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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 16

by Meco Brown

  Fidgeting her feet uncomfortably, Ms. Neely rose from the soiled mattress and made her way over to the door.

  “I have to get that crystal.” I whispered to myself.“I can't let her leave with it.”

  “I don't want anything to happen to you, Andrew. I was forced to take this crystal, and I can understand how you believe I betrayed you and your family, but I didn't. This is what destiny had planned out, I don't necessarily like it, but it is what it is.” Ms. Neely took a deep breath.“I will do what I can to keep you safe. I just hope you come to your senses soon enough; Because not even I, will cross the general for you. She's dangerous, powerful.”

  Mr. Littleton cocked his head to one side and gave a cocky grin.“My people are more powerful.” He hissed like a venomous snake.


  “You're afraid, which is why you choose to do what they ask of you. I'll say this, and I advise you to leave this room. Soon, a great battle will take place here. A battle that will change the course of the future. You better pray you're on the right side, that someone, will take pity on you, and save you from the fires that will scorch the earth.” His eyes darted over to her as he finished.

  Ms. Neely didn't even bother directing her eyes towards him. Instead her focus was entirely on the crystal she held within her hands. I felt as though Ms. Neely wanted to save him, but at the same time, she's working with the Red Throne Society, which means she's an enemy, and I cannot trust her.

  “I'll have someone bring you a blanket and some food.”

  “No, I can't let her leave without getting my hands on that damn crystal.” I told myself.

  She placed the crystal back inside of her purse, and banged on the door.

  “Hey, open up please!” She shouted.

  I lifted my hands, aiming my power for the crystal inside Ms. Neely's purse. The crystal levitated, quivering in the air for a moment, then shot straight up, above the door so no one could see it from the other side. Mr. Littleton blinked in astonishment, watching as the crystal floated.

  “What's going on?” He said.

  Dammit. I thought, and released my hold on the crystal, watching as it fell back into her purse.

  She turned around to face him.“What is it, Andrew?”

  He blinked and shook his head.“Nothing.”

  “Alright, I'll see you soon.” With that, Ms. Neely left with the crystal and slammed shut the cold steel door.

  Now's my chance. I thought to myself. Using my power, I began twisting the nails, that kept the vent closed.

  Startled by the noise, Mr. Littleton looked up, but kept quiet. I carefully flipped the door to the vent, opening it.“Whose there?” He whispered. My fingers wrapped around the edges of the outside of the vent, and I slid my body out of it, flipping backwards and landing on the ground. The wounded man looked up at me and stood to his feet.“You...”

  “Me.” I said, reaching out, using my power to crush the chain wrapped around his leg, freeing him.“Are you alright?”

  “Thank you,” He said, eyeing me suspiciously.“I take it you know what's going on around here? Or did you just sneak in to save little old me?”

  I smirked.“Clips-note version, these people are hunters, witch hunters to be exact, who are bent on eradicating the world of all witches, and probably your kind as well. I followed Ms. Neely here after I found her in possession of that crystal.”

  “And why do you need it?”

  “I would have had it, if you wouldn't have freaked out.” I sounded a bit irritated, but tried to calm myself.“Do you remember Ms. Chestnut's grandson?”

  He nodded,“Taideo, one of Eamie's friends. What about him?”

  “He's been placed in a mystical coma, that crystal I believe is the last ingredient needed towake him.”

  He walked over to the door, pacing back and forth, and watching me with cautious eyes.“Hold on, you want me to allow you to use my family's ancient crystal, just so you can wake up your comatose lover?”

  “You know?”

  “Yeah, that's right I know about you two.”

  I backed away from him, and was about to sit on the soiled mattress and quickly stopped myself.

  “Yes, I want you to let me use it. I'm assuming it has healing properties or something?”

  Fatigued, Mr. Littleton leaned against the door.“It does much more than just heal wounds. The crescent moon crystal is swimming with a magnificent amount of phenomenal energy. Capable of not only healing, but also increasing one's own power. It was to be used on my granddaughter, because for some reason she has yet to tap into her animal spirit.”

