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Dante Page 9

by KJ Dahlen

  Mountain came up close and told the nurse, “He’s been through a trauma just an hour ago and he’s just upset.”

  She nodded and rubbed her arms. “I will go see where she is.” She scurried away.

  Mountain shook his head at Dante.

  “Well, fuck! Where is she? What if they—?”

  “Sir?” the nurse called out to him as she came up with a clipboard. “She was taken down to x-ray, ok? She’ll be back up in thirty minutes...”

  Dante turned and ran down the hall to where he’d seen the X-ray floor printed on the wall, next to the elevators.

  Mountain shook his head and patted the nurse’s arm. “Thank you.” He then rushed after his crazed brother.

  After several tests, they finally let Andi go home that evening. She just had a few cuts and scrapes like Dante had supposed but he insisted they check her just to be sure.

  He carried her from the hospital to Mountain’s truck. Then drove her to the warehouse and again, carried her up to his room.

  “I’m okay you know? I’m sure I’m too heavy for you to carr—”

  Dante swooped down on her mouth and covered her words with his lips. He kissed her breathlessly for a minute or two. Then when he broke away, he kept his face close to hers. “Take a good look at me sweet girl. I’m not a small man by any means and carrying you is less than the weights I bench. I will carry you anytime I want.”

  Batting her eyes, she flushed pink and nodded mutely.

  Carrying her in, Dante set her gently on the bed. He then went back and shut the door.

  When he turned, he saw Andi with her head down. He worried about what all had happened to her. He knew he needed to wait until she felt like talking about it. But he didn’t intend to wait long. She needed to get it out and get better. He had all the time in the world to help. Well, the race would be coming up in about ten days but they were already set. They just had to guard the car. In fact, they had all the cars guarded since deke sent the Sin’s out all over town. They refused to allow anymore Morgan made Hot Rods ruined.

  “Are you hungry,” he asked.

  “No, they gave me a tray at the hospital remember?”

  “Yeah, but what I don’t remember is you eating much of it.”

  She shrugged. “I just don’t feel hungry.” She yawned.

  “Okay, but in the morning you are eating a large breakfast.” He stared at her.

  “Why do you keep looking at me like that?” she asked

  “Like what?” he cocked his head at her.

  “L-like I’m gonna go crazy or burst out into screams at any second.”

  He sighed then strolled over to the bed to sit beside her. He took her hand and raised it to his lips to kiss her open palm. “I know more happened than what you said. Which wasn’t much.”

  She shrugged.” “Abby did the most damage like I told the police.”

  “Yes, babe...but that man—”

  She stood up and looked down at him. “I-I need to change clothes ok? I’m really tired.”

  Dante bit at his lip as he gazed up at her, wanting to ask her what all happened, but he kept his questions to himself. “Ok... yeah, you need some rest.”

  She gave him a half smile. “Ok...” She looked around.

  He stood. “Oh...” He walked over to the dresser where her bag was that Bass had packed for her. “Here’s some of your things.” He handed it to her.

  She grabbed it and went into the bathroom, shutting the door.

  Dante knew there was something she did not want to tell him... something she was avoiding. He let out a sigh as he pulled down the blankets on his bed and fluffed the pillows. He would be here if she wanted to talk. That was all he could do.

  When she came out, he patted the bed. “Come on, sleep in my arms.”

  Her cheeks went pink again, as she nodded and climbed in. “I’m not used to sleeping with...” Her voice fell away. “...anyone.”

  He snuggled her down, flicked the light off, and wrapped his arms around her, spooning her up against him. “Neither am I. So I guess we both better get used to it.”

  She said nothing.

  He laid with her until heard her breathing even out.

  He worried about her, but they were together now, and he planned on keeping it that way. Dante breathed in her sweet candy scent and closed his eyes.

  Andi began to toss and turn. Her moans woke Dante up and he laid his hand on her shoulder to wake her. When he made contact with her skin, she groaned and curled into a ball away from him, as if she expected him to hurt her.

