulder. 'Bang! Bang! Bang! Click!' it was now empty too.

  “You get stuck into them, Halo,” said Beamy, softly.

  “Three shots… no kills. Sorry, John,” he reported as they heard the enemy vehicles pull back and drive away.

  “Halo, can you see where that fire came from?” asked Sergeant Doff, his bare head was dripping rain water onto Beamy's face. Beamy just put his hand up to stop the drops and remained quiet, it was just too tense to say anything.

  Halo grabbed at his binoculars from his webbing, “It's Assassin!” he screamed out loudly at his mate in the distance: “CREED! OVER HERE MATE! OVER HERE!”

  Through the misty rain he could just see Assassin Creed wave and then disappear for a moment only to reappear on his bike riding towards them. As he pulled in to their position he looked at the two wounded, then at John's still body. There were dozens of empty cartridges lying on the sand, obviously things had been hot for them.

  “Been pretty bad has it then?” he stated more than asked. Assassin looked at John's white face covered in rain drops, his eyes open to the black skies above. “I'm so sorry, Chan. I liked John, he was a damn good bloke.”

  After a few moments he came out of his reverie to look down on his rigger mate, Beamy.

  “Is that you hiding behind everyone, Beamy? I'd hide you away from everyone too, you're a damned bullet-magnet, mate.” Assassin bent over and looked at his bandaged chest. “That's nasty, I bet that one hurt.” He smiled but it wasn't a funny smile, more like a 'you poor bastard' smile.

  “Get stuffed, Creed, you prick. Next time we go on patrol I'm standing behind you,” moaned Beamy. But talking hurt so he finished with, “It hurts just as bloody bad as last time.”

  “At least you'll get to play with Lorraine in the first aid room again. Just imagine snuggling up to those lovely tities, it'll make you feel better,” said Halo, trying to cheer Beamy up a bit.

  “Don't worry, I tried thinking that already, it doesn't work.” His eyes closed as he eased himself into a more comfortable position on the wet sand.

  Assassin walked back to his bike and pulled up the aerial to his CB unit, he began broadcasting.

  “Sarg, it's been a big day for you boys, for all of us. Patrol One is gone and Wiram is sending One One Bravo down there with a bike patrol and Cambra has the FN Mag.” He stopped talking and put his hand up to show he'd made contact. “Hang on, I've got Birdsville.”

  “Base two, Assassin. I have our Bravo boys, they've been fighting a withdrawal to cache four. We'll be pulling back to home base in an hour. Might take us all day to get back though. We have heavy losses and two badly wounded. It's raining and boggy. We'll call you on the hour, out.”

  He looked back at Beamy and the wounded private. “Chan, how are the boys here?” he asked of their medic. Chan had trained as a paramedic and was again tending to the two wounded as best he could in the rain.

  “They'll live, Creed. A bit shot up and they've lost a bit of blood. If we just keep it slow and steady, stop every hour for ten minutes, they'll be OK,” he replied.

  “I've got no medicines, sorry, I had to travel light. OK, lets get some food into us, fuel up and get moving,” said Assassin.

  Doff and Halo checked their weapons and filled their empty magazines from the cartridge belts Chan brought in from the enemy dead. There were no grenades on any of the bodies he checked. Assassin did the cooking and by the time they were ready to go home the rain was falling heavily again.

  They stood around John's grave while Chan gave the eulogy.

  “Our dear friend and comrade,” Chan choked back a sob for a second, then continued, “you're now with your God, not that arse-hole of the Revelationists, but the proper one we prayed to.”

  Halo opened one of his eyes and saw Assassin doing the same. They looked at each other grimly.

  “You did us proud today. We love you and we send you on your way with 'five shots five kills'.” He paused, “You got us to safety and found every cache, and in the rain and mist too. You were a miracle worker. It was you who broke their back today with your accurate sniping. You stopped them massing for their final attack that would have wiped us out.” He choked back another sob and was silent for some seconds. “Oh yeah, mate, you don't need to wait for us, we'll be there with you soon enough. And don't use up all those virgins in paradise either, save some for us.” Chan gave a bitter laugh.

  “OK fella's, let's get on our bikes and get home.” It was raining, it was windy, and they all felt depressed and miserable.

  While the bike team were battling the boggy terrain heading back to Birdsville, Blondie closed down comms with the Alice Springs Command.

  “It seems Assassin has found the bike boys and they're heading back to Birdsville. Our plan is to wait for Bushmaster One One Bravo and the rest of our commando to take back the Patrol One stockade, just up the road. We're to stay here. This track to Birdsville is still held by the Stosstruppen, as you know, but Sergeant Ahmet's patrol should be here soon to clear it. We need to listen and be ready to pull out and meet them. Sundown said he's preparing a strike force from Alice Springs, but it could be a few days before it reaches Birdsville.”

  Blondie looked at everyone jammed together in the Jeep. The rain was pouring down and it was hot and stuffy inside the cabin.

