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Unstoppable Liv Beaufont Boxed Set

Page 57

by Sarah Noffke

  She shrugged off her curiosity and opened the refrigerator.

  “Oh, dear God,” she said at the sight. Liv didn’t remember her grandmothers, who had died before she was a baby, but if she had spent any time with them, this was what their refrigerators would have looked like. It would be bursting with casserole dishes and covered pie tins. In Rory’s refrigerator, there was no shortage of food. She pulled out a pan of lasagna and went to work slicing a large piece when she heard a strange sawing noise.

  Pausing, Liv looked around, watching the kittens scurry around, trying to catch each other’s tails on the kitchen floor.

  The sawing got louder. Liv knew that Junebug was a master at getting into things, but she couldn’t fathom what he’d be doing making that sound.

  “June?” she called, negotiating around the other kittens, a spatula in her hands from the lasagna tray.

  The sawing got faster and more intense. Liv retraced her steps to the living room, where the sawing was originating. When she stepped around the corner, what she saw took her several seconds to understand.

  A single arm was suspended in the middle of the living room, feeling around like a blind man trying to find his way.

  Liv blinked, not understanding what she was seeing. Why would half an arm be floating in mid-air in Rory’s living room? Was this something that happened often? A visitor from the giant’s realm? And then she saw it.

  The scar! It ran along the length of the pale arm, black spider veins spreading away from the gaping wound.

  Liv threw her hand forward, the spatula leading the way like the worst sword ever. The utensil did absolutely nothing to the elf trying to break into Rory’s house.

  She tried to attack him with magic, but it dissipated, not having the usual effect.

  He pulled his arm back through a moment later, though, and Liv thought she’d done something to frighten him away. Then the front half of a saw peaked out from seemingly nowhere, going back and forth as the noise continued. He was trying to saw his way through Rory’s wards from a different dimension or another place or something. She’d never seen magic like this. The saw cut deeper, making a bigger hole.

  Liv threw the spatula to the ground, nearly hitting one of the kittens. She directed all of her attention to the hand that reached through a moment later, trying to force him back, but her magic had little effect. He must have done something to the space to weaken her magic. That meant that she had to take him out before he got through.

  Sprinting across the dining room, Liv threw a kick at the arm reaching through the space, thinking she’d knock him back to where he’d come from. However, a shock radiated through her foot, knocking her to the ground. She sprang up, but her knees were weak. Whatever enchantment he was using was preventing her magic from operating at full strength and was protecting him.

  Both hands were reaching through the invisible door. Liv looked around, not knowing what to do. Rory had trusted her to protect Turbinger but she was helpless as the long fingers started to roll back the invisible door, making more of the elf’s body visible. She didn’t have much time. Once he got through, she’d have to deal with him, and with no magic and his strange defenses, she worried he’d win this time.

  Liv made an impromptu decision. Picking up a duffle bag beside the door, she began scooping up the kittens. They didn’t seem to mind being corralled into the bag. Actually, Junebug came springing from the kitchen and leapt into the bag like it was a game. Liv used the last of her magic reserves to pick up the three remaining kittens and deposit them into the bag, sealing it at once. Whatever the elf had hit her with had gone straight at her magic, limiting it.

  The elf’s shoulder came through the door, then his foot. His leg. She didn’t have much time.

  Liv sprang in the direction of the fireplace, jumping up on Rory’s chair and grabbing the sword. It was heavier than she remembered, bringing her to the ground with a thud, the blade cutting into the hardwood. Immediately she connected to the strange feelings and memories flowing through her from the sword, just like the first time she’d held it. Blocking them out, she yanked it up and considered using it to fight the elf. However, she felt the static electricity as she neared the elf, slowly inching his way through the opening.

  No, if she dared to use Turbinger on the elf, whatever enchantments he was using might electrocute her. Instead, she ran for the duffle bag that was squirming by the door and slung it carefully over her shoulder.

