Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2) Page 13

by Meco Brown


  “I just can't help but wonder, how many more things must we find before we're done.”

  She isn't the only one whose thought that. So far, we've gathered over nine pieces of the spell and it still requires more. I too wonder when we'll be done with this scavenger hunt; I honestly feared if this went on, Gregory would return before I'd have a chance to perform this spell. I wasn't exactly sure what was keeping him, but I was just thankful he wasn't here.

  Throwing my hand out, and twisting my palm upward, my skin became transparent, as the hologram of the next ingredient appeared. However, this particular item wasn't anything I've ever come across. It was an overall sharp translucent crystal, shaped like a crescent moon, but within the center sparkled a bright rainbow flame.

  “Do you know what this is?” I asked, confusion sweeping through my mind.

  Aviva shook her head, and looked just as puzzled.“We'll figure it out. There's no need to worry.” She said.

  I nodded, hoping this was something we could actually find. Most of the ingredients were pretty simple in getting our hands on. Especially for Esmond, who found several items here in Olah.

  “Did you happen to talk to Lillian?” Aviva asked, hoping to distract me.

  I shook my head,“About what?”

  Lillian and I haven't really spoken since her little mind control game.

  “I spoke with Ms. Neely a few days ago.”

  “Ms. Neely? The woman from school?”

  “Yeah,” She let out in a sigh,“several representatives from school are contacting everyone, thinking it's time for the students to resume their studies, get back to school.”

  “Let me guess, they're wanting to reassign everyone to a different school?”

  She smirked,“Not exactly, they're bringing in large trailers, using them as classrooms until the other ones can be rebuilt.”

  “Well they can forget that, I will not be going.” I told her. I had more important things to worry about other than pretending to be a high school student.

  “Airius, we have to keep up appearances. They think I'm your aunt and you're older than I am.” Aviva let out, placing her hands on her hips and twisting side to side.

  I leaned against the book shelf, reminding myself of when we first found Aviva. My coven and I, which at that time consisted of Lillian, Brock, Payton and myself; Took residence in a small Texas town, during Christmas of 1866. Aviva was a kind woman, whose husband supplied horses for the Confederate Army. During our stay, She and Lillian grew close and became somewhat friends. Of course, our time in Texas wasn't random. We were hunting a specific demon that was drawn to goodhearted women, and Aviva was its next target. Turns out, her husband was actually murdered and the demon took on his form. Just as we figured it out, it was already too late. We found Aviva in her home, throat slashed and the demon standing over her, waiting for the right moment until her soul was just about to pass on. The demon was easily vanquished, and because of their earlier bond, Lillian took pity on Aviva and decided to turn her. After her transformation, Aviva gained the ability to teleport, and although the gift is very useful for her, she lacks the strength of carrying anyone along with her.

  For years we traveled together as a family, never really understanding how empty Aviva truly felt inside. Aviva was in her mid-thirties when Lillian turned her, and something Aviva wanted more than anything was a child of her very own. Although we can perform the same deeds as a human, as witches though, we simply cannot reproduce. The magical toxin that flows within our blood automatically stops the process. Upon learning this news, Aviva was broken, and left our coven for quite a while; Until one day she returned, along with a new-found friend.

  “Airius?” Aviva called, pulling me from my memory.“You okay?”

  I snickered,“Yeah, I'm just starting to see how lucky I really am. I have an amazing family.”

  Aviva smiled and pulled me into a somewhat tight bear-hug.

  “Well I could have told you that.” She said, as we made our way back upstairs.

  “So, how are you dealing?” I asked, peeking over at Aviva. I never really asked how she was handling the situation of Maria being around. That Brock was literally walking around on cloud 9. It wasn't necessarily a good thing that humans get involved with witches, because the more a human knows, the easier it is for the Nioeaon to sense and take action. Which usually ends with destruction for the human and the witch. I just hoped the Nioeaon's attention was elsewhere. The Nioeaon don't spy, but only rather get involved if certain words peak their interest. So as long as Maria or Ms. Chestnut for that matter, keep what they know to themselves, everything will be fine.

