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The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12)

Page 11

by Cara Albany

  Belle glanced across at the man who had transformed the way she felt, the man who had changed everything for her. The man who'd declared his love to her. That thought triggered raw emotion in her. Could she really accept the destiny which fate had thrust in front of her?

  It was a moment of truth. That was for sure.

  Right now, the mountains and the hidden palace promised a welcome diversion from those thoughts.

  Maybe once they were back at the palace, things would become clearer.


  Khalid drove the horse up the narrow track which snaked its way up the foothills. Up ahead he could see that the trail opened out onto a gully. That gully was the start of a virtual warren of narrow cuttings and ravines through the high cliffs. Eventually it would lead to the palace. He knew the way. He could navigate these mountains in his sleep.

  Anticipation welled within him. He couldn't wait to show her the place. Or at least, show her what remained of the source from which his family had emerged.

  Why was that important to him? He'd asked himself that question throughout the entire journey. Finally, he'd come to the conclusion that it was because he'd made a decision. One that he'd never thought he'd make so soon in his life, especially after what had happened with his father.

  Although Khalid was nearly thirty years old, he had somehow always seen himself as someone who would not take a wife. His father had been so determined in his actions, so stubborn in rejecting everything about modern Qazhar that it had made Khalid reluctant to commit to his own future. Even caused Khalid to be reluctant in taking part in Qazhar society. It had made him unsure of his role in that society. He'd lived with that uncertainty for so long that it had become a normal part of his life.

  And then Belle had come into his life, and everything had changed. She had given him hope for the future. She had made it possible for him to dream again. The events of last night had only made him even more certain of that.

  Fate had delivered this woman into his arms. Perhaps it was fate's way of righting a wrong. By showing her from where his family had emerged into modern life, Khalid hoped he could reconnect with that vital past, that pride, that tradition. Maybe he could renew his own life and that of his family by bringing her here.

  That was why he'd brought a surprise with him. It lay in the pack, but he wasn't going to mention anything about it to Belle. Not until they reached the ruined palace. Not until he'd seen how she reacted to that.

  Khalid twisted in the saddle, checking to see how Belle was doing. He smiled when he saw the way her brows were furrowed, determination written on her features, as she gripped the reins tight and tried to persuade the horse to stay on the narrow, rising track.

  "You okay, there?" he asked.

  Belle nodded firmly, still focusing her attention on the trail, not looking at Khalid at all. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" she snapped.

  He laughed. "Just checking."

  He saw she could tell he was teasing her. "I told you, I can ride," she snorted.

  "Right," he said nodding. "I forgot. You're American. That explains everything." He lifted a brow and smiled at her.

  She glared at him. "Are you making fun of me?" she snapped.

  Khalid raised a hand to his chest, a gesture of mock apology. "I would never do such a thing," he replied.

  Belle shook her head and pulled hard on the reins, ignoring him for the few moments.

  Khalid turned back and faced the trail ahead.

  After a few moments, they reached the top of a flat ridge. He paused, waiting for her to catch up with him.

  When she drew her mount to a halt next to him, he reached into the pack and took out a flask of water. Handing it to her, he twisted open the top. "You want something to drink? You were working pretty hard there," he said.

  Belle squinted at him but, this time, didn't take the bait. She lifted the flask to her mouth and took a long drink. Some of the water spilled down onto her chin and traced a line from her neck to the loose opening at the top of her white robe. Khalid felt a tug of desire when he saw that.

  He'd just about gotten over how amazing she looked dressed in traditional white robes. She looked transformed. Like a princess. His desert princess. Emotion surged within him as he thought of that. She embodied everything he'd ever hoped for in a woman.

  Back at the palace, he'd insisted she wore the robes for the trip. For her safety and comfort. At first she'd resisted, but then, when she'd seen herself in the mirror, she'd come around to the idea pretty quickly. Now he was convinced she felt at home wearing the robes.

  Belle handed the flask back to him. "How long now?" she asked.

  "Not too long," he replied. He took the flask and sipped some water and then placed it back in the pack. He looked at Belle. "You having fun?" he asked and smiled.

  Belle pulled at the robe, tugging the folds around her breasts. He felt desire stir when he saw her do that. "It's funny. I thought I'd boil in this outfit," she said. "But, somehow it keeps me cool." She stared at him, obviously puzzled. "How does that work?" she snapped.

  Khalid shook his head and tugged on the reins of his horse. "I'll explain it later," he replied.

  "Pardon me for asking," she said with a hint of snark in her voice.

  Khalid just laughed and moved his horse forward. They couldn't stand here all day exchanging banter like this. Even though he loved it when she challenged him on almost everything he did or said. It added an edge to their relationship which he'd never experienced with anyone before.

  Why was that? He'd asked himself that many times, and now he realized what the answer was.

  It made him feel more alive.

  Correction. She made him more alive, and the way she loved to defy him, the way she always gave as good as she got, just added a whole new dimension to being with her. Life was more vital, more exciting when he was around Belle. That realization just made him feel a sense of contentment, a calming of his spirit.