  “Hey baby girl, it’s okay,” he called to her softly. “No one is going to hurt you now.”

  She turned and threw herself into his arms, sobbing. “I’m sorry. I was dreaming about the attack. I know you aren’t going to hurt me but it was just so real.”

  “Hey, it’s okay.” Dante kissed her forehead. “I’m here.”

  Andi buried her nose in the hollow of his neck and inhaled. His scent reminded her of the outdoors, fresh and clean with just a hint of sandalwood. The tip of her tongue touched his skin.

  Dante groaned.

  “I want you,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes, please.” She looked away from him. “I....”

  “What?” He hoped it wasn’t what he thought.

  Andi flushed a deep red. “With you, I’m not afraid. I see you and strange things happen deep down inside me.”

  Dante groaned. “I need to know...”

  Andi hung her head. “I-I can’t...I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whispered as she scrambled to leave the bed.

  Dante grabbed her around the waist and hauled her back, close to him. “Where do you think you’re going?” he whispered in her ear.

  “I think I’ve humiliated myself quite enough for one night...Please let me go.”

  “I don’t think so,” he stated. “You need me and I intend to be all you need, ever.”

  Andi turned to stare at him.

  “I’m still the same man who wants and needs you, Andi.” Dante laid her on her back. Then he lifted the shirt up and off her shoulders. Her breasts were glorious, he remembered how sexy they were from last night. He grabbed them in his hands and brought them to his mouth with a greedy groan. Her nipples budded hard and she moaned as he sucked them into his mouth. Alternating between licking and sucking, her body responded to his touch.

  Her hand touched his chest and dragged down his stomach to the front of his boxer shorts. He twisted his hips and ground his erection into her thigh. He kissed her throat then he sucked her skin into his mouth and she groaned now. Reaching lower, he tore her underwear down and off her feet.

  His hand went to the apex of her thighs and he felt her heat. His large, rough fingers spread her lower lips and he felt her wetness. He brushed her clit and she whimpered.

  Her hand dipped under his waistband and she tried to wrap her fingers around the width of his cock. “Ohhh, your skin is soft yet oh, so hard,” she cooed as she ran her fingers down the length of his manhood. Then she almost screamed as he pushed two fingers deep inside her.

  Dante growled, “God you are so tight and warm.”

  “I need you inside me, please,” she whispered. “I want to feel you deep inside me, again.”

  Dante groaned as he moved, ripping his boxers off his body then he moved between her legs. Brushing the tip of his cock against her wetness, he got his cock wet, coating it in her juices, then he pushed himself inside her, a little bit at a time. He felt that tightness again, he now knew this was the way she was built and it made him roll his eyes up in his head, it felt so dammed good. He would have stopped briefly, as he still feared his large size would hurt her somehow, but she wouldn’t let him. Moving slowly, he backed up then moved forward, sinking in deeper each time, until he was deep inside her.

  He paused for a moment, just enjoying the sensation. “Damn, you are so tight, so wet. Are you okay?”

>   Andi nodded and lifted her hips. “Please—please don’t stop now. I need more...”

  Dante backed out and rammed forward, thrusting deeper. He picked up speed and soon he could feel her body responding. The walls surrounding him clenched and she screamed as her body tightened as her orgasm hit. He kept thrusting as he felt his body responding. Feeling closer to the edge, he thrust one last time as deep as he could get. His climax hit and he growled.

  “Oh, my god...” she murmured. Her arms tightened around his neck when he tried to pull away. She pulled him closer and when her lips touched his, she gasped as his tongue thrust deeply into her mouth.

  Andi pushed him onto his back and followed him, so she ended up straddling his hips without breaking contact. From her advantage point, she ground her pussy down and she felt his cock throb back to life.

