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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 7

by Meco Brown

  When we landed, I didn't move, as I heard a sudden crack alone the length of my spine. My body was brutally torn. As witches, we can heal, but the more damage our bodies take, the longer the healing process becomes.

  “Airius!” Lillian yelled. To my right, my coven stood side by side, in a straight line; Aviva, Chloe, Lillian, Brock, Payton and Esmond.

  “You really wish to start an all-out war?” I said weakly, coughing up a bit of sparkling purple blood. Qui slowly took to his feet, when suddenly he is backed by his skin walker pack, who too stood in a straight line, side by side; Chance Littleton, Stefan Littleton, Aaliyah Littleton and Kaler Littleton.

  “After you and your kind did all of this, what else is left besides war? This, will be the end of you.” Qui told us, and both his tone and expression, left no doubt in my mind as to what he truly meant by it. Witches verses the Skin walkers; the battle would surely be to the death of one of us. I stood, slowly, and eased back to my coven.

  “War,” I said, “you light that fire, are you sure you can put it out?”

  “Why don't you tell me?” Qui said, when his physical features began to change.

  “Uh, what's he doing?” Brock let out, confused.

  The ground beneath our feet rumbled, as Qui's eyes filled with flames. His body began shaking and twitching uncontrollably, when suddenly his golden tan skin ripped away. Qui soon found himself enveloped in a massive orb of hell-fire, which forced everyone within the area several feet back. It is a strange and terrifying act which left me a tad bit nervous. The orb shattered like glass, and an enormous beast was in its place. Qui had transformed into a flaming lion, but this was no an ordinary king of the jungle. He was gigantic, nearly the same height as an elephant, but more monstrous, solid and muscle-bound. His enormous paws, extracted glowing red claws, that ate away the ground as if made of acid. His body is covered in a sandy- flaming yellow with a red burning mane. Qui's lion's tail dripped fire from the tassel at the tip.

  “Now this just got a whole lot more interesting.” Esmond let out.

  Qui suddenly gave a massive roar, with enough force it literally heated the air around us.

  “NO!” A voice shouted. Eamie ran over, stepping between us. “Not here, not right now!” She said, trying to catch her breath. My eyes landed back on Qui, whose large canine teeth taunted me.

  “Qui, enough.” Eamie shouted. “You cannot do this right now. This war, cannot happen. Our father is dead, granddad is missing, a great deal of our family and friends are gone and Taideo is in a coma.” Eamie let out, making eye contact with each and every one of us. “Time heals all wounds, let us rest. Please, let me rest.” She finished.

  In my mind, everything began to shift and spin, mixing things that had once before meant something entirely different. Skin walkers have grown in power, and I now understand the magic of their ancestors. Skinwalkers were originally able to turn into their spiritual animal, this was a gift passed down from Osage, an elder of the Navajo tribe. Nuru, a priestess and very powerful voodoo practitioner, enhanced their power with the magic of her people. That magic is the reason Qui has control of the flames and why he believes he can win this war.

  Qui stared menacingly at me, seemingly trying to communicate something I couldn't mentally understand.

  “What is he saying?” I asked.

  Eamie's eyes shifted from me to Qui, and back to me. She pressed her arms tight against her sides, trying to figure out the best way to say what he psychically told her. As I waited for an answer, I felt as if there were something stuck in the back of my throat, choking me the longer I stood trying to swallow it down, but there it remained, lodged inside, motionless; And in that moment, I was nervous.

  “He said,” Eamie paused, “maybe not today, or tomorrow, or within the on-coming months. But, someday, a war will happen, and we will win.”


  I sighed contently, as I felt Taideo's lips kiss my chin for the hundredth time. I looked down at him, stringing my arms around his waist to bring his body close, his lips even closer; But he pulled teasingly away, smiling and pecking my nose and chin with short flirtatious butterfly kisses.

