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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 11

by Meco Brown

  “You did it!” Lydia yelped loudly, helping me up and to my feet.

  “Let's go,” I said, feeling a bit drained.

  “Right,” She said and nodded.

  Lydia and I silently stuck to the shadows, glancing around and taking in that nothing seemed to be out of order, other than massive amounts of scorch marks plastered on nearly everything around us.

  “Which building are we heading towards?”

  Lydia pointed a little waydown,“That one,” she said,“let's get in, get what we need and leave. I can't wait to get out of here.”

  “Me either.” I told her.

  “What I really miss is my magic, though. I never felt more human in my life, than I do right now. I'm honestly just scared.” She sounded frightened, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

  “Don't worry, we'll get your magic back, I promise.”

  She smiled, and nodded, but before she could give a reply, I swung the front door to her shop open, which buckled, and quickly fell to the floor, sending a rush of noise through the extra-crispy shop.

  Lydia walked inside and paused, then took a deep whiff of the shop's chalky-dust-filled air. My eyes closed for a moment, allowing the magical residue within the room to boom across my senses.“The cure is behind the counter.” Lydia huffed, running over to it, rummaging through piles of ash and pieces of wood.

  “Go left,” she said.

  I faced Lydia, and crossed my arms, confused.“What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Huh?” She replied.

  “You said 'go left', what did you mean?”

  “Go left? I didn't say anything.” She said, cocking her eyes at me, and resumed her search.

  Go left, I heard a voice sing in my head. At first, I thought I was crazy, but then I decided not to care, and followed the voices directions. The unfamiliar voice sounded a bit dignified and confident, as it slowly led me through the heavily damaged shop. As I headed down the tight-fitting pathway, I was helpless in preventing my mind from wandering back through several decades in time, touching down on various moments of both pain and happiness; Centering around the life of an older witch, who was entirely new to me. Almond green eyes, cold pale skin and bright curly hair. Beautiful as she is powerful, this witch showed me the love she carried for a human male, much like the love I have for Taideo. The happiness and love between she and her mate was absolutely beautiful, and resonated within me. Pain and devastation soon spread amongst her small village. The Red Throne Society ripped it all to pieces, killing every witch who stood in their way. The older witches mate, carrying no supernatural talent of his own, did the one thing he could do to save his love and her family. Self-sacrifice, giving the witch an open opportunity to slay a great deal of the Red Throne Society.

  Unable to live without him by her side, she wanted to die too. The witch siphoned what essence remained within her mate, and cast her magic and life force within a great and powerful broadsword, that was forged by her mate, years before his death.

  My body drew back and I grabbed my head as the vision ended. I unknowingly stumbled into a tiny oval room, that displayed a small and intimate stone-made alter. Embedded within the stone was the same weapon from my vision. The massive sword had a purple and blue tint, and a silver edge on the border of the blade. The grip is plain, but had a symbol etched into it- A crowned heart, pierced by a flaming sword. It was the same symbol shared between my coven, and our sister coven. Which means the woman from that vision, is a sister witch. She's family, maybe that's why she summoned me.

  “I see you've found the blade of Selena.” Lydia said from behind.

  “It called to me.” I told her, and turned to find Lydia standing in the doorway, smiling.

  “I've had that sword for nearly a decade or so, and it has done nothing but collect dust. Take it, if it called to you, then it belongs with you.”

  As my fingers locked around the ancient blade, and pulled it out of the stone, my eyes widened as I felt the pulse of energy radiating from it. The blade's innate power heightened my own, and I instantly felt an initial sense of ownership.

  “This mystical instrument, carries the magical essence of Selena, as well as some of the life force of her mate. Together, they empower the blade, heightening the users own magic. It embodies the connection between soulmates, something I do believe Selena and her mate share with you and yours. Perhaps that's why she called out to you. She recognizes the love within you, and wantsto help bring your love back to you.”

