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Dante Page 10

by KJ Dahlen

  “It was the first thing that drew my eyes that day in your shop.”

  “Oh, really?” she asked with a smile.

  He nodded. “Then your eyes next...” He kissed each eyelid. “Then that creamy skin.” He kissed her cheeks then her forehead.

  She was giggling now....full on.

  “Then these...” He grabbed her large breasts with both hands. “I imagined sucking on them just like this...” He lowered his head and held them both as he swiped his tongue over twin nipples.

  Her body shuddered. “Damn, Dante... that’s quite a list.”

  “Oh, yeah, but I’m not done.” He reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks in a squeezing grip. “This ass. My God, I have never seen a better one.”

  She gasped and her body shook. “No way! My ass is huge!”

  He shook his head. “I just wanna play with it. Kiss it over and over. Caress it.” His hands roamed over it.

  Her face went a bright red.

  He laughed. “It is all true.” He stepped back. “I never tell lies. You will learn this about me. Our dad taught us that lies led to other things that could end up killing you one day. And your mother was right, I never want you to cut this hair.” Dante gathered her hair in his hands then squeezed out some shampoo on her locks then began to work up a lather.

  Andi sighed. “Wow, having help with my hair feels so nice.”

  “Get used to that too. Ok, now... Duck and rinse,” he prompted.

  Andi ducked under the flowing water and felt the shampoo flow to her feet. Squeezing the water from her hair, she stepped out of the shower.

  Dante stepped out immediately while grabbing a towel. “I am drying you, so just relax.” He rubbed her whole body down.

  Andi moaned at his rubs and motions over her skin.

  “Don’t make those sounds, baby,” he warned. “Or we’ll have to shower off again, before I’m through with you.”

  Andi giggled. “Yes, sir.”

  After she was dry, she began the laborious task of combing out her hair. He moved her to the bed this time and sat her down. “I’m going to do this.”

  Andi shook her head. “It is a huge chore, Dante.”

  “And one that will be relaxing to me,” he whispered and stroked her hair out with many brushings over and over. “Yeah, I think I got it all.”

  When that was done, she began braiding it again.

  “Don’t you dry it first?” Dante asked.

  “Normally I would, but I want to catch up with everyone downstairs first and my hair takes a long time to dry.”

  When she finished, she went over to him and placed her hands on either side of his face. Leaning in, she kissed him long and hard.

  Dante gazed up at her with a bewildered look as he licked the flavor of her from his lips.

  “I will show you my thanks from now on.” She smiled.

  He smiled back. “Oh, I like the sound of that.” He stood, grabbed her hand and they headed out the door.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dante sat her down with the women at one of the dining tables. “Girls, introduce yourselves okay? I gotta get my woman some food.”

  Kelly, Quinn and Shayna smiled at him. Then they turned to Andi.

  She gave then a shy smile.

  Dante went off to the kitchen.

  “I’m Quinn, Chance’s wife,” Quinn broke the ice.

  “I’m Kelly, Byron’s wife.” She stretched out her hand. Then looked down at her forearm. “Oh, I missed a spot. Sorry about that.”

  Andi stared at her as she shook her hand.

  “It’s grease,” Shayna added as she laughed. “I’m Shayna, Bowie’s wife by the way. “Kelly is a mechanic.” She too shook Andi’s hand.

  Andi grinned. “I have a little experience doing that.”

  Kelly smiled. “Really?”

  “Yes, my gramps is a pit crew member.”

  “Oh, wow.” Kelly looked across the room at the man she spoke of. “So Bass is your grandpa? Wow, I just love that man. He has helped us out a few times. So, this means you probably know more than I do!”

  “No, probably not. I don’t do much of that anymore. I make candy.”

  “Yes! That’s right! I’ve been to your shop.” Shayna nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, my god, the best truffles on THE face of the earth.”

  Andi shook her head.

  “Oh, yes.” Shayna nodded. “They are.”

  “So Dante...” Kelly began. “I don’t wanna be nosey, but wow. He said ‘my woman’ when he came up to the table.”