  For a while, they wound their way through a series of crevasses, the cliffs towering high on either side. The pathway was dusty and they were sheltered from the bright like of the sun, causing a deep shade, a soft light in the winding passageways. Occasional pockets of dark shadows created temporary cool refuge from the heat.

  Khalid hadn't been up this way for over a year. Not since his father had left. But he knew the pathway like the back of his hand. As a younger man, he'd spent many long days exploring these mountains, eager to know as much as possible about his ancestral origins.

  He'd often imagined what it must have been like living up here in the mountains. Life had been so different back then. Even the landscape had changed during the centuries, water supplies having changed their course so many times that the terrain had became arid and dry. That had made life in the palace and surrounding community unsustainable.

  And that had prompted the move the coast, to the early version of Qazhar city, which back a hundred years ago had been merely a small town.

  Compared to what Qazhar city had become what lay up ahead would seem comically small. But the palace and its little community had a significance which more than made up for its modest size. He couldn't wait to see how Belle would react. They'd be there soon.

  Then Khalid would present her with the most precious object in his possession.

  Then, he would find out if he and Belle really had a future together.


  "What do you think?" Belle heard Khalid ask from behind her.

  "Amazing!" Belle gasped.

  She stood by the side of her horse and gazed at the wondrous sight before her.

  A palace. Ruined. Broken down. Walls barely standing. But, nevertheless she could tell that it once must have been spectacular.

  They had halted once they'd emerged from a ravine into a flat area a few hundred metres wide, surrounded by the high cliffs. Broken remains of dozens of small stone buildings formed the traces of narrow streets. She estimated there were remnants of
almost a hundred dwellings.

  Further back, rising up against a cliff face were the remains of a wide, structure that looked like it had once been much taller. Now it was a mass of earth-colored broken masonry, piled up in mounds. But she could clearly make out what the structure must have looked like.

  There was still what looked like a central hall structure which had just about survived the ravages of time. That was open to the elements, the roof having been destroyed a long time ago.

  Khalid moved to stand beside her. She glanced at him, seeing the appreciation, the pride which was visible now on his features.

  "I didn't expect this," she said.

  "It's a pale shadow of what it used to look like," he declared. There was a hint of wistfulness in his voice.

  "So this was just abandoned during the last century?" she asked.

  Khalid nodded. "It was a gradual process. The migration of people to the coastal region took a couple of generations, but it was inevitable."

  Once again, she noted the sad tone when he spoke.

  "Did your father ever come here?"

  Khalid shook his head. "He couldn't stand seeing it like this."

  "Did the buildings just fall apart?"

  Khalid sighed. "The stone has value. Some of the local tribes have been taking what they need as the years have gone by."

  That would explain why there was so little left of what must have been quite a thriving little community, Belle told herself.

  "And that's the palace?" she asked pointing toward what remained of the large building.

  Khalid nodded. "Would you like to see it up close?"

  Belle tilted her head. "We came this far. I'm hardly going to say we should leave, am I?"

  Khalid smiled wryly. They tied up the horses and walked along the length of what Belle assumed had been the central thoroughfare leading to the palace building. On either side of them were the rubble remains of the houses where the tribesmen would have lived. The people who would have been the subjects of Khalid's powerful family. She imagined what life must have been like.

  It was like something out of ancient times. Primitive. Basic. Those were the words which came to mind as she gazed upon the shattered walls. None of the buildings was left standing. Belle had seen images of the ancient city of Pompeii, which had been destroyed by a volcanic eruption. This place reminded her of what she'd seen of that place.

  Then they came to the palace. Up close, it was less impressive than she had at first thought. It was smaller than Khalid's palace back in Qazhar city. Walls had collapsed or been removed. Although, its construction was obviously more basic, she could see that it would have been impressive in its day. The walls were made of unfinished stone. Belle touched one of them, feeling the warmth and roughness.

  There was a large gap where the entrance must have been. Khalid led her through the gap and into an open area. There was no roof remaining, and the rays of the sun slanted down casting cool shadows. Belle felt as if she'd stepped back in time. She'd visited archeological sites and this felt just like those.

  With one exception. She'd never visited one with a descendant of a family who'd made the site their permanent home. She watched as Khalid stepped carefully over piles of rock. She could see the multi-colored remains of a marble mosaic floor. Some parts of it looked like it had been hammered with a pickaxe or some other sharp tool.

  "Let me show you something," Khalid said quietly gesturing for Belle to follow him ahead into an open space bounded by low, broken walls. As she followed him into the space, it was clear to her that this must have been some kind of reception hall, or place where audiences were carried out. There was a low, flat dais at the far end, now nothing more than a block of stone with the traces of a seat of some kind, although the seat itself was no longer there.

  Khalid paused in front of the dais and turned to Belle. "This is where generations of my family received tribute and adjudicated on disputes," he said.

  "Like some kind of throne room?" she asked.

  Khalid nodded. "The tribal elders would make decision here on matters of importance."