  When she flung open the door, she was careful to peer around the darkened yard to ensure there was no one waiting for her there. It appeared empty. Liv turned back briefly to spy the elf’s face coming through the opening, a vengeful expression adorning it. He caught sight of her as she bounded out into the yard, Turbinger and the kittens in her arms. As soon as she was a safe distance away and could use her magic fully, she opened a portal to the only place she could ensure safety.

  Chapter Thirty

  The House of Seven was quiet when Liv slipped through the door, Turbinger in her hands and the kittens squirming in the bag. She hadn’t known where else to go. The elf obviously knew about John’s shop, which made that the wrong place to escape to. Furthermore, she couldn’t put him in danger by drawing the deranged elf there. Also, she hadn’t had a chance to put any wards on her apartment, which didn’t make that a good option either. So with little time to think, Liv decided to flee to the refuge of the House where no one but a royal could enter. Well, besides Plato.

  She halted in the entrance, listening to ensure she didn’t walk up on anyone. With a quick nod at Turbinger, she sort of disguised it as a magician’s sword, although it was a poor attempt, the language of the giants still present around the hilt and on the blade. Something told her that it would be really difficult to hide completely.

  At first, Liv considered sneaking up to Sophia’s and Clark’s residence. However, if she was caught, they’d be in trouble too. She didn’t want to risk that. Clark was hopefully making progress with investigating the canisters of magic, and Liv didn’t want to ruin that for them. Therefore, she put a quick disguising spell on her and the kittens, making them blend into their surroundings as she sped up to the library. There was no safer place in the world, she thought, taking the steps two at a time.

  When she’d finally made it to the couches next to the wall of symbols, Liv set down the bag and sword and checked on the kittens. They must have enjoyed the ride because they were all snuggled together, some of them mewing but many of them fast asleep.

  Liv let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, it’s not Rory’s house, but we’re going to stay here tonight. Try to act right.” She pointed to the kitten with bright blue eyes, giving him a look of warning. “I’m mostly talking to you, Junebug.”

  He yawned loudly at the order, lying down next to his brothers and sisters, ready to sleep for the night. Exhausted from the strange and sudden events, Liv laid down on the sofa, finding herself yawning too. She tucked the sword under one arm, covering it with her cape, and nodded off at once, falling straight into dreams.

  A sharp cough awoke Liv, making her crack an eye open. When she was a child, if she fell asleep in the library in the House of Seven, she’d awake in a different place. That’s how the strangeness of the library worked. For that reason, she wasn’t surprised that she was snuggled up in a window seat, a row of books and paintings she didn’t recognize surrounding her. Actually, she didn’t recognize anything around her except for the figure standing a short distance away. He was blurry until her eyes adjusted, but she recognized his frame and pale face.

  “Good morning, Liv Beaufont,” Stefan said with a smirk on his face, his arms folded and his feet crossed as he leaned against a bookcase.

  Liv stopped herself from bolting up and acting as if the position he’d found her in wasn’t precarious. She had known when she’d passed out in the library that there was a chance others would stumble upon her, but as exhausted as she was, it had been worth it.

  She stretched
her hands over her head and yawned. “Hey, what’s up?” she replied, pretending like the bag of kittens mewing on one side of her and the sword on the other weren’t anything to be concerned about.

  “Well, I’m not sure where to begin,” he said with a coy smile.

  She tried to nonchalantly cover the sword with her cape. Its disguise had faded, and now it just looked like a giant-ass sword which was made by a giant and probably owned by a giant.

  Liv stroked her belly. “Is anyone hungry?”

  Stefan pointed to the bag of kittens. “I’d say your litter is hungry.”

  Liv blushed. “Oh, these aren’t mine.”

  “Whose are they?”

  “Well, I’m watching them for a friend.”

  “Your lynx?” Stefan asked.

