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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 4

by Meco Brown

  What's that sound? I thought to myself. A sort of pounding shot through the air. If my heart was active I might of thought that to be it. The pounding continued as I noticed the speedy change in the scenery. Odd lights lit the landscaped area in front of me, and the clouds overhead gave way to a gleaming crescent moon. It appears as though, an impossibly vast mountain wall of fog drew in from an unknown source of power; And to be honest, the whole scene was starting to make me nervous. The fog twirled up around me, stretching out. Although my sight is indeed enhanced; In this area, it was cut in half and I suddenly felt a gush of concern.

  An owl hooted overhead, heightening the tension that seemed to levitate over the area. From the corner of my eye, I saw a black and gray snake slithering quickly in the same direction the owl just flapped toward. I crept forward through the trees, doing my best to hush the natural cushion of pine-needles and leaves as I kept on. The pounding that was echoing through the night was a drum beat; Yet the rhythm was not of this world. The sound actually took me back to early New Orleans, where I first met Marie Laveau. A powerful Voodoo practitioner who had great influence over the ritualistic arts. She used drum beats during her rituals, similar to what I was hearing now.

  I continued to move quietly along the damp ground; Noticing a vast amount of wildlife rushing past me; Bears, birds, small insects; all heading toward the thumping roar of the firelight that was up ahead. I grew closer as the drumbeats sang louder, and the voices began chanting faster in an unknown language. I knew at that moment, these were NOT fellow witches; Not only did I not know the speech being used, but the aura spreading over the air was not familiar either.

  I fought the urge to leave; Knowing the mystery ahead could very well have a rank in power; After all, they were using a centuries-old drum pattern, but still, I had my own talents. I could very well protect myself. Continuing, I spotted a huge clearing a few feet ahead. I peeked out from behind the thick moss of the willow tree, and couldn't believe my eyes.

  Within the piece of land were six massive stone pillars. Each one embedded with the image of a single but deadly animal. From left to right, I noticed a Lion, Tiger, Eagle, Snake and Spider, the last pillar's marking was so badly etched, I couldn't make out what it was exactly.

  A ring of men and woman wearing brownish- blue robes and blue masks, were dancing around the stone pillars. They were all chanting in that same language I'd never heard of before. A dim blue light began to grow over the stones; These people were summoning a powerful force, so tangible I could feel the energy twisting around me. From the circle stepped seven individuals, the tallest one removed his mask; He turned and I saw his missing arm. He was instantly recognizable; It was Eamie's grandfather- Andrew Littleton!

  One by one, he removed the robes and masks of six others, placing them each in front of a specific pillar. I noticed each of them had a strange cluster of rune tattoos; Chest for the boy's, as the girl's tattoo ran down their left arm. Mr. Littleton took Qui- Eamie's brother, and placed him in front of the pillar with the Lion.

  Next there was Kaler- Eamie's cousin, who stood in front of the Tiger pillar. Eamie's second brother- Stefan, was positioned in front of the Eagle. His bronze skin glowed and his shimmering green eyes expressed a heat of confidence. Aaliyah- Eamie's slender and green-eyed sister was placed in front of the Spider. Her excessively long black hair danced in the wind. Eamie's third brother- Chance, stood in front of the Snake. He looked to be a bit older than the rest; Tall, muscular, and tan with short brown hair and brown eyes.

  Last, Eamie herself stood in front of the mysterious pillar. I swallowed hard, baring witness to something I never should be watching. The combination of Haitian and Navajo magic is truly an unbelievable sight to see. Mr. Littleton drew rune symbols in front of each of the six, using some sort of orange powder, and then started outlining a complex drawing that connected each of them.

  Someone pulled themselves from the continued line of dancing, and clasped Eamie and the others hands with a rope that burst into flames. As the chant and drum beats rose, the dim blue light echoed, as if in unison. Something told me to go, but I couldn't. My eyes were locked onto the scene, especially the ones closest to the pillars. The blue light poured over them, as their red and black tattoos sparked with energy- except for Eamie's. No one seemed to notice but me and her.