  “Mr. Littleton, I understand where you're coming from. You want to help Eamie, tap into her lion fire animal whatever spirit. I also understand our kind doesn't exactly see eye to eye. But I need this, sir, I beg you, please let me have that crystal.”

  I felt like it was only right for me to ask Mr. Littleton, still, no matter what his decision would be, I was going to take the crystal anyway.

  “Get me out of here and back to my family, and the crystal is all yours. I heard the guards talking earlier. Michelle will be teaching at some trailer tomorrow at school, that's my best guess on where you can find her.”

  “Michelle?” I questioned.

  “Michelle Neely. This place is like a maze, it's likely that you won't find her anywhere in here. Your best bet, is to go somewhere that you know she'll be.”

  I walked over towards him.“Thank you. Now, when you came in, what did you see? How many of them are normally here guarding your door?” I waited for him to speak, but he didn't, he just remained silent as he thought about my question.

  “Usually there is only one of them watching the halls. Next door there is another prisoner being held, I'm assuming he's one of yours. Down from his cell, is a door that's covered by some barrier.”

  “Any idea on how to get it open?” My voice came out in a heavy rush.“Because I mustbe honest, I won't be able to touch it.”

  “Well,” he didn't finish his sentence, just looked away, thinking to himself again.“the guards,” he continued,“I saw them wave their hands over it. Perhaps we could have the one,outside do it?”

  I glanced at my watch. Time was running short. I wasn't sure how long we had left until everyone returned from the training grounds, and I needed to check on Payton as well.

  “We don't have time to ask politely.” I told him and signaled him to move away from the door.

  “What are you doing?” Mr. Littleton asked.

  Focusing, I summoned a heap of telekinetic energy around my hand, building its power. Flinging my arm, energy poured from it and into the door, ripping it from its hinges and crashing into the wall. The ninja buckled and fell on his back, moaning in pain before he fell unconscious.

  “What do we do with him?”

  I bent down, and easily tossed the ninja over my stone-like shoulder.“Alright, now it's Gregory's turn.” I peeked through the square hole on the prison door and eyed him.“Gregory, get up, it's time to go.”

  “It's about time mate,” he said and stood to his feet.

  Mr. Littleton dug into the ninja's pockets and retrieved the key, opening the cell door. Gregory approached us smiling and noticed Mr. Littleton's missing arm.“Some rescue party.”

  “Let's head out!” I said.

  We quickly made our way to the end of the hall, using the ninja's hand to cast away the blood barrier. The door opened, and I gasp loudly. I felt as if my whole world just froze.

  “Oh crap!” Gregory announced loudly.

  “Payton!” Ripped from my throat, as I tossed the man off my shoulder. Payton was in the fight of her life. She was surrounded by several ninjas, dodging their weapons as best as she could. I could feel the energy Payton summoned swirling throughout the air. Payton's power flowed through her veins, as her senses became more awakened. In seconds, she managed to levitate herself to a higher position as fast as possible, just barely missing the swooping motion of one of the katana
blades. Lifting her pasty white hand, Payton's black shadow magic conjured within her palms, and sent a pillow sized bolt of her power towards the three ninjas, easily knocking them unconscious.

  “It's about time!” She yelled at me. Payton whipped round in an instant, chanting, it's cadence whirling through the bright room. This chant was Payton's own personal spell, it temporarily increases her powers. Eyes glowing, she abruptly encased several more ninjas with shadow magic, before pinning them against the wall.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, watching as she landed on her feet.

  “I'm fine, just ready to get the hell out of here.” Payton shook her head and smiled, then made eye contact with Gregory.

  I rolled my eyes. Now she wants to make coo-coo eyes at someone? I thought.

  “And how exactly are we supposed toget out of here? Walk straight through the front door? Single-filed?” Gregory asked.

