The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12)

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The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12) Page 6

by Cara Albany

  He wanted to run his hands through her soft, blonde hair. He needed to remind himself of just how delicate it felt. The sweet scent of her perfume was intoxicating and he knew he was about to lose himself utterly in the next few moments.

  Suddenly, as if sensing the strength of his passion, and the effect he was having on her, Belle moved imperceptibly away from Khalid. The moment passed. He felt something sink within himself, and he shuffled awkwardly on his heels, drawing in a sharp, deep breath.

  "I suppose I should get inside," she said, tugging nervously at her hair. "Erin will be wondering what I'm up to."

  "And what exactly are you up to?" Khalid asked softly.

  Belle didn't answer that question with words. Instead, she moved closer, smiled at Khalid and rested her hand against his chest. He felt her fingers curl slightly against the fabric of his white shirt. Her cheeks flushed a little. He was sure this wasn't any easier for her than it was for him. But it was clear what she was trying to do right now.

  Belle was trying to keep Khalid at bay.

  Khalid drew in a deep breath and glanced down at her hand. He looked back at Belle and nodded. He understood, even if he didn't like what that gesture had told him.

  He crooked an arm out at Belle. "Let me take you in," he suggested.

  Belle paused and squinted at him. Was she surprised at his sudden compliance? Or had she misunderstood what he wanted?

  "We can go in together," Khalid added.

  "But, what will people say if they see us arriving together like that?" she asked glancing down at his arm.

  She looked unsure, as if she realized what might happen if she agreed to his suggestion. People might gossip.

  He could see her deliberating for a few moments. He knew they had a choice. They could walk into the party casually, side by side, creating the illusion that there was nothing between them. Because, that's what it would be. An illusion. They both knew the truth, even if others didn't know it yet.

  Or, they could take this opportunity to make a statement. They could show the world of Qazhar society that their secret was no longer a secret. Khalid knew what he wanted to do, but he needed to give Belle the chance to make up her own mind. He wasn't going to do anything that would cause her embarrassment.

  Belle glanced down at his extended arm and hooked her hand through it. She smiled up at him.

  Khalid felt a surge of excitement. She'd made up her mind. No more secrets. His heart leapt at that thought.

  Khalid held her arm close against him. It felt good to hold her like this, he told himself. They walked toward the door. He knew that by leading Belle into the party like this, they would be making a spectacle of themselves. People might talk.

  Who was he kidding!

  Of course they would talk. They would do more than just talk. There were people in there who did nothing but gossip about what sheikhs got up to.

  Everyone who saw them like this would guess that the sheikh and the young American were more than mere acquaintances. Much more. That would send tongues wagging. Speculation would start.

  And, he was more than happy with that, he told himself.

  As he entered the palace with Belle on his arm, Khalid realized that the time for secrets might well be over.


  They paused at the front door and Belle felt a sudden moment of panic. Had she done the right thing? Had this been a mistake? Faces turned to her and Khalid; eyes widened in surprise; heads leaned closer as people started to talk amongst themselves. They were absolutely the center of attention for few moments. The world seemed to slow, everything around her took on a fresh, brighter quality.

  Belle looked at the faces watching her and Khalid standing arm in arm. Mouths moved silently. She wondered what they were saying.

  Of course it was obvious what they were saying, she thought to herself.

  They knew, Belle realized. They knew the truth she'd been trying to hide for so long. The reality she'd been trying to deny for too long.

  They were wondering if she was the sheikh's new woman. His latest companion. It was that simple. She knew Khalid had a reputation. He was a sheikh, after all. Reputation went with the territory. She knew she wasn't the first woman to be seen in public. But she didn't care about that. Not right now.

  She glanced up at Khalid. He gazed down at her, a satisfied, even proud smile on his face. His eyes were bright with affection. And maybe something more? What exactly? She knew the answer to that question, even if she wasn't going to admit it to herself.

