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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

Page 22

by Meco Brown

  Knocked unconscious by the forceful attack, Kemiko's body lay in a small pool of blood. Behind me, I could still hear the rush of fighting, as I slowly walked over to Kemiko's body.

  Suddenly, there was sharp pain within my left leg! Kemiko wasn't dead, with a swiftness, she stabbed me with one of her daggers, and I immediately felt the loss of my powers draining. I sprang backwards, sliding down into the mountain wall and onto the ground.

  “See... I told you,” she said,“you wouldn't... kill me.” She painfully whispered, as she slowly crawled towards me. I turned my eyes to see the beam of light piercing the sky, vanishing.

  Shirocco done it, he stopped the bomb. I would only hope that Aviva could hurry and perform the spell. To stop the Red Throne Society once and for all.

  Kemiko stood to her feet, dug into her back pocket and held within her hand a small blade.“I am going to kill you,” she said,“And I just may kill Taideo, that little half-breed always was the lucky one. Mom and dad's favorite, powers and a soul mate...well, not anymore.” She laughed and stood over me, holding the blade high up into the air.

  I was suddenly aware of a bright light surrounding me. Turning my head, I saw that each and every member of the Red Throne Society was glowing, brighter and brighter each second. Kemiko was the only one of them who wasn't glowing. She did however, seem afraid of what was happening. Stretching out my arm, I blocked as much of the blinding light as I could.

  A noise quickly rose, it was a high-pitched hum, and grew in volume, until it sang all around us. A great piercing burst of sound suddenly detonated around as the blinding light vanished. Every one of them were suddenly gone, Kemiko was the only member left behind.

  “I will kill you for this!” She shouted.“Say hello to my parents for me!” Kemiko yelled, as she trusted the blade towards my chest!

  I closed my eyes, yet didn't feel any pain.

  My eyes opened as I heard Kemiko's metal blade slam onto the ground. Kemiko grabbed her head suddenly, as if pain hit her mind all at once. She tried to fight the urge to ignore it, but couldn't. She fell to her knees, and continued to thrash and writhe in pain, griping at her head and chest, screaming in unbearable agony.

  “Stop... stop this...STOP!” She yelled out painfully, before whimpering as another onslaught of torment pierced her brain. It was as if her body was trying to rip itself apart. Time at that moment seemed to stretch and widen, and then rather abruptly, it seemed to stop altogether.

  The sound of bone cracking pierced my ear, when suddenly......

  Kemiko's entire head EXPLODED! It was as if a bomb detonated inside her brain. Kemiko's body smashed into the floor.

  Dead, gone, no more.

  Time continued to flow normally, but I found myself unable to move. This really just happened? I've seen a lot of death in my life as a witch. But this was something entirely new. Her death wasn't innocent. I lowered my gaze down at my jacket and saw the heavy sight of blood covering it. I quickly unzipped it and tossed it to the side and finally decided to look elsewhere.

  All sound faded into the background, as my eyes caught sight of the only thing that mattered to me. Taideo stood several feet away from me, frozen as if he were a statue. He lowered his fingers from the sides of his head and relaxed them against his legs.

  “Taideo?” I called to him, and clumsily rose to my feet.“Taideo?” He still didn't respond to me. He simply looked towards me, his eyes lost and filled with a mixture of confusion and paranoia.“Taideo?” I called again, doing my best to not freak him out. The last thing I needed was to lose my head.

  He blinked and shook his head, seemingly unaware that he just murdered his own sister.“Ai...” He started to say my name, but stopped. I stood, watching his confused expression fade with the realization that he was alive, safe and here with me.“Airius!”

  We ran for one another, my arms reached around him, pulling Taideo rather hard into my chest. His warm blood trickled slowly across my deadened face.“Oh, Taideo,” I said, my voice cracking,“I love you, I love you so much!” I pulled away, watching tears streaming freely down his face. I leaned my forehead against his.

  “I love you too, Airius. I missed you.”

  My lips immediately met his. I kissed him fiercely, inhaling his scent, letting it consumeme, and Taideo responded with equal satisfaction. I broke the kiss, and looked longingly into his beautiful eyes.“You're really here?” I said.

  He nodded, and sniffed.

