Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2) Page 14

by Meco Brown

  “I can't lose him,” I whispered to myself. Shaking my head ferociously, trying to figure out how to restore the most important part of my world. So close, yet so far away.

  I heard a chair scrapping across the floor, as Ms. Chestnut dragged it over and sat next to me.“Airius,” She called to me, laying a gentle arm around my shoulder. I felt myself trembling, unable to say even the simplest of words. I heard Ms. Chestnut's hoarse cry, and watched as she blinked back tears. Wordlessly, she motioned for me to grab her hands, and upon doing so, she immediately noticed the deadened texture but looked past it. After a few shared sobs, I could no longer sustain my weight, my body felt too weak, too much of a mess, so down I went. I wholeheartedly fell forward, positioning my head in the warmness of her lap; Listening as she recited, one of the most beautiful prayers, I've ever heard in my entire life.

  Ms. Chestnut, who is truly a virtuous woman in the eyes of God, calmed my mind, restored my dreams and hope.“Even with everything going on, Airius, I know that everything will work out for us. Taideo will wake up.” She whispered, all while gently patting my head, rubbing her finger through my hair.

  “How do you know?” I questioned, feeling a single tear sliding across the bridge of my nose.

  She shifted my face, and I sat up straighter, looking at her as she placed her hands on my shoulders.“Because you love him. Because your heart, has loved Taideo since the beginning of everything. Knowing that through the folds of time, you two, although temporarily separated, are forever connected. That kind of love is everlasting and binding.” She cupped my hands within her own, and looked into my eyes with such high intensity.“Life isn't easy, son, it's a constant struggle, with extreme lows and highs. You need to remember, no matter who or what you are, there are times in life when you will be tested, and during those times, it is important to persevere. So that is what I am doing, and it is what you must do. I am putting my faith in you, Airius. You, will save him.”

  I sat, watching the tears in her eyes breaking free, and softly falling down her cheeks. Ms. Chestnut stared into my eyes, and smiled, summoning within me a silent passing of kindness, trust and a sense of belonging.



  A seamless flow of minutes, hours and days pass as my family and I continued our research on this moon stone. Although we could use the extra set of eyes, Maria chose to stay with Ms. Chestnut and Eamie at the hospital, waiting desperately for the moment Taideo could wake up all on his own. Despite my family's assistance, it began to dawn on each of us, that no book within our home library possessed any useful information. It was at that time I knew I needed to search elsewhere. Esmond reminded me that the local library was still intact, that I could possibly find something within the occult section, and I left immediately.

  Dusk faded over Olah, as I ran within the forest, heading towards the local library. As I ran, my mind began to wander, thinking about the past few days. Although Ms. Chestnut and I have developed a new-found level of respect, I knew deep down she still felt a bit bitter towards me; Of course, nothing close to what she originally felt. I must be thankful, though, if it wasn't for Lillian, I doubt the relationship between Ms. Chestnut and I would be where it currently is.

  Through physical and psychic contact, Lillian can share any and every vision she's seen within her life; Upon psychically linking her mind with Ms. Chestnut, Lillian shared with her several visions of my and Taideo's tangled destiny. Which ultimately mended the drama between us.

  A sudden movement caught my eye, and drew me from my thoughts. I stopped immediately, perched on a rather large boulder. I spotted a short-shadowed figure, cloaked in the night, making its way up a craggy hilltop.

  Payton, I thought to myself, recalling the last time I'd seen her. The day she viciously told Ms. Chestnut the truth about everything. Since then, she completely distanced herself from our coven, but most importantly from me. Even though Payton is much harder to read than any other member of our family, it was evident that she was afraid. Frightened of what may become of her because of what she did. I more than anyone, should know that everything happens for a reason. Even though Payton pushed Ms. Chestnut away from me, it all worked out in the end. That being said, it's time for Payton to come home.

  My speed carried me further up the hill, where I immediately spotted a relatively large animal-skin tent atop the hill as I continued on.