  “You are being nosy, Kel.” Quinn laughed.

  “Ok. I am. So...?” She stared at Andi.

  Andi knew her face was bright red. “Yeah, so he says?”

  “So he says?” Quinn leaned in. “Alright, I’m gonna take over the nosiness. Why do you say it like that?”

  “Well, I don’t know. I mean just look at him!” Andi motioned her head toward the kitchen.

  “Yeah, we have, so?” Shayna asked.

  Andi rolled her eyes. “Why would he, a guy that looks that hot, want me forever?”

  The women all paused.

  Shayna raised her bows. “And why not? God, you are beautiful!”

  The women all nodded in agreement.

  “Uh-huh, I second that. God, I wish I had you’re curves,” Kelly agreed.

  The women all smiled at her.

  Andi was mystified.

  “Look,” Quinn spoke up. “Whoever put that trash in your head was stupid.”

  Andi looked around at their serious expressions. “Yeah, maybe?”

  “Not maybe. Geez, were they jealous or something?” Kelly asked.

  Andi thought about this. It had always been Abby and her group. “Yeah...” She gazed back at them all. “I think she was.”

  “Oh well, that explains it then.” Kelly nodded. “Some skinny, fake boobed bitch with botoxed lips and high heels told you this right?”

  Andi gasped at her spot on description of Abby. “Oh, wow. Yeah!”

  “Well, that’s who would talk trash,” Shayna agreed. “Someone that has plastic tits, fake ass, fake nails and dyed hair. Especially when they see a real woman like you. I mean jeeze, you aren’t even wearing makeup, and you glow.”

  Andi leaned in close. “Oh, no. I don’t think the glow is normal.”

  The women raised their brows at this.

  “He gave me the glow I think?” she whispered shyly.

  They all gaped at her. Then they tossed their heads back and laughed.

  Andi giggled at first then she joined them.

  Suddenly, female laughter echoed out over the main room.

  Dante brought her tray and Quinn waved him away. “Go talk to the guys, K? Chance said they had news for you. We will see that she eats.”

  Dante looked over at Andi.

  She was giggling as she nodded.

  Dante headed over to where all the guys were sitting wondering where the scared girl, he woke up to in the middle of the night, had gone. Not that he wasn’t glad. He just thought maybe she would need time to... He shook his head. He still didn’t fully understand women he supposed.

  He went to get a cup of coffee then joined the others at their table. He sat down next to Bass.

  “She looks better rested this morning.” Bass nodded at him.

  Mountain agreed. “She does. Looking at her, you wouldn’t even know what all happened to her yesterday.”

  Chance nodded. “It’s amazing. I think she’s even brighter than whenever I seen her at her shop.” He sipped at his coffee.

  “She had a nightmare last night,” Dante informed him. “So I was worried.”

  “Well, whatever you did to her, please keep doing it,” Bass replied.

  Dante spluttered when his coffee went down the wrong pipe in his throat. “What—did you just say?”

  Mountain began to laugh.

  Chance and Bowie joined him.

  Dante glared at them as he wiped up the coffee from hi
s chin.

  Mountain kept chuckling as he patted Dante on the back. The man was so strong Dante was jolted forward against the table.

  Bass picked up his cup and brought it to his lips. “Just look at her.”

  Dante turned his head and stared at her for a moment. “What about her?’

  Bass looked straight ahead. He wouldn’t look at the other man sitting there. He seemed to know what happened between them. “Whatever happened gave Andi peace of mind and I wouldn’t take that away from her. She means too much to me. But look at her, she’s laughing and talkative. I haven’t ever seen her like this.” Then he turned to glare at Dante. “If you hurt her though, I will kill you, don’t ever doubt that. I’ll will hunt you down and kill you.”

  Dante glared back at the old man for the longest time before he commented, “Understood.” He could beat this old guy in a half second but respect was respect.

  Deke sat down at the table as did Sam.

  “We got bad trouble,” Deke announced.