  Though I didn't understand the chant Mr. Littleton was singing; Seven words clearly drifted in my ears: death and suffering shall befall all enemies. He then tossed a round golden symbol high into the sky, reaching into the shimmering blue light. The air suddenly stung my eyes when it burst into an aggressive inferno. My hand flew up, shielding my eyes from the light, but the flames grew stronger. I stared as the heat of the fire swelled into huge rolling waves, surging toward the night sky. I cringed at the rise of temperature, yet suppressed a groan to avoid detection, and remained standing in my hidden spot. Any further movement on my behalf would surely alert them.

  Then, something cut through the chilling fog of horror. Several hundred wildlife, from earlier, zipped by me and from every other corner of the land. Their eyes shimmered as if in a blinding trance. The night was even more alive with their presence; Countless flapping feathers, swishing furry tails and dozens upon dozens of heavy footprints. Each one of them drawn to the building funnel of heat and fire. Through the space between the stone pillars, the animals went and burned to a crisp; Fur, twigs, feathers and energy flow up into the flames, building higher and higher.

  A single bolt of lightning split the air, and struck each pillar one by one; Qui, Kaler, Stefan, Aaliyah and Chance each let out a terrifying cry of pain, as the flames fell on top of their burning bodies. Mr. Littleton grabbed Eamie's arm, and noticed the energy wasn't affecting her; and gave his granddaughter a look of utter disappointment. Within the flames, each of the five- although burning, began pouring a cold sweat.

  Within milliseconds, I noticed how quiet the land had grown; Only the frightening sound of the fire and screams circled the land; Which shifted darker; It seemed to react to the excruciating pain of the five. With my heightened senses, I knew what their bodies were doing; Liver and kidney failure struck upon them as their internal organs shut down and reformed; Every nerve within them screamed at my nosey ears.

  Their deafening screams escalated at the rush of their transforming heart, which shrunk then grew larger. Never in my years have I heard such yells escape the human mouth. Their throats constrict, and their screams become silenced with the ripping of their vocal chords.

  My eyes tore away from the wicked scene, yet my hearing continued to pick up on their unnatural inner transformation. My eyes focused on the young woman- Aaliyah; When a massive, angular black and furry spider leg tore from her chest, spreading blood so far it spewed in my face; Without thinking, I wiped my cheeks, falling back in the process!



  A couple of dry twigs snapped underneath my feet. The small sound was like an alarm! The drumbeats stopped, the chanting broke into silence; Yet the burning and screaming continued. Mr. Littleton and his family turned sharply toward my direction; And he bellowed in a screech of anger and rage! Even though I was still hidden within the shadows, I didn't hesitate for a second; Focusing my power, I made the last stone slightly rock back and forth, hoping to distract them. As I turned to leave, I noticed blue crystallized symbols dotted the huge spider limb tearing through that young girl; Something.... whatever it was... desperately tried to claw its way out of her, and the four others.

  I just knew it was time to leave; And so, I ran- QUICKLY.

  The shocking images in my head swirled rapidly. This was definitely something I wish I had not seen, yet in a way, glad I did. A smidgen of fear crept deep within me, as I thought of what or who these newly acquired pets would attack. I've had run-ins with Haitians and the Navajo on separate occasions; And although we have a mutual respect for one another; Our magic doesn't mix well, so we separate ourselves from the opposite

  But those creatures, that strange combination of magic was something different. Taideo once told me he learned from Kaler, that Skinwalkers change into their spiritual animal, and possess a vast amount of abilities that surround their astrological sign. This must be what he meant; Being that my coven and I are not allowed on Celestial Moon, there's no possible way for me to learn more about what I just witnessed. I wish Taideo was here; Being a half-breed, allowed him temporary access to their sacred ancestral land.

  With that amount of power, just about anything could happen.


  Brock was at my bedroom door, knocking as politely as he could. “You can't stay mad at me forever Airius.” Another pause, and a harder knock. “Especially after telling us about those Nava-who things.”