  I scowled in his direction,“Move,” flew from my lips, as I aimed my powers at the far wall, tearing a massive hole through it that led outside.

  “That works.”

  I glanced over at Payton.“Ready?”

  She nodded,“More than you know.”

  “Hold on mate, they drained my powers. So,you have to carry me.”

  Payton blushed, held out her hand then pulled and lifted Gregory over her shoulder. I did the same with Mr. Littleton.

  Just as the double set of doors blasted open, Payton and I blurred through the hole in the wall, rushing out into the forest, vanishing within a shadow of darkness.



  Almost there, I thought to myself, as I drove my Porsche Cayman along the forest-lined road to Celestial Moon. Despite Payton's desire to come with Mr. Littleton and I, she needed to be home with Gregory, and try to restore his magic. Part of me still wasn't sure, if I really wanted him in possession of his powers so quickly. Once he finds out about Lydia, there's no telling what Gregory will do. At the same time, if Gregory decides to not act out, I'd need him with me if the Red Throne Society comes for a fight. I really felt, that any day now, things will soon come to an all-out war.

  Right now, though, I honestly couldn't worry about Gregory, or the Red Throne Society. I needed to get Mr. Littleton home, hopefully, earning some type of respect from his people in the process. Right now, wasn't a smart idea to wage war against them. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't yet entirely sure about their kind. Did they have any weaknesses? Could they resist the force of witchcraft? I would be lying, if I said Qui's transformation didn't make me nervous.

  As of now, I'd rather have them as allies than rivals. I mean, at the end of the day, one thing is certain, we both have a common enemy.

  Shifting my eyes over, I noticed Mr. Littleton clutching himself, shivering. I lowered the volume on the radio, and let the windows up.“You'll be warm in a minute.” I let out, and did my best to further ignore him, by listening to the sound of the engine revving as I drove over the speed limit. It purred as I absentmindedly pressed down harder, allowing my sleek and ruby-red baby to further accelerate. I wasn't sure why I loved this car so much, but it was my favorite.

  “I know you saved my life and all, but would you mind slowing down please!” Mr. Littleton bellowed.

  I laughed to myself, reeling from the high adrenaline of driving so incredibly fast. I nodded and began slowing down my speed. “Just trying to get you home,” I said with a smirk.

  “I'd prefer to make it in one piece. Besides, once we make it I'll need my rest, for what we will prepare for.” He groaned.

  “And what exactly would that be?”

  “War. They kidnapped me, tortured me. Took something that was passed down from each generation. No doubt in my mind, they destroyed most of Olah, with that celestial fire.”

  “Wait, what!” I cried as I exited off the highway and swerved onto an even smaller street.“You think the Red Throne Society caused everything to happen? You think they caused that explosion?”

  “Don't you?” He muttered.

  I knew Taideo's return was the cause of this, but if Mr. Littleton believed the Red Throne Society did it, I was going to milk it for what it was. This could all actually work out in my favor.“I knew it was them, from the beginning. I didn't want to say anything to your people, because I didn't want to involve them. Qui and I actually fought, because he thought it was witchcraft that did this.” I scoffed.“The Red Throne Society is responsible for everything. The destruction of Olah, the death of tons of other witches and I'm sure they wish to use that crystal of yours, to enhance their weapons and to find a weakness for your people. They are all about vanquishing any supernatural creatures. Witches, Skin walkersand demons alike. We're all evil in their eyes.” I told him. It wasn't entirely a lie, so I didn't feel bad.

  “Then we go to war.”

  I took a deep breath as his words circled through my head.“War cannot happen, at least not now.” I said, and swung my eyes over to him. He watched for a short minute, obviously thinking of something to say to me.

  “Hmm,” He mumbled.

  “What?” I said annoyingly.

  “This so called Red Throne Society has done enough damage, it's time we end this, before it gets worse for all of us. I'm suggesting an alliance, and you'd rather hold off on it? Not very smart of you, witch.”

