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Page 11

by KJ Dahlen

  “Still, you were going to kill this man, Mountain, correct?” Calderone asked.

  Jared nodded.

  “Do you know why?” Sam asked. “Why you were supposed to kill him?”

  Jared laughed. It had a cold sound and no humor in it. “Same shit, sol denaro.”

  One of Calderone’s huge men came in, carrying something in a blanket. “Boss, we got more trouble.”

  Calderone nodded for him to come forward.

  “I found this man in the dumpster over on the corner.” He pulled the blanket back to reveal the dead man’s face.

  Deke, Sam and Dante gasped.

  Mountain shook his head, as did Wiley.

  “That’s Blue,” Dante said sadly. “He was watching Andi I bet.”

  “I killed him,” Jared spoke up, admitting it in a flat voice. “He was a casing the place and I couldn’t have any witnesses.”

  Dante stepped close. “The man was harmless to you. He just wanted justice for his son who’d been killed. He was protecting my woman all this time.” Dante clenched his fists.

  Jared lowered his head.

  Calderone looked troubled. “We shall put your friend down mercifully and quick in honor of his service and only for that.” He gazed remorsefully at Sam then signaled to two of his other men.

  Sam lowered his head. He really couldn’t defend his old military buddy.

  They came forward and took Jared “Sniper” away.

  Calderone turned to Deke. “This poor man, Blue...did you say?”

  Deke nodded.

  “Who killed his son?”

  “He claimed it was Jedidiah Stroker,” Deke replied. “A hit and run when the boy had barely graduated high school.”

  Calderone looked pissed. “I know what it is like to lose a child and feel like they will never come home. This man will get buried with honor next to his son. I will get the details of his name from my IT team.”

  “How did you ever manage to catch Jared?” Sam finally spoke up. “He was the best at what he did.”

  Calderone cocked his head as looked at Sam and then Deke with those grey eyes of his. “Same answer. We pay for only the best. I too, had my own sniper and a few men watching this shop and the compound. You are all family members, so Leon and I will not take any chances.”

  “You are also here to get a certain man, right?” Dante asked.

  Calderone nodded. “He must be stopped. In fact, it was he that hired this killer in the first place. This is the one truly responsible for both Blue and this Jared’s demise.” He looked over at Mountain. “And he would have had you killed as he slept in this morning.”

  Mountain shook his head.

  Calderone smiled and when he did, all the men could see he had charm to spare when he wanted to use it. “I will be around.”

  Deke stepped forward. “You can stay at the compound. Peaches is visiting, she would love to see you.”

  Calderone nodded. “That is very kind of you, but I have my own operations center here. Do not worry, all your families and men are being protected as we speak. I am just sorry we hadn’t save this man, Blue. If you will excuse me...I have a man to kill.” He turned and all his men crowded around him so you couldn’t even see him as he made his way back to his limo.

  “Wow,” Chance muttered. “He is really like... with the mafia?”

  Deke nodded. “He is the mafia.”

  Sam nodded. “Deke has connections high and low.”

  Deke grunted. “Not a compliment Dad.”

  “I never said it was, boy.”

  Dante patted Mountain’s arm. “Well, you still should avoid windows and open doors for a bit, brother. Until we catch or Calderone catches this Antonelli.”

  “What did you just say?” a voice asked from the doorway to the warehouse.

  Dante turned to see Andi.

  She looked pale. “What was that name you just said?” she repeated.

  Dante hurried over, concerned at her expression. “The man who is running all of this, Gianni Antonelli.”

  Andi gasped, as she looked dizzy for a moment, then she slumped against Dante.

  He was worried now and grabbed her up. “Damn, she just passed the fuck out!”

  Chapter Twelve

  Dante took her into the main room. She started to come to as he sat down with her on his lap.

  The women all came over looking concerned.

  Quinn handed her a glass of water.

  Andi took it with shaky hands and drank a little.

  Dante grabbed it and set it down. “Out with it.”

  Andi shook her head.