  “I knew someone would find me eventually.” Payton said, just as I made my way up to the campsite. She emerged from her tent, starting at me with glazed eyes. Her face glowed in the orange light of a small bonfire. Payton stood across from me, dressed in an interesting set of black robes, held together by series of black leather straps.

  “Forever the Wicca goth, huh Payton?” I said in a raspy whisper.

  She smiled.“You know me so well, Airius.”

  Payton and I exchanged a look before either of us spoke again. I approached her and sat near the fire.

  “So, why are you here Airius? Did you come thinking I would apologize?” She held her breath, preparing herself for any sort of reaction from me. Just like the rest of my family, Payton views me as one of the most unpredictable people she's met, as it's very likely for me to become so enraged by the smallest information delivered to me.

  They know I can't help it, anger is my greatest emotion and as a witch I am driven by it. I use to question why anyone would want to be with me, when I'm nothing but an explosive monster who could snap at any minute. Strong feelings of anger run beneath my serene exterior. It was hard to believe someone could honestly care for me.

  Of course, with Taideo I figured it out. He sees the better side of me. He knows I try to avoid conflict, to fight the monster within, despite knowing how powerful I truly am. Although dangerous, Taideo still loves me. His love caged the monster, he tamed it. Or at least, made it less angry.

  “I've come to ask you to go home, Payton.”

  “Even after everything I did?” She asked, crossing her arms.

  “Yes, while I'm not necessarily pleased with how things went that day. It all seemed to have worked out. Granted Ms. Chestnut and I mended our relationship, there is still hint of bitterness; But, I do believe everything will be alright, but only if you come home.” I said, lifting my hands, hovering them over the heat and hypnotic flames in front of me. They beat with a magical pulse. I peeked up at Payton. Her shoulders relaxed, and she smiled.

  “Well then,” she said emphatically,“I guess I'll head home.” I nodded as she turned to leave. When Payton suddenly came to a stop.“Airius,”


  She faced me,“Where do we stand on Taideo? Any closer on finding a way to get him back?”

  I made a face. Not wanting to answer Payton's question. It's no secret that Payton does not like Taideo. Esmond, I could understand, because he was actually jealous of Taideo. Jealous of Taideo's humanity, that he could live in both our world and the human one; But more-so that Taideo and I found love with each other. It all changed once Esmond and Lillian started hanging out one on one. Still, it seemed everyone accepted Taideo's place in my life, in our coven's life. Except for Payton.

  “No need to worry about that.” I replied, standing to my feet.

  “I genuinely want to know, cousin.”

  I shook my head, annoyed.“Why? So,you can continue to make unnecessary remarks and sneer at him and at our relationship?” I went to walk past her, but she blocked the path, putting her hands in front of me.

  “No,” she told me, making it an order that I stay where I am. I cocked an eyebrow and crossed my arms; She knew better to not take this any further than it already is.“Airius, I don't hate Taideo.”

  “Then why do you act the way that you do?” I asked, partly curious.

  “Do you remember when you found me? When my sisters were taken by Lexa?”

  I nodded.“Yeah Payton, I do.”

  “I highly doubt any of you know this, but back then, my sisters and I fed on hu
mans. It was how we chose to survive, and the hunt was, epic. We enjoyed the thrill of the chase, right up until that night you and the others found me. I knew that none of you wanted me because of my impeccable sense of fashion; It was because I had dominion over the shadows. Which made the coven stronger. Not one of you asked about my so called witchy diet. You all just assumed I was like you, a DayBreakdrinker.”

  I advanced a step, and felt the air around me charge as anger swept within. Has Payton been feeding on humans this entire time? If so, how did we not know?“Payton,” I said.