  “This is no fun, Blondie, it's boring. You know, we might have another few hours to wait. What are we going to do?” complained Jaina. She was sitting in the front seat with Little. Her hand on his thigh stroked what appeared to be an over-sized sausage inside his trousers.

  Blondie decided to ease the couple's obvious distress. “All right, Jaina, grab your ground sheets and take Little with you. Don't come back until I call you. And can you get that smile off your face?”

  Lahotski was in a bad way and she knew it. Blondie had helped many a wounded Tajna Služba operative to live, or die. She made him lie back so she could look at his wounds. Pulling off the pathetic excuse for a bandage she saw two holes in his stomach. That generally meant a slow and painful death unless treated properly. Even if he received medical treatment tonight there was a good chance infection would kill him within the week.

  The secret agent thought quickly, 'do I execute him and save us watching him suffer, or should I just wait and see?'

  “How are you feeling, private?” she asked, still unsure.

  “Like shit, Blondie. I'm not sure if the bullets exite
d. Their medic was useless, he just put this pissy pad on and walked away, bastard. I've got pain in my guts and back. If you could roll me over can you have a look please. If they exit then I might stand a chance, if not then… I worked as an ambo for years, I know what to expect.” He groaned, his face contorted as he fought back spasms of pain.

  Lance Corporal Poole helped Blondie lift and roll him. Despite his courage, Slimmy cried out. His stomach was reddish purple and inflamed but there were two exit wounds coming out of his back almost opposite their entry points. Poole told him the good news.

  “But now I have to survive whatever damage they've done inside me.” He caught his breath and continued, “Oh well, that's life in the army. I've already lost my wife and kids. I'm not afraid to go and meet them.” He closed his eyes and suffered in silence while the lovers made love for the fourth time that day.

  'Perhaps I'll wait and see how he manages tonight,' thought Blondie, and settled down in the vacated front seat and fell asleep.

  Chapter 21 - Sundown's Command

  “You can't just take over command of the Third Army, Colonel, not like that. You need a formal court martial and that means a hearing with lawyers and adjudicators,” snapped Major Lewis. He was in the process of taking command of the armoured cavalry troop from Thompson and was very much on edge. He felt out of his depth right now.

  “Major Lewis, we are the government and we are Third Army,” said Lt Colonel Thompson, emphasising exactly who they were. They were not just an army but the only force capable of controlling the destiny of the entire Australian mainland. “There really is no Government of Australia any more. General Hughes was holding everything together by default. It was smoke and mirrors and now the smoke has cleared and the mirrors broken.” He stopped when he saw everyone at the table squirm uncomfortably.

  “Excuse me, sirs, do you mean to say this room is basically Parliament House?” asked Lieutenant Shadow. Her uniform was a little large for her but she wore it with pride, and it showed.

  Thompson smiled and answered softly, “Lieutenant, yes it is. We are it, actually we are the law, military law. What we say goes and we can override any jurisdiction until an act of parliament, which is us, revokes it.”

  “That means we command all of Australia?” asked McFly.

  “Yes, Captain, it does,” Thomson replied comfortably. “The general and I have been playing this game since martial law was pronounced nearly a year ago, when the apocalypse began. Government control broke down within days of the apocalypse, by the end of the first week we began to collect what was left of the Third Army in Darwin escaping south and anyone else in the central regions. Alice Springs turned into a city overnight, so to speak.”

  Sundown leaned forward for a second then adjusted the height of his seat, he just couldn't get it right.

  “We have to decide on our strategy. As the acting representatives of the Australian Government we have responsibility to the people of Australia, to protect them. General Hughes failed those he was duty bound to support and protect. When I heard he had twenty armoured cavalry carriers in storage and refused to use them to protect a community on the verge of destruction, I removed him. He gave no qualified reason why and refused to budge. The general placed our people at risk of murder, torture and slavery to the enemy. He knew that, yet failed to act.”

  Sundown looked at each face in turn and asked, “It was my duty as the next highest ranking officer, to replace him. If anyone thinks I did wrong, please speak now, this is the last time we speak of it before the court martial.”

  No one moved, no one spoke.

  “Right, Major Lewis, you will act as prosecution and McFly, you went to university I believe, you'll defend the general. We don't have time right now, we have a convoy to assemble and some Revelationists to exterminate. We'll hold the court martial when we're ready. Anyone not with me, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Shadow chuckled, “Sundown, that's a wedding vow, you knuckle head.”

  Sundown went slightly red in the face when he saw the others at the table smiling, “What? Shoot me! Let's see, speak now or… umm, bugger it! We have work to do. Vic, will you assist Major Lewis here to arm and prepare four ASLAVS and six Bushmasters for convoy to cross the Simpson Desert for Birdsville? Lewis, prepare to exterminate, with force, any terrorists you find on your way to Birdsville. Secure the township of Birdsville, hold it secure until our community has returned. If need be, patrol down the Birdsville Track to maintain security at your discretion.”

  Major Lewis' face lit up, he smiled and his voice broke. “Colonel, do you mean I'll be running this show?”