  “Come on Andi,” he urged. “You knew that name. I scared you so much you fucking fainted.”

  She put her face into his chest. “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. So please? You need to be honest with me.”

  “Maybe you need to be honest with everyone, little girl,” Bass spoke up.

  She raised her tear stained face to look at him. “Gramps, it’s life or death. I just can’t!”

  Mountain moved to stand in front of her. “Whose life?”

  “Whose death you mean!” she cried loudly.

  “Come on sweet girl. You know I will protect you.” Dante hugged her tight.

  “The entire MC and the Morgans will,” Deke spoke now. “If it means someone’s safety, you have to tell us.”

  She sniffled. “I need to protect Dante,” she whispered.

  Dante grabbed her face again. “What?”

  Swallowing heavily, Andi spoke, “He came into that room and came over to me. I thought he was gonna rape me.”

  Bass stood up from his chair. “What the hell?”

  She waved him off. “Abby said that a man was coming to kill me, but that he would rape me first. I was so scared when he came in.”

  “Did you see his face?” Sam asked.

  “He wore this strange mask. Like the kind they wear at balls or something.”

  “What did he do to you?” Dante asked in a low angry voice.

  “N-nothing really.” She looked away.

  He grasped her jaw gently and turned her face back to his. “Tell me.”

  She swiped a tear and sat up. “Ok, ok. He told me that I had to stop you from racing. That instead...” Her voice slowed. “I should cause some fuss. Like break up with you or do anything I had to—To make sure Jed wins that race. Or...” She started to cry again.

  “...Or he would have Dante killed,” Deke finished for her.

  “Yes!” she yelled and cried loudly. “He told me his name, Gianni Antonelli and he said I would never forget it once my man was dead with a bullet to his head.” She kept on crying.

  Dante held her tight. “He won’t get that chance. We just took out his hitman, Andi. And did you see that man who was leaving the shop?”

  She sniffled and sat forward. “Yes, the tall one in the nice suit?”

  “Yes, that one,” Dante told her. “He will stop this Antonelli. He will. So don’t worry.”

  “B-but you are still going to...race?” she asked.

  “Yes, I still will.”

  No!” She stood up. “You can’t!”

  He sighed. “I swear Andi. It will be okay.”

  She looked around at everyone in the room. “It is just a damn race! Why is it such a big deal? Huh?” She glared at them all. “I mean, so what? It’s just a trophy. It isn’t worth Dante’s’ life!” She pushed Dante away and ran up the hallway.

  Dante ignored everyone in the room and went after her. He caught up with her at the door. “Andi come on. It will all be okay.”

  “No, no it won’t.” She went in through the door.

  He followed her and made his way over to the bed where she laid facedown. He knelt beside it. “Andi, it isn’t just the race.”

  Sniffling, she turned to look at him. “Then what is it?” Her eyes were red.

  Dante hated to see her so upset, but he needed her to understand. “My family makes these hot rods for a
t least six racers. It is what we do. We also have contracts with the race track. It is what keeps us in business here. Not just locals who cannot afford classic rebuilt cars.”

  “So, it’s about money?” She almost spat this out at him with disgust.

  He shook his head and got onto the bed with her. “No, we can’t just buckle under when someone comes along and tries to ride roughshod over us. Don’t you get it?”

  She stared at him.

  “I mean we are going to rebuild your shop and Bass’ house.”

  “W-what does that have to do with anything?” she countered.

  “It has to do with no defeat. Not giving up. Are you going to quit making chocolates and running your own shop because someone was after you?”

  She swiped her nose. “No,” she replied begrudgingly.

  “See my point now? You cannot let anyone bully you. Make you stand down in life.”

  Sitting up, she stared at him. “I... yeah. I see what you mean. I suppose I spent almost my entire childhood being bullied and... maybe I got used to being a victim?”

  Dante chuckled. “When you bitch slapped Abby and snickered at her as she was going to jail. That was empowerment. You stopped being a victim then.”