  “You tease,” I whisper, as his warm fingers played with my hair, and traced down my face and neck, leaving a flaming chill of stimulating goosebumps. He giggled, attempting to escape my grip on him. “Not that easy to get away from me,” I said laughing, while possessively pulling him back into my arms and down on top of my bed. He bent his head, lowering himself till he gently made my chest his own personal pillow. “I miss you.” I said with a heavy breath, realizing at that moment that this indeed a dream.

  His warm dark almond eyes peek up at me. “I miss you too, Airius, and I'm sorry.” Taideo's smile fades.

  “Babe, what do you have to be sorry about? You did nothing wrong.”

  “I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to defeat Terra.” He said faintly.

  My smile faltered, and I pulled away, positioning myself against the wall in order to get a better view of him. “Taideo,” I said, finding his hands, wrapping them within my own. “no, I'm the one that's sorry,” I said unhappily. “I was weak. My destiny was to protect you and I failed.” Saddened emotions boiled into my voice and tears quickly fell. Taideo gently wiped them away, and leaned into my chest. I rested my chin on top of his head, as I waited for him to say something, anything that would heal my open wound.

  “Airius,” Taideo sighed. He sounded tired all of a sudden. “We didn't ask for any of this, but it happened. Terra happened and unfortunately, I'm in the hospital because of it.”

  A sudden obvious thought crossed my mind, drowning my brain in complete confusion. “This isn't a dream, is it?” I asked.

  Taideo sat up, turning his dark eyes to me and raised an eyebrow. “I wish it were, it would be easier to explain.” He said.

  “Taideo, what the hell is going on? A-are you okay? How is this possible? I mean you must tell me how this is happening. How am I seeing you right now? Touching you? Tell me.” I begged desperately.

  “I'm okay, Airius, really.” He sighed loudly, holding an untrustworthy smile.

  He's lying, I thought to myself.

  It was extremely easy for me to read the emotions that danced across his face.

  “Okay, so I don't feel all that well, but, I know my name, and I know how many fingers I have,” he said, locking our hands together, “I also know who's president. So that long and horrendous fall off your balcony didn't pop my brain.”

  “How is this happening?” I said persistently, looking out my bedroom window to hide from his enamored gaze.

  “Several things factor in as to why I can be seen by you.”

  “You care to share?”

  “What I am is nothing more than a mental projection. I am using my telepathy to allow you to see me, and my empathy lets you feel me.” He said, smoothly cupping my cheek, lifting my deadened face to meet his eyes.

  “So, it's basically an illusion. You're not real.” I swallowed, feeling the tears burn as they ran down my face. “How?” I asked.

  “Your claim over me links us, Airius, which you already knew. But being stuck in this coma, it heightened my abilities. It allows me to reach out to you, and only you. No one else to can hear me, or see me, but I can see them.”

  “You're still in the hospital?”

  “Yes. Just think of it as a long-distance phone call.” He said with a goofy smile.

  “H-how soon until you get disconnected?” I asked, swiftly pulling him closer to me, cradling the back of his head. “You know what, don't answer that question.” I said and took a deep breath. “Taideo,” I let out.

  “Yeah?” He replied.

  “Where did you go? When you died, where did you go?” I said heavily, pulling him up and grasping his face with both of my hands. He searched my eyes for a long while, and though I wasn't sure what he was going to tell me, I simply returned his gaze, hoping and praying wherever he'd been, that torture
wasn't a part of it.

  “I can't remember.” He replied, looking up at me with watery eyes. “I just know that I have to wake up soon.” He said as he gripped my hand tightly. Taideo lowered his eyes, tampering with the button on my open red dress shirt.

  “Hey,” I said to him, raising his chin with my fingers. Reluctantly, he met my eyes. “I will find a way, to awaken you.”

  “I love you Airius, but,” he paused with a sharp whisper. The sound of it cut at me.

  I cleared my throat, “But what?”

  “Don't make promises you can't keep.”

  “Taideo, I...” He held a single finger up to my lips before I could finish.