  “Well, that ain’t new,” Mountain replied. “What’s going on now?”

  “You have a target on your back.” Deke stared at Mountain.

  The big man sat up straighter. “Target?’

  Sam nodded. “Zipper caught a contract on the...” he paused. “Well ...”

  Deke took over, “It was up on the dark net. Then the notice was pulled. There’s a hit out on you Mountain and someone picked the job up.”

  The room went quiet.

  “The fuck?” Bowie asked.

  Sam nodded. “Two hundred thousand dollars’ worth of a target. So you cannot leave this warehouse.”

  Deke nodded. “Can’t go to the shop either. Way too exposed there.”

  “The fuck I’m not.” Mountain stood and towered over all of them. “We got a race soon.”

  “Too bad.” Deke stood to face him. “We protect the MC and your shop is in that. You are in that.”

  “So what do we do about this?” Dante asked. “Besides hide inside like assholes?”

  Mountain growled down at him.

  “Bad choice of words, brother,” Chance warned him.

  “Someone is coming in!” Wes yelled from the door to the shop. “Lots of someone’s. You’d all better come.”

  The men all got up.

  The women stood too from their table.

  Mountain turned to them. “You all stay in the warehouse main, you hear me?”

  Sam looked over at his daughter. “Quinn.”

  She nodded. “Go on, Dad.”

  Chance went over and kissed her on the cheek then he went out.

  The men all headed to the door.

  Deke stopped them at the door to the shop. “You all wait here.”

  Mountain growled down at him.

  “We aren’t females Deke!” Dante grumbled.

  “Don’t matter. Right now, if you’re a Morgan you’re a target. I’m your president.”

  The Morgan brothers all shook their heads and stayed. They would never disrespect their prez, even if they were all tense looking and angry.

  Deke motioned to Wiley to roll up the door.

  Sam, Wiley and Deke aimed their weapons as the door slowly rose up.

  The Morgan men were all too large to fit in the doorway all at once. Mountain turned and growled at them.

  They all backed up a bit.

  Outside, the visitors were slowly revealed.

  A black Limo and three silver SUVs.

  Deke squinted as he lowered a bit to read the Limo’s license plate. Then he raised his arm at the Morgans. “It’s okay, but don’t come near the door yet.”

  The Morgans all moved in but stayed back by the tool wall.

  Huge men all looking the same size as Mountain or even bigger, climbed out of the SUV’s. They gazed around cautiously.

  Deke and Sam holstered their guns.

  Wiley was less sure, as he held his.

  Wes was wide eyed as he watched those large men sweep the area.

  Then one stepped up and opened the limo door.

  Out of it, a tall man stood in Armani and Balini threads his suit fit him like a glove, even though he was muscled with broad shoulders. Dark hair with a bit of salt and pepper look.

  “Calderone Luca Vincinti,” Deke announced to the men. He remembered when he first met this man. It hadn’t been all that friendly either....

  ....As Iceman and Deke walked inside the mansion, they could see several armed men standing around. Their footsteps echoed as they made their way to the table where a single man sat.

  Deke kept his eyes on the man and he hoped this man was the one. As they got closer to the table, Deke caught his eyes.

  The man had a cool but intense gaze. Like someone who was used to wielding power and taking charge.

  Deke held out his hand.

  Calderone hesitated then reached out.

  As their hands met, Deke smiled. Hearing several ominous metallic clicks all around him, Deke let go of the other man’s hand and sat down. “I didn’t come here to hurt you.”

  Calderone and Iceman sat down. “Why exactly are you here Mr. Tory?”

  “I’m going to reach into my pocket and bring out my phone,” Deke informed him. “I’m telling you this, so your men don’t shoot me.”

  Calderone nodded.

  Deke brought out his phone and searched for a photo. As he slid the phone toward the other man, he spoke, “She has your eyes.”

  Calderone froze for a moment, staring at Deke, then reached for the phone. He picked it up with shaky hands and stared at the image on the small screen. When he saw her, his face paled by at least two shades. After all these years, he found himself staring into the eyes he thought he’d never see again. “When was this photo taken?” he finally asked Deke.