  Maybe it's both reasons, I thought to myself. Accepting the fact that Selena and I both share a magical and emotional connection, which led to her summoning me here, so I can find this mystical weapon.

  The blade unexpectedly appeared on my back, glued to me, then all of a sudden encased itself in a stone-like sheath. I placed my hand onto the alter.“Thank you, Selena.” I whispered.

  “Airius,” Lydia said,“I have something for you.”

  I twisted back around to face her, and paused for a short moment, staring at what she cupped within her palms. Extremely tiny red diamonds filled a small glass vial.

  “Is that it?” I muttered to myself, before walking over and taking the object into my hand. The tiny red diamonds throbbed with unnatural energy.“All this work for such a small little thing.” I said, feeling my lips tug upward into a smile.“Thank you.”

  She nodded, and placed her hands on her hips.“Can we leave now?” Lydia's amused voice was on the brink of laughter.

  “You bet we can.” I said, guiding her out into the main room of the shop.

  An eruption of whispers soon flooded the area.

  “Lydia, what is this? What's going on?” But she didn't answer me, all Lydia could do was stare out into the streets, through the front window. These metallic-like voices hissed louder by the second.

  Regaining her senses, Lydia looked up at me, and said in a raspy whisper,“It's them, it's the Red Throne Society.”

  A rapid blast of glowing bullets punctured the walls! My head snapped over at Lydia, who jumped back behind a counter. I joined her, kneeling down.

  “Are you okay?” I grabbed onto her shoulder, and got a handful of blood.“You're hurt,” I sighed.

  “I'll live, let's just get out of here.” She said with a heavy breath.

  I stared at her wound for a moment.“This will hurt”. I warned her.

  “What will hurt, what are you doing?” She sounded worried. I placed my hand over her wound, and used my power to pull the bullet from her body.“God, oh you bastard!” Lydia screeched, as I tore her sleeve and wrapped her injury.

  “I'm sorry, but without your ability to heal, it needed to be done.”

  A nod from her confirmed her acceptance of what I'd done.

  “Okay, stay here.” I commanded,“And keep your head down.”

  Her eyes blazed open,“Tell me you're not about to go out there on a suicide mission.”

  “Their blocking our only way out. Unless you have some secret passageway that leads out of the city.”

  She tilted her head to the side and scowled.“I’m a witch, not Batman.”

  “I'll be back.” I promised her.

  “Be careful.”

  I reached for the sword, feeling the stone sheath fade as I stood to my feet.“I will.” I exploded forward in a blur of speed, slicing clean through the first member of the Red Throne Society, and diving right into two more of them, smashing and sliding against the floor, before bouncing right back up into the sky.

  The air whistled by the sheer speed of the blade as I threw it, watching it pierce through the armor of the second member, ricocheting off of them and into the last one. My feet gently touched down onto the ground, just as the magical sword appeared on my back, encasing itself once again in its stone sheath.

  A light voice laughed from behind,“That's some kind of power.” Lydia said, limping over.

  “I thought I told you to stay put.”

  “Well I didn't, so sue me. Let's get
out of here.”

  A horrible demonic screech suddenly came from a nearby alley.“What now?” I questioned. From within the shadows, appeared a creature walking on all fours, and looked to be made of white tree bark. Each of its limbs appeared to be burning with unnatural flames. Upon seeing Lydia and I, the demon awkwardly flipped to its feet, and within its hands appeared a massive white scythe.

  “Run now, fight later.” Lydia begged. I pulled at her, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck.

  “Hold on as best as you can, Lydia.”

  “Will do.” She said, as I sprinted up the street, watching as more and more demons crept from the shadows, their senses locked on Lydia and me.

  Demons exist to kill, gain power and to spread loss. They primarily target humans, and as a witch, we all possess a psychic pull when demons are near, and are forced to vanquish them, much like when it comes to apostate witches. With so many demons surrounding the area, it was beginning to prove difficult in ignoring that psychic pull.