  “Before you get all moody, just listen.” She said, walking past me and back over towards the burning fire.“I was able to camouflage myself from the group, such as Lillian's premonitions for example; So,no one would notice the changes my body went through when I fed on humans.” She lowered her body, and sat on a log near the fire.“But, as time went on, I slowly began to understand what the coven represented. It's not just about the magic we possess, or battling demonic forces of evil; It's about preserving life, human life. Protecting those who cannot protect themselves.” She said, looking up at me. I went to sit next to her. “Knowing that, I decided I needed to change. It took a while but I did. I managed to cast out all desires of wanting to feed on humans. The biggest test, came once Aviva told us to go to high school, still I persevered. Then out of nowhere, you get mixed up with not just any old human, but a half-breed. We're not dogs, Airius. I don't have to smell Taideo in order to perceive how powerful his essence is, I can merely sense it. You have to understand;how difficult it was for me.” Payton took a deep breath, and looked into my eyes.“So, when I tell you that I don't hate Taideo, it's the truth. I just honestly hate the fact that you brought him around. I would never do anything to hurt him, because that would hurt you, which would hurt me.”

  I reached for her hand and grabbed it.“I'm sorry, that I made it difficult for you.”

  “And I'm sorry that I tried to turn Ms. Chestnut against you.” She admitted, looking at me with more sorrow and sympathy than I'd ever seen in another pair of eyes.

  “Well I do have some pretty awesome news.” I told her, smirking.

  “What is it?”

  “You should be happy to know, that Taideo isn't the only human in the house anymore.” I smiled over at her. Payton was silent for a moment, her features unreadable.“Yeah, remember hearing about Taideo's friend back home? Maria?Remember how she’s in town?Well it seems that Brock has taken a likening to her. They're an item now.” I said, feeling my lips tug upwards into a friendly grin.

  A ghost of a smile spread across Payton's face as she replied,“Wonderful.”

  It took all of my willpower to keep myself from laughing, as I stood to my feet.“Look, Brock and I found love, real love; Maybe Lillian and Esmond found it with each other, I'm honestly not sure, but there is connection between them, that isn't shared amongst the rest of our coven. Maybe you should try and find someone.” I took a breath and smiled at her.“Payton, you couldn't imagine the joy, of falling in love with someone who makes you a better person. Someone who can empower you in way's never thought possible.”

  She stood to her feet, enthralled by the words I tossed at her.“It’swhat Taideo gives me, what I believe Maria can give to Brock, what Esmond and Lillian could potentially find, and what you should desperately seek out. I want us all to have what Taideo and I have. True love.”

  Payton lowered her face, trying to hide the tears glistening in her eyes. I moved closer to her.“What if, I'm not worthy of such a love? Everything I've done in this life-”

  “Is all in the past. You've atoned for your sins, Payton. As witches we're granted immense power, but that doesn't keep us warm on a cold winter night.”

  She looked up and smiled.“We're immune to the cold.”

  “It doesn't mean our hearts should be immune to love, whether they beat or not.”

  She rolled her eyes, and straightened her posture.“Okay, so enough of this; Where do you stand on waking Taideo? I want to help.”

  I smiled and nodded.“I'm actually on my way to the library, trying to find information on this.” My hand became transparent, as the hologram of the crescent moon appeared. The rainbow flame within the center of the moon sparkled and reflected in Payton's bright golden eyes.

  “You ever seen anything like this before?” I asked, hoping she had, and would save me a trip to the library.

  “Honestly, no. But, I'll go with you. Maybe together we can find something.” She flashed a crooked smile, before turning and running off ahead of me.

  Eventually, we made it to the town's library. Inside, it was a rather large room, octagonal in shape, with a mirrored ceiling. Payton blurred off towards the colossal balcony, looking up and down each shelf, for books that she thought may have information on the crescent moon crystal. I quickly did the same, finding books on rituals of the dark arts, historic roots of the white witch, even the supposed text of a great and famous American magician, Lucius Kipper. All of which heavily annoyed me.

  “Find anything?” Payton asked, as she strolled around the corner.

  “Found a book on Lucius Kipper.”

  “That television magician? I actually find him interesting.” She said, picking up the book and flipping through it.