  I chuckled under my breath in response. “Navajo Brock, it's pronounced Navajo.” I said. Clamping my fingers around the photo of Taideo and myself, I sunk further into the memory of that day.

  “Well you missed our family meeting.” I tried to ignore him, but he just kept talking on the other side of the door. “Lillian and Aviva are considering contacting the Nioeaon.”

  My eyes quickly swung across the length of my bedroom, resting at the closed door. “Airius?” Brock said, his voice creeping up a notch.

  “It wouldn't be a great idea to involve them just yet; We don't know enough. Everyone needs to calm down and just let things play out.” I said, hoping that would be enough for him and he'd let me be with my thoughts.

  “Open the door.” He was blunt.

  I felt a flicker of annoyance growing. “Go away.” I took a deep and reflexive breath. I know Brock means well; He's always been the type to react poorly if the 'party mood' changes. He hated seeing others down in the dumps- besides Payton, that girl lives in negativity.

  The door suddenly burst open, and in walked Brock, wearing a goofy grin and a game controller in hand.

  “Seriously?” I hissed.

  He simply smiled, sending rays of compassion my way. I silently appreciated it, but remained to myself. He sat in the corner chair and stared at me. “I didn't mean for you to get angry, at least not with me. Airius, I swear to you I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  “How exactly?” I said in a misty whisper.

  “Remember when you and Lillian first found me?”

  I nodded slowly, “Italy, 1651.”

  “I was made and abandoned by my creator, left to wreak havoc on that small village. You saved them from me and brought me into the coven. Throughout the weeks and months after my creation, you watched as I struggled with this new life; And promised you'd never let me fall. I followed you and Lillian both, searching for Taideo, a man who didn't even exist. I watched the pain and failure eat at you for decades; Even as we made our family bigger by finding Chloe, Aviva and Esmond, you still felt empty. I knew if I could do whatever it took to see you happy, I'd do it.” He rose and sat on my bed, placing his hand on my leg. “Cousin, this was my moment; Taideo had died, yes; But I took his place, led everyone to believe he was alive so we could try and bring him back, so your happiness, your world, could return.” He smiled, his expression friendly and calm. “Besides, I witnessed the horrible man you were becoming after Terra laid claim to you. That man was a monster; Taideo made him a champion.” I stuck my chin in the air, reflecting on our history. How I abandoned my family for Terra, just because I wanted to be loved by someone; Not realizing the love my family had and still has for me. I abandoned them, abandoned Brock just as his creator done so long ago. “I love you cousin,” he said.

  I peeked over and grinned. “As I love you.”

  “Okay,” he said, slapping my leg then standing to his feet, “Conversation got awkward,” he huffed, tossed the controller on the bed and vanished downstairs in a blur.

  “I didn't want to play.” I whispered.

  “Yes, you do!” He yelled. A grin flushed across my face as I grabbed the controller, pulled myself off the bed and into the hall.

  Before I reached the stairs, I heard Payton sigh to herself. Next to me was her room -door open- yet I couldn't see past the heavy shroud of black fog she constantly kept at door's entrance. Payton loves her privacy; She's always been like that, ever since we brought her in. It was 1692, when my family and I stumbled upon a great fire in the midst of Massachusetts. This was home base to the Red Throne Society- an organization that specialized in hunting witches. Payton and her sisters had been accused of practicing the dark arts; And the results ended in execution.

  With death's door nearly open, she and her sisters summoned the spirit of Lexa for help; The dark entity agreed, but at a price; The shadow deity craved the life and magic of two, in order to spare the one. Being the youngest of the three, Payton's sisters offered themselves, and Lexa granted Payton dominion over the shadows; And with her new talents, she ripped that village apart.

  “What do you want Airius?” Payton said, her voice low and raspy. Ever since I've known Payton, she's always had a short fuse. Stern and scathing to usually anyone, Payton can easily come across as highly analytical, cold and detached from others. She does her best to always keep her emotions locked away, keeping interaction with even us to a minimum. Payton may have always been a very reserved woman, but it doesn't change the fact, that she is caring, kind-hearted, and very intelligent.