  “I know how you feel, even without my magic, I still feel that pull, the duty of eradicating all of them. Keep pushing yourself, you can do this.” Lydia whispered, as we twisted around the corner of a building. A powerful ray of car lights suddenly blinded me. Nearly twelve vehicles blocked the street in front of us. Each of the car motors thundered loudly.“Oh, this isn't good.” Lydia said.

  “Make it easy on yourselves, give up and we promise to give you a quick and painless death.” A robotic voice screamed from within the first armored sports car. We watched as the doors of the car opened, and emerged one of the members of the Red Throne Society. It was a woman. Her cybernetic, exoskeleton-type armor was more high-tech; From her encompassing skull-like helmet, to her claw-like nails, all the way down to her metallic high-heels. The aesthetic design was truly out of this world.

  “We need to run, this isn't a fight we can win.” Lydia warned, and tightened her grip.“This technology provides a great deal of enhancements for her. Increased speed, agility, reflexes and strength. She's the leader, the general.”

  Lydia's words helped me to see and understand why she wore such powerful armor. It helps her keep up with the speed and strength of witches.

  “You will not get another warning, do... not... run...” the general yelled, while dropping one of her arms, causing it to flip and twist itself into a large blade, that resonated with a powerful current of electricity.

  “Please, get me out of here.” Lydia begged.

  “Hold on,” I whispered.

  I could feel my muscles vibrate as I charged my speed. When suddenly the general's visor began glowing red, scanning up and down my body.“Kill him!” Her robotic voice yelled!“He's about to make a run for it!”

  My body detonated in a surge of speed, roaring past the heap of vehicles, propelling several of them off into the sides of the street. Bullets sailed past my head, as I darted left, then right! I could feel my shoes leaving small footmark's as they slapped across the asphalt, doing my best to dodge the onslaught of glowing ammunition.

  A sports car bellowed behind us, swerving from side to side, as I used telekinesis to fling several objects in its direction, managing to completely shatter the windshield. I wrapped one hand around Lydia's, keeping her balanced. My witch senses alive and humming within me, I turned down one alley, the other end open to another street- the way out of town. The sports car roared loudly into the alley behind us; Small enough to fit, but big enough metal shrieked, as the car banged against both sides of the alley, showering red sparks and scorched the brick walls.

  “We're almost there!” Lydia screamed, holding tighter around my neck.

  When suddenly, a dumpster slid in front of the open area, another sports car smashed into it, driving the massive garbage container directly for us! We were trapped! My body slowed down rather quickly, as I looked frantically for a way out of the alley, then glanced up.“Hold on tight,” I yelled to Lydia.

  I leaped up, inhumanly high, and grabbed the broken piece of a fire escape ladder, when I suddenly felt Lydia's arm slip from my neck!

  “Got you!” I yelled, quickly grabbing her hand, while doing my best to pull and jump up toward the next bar on the ladder. A cascade of bullets shot across my hand, causing me to drop one level down.

  “Okay, Lydia, brace yourself! And when you make it, run, and don't look back.” I swung my arm up with a rush of speed, tossing Lydia's body over the ledge of the building and onto the rooftop. I could hear her body land with a cracking thump!

  I didn't hesitate, I jumped halfway up, when suddenly I felt my power draining. I've over exhausted myself, and being in this city is hindering my ability to rapidly regain energy. I neglected to feed at DayBreak, and since the moon isn't out, Magic Hour doesn't apply to me.

  Things aren't looking to good right about now, I thought, and slowly pulled myself up to the next bar on the ladder, when another barrage of bullets shots across my arms, barely missing my knuckles. I could feel my grip loosening.

  Taideo's face immediately filtered into my mind.

  Beautiful, I thought.

  “Grab my hand!” Lydia shouted, desperation clinging to her voice. She extended a hand down toward me.

  “Lydia, run!” I shouted.“Get out of here!”

  “No, after everything you've done to help me, to help your mate, I'd be selfish to leave you behind! Grab my hand, we leave together!”

  I smiled, stretching my arm upward, her fingers inches from my own.