  “Yeah!” Brock shouted, his voice echoed with excitement, as he walked towards the group along with Ms. Chestnut.

  The crowd ignited in blissful shouts of joy, hugs and sighs of relief. We made it through it. Lillian bounced up and into Esmond's arms. Payton and Gregory kissed long enough, that it put Taideo and I to shame. Aaliyah, Stefan, Chance, and Kaler transformed back into their regular bodies, still dressed as they were before. Apparently turning into huge supernatural animals doesn't affect their article of clothing.

  Qui, however, remained in his lion form. He caught a glimpse of Taideo and I together; He let out a roar, one filled with torment, depression and sadness. The sound of it honestly hit me like a bullet.

  I sighed, as I watched Qui turn and vanish into the endless dense forest.

  Aviva teleported near the others, bringing with her Maria, Eamie and Mr. Littleton. It was the first time Aviva was able to bring anyone along with her. A nod at the fact that our powers are still growing.

  Brock rushed over to Maria, swinging his arm around her and pulling her gently into a hug. The Littleton family all huddled together, expressing happiness between one another, as well as our family.

  Taideo suddenly freed himself from my arms, twisted around, and caught sight of his grandmother.“Grams!” He shouted, and quickly ran over to her. Where she met him with a long and loving hug. A rush of serenity flushed through me, watching the spread of so much love, growing across the field.

  Sadly, it didn't last. My mind was suddenly filled with a vision Lillian shared with not just me, but the rest of the gang.

  In slow motion, I saw Yo'el and other hooded members of the Nioeaon, sliding through the forest with effortless grace and speed. The vision ended in a matter of seconds.

  “What was that?” Aaliyah asked.

  “More importantly, who was that?” Maria questioned.

  “Okay, here's the plan!” Lillian shouted, all while scanning the field.“The people you all saw, are known as the Nioeaon, they will not honor a truce with your family Mr. Littleton, please take Ms. Chestnut and Maria with you. Go now!”

  “We can fight them!” Chance said.

  “You would not win a fight with the Nioeaon, none of us would. Please, go.” Lillian told them.

  “Wait, what about Taideo?” Ms. Chestnut's asked, worried. Lillian closes her eyes a moment, summoning her power to get a glimpse of the future. Her eyes open and she shakes her head then stares at him.

  “He’s half witch, I'm sorry, they already picked up his scent, he has to stay. The rest of you are currently masked by us. Go, now! They're coming!”

  I took a deep breath and hoped for the best, as the Littleton family, Maria and Ms. Chestnut disappeared into the forest. Taideo and I exchange a quick look of concern, just as...

  “There they are.” Lillian let out.

  From the dense fog and forest, the Nioeaon emerge. Yo'el in front, followed by other members, their identities hidden by modern golden hoods and covered in white overcoats. Yo'el scans the scene, and suddenly traces Taideo's body, taking him in.

  “A great power called us here, yet no threat can be seen. Tell me, what happened here?” Yo'el asked.

  “You know what happened brother,” a hooded member said,“the Red Throne was here; And what luck. A single coven managed to survive such an assault.” He finished.

  “Luck, had nothing to do with it.” Yo'el let out, still keeping Taideo in his sight.“I know every witch in this field, yet I don't know you. What is your name, young one?” Yo'el
says, giving Taideo an innocent smile, one that's highly alarming.

  “I assume this must be the lover, you wanted to save?”

  I nod at Yo'el's words.“It is.” I said, pulling Taideo closer to me.

  “I ask you again boy, what is your name!” This time he was more serious, darker. Taideo simply watched him with a sour expression. Yo'el tightens his grip on his staff, and points it at Taideo.

  “His name is Taideo. Taideo Kavita!” I shouted.“Please don't hurt him!”

  “I believe I wasn't talking to you.” Yo'el said and made a small gesture with his finger at Taideo. Before, when Yo'el did this to me, I was immediately hit with a rush of pain. Taideo however, only looked baffled at what was going on.

  Confusion suddenly fades over Yo'el's face.“How is that possible?” He lowers his weapon, and studies Taideo, apparently deep in thought.

  “Share with me brother's and sister's your strength.” The members of the Nioeaon, lay hands on each other’s shoulder, focusing their power, sending an invisible current of energy through their connection, heightening Yo'el torturous power.