  “I won't lie, Airius, I hate it. Them being together is wrong.” Aviva sighed and leaned against the staircase.“Long ago, it was forbidden for us to feed on humans, so as witches we learned to survive on DayBreak alone, which empowers us a great deal. But humans, come on Airius, you know what kind power comes from the mortal soul, and how dark itmakes us.”

  She was right, I had to accept it. DayBreak gives us our power; the sun naturally fuels us; But the human soul provides a deeper pool of energy for our magic. Feeding on them, releases bits of their souls, it makes us darker, more powerful. I knew why Aviva was concerned. She was frightened for Maria. One human in a house full of witches, is not a good situation to be in if things went sour. As a witch, if we're completely drained of magic, our instincts will kick in and in a day, we could annihilate an entire town, draining each and every human.

  “Out of nowhere, the Nioeaon cast out that rule of feeding on mortals, but after we realized how safer it is to feed only at DayBreak. The human soul makes us powerful, but we're also wild and savage beasts; And that poor girl is surrounded by us.”

  “Aviva, I understand, trust me, but-”

  “But what Airius, are you seriously willing to let her continue coming around here? What about the Nioeaon?”

  I shifted uncomfortably against the railing.“Aviva, I am sick, of the Nioeaon. After learning they're the reason the Red Throne Society was created, I want nothing to do with them.”

  “Airius,” Aviva said, then turned to me,“The Nioeaon has done thousands of things that go against what we believe. So, this wasn’ta surprise to me. At the end of the day, those sorcerers can snuff us out of existence if they find out. You're strong, but you're not that powerful.”

  Ouch, I thought, and nodded slowly. Aviva gently placed her hand on my shoulder. She looked into my eyes and saw a deep hurt locked within. I see myself as a failure, when it comes to not saving Taideo, not being strong enough to keep Terra from attacking him. Then I lost Lydia, so right now, the fact that my family sees me as not being strong enough does hurt. I did have to admit though, I knew I couldn't defeat the Nioeaon, still, I wished to have nothing to do with them.

  “I'm sorry, Airius, I shouldn't have said that.” Aviva took my hand in hers and held it. I squeezed back tenderly.“I do think it's a bit poetic, though,”

  “What is?” I asked.

  “That Brock, a witch, has a deep feeling of affection with whom we see as a meal.”

  “Talk about playing with your food.” I said with a sort chuckle.

  Aviva looked at me.“You do know what has to be done, right?” She asked, gazing toward the entrance of the living room. Brock and Maria were both facing the television, their backs facing us.“We may have to turn her.” Aviva admitted.“Decisions, decisions.” She whispered to herself and left down into the kitchen.

  I wasn't necessarily sure turning Maria was the best choice, but it wasn't just up to me, but rather the entire coven. If a witch ever develops a bond with a mortal, it is said that the bond is created for a reason, that destiny has called for the human, to be within the fold of magic. Therefore, leading to their transitioning into a witch, and part of our coven. My only concern is what Taideo would think. I don't believe he would appreciate his best friend being turned into one of us; But, at the same time, I know what a lon
ely heart feels like. I want my cousin to be happy, and I truly believe that he is.



  Two weeks have passed, my family and I have yet to figure out what exactly the moon crystal is. I felt as if this were the final ingredient for the awakening spell, and there was nothing I could find that would lead me in the right direction as to where it is located. Huddled up in the corner of our home library, I was completely engrossed in a book on mystical crystals, full research mode was under way. My attention was fully drawn out into the next room when I heard a quiet laughter, obviously Brock and Maria were amused at whatever they were doing.

  I took a deep breath, trying desperately not to allow the sting of jealousy to surround me. My eyes flashed down back into the book, when more of their soft and joyful laughter echoed from down the hall and slithered into my ears. I could literally hear Brock's fingers trace along Maria's face. I focused my eyes on the library doors, and allowed my power to slam them shut. I closed my eyes for a moment, when my senses immediately picked up on something. I inhaled, drowning myself in the powerful yet invigorating scent of apricot nectar. The smell burned my mouth, quivering down my throat like fiery liquid. It reminded me of a precious gift, something I am completely devoted to; My love, my destiny, Taideo.