  “I got you!” Lydia yelled, grabbing onto my arm, slowly pulling me upward.

  “I warned you not to run!” The general yelled from the windshield, leaning out of it. I pulled myself onto the ledge, climbing over, just as the general began spraying the area with an onslaught of glowing bullets.

  I ducked out of the way just in time.“You were right,” I laughed,“I am lucky,” sitting up and looking over at Lydia, whose back was facingme.“Lydia?” I whispered.“Are you okay?”

  Fear and panic clung to my chest, as her body twisted down and over the edge of the building.“Lydia!” I screamed, and ran toward the edge. I watched as her broken and bloodied corpse landed with an enormous slam. Her chest was riddled with bullets, which left dozens of glowing holes. I fell back as more bullets sizzled towards me.

  I panicked and felt myself wanting to scream, but strained against it. I closed my eyes, and dipped my face into my legs.

  This isn’t going to end well. I thought.

  If the Red Throne Society doesn't kill me, or Qui and his family, then surly Gregory will want my head on a stake. I just hope I can bring Taideo back, before the second death is brought upon me.

  “You're crying?” The metallic voice questioned. My eyes peeked up, catching sight of the general standing a few feet away. Her blade crackling with power.“How human of you.” She said mockingly.

  Anger swelled within as I stared at this wicked woman. The tiny fibers of hair on my arms rippled. I tensed and my eyes narrowed, as I rose to my feet and moved a step closer. I knew I had to take her down.

  For Selena and her people, for the city of West Fall, for all the witches brought down by their blades and most of all, for Lydia. My strength isn't full, I knew this, but how tough could a woman in armor truly be?

  “You sure you want to try and do this? It will only lead to a slower death.”

  I didn't reply, just simply stared at her, our weapons drawn, waiting for the other to strike. I could hear her little army down below, cheering. Other than their robotic yells of encouragement, and the faint fall of rain, the area was strangely calm.

  “I will kill you,” slipped from my lips.

  “You can try,” She retorted.“But I do wish to know something, you must have known this town was under our control. Why on earth would you come here? For your dead friend?” She sounded generally curious.

  “My mate is human, and has been placed in a mystical coma. I wish to wake him and needed something that could only be found here.” I'
m not certain why I chose to tell her the truth, perhaps it's because I secretly hoped she'd understand and let me go. Then again, I really wanted to see her head on a platter.

  “Interesting. Witches can love? And here I thought it wasn't possible, for a soul-less creature to feel such a thing.” She spoke calmly as she stood poised with her sword, ready to strike at any given moment.

  “Believe it or not, witches can be either good or evil” I said to her.

  “Good or evil?” She yelled, suddenly more serious.“Bad witches in your opinion, kill other witches, which would give them the title of an apostate. When that happens, 'good' witches as you call them, will instinctively hunt said apostate.”

  “What's your point?” I was beginning to become annoyed with our chat.

  “My point, is that there is no such thing as a good witch!” She screamed, then walked left, as I walked right, circling each other.

  “It was once forbidden for your kind to feed on humans. A rule set by the Nioeaon, and if that rule was broken, we'd step in and bring about the second death. Yet, the Nioeaon still fed on whoever or whatever they pleased. After the Red Throne Society went rogue, that rule seemed to have disappeared. So,it seems to me, the only bad witch, is one that attacks their own kind.”

  “My coven and I don't feed on humans. We only feed at DayBreak.”

  “It doesn't matter, you've fed before and you'd most likely feed again, maybe not today, but soon. It's best to just put you down now. So,what do you say I let you choose? Sword? Or bullet, just like your friend.”

  I was suddenly seething with anger. Furious that she taunted me with Lydia's death.

  I launched forward at a violent speed, bringing my newly acquired sword up, inches from cutting the general down!

  She didn't even cringe, just quickly parried my blade with her own, setting forth a downpour of blue sparks, and spun her body as I fell past her, barely dodging her weapon when she tried slicing across my back.


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