  “Interesting? Payton, he's a paid actor who performs cheap tricks, for a bunch of gullible humans. Hardly worth your time.” I laughed, when suddenly a noise came from the room to my left.

  “Someone's back there,” I said, pointing behind the counter, to a closed door.

  “Hold on.” Payton said, as her eyes adopted a dark black glow that told me she was drawing on her power.

  “Who is back there?” I asked myself, while watching Payton activate her gift.

  “I got it.” Closing her eyes, Payton went into a trance-like state. Unlike myself and the other members of our coven, Payton didn't become a witch and develop her own personal gift. Payton's gift was bestowed upon her, due to her sister's sacrificing themselves, to the spirit of an obscure deity. Her power stems from something dark and perhaps evil. Payton can create and manipulating darkness and shadows. Currently, she was using her gift to move her consciousness to the mysterious room to our left. Through the darkness, she can see other surroundings. Sometimes she's thought of as the ultimate spy, as we at times don't know she's even watching us. It's creepy, but very useful, especially during times like this.

  “What is she doing here?” Payton asked herself.

  “Who?” I questioned.“Payton who is back there?”

  “Shh, I'm trying to concentrate.” She let out quickly.“Wait, is that-”

  “What is it?” I demanded.

  Eyes normal again, Payton faced me.“Before you overreact, just listen.” She warned, but it was already too late, I felt a shimmer of anger rising as I anticipated the worse.

  “Ms. Neely is back there, reading a book about the crescent moon crystal.”

  “Anything else?” I asked quickly.

  “S-she also, has the crystal.”

  There was no arguing, in half a second I sped across the library floor at top speed. Within that second, my mind was going in a hundred different directions, all at once. Why was Ms. Neely here? Why did she have the crystal? What exactly did she know? Was she human? Does she know about my family? I burst into the room, only to find that it was empty. The book Payton spoke of Ms. Neely reading was gone, and the exit door was pushed wide open.



  Rapid thumping from Ms. Neely's car, drew my and Payton's attention. We immediately headed toward the direction her vehicle roared in, but kept within the forest, using it as cover so she wouldn't notice us following her. I felt Payton running slightly behind me, holding herself back as I took the lead. I'm not entirely sure where Ms. Neely is going, but she's in a hurry.

  Where is she leading us? I thought to myself.

  I peeked back and noticed Payton running with an incredulous expression on her face,
probably wondering how Ms. Neely is connected to the one very item that we need.

  For nearly thirty minutes we followed her, until an unfamiliar area began to rush around me, but I did my best to not focus entirely on my surroundings. Instead, I wield myself to maintain control, to center my concentration on the fact that Ms. Neely had something I desperately needed, and that I intended on getting it from her.

  She unknowingly led Payton and I to a mysterious warehouse, in the middle of the forest. Surrounding the grounds was a rust-colored security gate, in which Ms. Neely stopped, showed a camera a badge, and proceeded forward once the gate opened.

  “Okay, what is all of this?” Payton asked, sounding a bit nervous. I didn't speak, just surveyed the area. Red candles on tall sticks burned across the landscape. From the corner of my eye, I saw Payton's body tense up, and I followed her eyesight. To the left of the warehouse, several dead bodies were impaled on large sharp metal spikes.

  “Witches,” I whispered sympathetically.

  “What should we do, Airius?” Payton said, worry beaming around her words.

  I turned to face her.“Payton,you should go, it's the Red Throne Society, this must be their home base here in Olah.”

  “Ms. Neely is one of them.” She said, confirming what I was already thinking. I moved forward, and Payton quickly placed her hand on my chest, stopping me.“I-I know you're anxious to get in there, Airius, but you can't just go off half-cocked.” She said.“This is the Red Throne Society, we're talking about. Think about Taideo, now isn't the time to get boiling angry. Us being here is good, that meanswe're close; But we need a plan, Airius.” Payton finished, and dropped her hand from my chest. I nodded, and inwardly agreed with her.


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