  My body tensed automatically when I heard the suffering in his voice. My eyes instantly blinked over to his face, and in a second I was standing in front of him.“Taideo,” I whispered, feeling myself on the edge of breaking down. He didn't look so well, almost as if he had the flu.“Are you okay?” I asked, allowing his hands to rest on my chest.

  “I'm fine, never better.” He said, smiling weakly, but there was fear behind his words, and his expression shown a deep level of sadness.“Oh, Airius, I miss you. I wish I-”

  “Don't talk,” Guilt quickly solidified within my stomach, burning at me. The only reason he is in this situation is due to my lack of strength in protection him from Terra. Now, I have a chance to wake him and I'm stuck, unable to find any information on this damn crystal. Powerless. Not worthy of him.


  “Taideo, you need to save your strength.”

  His eyes peeked up at me, and at that moment, several emotions faded across Taideo's face. He was suddenly sad, full of sorrow, then pain, and he quickly collected himself and he looked rather irritated.“What is it?” I asked, pulling my hardened hand up and gently laid it against his face.“Penny for your thoughts.” I said, smiling.

  “You are worthy, Airius.” He admitted, while twisting his fingers through my hair.

  “I only wish to make you proud.”

  “You do,” Taideo's face screwed up in confusion.“you need to understand, that no one is perfect. I don't expect you to be.”

  My lips twisted into an innocent smile,“There was a time, when you thought I was the definition of perfection.”

  He giggled weakly, and tilted his head,“You know what I mean.” He said, then suddenly sounded a tad more serious.“Listen, Airius; You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and accept the way things played out. Nothing was your fault, not me or Lydia. You have to stop being so angry; How else do you expect to find any semblance of happiness?”

  I stared at him in silence for a short moment.

  “Well, I...” My fingers trailed down his shoulders, and I took his hands in mine.“Taideo,” I said, moving him closer to me,“You. Are. My. Happiness.” I punctuated each word, by applying soft passionate pecks on his lips.“With you, Taideo, I'm stronger than ever.”

  He, nor anyone will ever realize just how happy I am when he's with me. I've seen what type of monster I can be, Taideo tames that monster, calms the beast within. I never truly knew happiness the way he's shown me, and as far as I'm concerned, there is no happy world without him. I'm lucky that I have such an amazing family, but Taideo gives me something more than what they ever could. It's a type of love that stretches along your bones and flows within your blood; Love that's bestowed upon you from some a higher deity. It's an infinite type of love. Absolute devotion. Eternal.

  “I love you too,” he said, a tired but happy grin spread across his beautiful face, and he leaned into my embrace, as I pressed a kiss into his hair.


  I rocked him, and hummed, showing him, I was listening.

  “When I'm not with you, I dream.”

  “What do you dream about?” I asked, a bit curious.

  “Being bathed in the glorious light of a thousand moons. It's absolute and all-inclusive.”

  I nodded and smiled.“That actually sounds quite beautiful, poetic even.”

  He sniffed, and looked at me with watery eyes.“It's not.”

  “What do you mean?” I mumbled, suddenly concerned.

  “Within my dream, it's as though, someone opens a door to the surface of a darkened sun. Raw, unnatural streamers of fire penetrate my light, forcing me to become the core of an ancient galaxy.” He tried to hide his pain with a silly grin, and leaned his head into my chest.

  “Taideo, that doesn't sound very pleasant.”

  He gave me a slight nod to the library doors.“Neither is what's going on in the other room.” He said with a smile.

  I arched an eyebrow.“Yeah...” I said, heightening the tone of the single word to covey more acceptance and less envy.

  “Airius...” He whispered.

  “Yes, my love?” I replied, using my strength to easily hold him up.

  “Kiss me, one more time.” He demanded, reaching up to the back of my neck, and his fingers wound themselves into my hair again.