  “Payton, are you alright?” I asked, stepping back as she leaned her head through the darkened fog.

  “I'm doing wonderful Airius, how are you?” She said dryly.

  “Brock is forcing me to play some ridiculous video game, you want in?” Her face stiffened, and I received a fierce glare; She immediately vanished back into her room.

  I take a deep breath, turned and head downstairs.

  Brock was flopped lazily on his favorite living room chair, staring happily into the television. “Took you long enough,” he muttered with a grin. I took a seat next to him, and suddenly smelled something of dust and oranges. I took another long whiff, my nose pointing over at Brock. “What?” He said sheepishly. Aviva slithered into the living room. She sat down on the couch and began reading a book.

  “Why are you wearing cologne?” I asked. From the corner of my eye, I see Aviva lean forward to take a sniff, and shook her head- regretting her decision.

  “Brock that's disgusting,” she spat out, “why are you wearing that?” Reeling from the sharp-eyed stares Aviva and I gave him, Brock jetted out of the room; Aviva and I ran after- our legs pumping faster each second, we inched closer to him. I lifted my face into the wind as my body raced outside and into the forest. Although Brock vanished into the dark, I could easily navigate through the immeasurable sea of trees. We covered a few miles within minutes when I realized we were off trail; Brock went west, and Aviva and I headed in that direction.

  My neck twisted back and I spotted Aviva; It's as if she knew what I wanted of her. “I got him,” with that, Aviva vanishes in a cloud of blistering smoke; Reappearing directly in front of him; Brock found himself trapped between us. Shaking his head, a bit frightened to get any words out.

  “You want to tell us what is going on?” Aviva let out. He peers through a grove of darkness, and starts moving toward the open field to the right. “Don't you dare, Brock.”

  “Okay, okay fine...” he let out. Through his eyes I could see the angry look plastered on my face; The guilt in Brock's own eyes spurred me, and strangely calmed me down.

  “What the hell is going on; You're acting stranger than usual.” Aviva said, watching him curiously. My mind was full of questions. What was Brock hiding now? Did this have anything to do with Taideo? About his grandmother? The thought of him keeping more secrets slowly called forth another spark of anger. Shaking my head to dispel the feeling of it,

  I tried to focus on Brock’s words “I was hoping no one would find out... at least not so soon...”

  “Find out what?” I asked blankly.

  “As m-much as I try to help others, remain
in a constant mood of happiness, within me I can feel a since of stillness; This terrible emptiness inside...” he beats his own chest, “here.” Aviva and I both relax as Brock leaned up against a tree, trying to gather himself together. “That emptiness has long existed within me, even during my life as a human.” He let out a short chuckle, and for the first time I could hear how empty the sound was.

  “For so long I could ignore it with the distraction of other things- becoming a witch, the call of the sun, magic... but just recently, that empty feeling expanded, and it occurred to me what that darkness was; Loneliness.”

  Aviva's eyes open wide, completely stunned. “Brock, you're in love with someone?” She questioned.

  He shrugged, “Captivated, would be the correct word.” He said.

  I felt a dull pain hit my chest as a rare thought crossed my mind; I never truly asked any of my cousins about their thoughts on love, or whether they were happy with how life has turned out. Besides my complicated love life, it's just been my family together. It was no secret that Lillian and Esmond had a little romance; Brock, Payton and Aviva were all alone; And poor Chloe tried her best in finding and keeping a husband, but the fact that we practically never age and that intercourse with humans is utterly impossible; She has since remained alone. Perhaps Brock's been keeping his true feeling bottled up, covering it with his joy and lively personality.

  “Why run? Why not say anything?” I whispered.

  “To be honest, it's because I'm afraid and ashamed of what you may think.” He said in a shaky breath.

  “What we may think? Lillian is part-time shacking up with Esmond, and Airius over here likes the boys; What on earth could you be ashamed about? You could have talked to us, we're family.” Aviva told him strictly; Watching as he began pacing back and forth.


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