The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12)

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The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12) Page 7

by Cara Albany

  "It would mean so much to me," Belle said. "And to Khalid. He's really nothing like his father."

  Erin smiled sympathetically. "I think I've seen that already."

  "You have?" Belle asked.

  Erin nodded. "I met Khalid's father, don't forget. He was an angry man."

  Belle nodded. In spite of herself, she recalled the strength of Khalid's own rage, his frustration. Of course Khalid was nothing like his father. That went without saying. His father would never have considered a foreign woman as a lover, let alone anything more significant. Not for the first time, Belle pushed thoughts of a longer term future with Khalid to the back of her mind.

  Erin touched Belle gently on the arm. "Perhaps, tonight is the start of something better for both of them."

  Belle glanced back into the reception room. She wanted to get back inside, back to Khalid. The night was early and she didn't want to be parted from him for longer than was absolutely necessary.

  Belle felt Erin's grip on her arm tighten slightly. Belle peered at Erin and could tell her sister wanted to ask one final question before they made their way back inside.

  "Can I ask you something?" Erin said softly.

  Belle already knew what was coming next. She nodded. "Of course," she murmured, her voice cracking slightly.

  "Do you love him?" Erin asked bluntly, but with a gentle tone of voice.

  For a moment Belle was taken aback by the directness of the question. She hesitated before answering, not because she didn't know what to say. On the contrary, she'd asked herself that question during many quiet lonely moments.

  So, what was the answer?

  Belle sighed softly. She already knew the answer. It was just that she'd never thought she'd have to tell her older sister, or anyone for that matter, quite so soon, and under these circumstances.

  Belle smiled at Erin and nodded slowly. "I think I do," she said tentatively.

  Erin gasped and hugged Belle, drawing her close. Belle felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Sharing with Erin had always been liberating and calming.

  Erin leaned back and peered into Belle's eyes. Belle could see the emotion in her sister's gaze. Happiness.

  "I'm so happy for you, Belle," Erin said softly.

  "Really?" Belle replied gazing, wide-eyed at Erin.

  Erin nodded and grinned broadly.

  Erin swallowed, visibly trying to contain her emotion. Belle saw Erin wipe a tiny tear from the corner of her own eye. "Now, why don't we go back inside and see how those two men are getting along," Erin suggested.

  Belle nodded. "That sounds like a great idea," she exclaimed.

  Then both sisters turned and started to make their way back inside to the party.


  At first there was no sign of Khalid and Karim. They weren't where Belle and Erin had left them at the door. Belle gazed around the room, scanning the faces of the party guests. But there was no sign of the man who had been the subject of Belle's confession out on the terrace.

  Belle searched the room, asking a few people if they'd seen Khalid, but no-one seemed to know where he'd gotten to. It was clear neither man was in amongst the party guests.

  That struck Belle as odd. A knot of unease settled in her middle. Then, finally one guest told Belle that they had seen Khalid leaving the room minutes before. He'd been followed by Karim. That knot of unease in Belle's stomach got instantly tighter.

  Worry surged through Belle. She didn't want to think about what might have prompted the two men to take their business outside. She knew what that usually meant. The more she thought about it, the more raw her nerves became.

  "Why did they leave?" Belle asked Erin. "Where can they be?"

  "I don't know," Erin replied. Her brows furrowed and she guided Belle toward the door. "Let's go and find out, shall we?"

  Belle followed Erin into the hallway. There was still no sign of the men.

  Then Belle heard voices from the direction of the open door. Khalid's harsh tones, quickly followed by Karim's obviously angry tones.

  Khalid's deep voice barked back in response to what Karim had said.

  An argument between the two men was in full flow outside the open door.

  Belle couldn't believe what she was listening to.

  Belle glanced urgently toward Erin, seeing the immediate concern on Erin's face. Belle felt her heart begin to pound furiously. Surely this wasn't how the evening was going to turn out, after all, she told herself. Her hopes of a short time ago were starting to fade.