  “Yo'el, no! Please!” I shouted.

  Suddenly, he focuses his gaze on all of us, flinging us across the field, out bodies collapse and twist in unneeded pain. My eyes scan over to Taideo, who seems to be the only one of us, not hurt by Yo'el's powers. Soon as Yo'el drops his weapon and hand, the pain my coven and I felt quickly vanished.

  Again, Yo'el tries his power, but this time he targeted only Taideo. I watch as he cringes, waiting for the pain to take him, but still nothing happens. Yo'el's is highly angered, and turns to one of the hooded members, who laughs like a child.

  The seemingly twenty-one-year-old sorcerer quickly removes his hood. He's fairly charming in appearance. Skin so white, it's almost semitransparent, cloudy red eyes and exceptionally dark straight-red hair that fell to his waist. He moves gracefully over to Yo'el. His identity automatically appeared within my mind. This man is known simply as Dorpheus.

  “I like this one brother,” Dorpheus said, in almost a child-like tone.“He's extraordinary.”

  My coven and I rush over to Taideo's side. I take his hand in mine.

  “The question is, what do we do now?” Yo'el asks himself.

  “It's no secret there's a part of him that wets my tongue. But, it would seem that you forgot to mention your lover is a half-breed, Airius.” Dorpheus says to me.

  “Half-breed or not, Taideo is part of magic, and therefore is no threat to us or the human world. The secret of magic will not be revealed. He knows the rules.” I said.

  “Still, we've never crossed such a thing. I'd very much like him to come with us.” Dorpheus said, as if Taideo was his new play thing. But Yo'el ignores Dorpheus and leans forward, studying Taideo as if seeing something he didn't notice before. My eyes peek over and I noticed Taideo smiling wickedly at Yo'el. No one notices but Yo'el and I. Dorpheus turns and readies himself to rush over to us.

  “STOP!” Yo'el shouts.

  Dorpheus obeys and takes his place back behind Yo'el, taking his hood and covers his face. Yo'el and Taideo face one another, not speaking or moving. I am not certain whether or not they were sharing a telepathic conversation, but I had a feeling that's what was happening. He glares at Taideo threateningly, turns and leaves with the rest of the Nioeaon, vanishing within the forest.

  I pulled Taideo closer to me, deciding for now, not to question him or what just happened, but rather to just simply enjoy the fact that he's back, alive and here with me.

  “So, what happens now? Is it all over?” Taideo asked, turning to me. I didn't wish to worry him, but the Nioeaon don't just give up. One day they will come back, but for now I believed us all to be safe. So much has happened over the last few months. More drama wasn't something he needed to hear. I just smiled and pulled him close.

  He looked up at me, smiling. I linked an arm through his.“Come on,” I said,“let's go home.”



  Life, if not entirely, was back to normal. After several human and supernatural tests, Taideo showed no signs of any mental or physical damaged, and appeared normal. However, there was a massive gap in his memory. He remembered everything up until he was stabbed by Mr. Clark, and everything else was lost, until he saw me in the Labyrinth, remembering everything from that moment on. He revealed to us, that he was able to follow the light, which brought him out of his coma, and back to his physical body. Even so, we were all glad to see he was back, and decided it be good for him to try and resume life as normal as possible.

  It took a lot of magic and time over the course of two months, but my coven and I cast magic over the world. Removing from the minds of everyone, the devastation that took place over in Olah, West Virginia. To them all, the world carried on as if nothing happened. The town was healed; Yet some things did indeed change. Because Taideo himself didn't experience life as a senior in High School, Lillian and I did him a favor, and magically held the entire class back an extra year, so we could give Taideo the life he should have had. Sadly, by the time they'd graduate, most of them would be nineteen.

  The truce between the Littleton's and I was stronger than ever; They allowed us on their land, and with magic on our side, we were able to help rebuilt what was lost. Mr. Littleton and Ms. Chestnut's even became close again; She accepted a date, and since then the both of them have been emotionally chained together.

  Despite Aviva's worries, Maria was left human, and the decision of her transformation was left up to Brock and Maria herself.