  Desire flared, as my hands slid down, pressing into his back, rubbing the satin like material of his shirt, as I pulled him toward me, until the space between us was no more. With a lustful groan, I obeyed, laying claim to his soft and pouty lips; Wondering in the back of my mind, what he meant exactly by 'one more time'. I forced myself to forget his words, and focused on the feeling of his lips moving passionately against mine.

  “Airius!” Lillian's voice jetted into the room, and the library doors were thrown open! My body automatically twisted to face her.“Airius,” she said with an almost sympathetic tone.

  “Lillian, what is it?” I stepped towards her, and saw the rest of my family looking into the room.“It's Taideo,” She said.“Ms. Chestnut called, we need to get to the hospital.” I immediately turned around, but of course Taideo was already gone. Is this why he wanted a kiss? Was this goodbye?

  “Cousin,” Lillian whispered.“We need to go.”



  I ran down the hall as fast and as humanely possible. Lillian, Esmond, Chloe, Aviva, Brock and Maria were with me, and stopped upon seeing Ms. Chestnut standing outside Taideo's hospital room, along with Eamie.

  “What happened, Ms. Chestnut?” I questioned, and stopped once I was close enough to smell the rancid stench of those Skinwalkers. They must be close, watching over Eamie.

  “I don't know. They just said that Taideo's condition has worsened.” Ms. Chestnut replied, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  Maria released Brock's hand and gave Ms. Chestnut a hug.

  “It's going tobe okay.” Maria said, doing her best to sound as positive as she could.

  “I swear, for a moment just before it happened, I thought he was waking up, and just like that it's like something pulled him back in. Then...” She took a long and deep sigh.“His body just started shaking violently.”

  “Are they going to tell us something? Anything?” Maria snapped, glaring into the room where the doctors were.

  Eamie looked into the room with a frown.“We're not leaving this door until we find out something.” Eamie decided.

  “I'm not a patient person, when it comes to my best friend being in some type of trouble. I'll get one of the doctors.” Maria replied sharply, obviously tired of waiting for the doctors. She eased between Ms. Chestnut and Eamie, opening the doo
r, vanishing inside. The jealously Eamie shot towards Maria as the door closed, was thick enough to cut with a knife.

  Esmond leaned back, and whispered to Brock,“I like her.” he said with a smile.

  Peeking into the room, a curtain shot back, and I could see Maria and a gray-haired man talking. Their conversation seemed to get heated, before they headed our way. When the door finally opened, the gray-haired man approached us. His thick, nerdy classes deeply magnified the size of his brown eyes.

  “Doctor,” Ms. Chestnut said, while holding her chest.

  The doctor glanced reluctantly at Maria before he answered our silent question.

  “Well,” The doctor said, trying to figure out the correct way to say what he needed to.“Unfortunately, your grandson, he... w-we don't...” He stuttered.

  “Spit it out, doc!” Brock said, tightening his hand into a fist.

  “His condition, we don't know what it is. We don't know what's happening to him, or how to stop it.”

  “What are you trying to say!” Shrieked from my lips.

  He nervously stepped back, crossing his arms and shook his head apologetically.“I honestly don't know how long he's going to survive.”

  Eamie and Maria both tightened their grip on Ms. Chestnut's arm, as she rocked weakly against the wall. Brock immediately hunched over, placing his hands on his knees.

  I felt myself shaking uncontrollably, felt as if my entire world was being ripped to shreds. Everything I'd been through so far was cast aside, my sole concern is for my best friend, my soul mate, my love. The only thing anchoring me to the earth was Taideo. I couldn't lose him, not now, not that I'm so close to finishing the spell.

  Eventually, the other doctors managed to stable him, explaining more that they weren’t exactly sure how long he'd be like this, or if he'd even survive the next couple of days.

  The second I crossed the threshold and saw Taideo's body, my own body called it quits and I immediately collapsed to my knees, slightly cracking the floor. I could feel them all watching me, my family, unable to do anything other than pity me. I tossed back my head and roared loudly, a deep emotional cry that echoed throughout the entire hospital, raising the heads of all who heard it.


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