  Belle moved toward the door, but Erin held her back, fingers tightening around Belle's upper arm. Erin shook her head and said nothing to Belle.

  Belle paused, listening to the voices. She could just about make out what was being said.

  "I don't care what you say, there's nothing to talk about," she heard Karim say.

  "I thought you were a man of reason," she heard Khalid say.

  There was a long pause and then Karim spoke. "Are you questioning my integrity, again?" Belle heard Karim bark sharply.

  There was a long groan of frustration from Khalid. "I didn't say any such thing," he blurted out.

  Belle glanced toward Erin who was frowning. Erin's lips were a tight, thin line. She stood stock still, apparently reluctant to go outside and see what was happening.

  Belle tugged herself free of Erin and moved toward the door. From the open door she saw the two tall, dark suited figures half way down the steps. Both men were facing square on to each other. Belle didn't want to admit it to herself, but it looked like there might a physical tussle any moment now.

  They hadn't seen her, so she waited, saying nothing. Belle gripped the edge of the door and continued to listen to the argument. Because that was what it was. An all out, full blown confrontation. This wasn't how she had meant it to turn out. Not at all, she groaned to herself.

  "You're exactly like your father," Karim exclaimed, glaring at Khalid.

  Belle saw Khalid straighten, watched him clench his fists into tight balls.

  "How dare you say that," Khalid roared.

  There was that anger, Belle said to herself. The same rage she had seen in Khalid weeks before. The same frustration he'd told her he was trying so hard to conquer. But it was back again, here on the steps, in full view to all of them, in the most unlikely place. Belle felt the urge to reach out to Khalid, try to calm him, tell him that now wasn't the time. But she knew it would do no good to say that to him. Not now that he was facing his only real adversary in the world.

  Belle felt Erin move alongside her. Belle and Erin looked at each other. Erin sighed and shook her head, peering at the two men. Something was going to happen. And it wasn't going to be good. She knew it. Felt it in her bones.

  "See what I mean?" Karim roared glaring at Khalid. "Like father, like son."

  Then Khalid reached out and took Karim by the lapels of his jacket

  And it was at that point that Erin and Belle both yelled out in unison. "No!"

  Khalid and Karim both turned to look in the direction from where the voices of the two women had come.

  Belle and Erin strode down the steps. Khalid let go of Karim's jacket and watched the two women descending the stairs as fast as they could.

  "Stop that, right now," Erin yelled angrily at Karim.

  Karim peered at Erin. Belle could see the shock on Karim's face as he watched his wife make her way toward him. Khalid watched Belle stride down the stairs. He looked like he'd been momentarily dragged back to reality just by the realization that the Belle had seen what he had been about to do. She could see the sudden concern on his face.

  "What do you think you're doing?" Belle demanded.

  "We were just talking," Khalid said hesitantly.

  Erin glared at Karim. "What did we agree before we came here tonight?" she asked her husband.

  "I know, Erin. It's just that we started talking, and one thing led to another," Karim explained.

  Karim's br
ows furrowed. He ran a hand through his dark hair. He glanced nervously at Khalid, then back at Erin and sighed. He looked lost for words. Maybe the emotion of the moment had made him simply forget the promise Erin had extracted from him back at their palace home.

  Belle recalled what Erin had said to Karim in the limo on the way over to the party. Erin had begged for Karim to act with respect. Karim had promised not to argue; to try and put the past behind him; to take this opportunity to move on and treat Khalid with the honor appropriate for a young sheikh who was now the sole remaining head of an ancient, once noble family.

  Belle was surprised. Karim had always struck her as a man of his word. Perhaps this had just been one promise too many, one he couldn't hope to keep. It wasn't really like the Karim she knew. Her brother-in-law was normally a tolerant, even tempered, wise man. But none of those qualities had been on show during the last few moments.

  Karim and Khalid looked at each other, their expressions betraying a growing sense that they'd both behaved badly.

  "Maybe this was a bad idea," Karim said slowly.

  "No," Belle blurted out. "It was the right thing to do." She looked at Khalid. "Isn't that right, Khalid?"