  Taideo adjusted to life well, and although everything that happened was not his fault, Ms. Chestnut kept him on a short leash. School and chores were the only activities he could do. Taideo eventually was hired as a photographer at the local newspaper. Needless to say, Ms. Chestnut didn't like it, but knew he needed to grow, and eventually accepted it.

  As for me, I even resumed school alongside of Taideo, Maria and my coven. Ms. Neely still taught, and planned on leaving Olah behind, after graduation, but something told me we'd see her again. After all, the next step for Taideo would be college.

  Although I was allowed onto Celestial Moon, at times I noticed Taideo would sneak off there alone, most likely to be with Eamie, as she grew jealous of Maria constantly being around Taideo. Still, part of me hated he was there, knowing how Qui felt towards him. I trusted Taideo, just not Qui.

  As far as our relationship, it was every bit of perfect. It was difficult for me to feel anything other than happiness, as my world was set right again. My nightmare has ended, the sun shined, the curse was over. Taideo completed me, and I him.

  There seemed to be only a few things left for me to do; The first, was to take Taideo out for a fabulous meal. Which he obviously enjoyed.

  The second, was to show Taideo a part of the world, I felt was created for the two of us.

  Once Magic Hour was upon us, I brought Taideo to that charming field I found not long ago. It was here, I would explain the entirety of my life and what I went though, after he died.

  White shimmering flowers swayed within a light breeze, as the glittering river flowed gently past us. Beneath the massive plantation of rainbow colored willow trees, Taideo sat in my lap, both of us surrounded by thousands of twinkling parkli, sluggishly dancing around us; Their low light reflecting magically off Taideo's eyes as he looks up at me, causing me to smile. It was here that we claimed this spot as ours.

  “So, you vanquished Terra, stood up to the Nioeaon and went up against witch hunting ninjas, just to get me here, huh?” He asked, smiling back at me.

  “I did what I had to do, because I can't live in the world without you by my side, Taideo. Finding another reason to go on was impossible, if it didn't evolve you.” I told him. He twisted around, looking me in my eyes.“You're everything to me.” I told him.

  After a long moment of watching me, he finally spoke.“M-my entire life, I clumsily allowed my fear of the unknown decide my future
. Every obstacle that stood in my way, was made because of that fear. It caused for me to never truly feel love, or acceptance among my peers; There were only a select few, who made my human world greater, and yet I still felt less than. Now, I understand why.” He explained.“Although I'm half human, I don't belong in their world; I belong in yours. I survived an evil witch and demons; I literally fell through deaths door, felt pain and a tremendous amount of loss; And with it, came an amount of strength and power I never knew I had, and it's all because of you, Airius. You empower me. Your love, makes me greater.”

  Hearing those words radiated something inside of me. I smiled and pulled Taideo close. With him, I could face anything, do and be anything. I felt, though, there was only one more thing left to do.

  “So where do we go from here?” I asked.

  “We graduate High School, possibly go to a community college. Live life?” He said with an angelic smile.

  “Taideo,” I stood, pulling him up and to his feet.“You're an integral part of my life.” I said, making sure he was looking straight into my eyes.“I've lived for hundreds of years, and only you answered my prayer, gave me the love I needed and that is something I will not lose, ever again, as long as you allow it.” I told him.

  “I'm never going anywhere, Airius. I promise. I love you.” He said.

  I nodded, and took a heavy sigh.“Well, let me promise you something.” I breathed out, reaching into my pocket, and retrieved a little purple box, flipping it open to reveal a shimmering ring- square shaped, with a cluster of white diamonds in the center, spreading down the sides of a robust platinum band.

  “Airius,” he sighed my name.

  Taking his hand in mine, I dropped to one knee.“Taideo Kavita,” I started, looking into his eyes which reflected a hint of love and shock.“I promise to cherish, honor and love you for the rest of eternity. You, Taideo mean the world to me; Without you, life is nothing. I-I know our relationship hasn't been long, but that doesn't change the fact that my heart bleeds for you. If you accept, I know every day with you will be an epic adventure.” I said looking up at him. The rush of heat radiating off his skin was drowning me, making me all the more nervous.“Taideo Mason Kavita, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” I asked, watching as a gush of tears sprang from his eyes. After everything we've been through, now was the moment I have been waiting for. Would he accept? Even though he has yet answer, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.


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