  “Three weeks ago, when a redheaded woman came to my clubhouse looking for her friend. I met the blonde for the first time seven weeks ago, when she came to work for me as a dancer. I had no idea who she was and neither did she.”

  Calderone frowned. “What do you mean?” He turned in his chair and stared into the shadows.

  An older man with gray eyes joined him. He took the phone and stared at the young woman in the photo. Turning his gaze to Deke, he introduced himself, “My name is Leon Vincinti, I’m Calderone’s father and this young woman’s grandfather.”

  Deke nodded to the older man.

  “Tell us what you know,” Leon ordered as he sat down beside his son.

  “When I met Peaches—” he began.

  “Her name is Kalliegh Paige Vincinti!” Leon snarled.

  “Father, please, let the man tell his story,” Calderone insisted.

  “I do apologize.” Deke held up his hands. “But she’s only been called Peaches since she was five years old.”

  Leon looked over at Calderone and they both stared at Deke.

  “How is that possible?” Leon asked.

  “She was injured at that time. My girl Cassie thinks she was in a car accident. She was covered in small cuts and had a bump on her head. Anyway, she didn’t speak for several months and when she started talking again, she called herself Peaches.”

  Calderone shook his head. “That fits. Her mother was killed in a car accident when Kalleigh was five. We never found any trace of my daughter...it was as if she just disappeared.”

  Deke’s face tightened in anger. “No...she just didn’t disappear.”

  “What ae you talking about?” Calderone asked.

  Deke leaned forward. “Gentlemen, I have a story to tell you. It ain’t a very nice story but you need to hear it. It’s about two little girls. Their names are Peaches and Cassie.”.....

  ....Deke now stood face to face with that same man. Only a lot of history had gone between them since that meeting. They were actually family in a big way.

  Calderone stepped closer then reached out and grabbed Deke up into a hug.

  The Morgans all stared wide eyed.

  Sam shrugged at them. “It�
��s like the Italian way of a greeting.” He took a step back, so he wouldn’t get the same greeting.

  Calderone spotted Sam doing that and he laughed as he let go of Deke. “No worries. I don’t kiss cheeks like my father does often or my uncles. I wouldn’t do that to biker men.” He shook his head and looked past Sam. His steely gaze zeroed in on Mountain. “Well, no need to ask which of you is this Mountain man.”

  Morgan stepped forward. “What about me?”

  Calderone shook his head at him. Then he raised his hand up and twirled it around.

  Two of his huge guards dragged a man forward, dropping him to the pavement. He was bound by zipties.

  “And who is this?” Deke asked.

  “A man who was sitting in a tree...” Calderone turned and pointed across the street. “Right there. Rifle in hand. A powerful weapon that only true killers use.”

  Morgan growled and stepped forward to heft the large man up. He pulled his large meaty fist back.

  “Wait!” Sam yelled.

  Morgan halted as he growled some more. “Why?”

  Sam rushed over. “Cuz, I know him.”

  The man with the bloody face slowly raised his head. “Bones?”

  “Jared Harrelson, what the fuck man?”

  Jared sighed. “This is how I make my living since I got out.”

  “Well, god dammit man.” Sam seethed at him. “You were sent to kill my dammed father n law. He’s my family!”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “You did not care, you mean,” Calderone sneered. “I know who you are.”

  Jared looked over at him. “That’s impossible.”

  “Nothing is impossible. It is what we call Costa solo denaro. Which means it just costs money. “You are the Sniper am I right?”

  The man sighed and hung his head.

  Calderone looked over at Sam. “Do you wish to speak for this man’s character?”

  Sam pushed his fingers through his hair. “He served in our unit. In fact, he was the best sniper we ever had. Only that wasn’t is call name at the time. He saved many lives. I cannot condone him killing people for money though.”

  “No, you can’t.” Jared raised his head. “I’m not an honorable man anymore. I haven’t been since the day they took my rank away.”

  The men all looked uneasy.


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