  It felt somehow right to be standing here at the entrance to the reception hall, in full view of many of the guests. Belle forced herself to straighten, lifting her chin proudly, the need to show her defiance of any doubters suddenly strong. She drew in a deep breath, the scents of the room filling her nostrils with a dizzying mixture of aromas.

  As she did so, Belle felt her head lighten suddenly. The sights and sounds of the reception room seemed momentarily overwhelming. The traditional Qazhar music seemed hypnotic, mingling with the loud murmur of the conversation of nearly a hundred people, all of whom she knew occupied positions of influence in Qazhar society. These were the true elite, and Belle felt suddenly like a mannequin on display.

  Belle felt her knees weaken slightly, and she settled softly against Khalid. She looked up at his face and saw concern on his features. He'd felt the weight of her body lean suddenly against him. He must be wondering what was happening to her.

  Khalid wrapped an arm around her back, supporting her. "Are you feeling okay, Belle?"

  She pulled away from him and nodded sharply. "I'm fine."

  "You need some fresh air? Perhaps to sit down?" he asked. She could see how worried he looked.

  Belle forced herself to straighten again. She fussed with her hair and smiled at a nearby couple. The woman's brows had furrowed as she'd witnessed Belle's sudden change.

  Belle shook her head and sucked in a deep, calming breath. "No. I'm fine."

  Then she did what seemed like the only sensible thing in the circumstances. But it was the one thing which made her feel almost instant regret.

  Belle loosened herself from Khalid's tender support. She saw his eyes widen as she did that. Belle straightened her dress, eager to seem busy, almost as desperate to create an impression of casual interest in Khalid.

  Belle wondered what had overtaken her. Had it simply been the reaction of everyone in close proximity? Had she underestimated the effect of people suspecting that she was having a relationship with Khalid? Could it even be that, deep down, she still thought she and Khalid were history?

  Maybe she'd made a mistake. Out there, on the steps, walking into the palace arm in arm with the sheikh who had until recently been her secret lover, had seemed like the right thing to do.

  But now?

  How was going to overcome this sudden rush of confusing feelings, the tumult of disorienting thoughts tumbling through her mind? She felt like she had to, in any way she could, hold back the onrushing wave of sensation that had made her feel that moment of unsteadiness. She felt like a foolish teen arriving at a prom night. What on earth had come over her? She had to get a grip of herself.

  Belle glanced up at Khalid and saw the genuine concern on his face. He looked like the simple act of Belle removing her arm from his had hurt, had caused an instant wound. He looked perplexed. Any moment now he was probably going to ask her why she had done that.

  Then, as if fated to provide Belle with a way out of her predicament, her sister, Erin called out to Belle.

  "Belle? Is everything alright?" Erin said as she pushed her way gently through the cluster of guests. Erin held a tall glass of what looked like champagne. Belle realized she could do with something to calm her nerves.

  A waiter eased past her carrying a tray with drinks. Belle took a glass for herself, noticing that Khalid had refrained from doing the same. He was still looking at her with a puzzled expression on his face. But he said nothing. He was obviously t
rying to maintain some semblance of politeness.

  Belle turned to Erin. "I'm fine," she replied to Erin. Belle saw Karim behind Erin. Karim glanced past Belle at Khalid. Karim's features were impassive. Belle saw Khalid match Karim's icy stare. Belle took a sip of champagne, savoring the sweetness, the bubbles that tickled her nose.

  Belle turned to Erin. "Isn't it impressive?" she said to her sister, desperate to keep things polite.

  "The turnout?" Erin said, nodding. "I've already seen so many people we know. Everyone has turned out for this," she said admiringly.

  Erin turned to Khalid. "You must be very pleased, Khalid," Erin suggested.

  Khalid nodded, although Belle could see his attention was more taken with Karim's stony gaze than anything Erin could say to him.

  As if realizing he was on the verge of being rude, Khalid looked at Erin, blinking quickly. "I'm sorry, Erin. I was miles away. You were saying?"