  “Look after grams for me.” He released himself from my arms, climbed out of bed and stepped back towards the open door. I quickly followed him, curious as to why he did not want me to save him. This wasn't the reaction I hoped for, and my heart felt as if it were about to fall out of my chest. My dead heart, still beating for this telepathic half-breed. With the amount of love, I feel for him, there is no way I'd let him suffer. I smiled inwardly and knew that no matter what, I would find a way to awaken him.

  “I will find a way, Taideo.”

  “If you can't, I won't blame you, Airius. You can let me go.”

  The sound of his broken words slammed at my heart. I immediately fell to my knees, and dropped my head, unable to cope with the fact of losing him a second time.

  “I can't lose you again Taideo, I can't. If you don't wake up, I don't know that I'll be strong enough to keep living.” I said, feeling like I was drowning in a deep well of a million sorrows.

  “Airius?” A voice said to me, but it wasn’t him. It wasn’t Taideo.

  I tried to fight down the rush of sadness that was building. I waited patiently for a short moment, then eased my head upward. My eyes tearfully flashed open, automatically searching for him, but Taideo was gone, and in the doorway stood Lillian.

  Gratitude flooded within my chest, as she placed her hands on my shoulders, and bent to bring me into a much-needed hug. It was then I realized she knew what happened. Her visions showed her everything.


  I ripped through the sunny forest of Olah, the world around me turning into a bright hazy blur, as my speed carried me further and further West. Earlier this morning, I received a phone call from Ms. Chestnut, inviting my family and I over for dinner. Following the destruction of Olah, Ms. Chestnut's focus has been one-hundred percent directed towards Taideo, so much in fact, she has completely ignored the events that led up to the celestial fire. She and I have so far seen one another a total of eleven times, all of which were in silent, while taking turns watching over Taideo. Each time I'd try and speak with her, I was sadly met with deaf ears. So, her dinner request was a bit of a shock.

  However, I did think it would be a good thing to see her, that way we'd get to explain ourselves to her. Ever since Ms. Chestnut saw our abilities, I became worried as to what would happen; Because if they ever found out, the Nioeaon would harm any human who knows our secret. So, we must protect her at any cost, something Taideo wanted, something I promise to do.

  Would you stop running around and get here already? The frustrated voice of my cousin Lillian filtered into my mind, pulling me from my thoughts. I held in a groan of annoyance and shook my head. I hated the fact, that as my creator, she could at times read my mind. Nothing on the level of what Taideo can do, still, she could see what was on the surface of my thoughts.

  I'll be there soon enough. I mentally replied, looking down at my watch, reading it just as the numbers hit 6:00.

  You need to hurry Airius, we've already explained to her many things about us. Chloe was kind enough to tell her even more than I liked her to, but it's done. We were hoping...

  What were you hoping Lillian? I questioned rather quickly.

  Perhaps you'd like to explain about Taideo, his abilities. She said.

  Sighing, I nodded, and focused my eyes on the path ahead, taking in the beauty of the blur of greenery as I rushed by. I honestly didn't know where I would start when it came to explaining everything. My concentration and thoughts were miles away from here; Exactly how was I going to pull myself back into a state, which could not only calm Ms. Chestnut, but also get her to understand, what I was to reveal about her so called 'perfect' grandson?

  Evening was just breaking, when I found myself walking through the door of Ms. Chestnut's kitchen. I managed to stop home first, in order to consume that God-awful potion of Lillian's; The one that would allow me to convert human food to natural energy. I honestly hated taking it, even when I knew it made Taideo happy, because it made us seem like a normal couple. Still, the taste of human food disgusts me, it's like chewing on cigarettes dipped in dog vomit. I would explain to him how different our taste-buds are as witches, but being that he's half-human, there was only so much he could truly understand.

  I sat at the end of the kitchen table, able to view everyone perfectly. To my left was Payton, then Esmond and Lillian. Ms. Chestnut sat at the other end, and to her left was an empty seat, then Aviva, Chloe and lastly Brock. Everyone sat in quiet, which made the situation even more long and dreadful. It seemed ever since I walked through the door, every second after slowed tremendously; But I suppose that's how it always seems to happen; When you desperately need a moment to last longer, it's gone in a blink of an eye. But as soon as something binds you from freedom, you find yourself on the time schedule of the devil himself.