  "And those tribal leader were your ancestors, I presume," she prompted.

  "Of course. It was their duty to maintain order." Khalid gazed around the space. "This was the heart of their power." Now there was pride in his voice.

  She was beginning to see a different side to Khalid here. Since they'd arrived he'd become very humble, almost reverent. Now, here in what must have been a real center of influence for his people, that sense of awe and respect was even more noticeable in him. She felt a stirring of deep emotion, understanding what this must mean to him.

  Khalid stepped up onto the dais and gazed out across the wide open space. "I used to come here as a young man and wonder what it must have been like."

  His gaze softened and he looked like he was imagining a different time, a different world. It was one that had vanished forever. One that could never be reclaimed.

  "Isn't it dangerous coming up here on your own?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "Nothing to fear in this place," he said. "Apart from the odd snake or two," he added.

  "Snake!" she exclaimed.

  Khalid smiled and glanced around the floor, as if searching for snakes. He looked at her and grinned. "I don't see any here. At the moment."

  Belle hated snakes. She wrapped her arms protectively around her body and checked the floor for herself.

  "You are kidding, aren't you?" she said peering at him.

  Khalid extended a hand toward Belle. "Come up here. I have something to give you."

  She squinted at him. "What do you mean?"

  Khalid smiled patiently, his hand unmoving. "Just come here."

  Belle stepped up onto the dais and he took her hand. What was he going to do? Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Surely he wasn't going to say something they both might regret, she told herself. Like making some kind of proposition, she thought.

  Belle let him hold her hand. He gazed at her, obvious deep affection filling his eyes. She could only imagine what this moment must mean to him. His act of bringing her to a place like this was filled with so much significance. Of course she'd considered all of this as they'd made their way up here. But, she still felt surprised that he was obviously intent on doing something, now that he'd brought her here. He must have planned this, she realized.

  He reached into his pocket and brought out a small box.

  Belle felt instant panic. No! That couldn't happen. It was too soon for anything like that, she told herself.

  Khalid's gaze was steady as he released her hand and held the box in the palm of his hand.

  "Belle. I brought you here because this is an important place for me. And, I hope for you, too. Now that you've seen it, maybe you understand a little better."

  He swallowed, suddenly nervous, she noticed. What was she going to say if he did ask her that all important question? Surely he understood she couldn't give him the answer he wanted. Not right now. Not so soon after they'd just been reunited. She needed time to think things through.

  Panic surged within her as Khalid looked down at the box. "This is a precious object. Even sacred," he said. "Its meaning is almost too much to explain."

  He opened the box and Belle felt her heart leap to her throat. She looked inside the box and saw a colorful, shining jewel.

  Not a ring. Panic changed to relief. She gazed at the object. It was a pendant of some kind with a heart-shaped, purple stone which glittered in the soft light.

  Belle looked at Khalid who was watching her, awaiting her reaction. "What is it? It's so beautiful," she gasped, glancing down at it.

  "It has belonged to my family for generations, " he said almost solemnly. "The last person who wore it was my mother. Before her my grandmother and so on for many generations."

  Khalid lifted the pendant out, holding it by its golden chain for Belle to examine. She gazed at the jewel, thinking about the many women who had worn it before.
/>   "Let me put it on you," Khalid murmured.

  "Really, Khalid. I can't let you do that," Belle said. She pointed at the jewel. "This is too much."

  "Not for you, it isn't," he stated, his voice firm, decisive. "Nothing is too much for you, Belle," he said firmly. He wasn't going to take no for an answer, she realized.

  Belle's eyes met his determined gaze. There wasn't going to be any negotiation about this, she could tell.

  She sighed. "Okay," she said turning around.

  Khalid eased back the robes from her around her neck, exposing her shoulders. Then she felt him place the pendant around her neck, snapping the clasp on the gold chain shut.

  The soft click felt strangely disconcerting. Did that symbolize anything? She felt as if accepting this might tell him something. A message about her place in his life. She wondered if she was even ready to send him such a message.

  Belle turned around and looked at Khalid. His gaze was soft and tender, filled with appreciation. Belle took the stone in her fingers and examined it more closely. It was beautiful. Goodness knew how much it was worth, she thought. But that was a vulgar thought about which she immediately felt shame.

  The value of this object had nothing to do with money. The meaning of this moment had everything to do with her future with Khalid. Doing this, he was trying to tell her something crucial about their relationship.

  Belle forced herself to smile. "I'll wear it with pleasure," she announced.

  "It's yours," he said flatly.

  Belle frowned. "Mine?"

  "It is my gift to you."

  "I can't accept this, Khalid. Not after what you explained to me. This is too much for someone like me."

  Khalid came to her and took gentle hold of her hand. His other hand went to her side. Any moment now he was going to draw her nearer, maybe even kiss her. It seemed like the most natural and inevitable thing for him to do. But, did she really want that. Wouldn't that just be like giving in to his demands? Too easily?

  "Belle. I want you to have it. It's my gift to you. Because you know how I feel about you. What you mean to me."


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