  Dante grabbed her hips, picked them up, and smashed them down. He groaned and repeated his actions over and over again. Lifting his head, he grabbed her breast in his mouth and sucked her nipple in roughly. When he let go, it released with a soft popping sound. He groaned as she grinded her hips against his pelvis. “Dammit, woman,” he groaned as he thrust himself up into her body.

  “Yes,” she hissed as his fingers moved to her clit. She could feel her climax coming again.

  “I hope you’re close. I can’t hold off very much longer,” he told her.

  Then the force of another orgasm hit her and she screamed.

  Dante could feel her walls closing in and he let himself go along with her. She fell onto his chest and it took a moment for her breath to return. Her body was almost numb and Dante gently moved her to lay beside him. Sweat poured from his brow.

  “Jesus, I can’t move right now,” he murmured as he kissed her forehead.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she turned her head and kissed his shoulder.

  “For what?” he asked with a small laugh. “You are always thanking me for this and believe me, it was my ultimate pleasure.”

  “Just for being you, then,” she replied sleepily.

  Dante chuckled. “I can be me anytime you want, sweet baby girl.” He reached down and grabbing the end of the blanket, he covered them both. She moved to a more comfortable position and he settled his arms around her again. Holding her close to his heart, he waited for her to fall asleep again.

  Dante stared at the ceiling of his bedroom for a long time, waiting for his mind to settle down from all the things that he wanted for Andi. He wanted to rebuild her shop and her grandpa’s place, but he didn’t want her to live there. She would be here with him, he just had to talk her into it. Deciding on this course of action, he could finally sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Gianni Antonelli paid the hit man off last night after he took off from that old dilapidated house Jed had chosen to take that Andi woman. He was hoping to use her against Dante to make his crew follow orders. Then Dante and that huge brother of his had shown up.

  No matter, he knew the solution to this. Well, it had been a backup solution that he had to use now. This hitter was the best out there.

  He figured if you couldn’t lead pigs to the trough. You just kill the pigs. He was so sick and tired of these games. For months, he’d back Stroker in racing and covered his and his sister’s debts and for what? A few wrecked or messed up cars and a hundred thousand dollar loss. That little bitch, Abigail could spend money like water. She had promised to get that Morgan brother in line. But no... that hadn’t worked. Instead, he went with that fat candy maker.

  Well, she’d better not talk while in jail. The little bitch knew better, he’d told her several times that he would bury her alive in a coffin, if his name ever left her fake lips.

  Gianni wanted to own all the racers at that track. He wanted the crews to smuggle drugs for him all over the states. Stoker’s crew already did and several others. He would take over this entire area. Though he did need to get rid of the Vincinti’s for good now, as he had no idea they had connections here until he was already set up in Troy. However, setting a hit on those two men was near to impossible. Leon and Calderone were top of the top in the Italian operations on the east coast. They had guards on top of other guards.

  No worries, he was almost there now. After paying the best hitter in the business, he intended to take out the main Morgan brother then the rest would follow when he informed them that their wives and kids were next. He only needed to hit the man in charge, not the racers.

  He already informed Sniper as the hit man called himself. That it had to be a bullet to the head as the man was actually named, Mountain and body shots wouldn’t cut it.

  Giovanni smiled as he grabbed his phone and swiped it. He needed to get Jedidiah in line for the next race. He felt confident that Dante would do exactly as he was told from now on.

  Before dawn, Sniper slowed his bike and pulled to a stop. He rolled it into the shadows and took the keys out. He was two blocks away from the warehouse and there wasn’t anyone around. Hitching his sniper rifle to his back, he kept to the shadows as he snuck closer. His eyes took in everything as he scanned the immediate area.

  This had been his business for the last five years. After the military, there weren’t many jobs for a killer. He had tried to live a normal life. But working in retail had been a disaster after he punched his asshole boss straight the fuck out. Then he realized he had to do something out of the ordinary. So he went underground and he got familiar with the dark net.