  “I-I’m just so scared I will lose you. I have never had it lucky and getting you was beyond luck. I just...I got scared is all.”

  “Well, don’t be scared anymore. We will stand up to this bully and then Andi-handy-bitch-slap him down.”

  She bit at her lip to keep her laughter back, but failed as she burst out laughing.

  Dante gathered her up and laughed with her. “That’s my girl.”

  Ten days later...

  Dante looked around. He wanted to see that asswipe Jed face to face before the race. His buddies hadn’t talked and neither did Abby. Oh, everyone knew why. It wasn’t for the love of Jed. It had been fear of someone else. So, instead of being in jail, here the man was getting ready to race.

  They hadn’t seen Calderone again. Deke said he spoke to him often but the man hadn’t said anything positive, except he was close to getting him and he was silently undoing all the threads that Antonelli had been sewing for months. So Deke actually thought Antonelli had possibly even left the area. When he’d asked Calderone if that was probable, the man said he doubted it. Men like him were full of ego and one day that would blow up so large, it would be ready for Calderone to stick a pin in it.

  Dante had thought that was an odd expression but he didn’t know the man as well as Deke. It must be some Italian or mob expression.

  So, no bad guys in jail yet, except for the minions. Well, not all of them, Jed still had Jace the Ace in his pocket. Dante rolled his eyes. The man wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, so he wished him luck with that minion.

  Everywhere Dante looked, he spotted Calderone’s men. They dressed normally but their Italian heritage was showing more often than not and people in town knew the MC had big men, but these guys were mammoths. So it was hard to hide them at all. At least to Dante’s and his brother’s eyes.

  It was race day. Crews were in the pits.

  Dante was getting that feeling, the same one he always got before a race. Antsy, excited, tense and happy all at once. It was a bowstring of emotions.

  He didn’t want Andi to come today. But she insisted as she’d been to many of these, she said. He hadn’t known that, but it figured, as her pops was a crew boss. She then admitted that for the entire last year, she had come to only the races Dante was to be in. Wow, Dante had felt a thrill at hearing this. So much so that he had torn her clothes off and took her up against a wall.

  Afterward, Andi said she had to come up with more stalking stories in the future. Dante had laughed then took her to have another sweet shower like they often did now. The best time he had ever had in his goodtiming life had been the last two weeks with his Candy Girl.

  Dante put on his gear and glanced at the clock. It was getting time. He then headed out to where it would all start. He looked around the pit garage when he came in.

  His brothers were all here. Mountain was giving orders to their crew, like always. No one knew more about cars than that man. Dante and his brothers all learned most of what they knew from him.

  They’d had the car guarded by MC for three weeks now. So, it checked out on all the tests Byron and Kelly put it through. It was for sure, clean and tight. He smiled, just like my Andi Girl. God, he was in love and there was no doubt about it. He intended to finally tell her after the race and he had a few surprises in store for her too.

  Dante stood silently and closed his eyes. He always sent up a little prayer before each race. He prayed to be safe and make it through. He never prayed to win, that wasn’t up to God, only up to him and his crew. He shook away any other thoughts now. Only the car, only the track, only the voice in his headset.

  He was ready.

  Mountain called out, “SET!”

  Dante put on his helmet and strapped it then climbed in. He took a deep breath and started it up. Damn, this engine was music to his ears. He pulled out and followed the flags.

  He pulled into position and it happened to be next to Jed Stroker.

  Jed looked over and gave him a satisfied grin then he mouthed, “Time to die, fucker.”

  Dante felt a little start at this blatant threat. What could this fucker have done to think that? He glared at the man and mouthed back, “You first, Pussy.”

  Then after several minutes of idling car engines, the flag finally went up then down.

  They all jetted forward.

  There were several turns and some were fairly sharp. Dante kept up with the pack. He’d done this dozens of times and it never got old.

  The racers all kept tight and Dante tried to get around them. With Mountain’s prompts over the headset, Dante shot through several loopholes and headed forward.

  Jed was right behind him.