  “You-” I snarled, tightening my grip onthe wheel. I exhaled and tried to quickly gather myself.“Taideo's safety is paramount to me. So, before we begin a war, I will make damn sure the love of my life, is out of that coma. So, if you have a problem with that, you're just going tohave to deal with it old man.”

  Mr. Littleton frowned angrily, and a wicked glint in his eyes watched me for a moment.“Fine,” he said,“I'll have Qui and the others patrol. Watch the Red Throne Society and learn what they can. You just make certain, that you and the others are well and full of energy when we call for you. You freeing us from their prison, as well as destroying their stock of blood, will surly cause for them to act. How soon, only time will tell.”

  I thought for a moment, knowing the only thing I wanted was for Taideo to be okay. The last thing I want, is for him to wake up and have to deal with all of this going on. I want it to be perfect for him. To wake up and have things back how they were, but it wouldn't happen now. Even as he sleeps, life is changing. All I can do is be there for him, support him; But, nothing will happen until I get that crystal from Ms. Neely.

  “We'll be ready, so don't worry about that part.” I finally said.

  My phone buzzed in the cup holder and I sighed, reaching blindly for it.

  “Allow me,” Mr. Littleton said as politely as he could. I nodded and took it from him, watching Lillian's name pop onto the screen.

  “Are you going to answer it?”

  “No.” I simply said, and sat the phone back down.“I have a random question.”

  “I may or may not have a random answer.” He replied.

  “A few months ago, you told Taideo and Eamie they could never see one another again. Why?”

  Mr. Littleton took a deep breath, my words rushing through his head until he finally spoke.“Our abilities, are descended from the ancient spirit warriors of our people. Osage was the first, capable of altering his body and wander the earth as his spiritual animal. But, a change dramatically impacted the tribe back then, permanently altering our shifting into not only a giant-like stature, but to also possess abilities surrounding our astrological signs.” He finished, yet I still was hungry for more information.

  “I hear that a lot. What do you mean?”

  “For an example. Qui was born late August, and that makes him a Leo, a lion at heart. Those born under that sign, are natural born leaders. The state of a Leo's ego, burns as brightly as the sun; They are confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist. The flames of life burn deeply within the heart of a Leo, and it's the heart of one that desperately needs to preserve human life.” He said, and looked over at me.“That’swhy I t
old Taideo to leave so quickly. At that time, Eamie and Qui couldn't sense it, but I knew there was some part of that boy that wasn't entirely human. I could barely feel it but it was there.” He took a breath.,“It doesn't matter whether Taideo is half human or not, our kind grows hatred toward witches, no matter if you're newly made, centuries old or half witch like Taideo. Only those strong enough in will can combat the urge of fighting a witch. Taideo wasn't safe there, I was trying to save him.”

  “Save him from Eamie? She's his friend.” I said, doing my best to look over at him, as well as concentrate on the road.

  “It doesn't matter whether or not they're friends. Crossing the scent of a witch, and knowing the human world needs protection from them, will unknowingly begin to rise within Eamie's instinct. She will carry that hatred towards all witches, until the pull of our people's spirit will call upon her to fully transform.”

  “But Eamie hasn't changed yet, has she?” I looked questioningly at Mr. Littleton. I suddenly thought that maybe Eamie is strong enough to resist the scent of a witch. She was fine at the hospital. My entire family was there and she didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The only person who seemed to catch her attention was Maria, and she's human.

  “Oddly no, Airius, Eamie hasn’t changed yet.” He replied.“It bothers me that the walker gene has yet to activate within her. That is what I was saving the crystal for. But as I said, it is yours now for saving my life.”

  I thought for a moment, knowing what I wanted, but also being curious on the outcome of Eamie's life.“What about your granddaughter? What happens if she doesn't change on her own?”

  “She'll die,” he said simply.“But I know Eamie, I know how strong she is. So, my granddaughter will change. Thank you for sounding so concerned, it's most appreciated.”


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