  Liv shook her head, unzipping the bag and checking on the kittens. Junebug immediately tried to jump out, but she caught him. She looked up at Stefan. “Do you have any meat?”

  He smiled, withdrawing something from his robes. “I happen to keep beef jerky on me at all times.”

  He handed her a pouch and she reached in, grabbing the pieces of meat and sprinkling them into the bag for the kittens to fight over. “And no, these kittens don’t belong to my lynx. Different friend. Really, it’s a boring story. Seriously lame.”

  “I’m already nodding off, wondering why you’re sleeping in the library with a dozen kittens and a giant’s sword beside you,” he said.

  “There are only ten,” she corrected.

  “Say what?” he asked.

  “There are only ten kittens in this bag.” She pointed.

  He nodded like this made sense. “Of course. You’d need a bigger bag for more than ten.”

  “Thanks for the food,” Liv said, grateful that the kittens were happy. She’d have to get them back to Rory soon. Actually, she had to find Rory and explain what had happened to him before he got too worried.

  “Well, although I want to know why you are fostering ten kittens for someone, I’ll cut to the chase,” Stefan said. “I heard about the demon case from Raina and came back as soon as I could.”

  Liv’s head jerked up from the kittens. “You what?”

  “Liv, you can’t go after demons on your own,” he said in an urgent voice.

  She nearly growled at him. “Why, because I’ll fail?”

  He nodded.

  “But you did it,” she argued.

  He shook his head. “And I would have failed too. However, I had help. The Council didn’t know about it. Well, Raina did, but she doesn’t count. Anyway, I had someone to teach me how to fight the beasts, and you will too.”

  Liv considered him for a moment. “Are they trying to take me out?”

  He nodded. “Most likely. Well, not the majority, but Adler for sure. He did the same to me and roped the others in with him. He doesn’t like nonconformists, and he assigns the cases in a way that serves his agenda.”

  Liv nodded, zipping up the bag of kittens. Once she’d stood up, she stretched, trying to hide Turbinger, which was lying on the cushions behind her.

  “So how about I go along with you on this mission to Florida?” Stefan offered.

  Liv considered him, conscious that the kittens were trying to crawl over her boots even while confined in the bag. “Don’t you have your own cases?”

  “I do,” he agreed. “But I don’t see what harm it would cause to take off a few days.”

  “That begs the question: if you’re doing your job as a demon hunter, why is there an influx?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”

  She knew that wasn’t true. He’d been hunting demons, but there was another reason he wasn’t working his cases, or at least why he wasn’t keeping the demon population in check.

  “Well, what if I did need help?” Liv asked. “What do you want in return?”

  He gave her a roguish smile. “The only thing I want in return is to find out exactly what you don’t want to tell me.” He pointed to the bag of squirming kittens. “Once we slay the demons, all you have to do is tell me who these adorable beasts belong to.”

  Liv’s eyes slid to the sword sitting in plain view before connecting with Stefan Ludwig’s unwavering gaze. She held out her hand. “You have yourself a deal.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Liv wasn’t sure if Rory was more relieved to have the kittens back or Turbinger. He’d met her at her apartment and picked them up while she grabbed her sword. If Stefan hadn’t awoken her earlier in the library, she might not have been able to slip out before anyone saw her.

  She was worried when Rory stated he was going back to his house, but he couldn’t be deterred. He kept saying, “There’s something I’m working on. It’s the only way to protect the sword.”

  He was a lot less on edge when she confessed that Stefan was going to help her with the demon case. They parted ways, each concerned about the other but knowing that the danger they faced was part of the job.

  After stepping through the portal, Liv waited for Stefan. She’d had to create the portal since no one could know that he’d accompanied her to the wetlands of Florida.

  Stefan stepped through, his boots sinking into the mud, a considering look on his face.

  “So how do we track down these soul-suckers?” Liv asked him in a hushed voice.

  She caught a pair of familiar reflective eyes in the distance. It instantly made her feel better to know Plato was close by, watching her.