  Only known as Sniper, he’d collected jobs. He only did a few a year. It funded his mountain cabin that was now a mountain estate. He’d planned to do just a few more and then he was out. Then this one came up and it would be his last it paid so well.

  After he started, he’d been more than careful. He knew if any employer ever found out who he was, he wouldn’t live that long, so he used all his military skills to stay off the radar, lost his identity years back and never showed his face. He never even used his real voice over a cell phone. He used burners and never left a trace of himself anywhere.

  Just as he was about to climb the tree to get into position, he saw the shadows move. He crouched for a moment and waited.

  A man stepped out of the shadows and began circling the block. When he got to where Sniper was hiding, Sniper took out his knife carefully. Striking without thinking too much, he sunk the blade in just below the man’s ribcage and straight into his kidney. He didn’t care who he was...just that he was in his damn way.

  It wasn’t much of a struggle and the man made no sound as death took him.

  Sniper dragged him into the nearby bushes and took a look at him with his flashlight. Well, damn, it was just an old bum. What the hell was he doing creeping around the Morgan’s shop? He shrugged. A witness was a witness. He then dragged his body to a nearby dumpster, placed it inside and closed the lid.

  Then he took his place near the trees again and searched the area for any movement. When he found no one there, he shimmied up the tree and when he got high enough, he placed himself on a good strong limb bend. He set up his spot.

  Sniper was ready to earn his two hundred thousand. His life on the mountain without society was almost ready.

  Andi opened her eyes the next morning and the sun was already up. Stretching, she sat up and saw her pack where she left it on the floor next to the door. She smiled slightly and got up. Her body felt sore in places it hadn’t even been aware of before but she also felt renewed. Digging out clean clothes, she headed for the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she stepped in and let the warm water flow over her.

  Closing her eyes, she just stood there for a moment. The next thing she knew strong male arms reached around her and she was pulled back against a warm, hard body.

  “You look dammed delicious, just like your candy,” Dante whispered in her ear.

  She grinned and turned herself around in his arms. Kissing his chest, she murmured, “I thought you would be long gone.”

  “Never happen,” he assured her. “I
was just arranging breakfast. I then ran into your grandpa. Mountain brought him here this morning.”

  Andi groaned. “Is he mad at you still?”

  Dante chuckled. “No, I don’t think so. He and I had a heart to heart talk about you.”

  Andi leaned back and asked, “Oh, and what did the two of you talk about?”

  “I told him you still needed him but he would have to get used to having me there with you every day.”

  Andi frowned. Leaning over, she licked his nipple. “And what did he have to say about that?” she asked as she leaned over to his other side and licked his other nipple. She’d read somewhere the nipples were zone of pleasure for both men and women. When he’d suckled hers all those times, her body responded with pleasure and she felt curious to see if it also worked on Dante. Before he could answer her question, she sucked his nipple into her mouth.

  Dante hissed then ground his hard hot cock into her belly. “Oh...he understood completely.”

  Andi grinned, apparently sucking on them gave him pleasure as well.

  Reaching down, he scooped her higher into his arms and turning, he pinned her to the shower wall. His lips came down on hers hard as he thrust his cock into her body immediately with no more talk. By the third thrust, she felt the electricity flooding her body as she came hard and by the fifth thrust, he was joining her.

  “My god woman, you undo me.” He groaned.

  Andi giggled. “And I feel alive for the first time in my life.” She kissed him long and hard. “Thank you for that.”

  Dante smiled. “Again, the pleasure was all mine.”

  “Well, not quite all yours but I’ll share.” Andi grinned. She picked up the end of her braid and began unraveling it. When she was done, her brilliant hair surrounded her like a cloud of red silk.

  “Wow, that’s beautiful.” Dante stared in awe.

  “Thanks.” Andi smiled. “Sometimes, I wonder if my mom can see it. Her hair wasn’t as long but it was just as nice. She told me I should never cut it short that the women in our family always had this red thick hair.”


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