  “Yes, major, do you doubt your ability to command our armoured cavalry?” asked Sundown, knowing his answer.

  “Sir, you can count on me! I have the men and the armoured carriers already picked, just give me an hour.” Lewis' face beamed.

  “Colonel Thompson, you will remain at Alice Springs Command, run headquarters here and monitor all communications with your staff as…” He was cut off by a disturbance in the corridor outside the meeting room.

  “Bloody boofheads! I'm the general's bloody mate! He just bloody sent for me ya damn boofheads! Now get out of me way and let me in the bloody room!” The group could hear Pedro yelling and swearing outside the closed door. Sundown jumped up and opened the door.

  “Hey, Sundown, matey! What took ya so damn long, ya damn boofhead! I've been waiting in that damn hospital with all them mean, ugly nurses for you to come and get me.”

  He turned to look at Lorraine and Pinkie who were standing beside his wheelchair. “Ah, sorry ladies, I forgets me manners when I gets warmed up and passionate like. You pair are the only pretty nursies in Alice Springs I've decided.”

  “Come on, Pedro, sit here next to me. And promise to behave or I'll send you to stay with the general and he isn't pretty either,” said Sundown with a twinkle in his eyes.

  He turned to Pedro's escort and said, “Thanks, girls, please, if you could wait outside we'll be finished in only a few minutes… Oh, and Pinkie love, a cup of tea is something I would die for.” He smiled his 'love you' smile then looked at the faces surrounding him at the meeting table. “Anyone else want a cuppa?” he asked.

  “Oh, why yes, I do,” said Thompson.

  “Me too, strong and black,” said Lewis and the others put in their orders.

  “Umm, love, some sandwiches wouldn't go astray.” He smiled again and watched as the two girls walked out. Pinkie turned at the door and stuck her rude finger up at her husband.

  “Sundown, dearest, one day you're going to…” she didn't finish because Lorraine grabbed her and pulled her away. They could hear the two women giggling as they closed the door behind them.

  “You deserved that, princess,” said Shadow, knowing just how hard Pinkie worked to keep her husband from having to deal with the mundane chores of daily life. She did that so he could get on with the business of running the war.

  “Damn nice missus you've got there matey. Reminds me of that girl in Vietnam, you know, the nice girl what had the husband with the gun. Huh, oh, better watch yerself then, matey,” chuckled Pedro.

  For a moment Pedro sat quietly thinking. Everyone at the table stopped what they were doing and watched. They could tell he was thinking because his facial features worked furiously over his weather-beaten, whiskered face. Then Pedro leaned towards his friend and spoke softly as though he was talking to a fellow conspirator.

  “Sundown, matey, am I right in thinking you've gone and imprisoned the general? And you've taken command of Third Army?”

  “Yes, Pedro,” replied Sundown speaking as though to a child, “that's correct on both accounts. Didn't I tell you I wouldn't allow anything, or anyone, to harm my family? Well, I had no choice, just ask Vic here.” Vic Thompson nodded in the affirmative.

  Pedro sat back, a smug look on his face. “I knew you would matey, now we can get on with this bloody war and shift them arse-wipes off the face of this
planet!” he said with conviction.

  A sigh of relief could be heard around the table as everyone sat back and waited for Sundown to continue.

  “Right, now, where was I?” he asked his adjutant who was supposed to be recording everything.

  “Lieutenant Shadow, where was Colonel Sundown up to?” McFly turned and asked his partner.

  “Smart arse,” Shadow said and poked her tongue out at him. “Colonel Sundown was just ordering Major Lewis' cavalry troop to form a heavy fighting patrol to secure the township of Birdsville.”

  “Good work, Lieutenant Shadow. McFly, you boofhead, you'd better pay attention otherwise Sundown might switch your positions,” interrupted Pedro. He thoroughly enjoyed being back with his friends.

  “Jehosephat, I don't believe it! I've just taken command of Sesame Street!” snapped Sundown. “For crying out loud, can we get back to work now?”

  “Sorry boss, it's my fault, I'll chastise myself later.” McFly smiled, he just couldn't help himself. Shadow chuckled softly.

  Sundown put his face in his hands for a moment, when he opened them up again he was serious.

  “We've got losses at Patrol One, the entire squad was taken out. Blondie reports she has one wounded and one other with two intelligence staff from the Stosstruppen from Marree. It seems the terrorists were about to get their hands on the radio codes at Patrol One. She managed to intercept and meet up with one of her Tajna Služba and a willing intelligence staff member. We'll interrogate them when they come in, but if Blondie says they are kosher, then they are kosher.”

  He stopped and thought for a moment. “Wiram has taken command of Sundown's Commando and One One Bravo, he's sent them down to the Patrol One site. Sergeant Ahmet's orders are to knock the enemy out of their positions and then fight them to a standstill to allow Blondie to bring her group out of hiding and back to Birdsville. When that occurs they are to withdraw back to the safe house.”


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