  Dante knew he needed to pay attention to the fucker as he did have something planned. That was obvious.

  Jed seemed smug as they made a turn before the last round.

  Slowing into the pit, Dante’s crew, mostly his brothers, did their thing and got his car back up to fresh. He waited and felt adrenaline like never in his life except while racing. He sure was glad he wasn’t hungover this time. In fact, he hadn’t been that way for a while now.

  Mountain saluted as the tire grip was removed.

  And off Dante went for the final laps.

  He was heading around the track and was in first place. Two more loops to go as he saw the flags flash. He wondered where Jed was.

  “He’s in your right quadrant,” came Mountains voice over his headset. Like he’d read Dante’s mind. “Watch your ass, brother.”

  Dante nodded and only replied with one word, “Yup.” He didn’t want to talk. He had enough to do to drive.

  Finally, they were both almost neck and neck, him and Stroker at the final lap.

  “Hang on brother,” Mountain’s voice came over the headset again. “You gotta veer 5 degrees, right.”

  Dante frowned. What the hell?

  “VEER RIGHT!” Mountain repeated.

  Dante did what he said though it made no sense. He trusted his brother in all things, especially in racing.

  A light went past his car and straight in through Jed’s windshield.

  Dante didn’t see what all happened behind him as he pulled ahead and crossed the finish line.

  “God Dammit! I fucking won!” he shouted.

  “You sure as fuck did!” Mountain said over the set.

  He had to go halfway around to slow down enough to stop. Then as he passed that last lap, he saw the pile up of cars, and Jed’s was right in the middle of it. The rescue crews were all over that scene with cutters to get him out apparently. “Serves you right, pussy,” Dante muttered though he smiled as he said it.

  Pulling into his pit, his crew was cheering while jumping up and down like idiots. His brothers were tough jerks but insid
e... each of them were just little boys playing with cars.

  He climbed out. Immediately, his brothers all grabbed him up and onto their large shoulders. Dante was at least ten feet off the ground. It was the best day ever. Well, Dante figured it would stay as that until the day he got married to his Candy Girl.

  Finally, they set him down near the trophy stand.

  He looked around for the candy of his life.

  Andi was standing to the back behind the crowd. There was no way she would ever get through that throng.

  “Mountain?” he called to his brother.

  Mountain looked up from his cell phone as he’d gotten a picture of Dante next to the stand.

  “Get her here!” Dante pointed at Andi.

  Mountain nodded and then parted the crowd like the red sea.

  People moved back like he was a bulldozer. They were all just stick people to a man like him. He laughed and grabbed Andi up.

  She looked startled then she smiled as he set her up on his shoulder like she was nothing but a sack of potatoes. Then he carried her over and set her down in front of Dante.

  Dante grabbed her up. “You gotta stand with me when I get the trophy.”

  Andi had tears in her sparkling eyes. “Me?”

  “Yes, you!” He leaned in close so she would be sure to hear him. “We won today. We all won. You won too, cause you never bowed down.”

  “It was the best Bitch Slap I have ever seen!” Andi flushed a beautiful pink as she grinned.

  Dante laughed and led her up to the stand.

  When they announced him as the winner and made their speech, Dante was handed the trophy and he held it up above his head. Then he immediately passed it to his brother and scooped Andi up to be sure to bend her back and kiss her long and hard in front of all of Troy.

  Dante Morgan was a winner all right and this sweet woman was the real payoff.

  Jed Stroker was livid as they cut him from his car. That fucker Dante took his victory. And Jace, that idiot actually flashed that laser light into his eyes instead of Dante’s.

  Jed also had a broken leg and the paramedics had taken him to the hospital. He hadn’t wanted to go but they made him. He was in severe pain but it didn’t compare to the angry pain he had in him. His whole crew had been thrown in jail and he had suffered everyday with fear that anyone of them would talk. They hadn’t and he knew why. In fact, he knew that after they gave him a cast, he would get the hell out of dodge for the same reason they wouldn’t talk. Mr. A was going to be really angry today.


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