  Stefan sniffed the air, gazing at the swamp and trees dripping in vines. “I know how to find them.”

  “Cool, but how do I find them?” she asked.

  He started forward, looking over his shoulder at her. “You follow me.”

  Liv rolled her eyes, hurrying to keep up with him. “That won’t help me when I need to track and slay demons on my own.”

  He stopped abruptly, his face filled with silent apprehension. “You shouldn’t kill them on your own. For as long as the Council assigns you demon cases, I’ll be with you to help.”

  “Although that’s appreciated, I’m sort of used to working alone. And you learned how to find and kill them from someone, so I’d like you to teach me.”

  Stefan’s eyes were large and tragic. “Hunting demons isn’t something you should be doing. You’re too good for this. The Council will see that and outvote Adler and Bianca, and you’ll move onto something worthier of your talents.”

  Liv didn’t know what to say to that. It was a compliment wrapped up in mystery. “Shouldn’t keeping the balance between good and evil be at the top of the list as far as worthy cases go?”

  “Yes, and it’s my job.” Stefan kept walking, constantly scanning the dark wetlands.

  So, was this an ego thing? Liv wondered. Did Stefan not want her pinching his territory? This didn’t make sense.

  They’d walked a fair distance, easily keeping a steady pace, when they came to a clearing with a small house. Stefan spun in a circle, looking momentarily disoriented. “Where did you go?”

  “I’m guessing you’re referring to the demon you’re hunting while I collect wildflowers,” Liv joked.

  Stefan’s eyes fell to Liv’s hands, which were hanging loosely by her sides, as if expecting to see her holding a bouquet of tulips. He shook his head. “The demons know we’re here, and they are playing games with us.”

  “I didn’t get the invite, so I’m not playing the same game.”

  Liv knelt and grabbed up a bit of earth, letting it run through her fingers.

  “What are you doing?” Stefan asked.

  “I’m tracking the demons,” she lied.

  “How’s that going for you?”

  She shrugged, standing and dusting her hand off. “I don’t know. I’ve just seen them do that in the movies.”

  He gave her a sideways look. “You’re very strange.”

  “You should see me on a full moon.”

  “Do you turn into a werewolf?” he asked, curiosity written on his face.

  “Oh, no. I decoupage.”

  Liv realized it was a horrible joke. That was the whole point. However, Stefan could have at least rolled his eyes instead of narrowing them at her, pure vengeance filling his face.

  In a swift movement, he pushed her to the side and whipped out his sword, swinging it at the demon who had materialized behind her. In a clean movement, he severed the head, spraying black blood over the leaves and ground.

  Liv’s heart was racing from the adrenaline rush. She spun around, searching the area for the other demons, but Stefan waved her off.

  “They aren’t here right now,” he stated confidently.

  “How do you know?”

  “I just know,” he said, getting close to the demon’s severed head and rolling it over with his sword.

  “I like how when I ask questions, you give me bullshit answers,” Liv fired back, holding her breath against the odor. This demon smelled worse than the one in Amsterdam. Maybe that was because it was in Florida where hardly anyone bathed, she thought with a morbid laugh.

  “Oh, you like that, do you? We’ll get along just fine, then.”

  “Ha-ha,” Liv said, withdrawing the bag she’d brought.

  “You’re the one who likes secrets so much,” Stefan related. “I’m just playing your game.” His eyes widened when she neared him, crouching by the disgusting head. The demon’s black eyes were still open. “What are you doing?”

  Liv used magic to bag the head, tying the sack tightly. “I’m taking a souvenir. I’ve never been to Florida, and I need something to remember it by.”

  “Most people just get a magnet for the refrigerator,” Stefan said, disgusted.

  “Where are the other two, demon whisperer?”

  Stefan nodded in the direction of the abandoned cabin. “They are waiting in there, I believe.”

  “Not that you’re going to answer this question, but how do you know that?”


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