  Khalid frowned, but didn't say anything in response.

  Erin rested her hand on her husband's arm. "Let's go back inside. Mingle with the guests," she said, forcing a smile for Karim. "Calm down a bit," she added, lifting a brow.

  Karim's gaze was steady, unflinching as he peered at Erin. Belle could see he'd already made up his mind.

  Karim shook his head. "Let's go home."

  Erin gasped. "What! We only just got here."

  Karim glared at Khalid. "This was obviously a bad idea."

  "No!" Belle exclaimed. "You must stay."

  Karim shook his head firmly and took Erin's hand. "Now obviously isn't the time for Khalid and I to have our apparently every important talk," he explained. Karim looked at Khalid. "Wouldn't you agree, Sheikh?" Karim prompted, with a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  Khalid drew in a deep breath. Belle saw his nostrils flare slightly. Emotion still had possession of Khalid. She could see that.

  "If that is what you wish, what can I say? After all, I have other guests to attend to," Khalid replied, matching Karim's acid tone. "Most of whom are happy to be here this evening."

  Belle heard Erin snort with exasperation. "Oh, really, you two!" she exclaimed glaring at Karim and then at Khalid.

  Karim released Erin's hand and gestured to one of the servants who was standing on the far side of the driveway. Belle heard Karim give instructions for his limo to be brought.

  Belle didn't want to leave. She'd already made up her mind that the last thing she wanted to do was leave Khalid like this. There was too much unfinished business between them.

  Of course, she felt disappointed in his conduct, but she understood it perhaps more than either Karim or Erin. After all, Belle had seen it before, at close quarters. She knew where those emotions came from, what was driving Khalid to behave like that. But now wasn't the right time to be turning her back on him. Not after what she'd felt when she'd confessed the truth of her relationship with Khalid out on the terrace, speaking with Erin.

  While the limo was brought to the foot of the stairs, Belle tried to avoid the querying gaze of Erin and Karim. Moments passed excruciatingly slowly. Finally, Erin spoke to Belle. "Are you coming?" she asked as she started down the steps toward Karim.

  Belle shook her head firmly and saw Erin's brows rise in surprise. Belle glanced at Khalid. He looked equally surprised. Belle saw the beginnings of delight on his features as she continued: "I think I'll stay a while," Belle said continuing to look at Khalid.

  Erin hesitated before responding and then said: "Okay. If that's what you want, Belle."

  Belle didn't have to reply to that statement. It was exactly what she wanted. No. It was more than that. It was what she needed to do. For herself. But most of all for Khalid.

  They'd taken the major step of virtually announcing to the guests in the palace that she and Khalid were more than mere acquaintances. It was too late to turn back from that. She needed to know more, needed to test whether what she'd said to Erin had been true. Those words, that admission, had made her heart race, triggered thoughts of hope, prompted strong feeling in her.


  Tonight, she didn't want to be driven back to the embassy and dropped off so that she could spend the rest of the night regretting what had happened at Khalid's palace.

  There was only one place she wanted to be tonight.

  And that was by Khalid's side.

  Erin walked down a couple of steps and turned, looking at Khalid. "Sorry this didn't go as well as I wanted it to," she said.

  Khalid shook his head. "I am the one who should apologize, Erin. I obviously misjudged the situation."

  Erin glanced down at the figure of Karim, who was peering up at his wife. Erin looked at Belle. "Sure you don't want to come?" she asked.

  Belle nodded. "I'm sure," she replied and glanced toward Khalid.

  Erin took a step closer to Khalid and lowered her voice. "Belle was telling me all about you two," she said quietly. Karim probably hadn't heard Erin say that, Belle realized. She hoped he hadn't.

  Belle saw Khalid's brows lift. "Really?" he replied.

  Erin nodded and smiled. "Can't say I'm unhappy about it," she stated.

  "Erin!" Belle breathed.

  "Well, I'm just being honest. What do you expect? I am your big sister, after all," Erin said smiling broadly at Belle.