  Erin glanced at Belle who squinted at her sister. "I was saying how wonderful it is that so many people have come to your evening," she said.

  "I'm pleased," Khalid said evenly, gazing out across the sea of heads. Belle could see that Khalid's interest in his guests seemed to have diminished since she'd pulled herself free of him.

  He turned to Belle, his gaze lingering on her face, his eyes narrowing with dark intent. It was the same look she'd seen on his face outside at the top of the stairs. "Although, I have to admit that I am more pleased to see your sister than anyone else," he announced as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Belle saw Khalid glance at Karim as he said that.

  Belle felt her face flush instantly. She looked at Erin and saw the visible surprise on her sister's face. Behind her, Karim looked puzzled by the statement. He glanced from Belle to Khalid.

  How was she going to explain that last remark of Khalid's? Did she even want to try?

  Belle wondered if Erin had seen her and Khalid walking into the room together. Did her sister have any idea now of what had been going on between Belle and Khalid?

  Belle saw Erin glance quickly at the two men. Erin squeezed Belle's arm. "You and I need to talk," she declared.

  Belle's eyes widened. "We do?"

  Erin nodded, twitching her head to one side indicating that she and Belle should find some place away from Khalid and Karim.

  "Okay. If you say so," Belle added.

  "I do say so," Erin stated emphatically, tugging on Belle's arm.

  "You two behave while we're gone," Erin stated looking from Karim to Khalid a mischievous grin on her features.

  Karim opened his mouth as if to object, but a stern look from Erin made him hesitate.

  Belle froze for a second, mortified that her sister would say such a thing. Didn't she feel the palpable tension between her husband and Khalid? This was no laughing matter.

  Belle looked at Khalid as she was being pulled away slowly. Khalid's brows furrowed as he watched Belle being led away by her sister. For a moment Belle considered resisting. But, then she realized it might create an even more uncomfortable scene.

  As she followed behind Erin, she glanced back at Khalid and shrugged as if admitting defeat. He didn't react, but she saw him glance at Karim. Khalid didn't look at all pleased.

  Belle wondered what the two men could possibly say to each other. She worried that their previous tense encounter out on the steps might simply continue now that Erin wouldn't be around to maintain decent diplomatic relations between them.

  Belle hardly had a moment to worry before she was led through the crowd of guests and out through the open french doors at the far end of the room.

  The two sisters emerged out onto a wide terrace which faced out over the palace gardens which were lit by arrays of strategically arranged lights.

  Belle felt a sudden relief and she sucked in a deep breath of cool evening air. Belle sighed and gazed up at the darkening sky. Stars were beginning to appear in the broad expanse, glittering, beautiful jewels. In the far distance she could see the desert dunes, mysterious and tempting.

  Erin placed her glass on the marble balustrade and turned to Belle.

  "What was that all about?" Erin demanded.


  Erin squinted at Belle. "You know what I'm talking about, Belle. Don't try and pull the wool over my eyes. I saw the way you and Khalid were holding onto each other."

  "It was nothing," Belle said.

  Erin lifted a brow and fixed Belle with a penetrating stare, saying nothing.

  Belle sighed. For a moment, she thought about how wonderful it would be to go there, be in the expanse of wild desert, alone with Khalid. Anything would be better than being here, feeling like this, under the scrutiny of her sister.

  "I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, Erin," she added.

  Erin's brows furrowed. "I thought there was something funny about the way he looked at you tonight when we arrived," Erin said.

  "What do you mean, funny?"

  Erin's gaze was withering. It was the kind of look that said her sister refused to be lied to. Just like always, just like it had been the whole time they'd been growing up together. "Belle," Erin sighed taking a step toward her. "What haven't you been telling me?"

  Belle wrapped her arms around herself. Not because she felt the cold evening air against her skin. She just needed a moment to figure out what she could say to her sister.

  Even as she'd done it, she'd known that whole idea of walking in with Khalid like that would turn out to be a mistake. It looked like she'd been right to be nervous. What had she been thinking of?