  “Cut it out, Airius...” Payton whispered dryly, all while eyeing my hand.


  I followed her gaze, catching my fingers tapping the brown kitchen table in a thunderous rhythm. Payton quickly covered my hand, letting go only when she knew my fingers would be still. “Sorry,” I said, watching the shocked expression on Ms. Chestnut's face wither away.

  “Well,” her voice floated towards us, “you all did say you were fast.” She said with a small grin. I raised an eyebrow and smiled. She was trying to understand, and I appreciated it. “Thank you Airius, for the orchids, they're my favorite.” She said, reaching forward to re-position the vase the flowers came in. I remembered Taideo once saying these flowers were her favorite; So, I made a pit stop at the local florist before coming to dinner.

  “You're welcome Ms. Chestnut.”

  “Please, call me grams. That goes for all of you.” She gave a widespread smile.

  “You're welcome Ms- grams.” I let out, finally feeling myself relax a bit.

  “I would like to say thank you, for each of you showing up this evening.”

  “With all due respect Ms- grams; Why the sudden invitation? We crossed paths several times and words were never exchanged.”

  She watches me with a soft expression, then leaned forward all while cupping her hands under her chin. “Well, to be fair I was faced with a great deal of heartache and shock. I saw children I've known for a while, possess... talents I never thought possible. My house is damaged by that celestial fire, which isn't covered by my insurance by the way. Yet, most of all, my grandson is...” Ms. Chestnut pulled to herself and wiped her eyes.

  “Everything will be just fine,” A light voice chimed in from the living room. Taideo's best friend- Maria, entered and sat gracefully in the empty seat next to Ms. Chestnut. For a human, she is what I would call a delectable beauty; Eighteen years old, with a slender build. She has a light brown complexion, heart shaped face, brown eyes, and long black hair. She seems a tad shorter from when Taideo and I saw her over the summer. Still, I can see why Brock is heavily swayed by her charms. Maria grabbed onto Ms. Chestnut's arm. “He'll awake up, just have to keep faith.”

  “Thank you my dear.”

  “Besides, he probably wouldn't have got hurt if it wasn't for me.” Maria let out. I knew that she was referring to Brock, who was appearing as Taideo, leaving to pick her up from the bus station.

  “That isn't true,” Brock said, causing me
to smile at the tone of eagerness coming from his voice. “What I mean is, you're Taideo's best friend, he would have gone to hell and back just to get to you.”

  “Oh.” Maria replied and cocked her head to the side curiously.

  I closed my eyes at the awkwardness of the situation; Peaked over at Lillian and telepathically asked, Do I sound this cheesy when I talk about Taideo?

  She looked at me and nodded with a smile.

  Great, I let out in a mental whisper.

  “So, Taideo, he knew this entire time about what you all are? Witches?”

  I was suddenly hit by eight pairs of eyes, upon hearing Ms. Chestnut's question. “Yes,” I said shyly, which wasn't an emotion I was use to feeling. Ms. Chestnut can just pull it out of you.

  “Care to elaborate? How did he know? Did you just show him your talents or what?”

  “Ms- grams,” Lillian said, “you know about us, about witches. You as well Maria. B-but there are other things out in the world, that wish to do harm to humans.”

  “Wait, are you saying something was after Taideo?” Panic vibrated out of Ms. Chestnut's mouth.

  “A demon was after him.” Payton added. Her laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the conversation, which hit Ms. Chestnut like a sack of bricks.

  “A demon? How can you sound so unconcerned about this?” She asked Payton.

  “Didn't we talk about you not opening your mouth tonight, Payton?” Chloe said, her eyes moving from Payton, to Ms. Chestnut and then me.

  “By all means, let us sit here and have small talk, when the only reason we're here is to give her answers about our bloody life! Just because we clued in Taideo, doesn't mean it should apply to his grandmother or best friend! If the Nioeaon find out...”


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