  "Erin, we need to go," Karim called out from below.

  Erin waved a hand at Karim. "I'll just be a moment," she answered, turning back to Belle and Khalid.

  Erin smiled at them both. "You two have a nice time tonight," she said.

  Belle glanced at Khalid, eager to see how he was reacting to her sister's obvious declaration of approval. Because that was what it was, wasn't it. Erin had just told Khalid that she approved of the fact that Belle was his lover.

  Belle felt a surge of joy. The fact that her sister was happy for her took some of the edge off the unpleasantness of the last few minutes. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad, after all, she told herself. It was never too late to hope, she told herself.

  Erin hugged Belle and they air-kissed. "See you later," she said quietly.

  There was no discussion about how Belle would even get home. Belle knew that was something to figure out later on in the evening. She dragged her mind away from that as she watched Erin and Karim get into the limo.

  Before he got into the limo, Karim looked up at Khalid one last time.

  Belle drew in a deep breath, seeing the steady expression on Karim's face, the clear indication that nothing had changed between him and Khalid. As far as that had been concerned, it had been a huge waste of time. The only good thing was that Erin knew about Belle and Khalid. That had to be a good thing, didn't it?

  Belle watched the limo start to move away and wondered what the rest of the night would hold. She already knew what she was hoping for. As she turned to Khalid, she asked herself if he was hoping for the same thing.


  Khalid stood next to Belle and watched Karim's limo drive away. He glanced at Belle, saw the emotion on her face. Her decision to remain had surprised him, but he realized he was glad she would be by his side for at least the rest of the evening.

  And then what? Where would that all lead to?

  Khalid recalled how he and Karim had almost come to blows. He groaned inwardly. Khalid knew he'd made a fool of himself again. There was no denying it. Just as well Belle had appeared when she had, he told himself. Otherwise things might have gotten ugly between him and Karim.


  Khalid sighed. When was he ever going to leave the past where it belonged? And when was this rage, this dangerous frustration, going to subside? It was like something which had taken possession of Khalid, a force that lay in wait, ready to spring out w
henever he was around Karim. It was an open wound. Would it ever heal?

  The only person who seemed to be able to force Khalid to see sense, to ease the pain, heal the hurt, was the woman standing right next to him. At least he had that, he told himself. Belle was his lifeline. He knew that now, more than ever.

  The limo disappeared through the distant open gateway. The both watched in silence as the limo slid out of view.

  "That's not what I had in mind," Belle said evenly.

  Khalid shook his head. "I don't know what came over me," he said. He tried to laugh, needing to make light of everything, but couldn't force himself to do it.

  Belle squinted at Khalid. "You don't have to feel bad about it. Karim didn't exactly cover himself in glory, either," she said. "I can see you two are going to take a while to get over this."

  Khalid peered at Belle. "You think we'll ever see eye to eye?"

  Belle laid a gentle hand on Khalid's arm. "No," she said smirking at him. Her eyes were bright, her gaze searching him for a response.

  For a moment he thought she was being serious. He was almost tempted to come back at her with a defensive remark. Then, he saw a familiar glint in her eyes and realized she was teasing him. He should have known she'd try that, he told himself. He felt some of the tension of the last few minutes drain out of him and he smiled at Belle.

  He took her arm gently and started to lead her up the stairs. "You're probably right. It's going to take time. I can see that, after tonight." He glanced at Belle. "Maybe I was too hasty inviting him," he added.

  "It was worth a try," Belle replied. "Don't worry. My big sister is on the case. That's all you need to know," she said brightly.

  He smiled at Belle. "Is that supposed to reassure me?"

  Belle tilted her head. "You don't know my sister. She can pretty well get whatever she wants from Karim." She halted at the top of the stairs and looked at Khalid. "I told you that before, didn't I?"

  He shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to take your word for it."

  She pouted at him. "You don't believe me?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

  Khalid leaned forward, resting a hand on her arm. She felt so tempting, her skin so warm. Her eyes widened and she looked at him, an expectant expression on her face.


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