  "Does anyone else know about this?" Erin asked.

  "About what?" Belle said, desperately trying to hold on to the last vestiges of her secret.

  Erin shook her head patiently and just waited for Belle to continue.

  Belle exhaled a long exasperated breath. She peered at Erin and saw a mixture of concern and impatience on Erin's features. It was clear Erin was desperate to know the truth.

  Belle walked to the balustrade and leaned against the cold marble. Erin came to her side and rested a hand on Belle's shoulder. Still, Erin said nothing, waiting for Belle to have her say.

  "I don't know where to start," Belle said.

  "The beginning's a good place," Erin replied.

  Belle frowned. "It's true. Khalid and I have been seeing each other," she stated bluntly.

  Belle saw Erin lower her head and nod, as if her suspicions had been confirmed.

  "It started a couple of months ago," Belle continued. "We met at a party to do with property developers in Qazhar city. We just hit it off. Started seeing each other. But, it only lasted a few weeks."

  Erin frowned. "You're not seeing him anymore?"

  Belle tilted her head. "Not exactly," she drawled.

  Erin fixed Belle with a penetrating look. "Either you're seeing him or you're not."

  "It's complicated," Belle said.

  Erin rolled her eyes. "Aw, come on, Belle. Don't give me that. I've heard all about complicated. Heck, I've lived it myself."

  Belle knew Erin was right. She only had to think about her sister's arranged marriage to the man who ultimately became her husband to know that Erin was an expert in complicated.

  "I know it sounds crazy. Khalid of all people being the guy I was dating."

  "Were?" Erin probed again.

  Belle sighed. "We haven't exactly been seeing each other these past few weeks."

  "What happened?"

  Belle drew in a deep breath and thought about how to describe the end of her relationship with Sheikh Khalid. How it had finished; the argument; the fury; the frustration. And the real cause of it. The wound that Khalid still struggled to deal with. The one she wondered would ever be healed.

  Why did it suddenly feel so good to say the truth? She looked quickly at Erin and saw her sister's brows furrow slightly, saw the way she nodded her head slowly, as if processing that revelation needed a few moments of calm attention.

was a long pause. Both sisters kept their gaze averted from each other. Belle felt an impatient need to know what Erin thought. Her sister's silence was the worst possible response. Would she complain that Belle had deceived her? That Belle had even lied to her about something they both knew was so important, so significant?

  Belle having an intimate relationship with someone who was an enemy of her sister's husband was a big deal. Belle wondered why she hadn't thought of it like that while she had been getting to know Khalid. Had she just been selfish? Had she just completely disregarded her brother-in-law's feelings in order to satisfy her own personal longings?

  It was all coming home to her now. Maybe she had misjudged the situation badly, after all.

  Maybe this whole thing had been a bad idea. Now her sister knew, perhaps she could draw a line under this whole affair.

  "I don't want to talk about Khalid. Not behind his back like this," Belle said sharply.

  "Maybe it would have helped if you'd told me," Erin said.

  Belle peered at Erin. "Why?"

  Erin shrugged. "I could have talked to Karim. Perhaps he wouldn't be quite so angry if he knew you and Khalid have been close." Erin lifted a brow. "Especially as close as you're hinting."

  Belle's face flushed. There wasn't much chance she could fool her sister. Some things just never changed.

  Belle faced Erin. "You think Karim and Khalid could get along?" she asked eagerly.

  Erin frowned. "I don't know about that. Getting along might take a bit of doing," she said with a smile. "Maybe it would help Karim see that Khalid isn't all bad. At least, not as bad as his father."

  Belle frowned. "There's been so much misunderstanding," she exclaimed.

  "I know," Erin agreed. "Maybe it is time everyone moved on."

  Belle reached across and curled her fingers around Erin's arm. "That would be so great, Erin," she exclaimed.

  Erin tilted her head. "I'm not promising anything, you understand," Erin said.


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