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Page 18

by Andur

“I am ready.” Cyla informs me and I give my confirmation to start the transition.

  In the next moment our ship disappears in a flash of radiation and reappears in another place with the well known feeling of teleportation.

  I immediately power down the not needed fusion reactors and let the ship go dark. Then I accelerate our ship on a random vector to get away from our entry point.

  “I think we are exactly where we want to be. Forty light minutes away from Rigil Kentaurus, downwards from the ecliptic.” My co-pilot informs me while handling the sensor platforms.

  After a while of studying the system we decide that it doesn't seem to be colonized, so I bring the ship onto a course to a close asteroid group.

  The sensors also detect a gas giant and a planet, but they seem to be dead rocks. For our purposes of setting up an industrial node they are also completely useless.

  Lifting materials out of a planet's gravity well isn't worth the effort if there are enough asteroids around.

  Though we'll have to think about resupplying ourselves with fuel too. It's better to top off our resources every time we can do so.

  "We could drop a big asteroid onto the gas giant and scoop up the thrown up material. There should be enough tritium inside the gases. Or we convert some of the fusion reactors to burning water. It'll be dirty, but conserve our tritium."

  That's a nice idea. No, one moment. I didn't think that! What's going on?

  "It seems like the system has a glitch. We can hear our thoughts while accessing the command functions at the same time."

  More trouble! Disconnect, I'll try to sort it out.

  "Okay, you want something to eat once you are done? Surprisingly Sanguin sent us acceptable supplies and clothes. He didn't completely forget about my gender."

  Okay. Just get out of my head. I shiver as I feel her mind rubbing against mine. It's an inaccurate description of what's currently happening, but it's as close as possible. Experiencing someone else's emotions like this is uncomfortable.

  "Don't take too long." And with that she is gone. I notice her leaving the chair beside me and entering the living area.

  The uneasy feeling remains though.

  Rigil Kentaurus A


  I lean back on the sofa in the living room. The food is ready and waiting in the microwave. All I am waiting for is that Gideon finishes debugging the computer.

  A cold shiver runs down my spine as I think back to my short connection with his mind. It wasn't like any other telepathy I experienced before.

  Gideon's mind seems to be split, but not in the way you would expect from someone with multiple personality disorder.

  It's like his personality is balancing on a fence between his logical part and a sea of pure, raw emotion. I don't want to be on his bad side when he trips towards the emotional part.

  My thoughts are interrupted as Gideon enters the living room. “I've sorted out the problem. Surprisingly it wasn't a programming mistake, but a crosstalk leakage between our chairs. I've rerouted your chair's access point through another connection.”

  I sigh in relief and get over to the kitchen to warm up the food. “That's good.”

  “Yes, I already feared that we would end up like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide while our minds are fused to the ship.” He starts chuckling.

  Who are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide? I send a request to the net, but as with many of Gideon's random comments, I don't get a definitive explanation.

  “You seem to cope well with the loss of your company. Are you sure that there is no problem?” He asks.

  I wince. “Of course I felt the loss. But I've made insurances and placed some money in bank accounts. Once this forced deployment is over I can start anew. Or could it be that you want me to stay with you?”

  Gideon shakes his head and answers without even realizing that I was trying to tease him. “No. I guess you already realized that I am a little strange. I've no illusions about it. The only ones who are willing to put up with me are my relatives and my employer. I am like Dr. Who. Maybe I'll come to like someone one day, but I am still doomed to end up alone in the end.”

  I furrow my forehead. “Gideon, I don't get half your references. Where do you take all those comments from. What's Dr. Who, Warframe, Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 and all the other stuff you tend mentioning?”

  Gideon turns his head and looks at me like I am an alien. “You don't know Babylon 5?”

  “No?” An uneasy feeling befalls me as the microwave signals me with a ping that the food is ready. I take the plates and bring them over to the table.

  Gideon gestures at the free place next to him on the sofa. “Sit down. We have a lot of episodes to watch. I've to introduce you to a whole new viewpoint on the universe.”

  I give him his plate while trying to keep up my smile.

  He looks down on his food, a strange expression forming on his face. “What's that?”

  “Meat, potatoes and broccoli.” I answer.

  “Yeah, I feared something like that.” He starts eating while trying to avoid the broccoli. Then the wall in front of us flickers to life and I get to see the first episode of a really old movie.

  26. ~Hunt.~


  The mage city which is floating above the oceans is called Aether. The course changes are totally random as far as we can tell.

  Capabilities: No information

  Size: Roughly a hundred square kilometres.

  Population: No information

  Bottom line: NO INFORMATION!

  PS: Why do I have to write reports while knowing nothing? Damn bureaucracy!


  -Secret Government File

  Sol-System, Secret Base of the Faceless


  The room's projectors flicker to life and Sadina's avatar is projected into my office.“Where did Gideon go to!?”

  I drop my work and hurry to the door, slamming it shut. “Are you mad, Woman!? What if my superiors find out that I am having contact with a criminal?”

  Sadina snorts. “Like I care. If I wanted to, I could end your career right here and now. All it takes is a call at the elders and having a little chat with them.”

  “That would be your downfall too.” I quint my eyes at my personal little nemesis.

  “That doesn't change my question from earlier. Where is Gideon, he doesn't answer my calls.” She asks with a fierce voice.

  Such a shame, is she really that desperate to toy with him? I punch a few codes into the console on my desk to start the tracking function. “If you had bothered to think for yourself, then you could have deduced that he belongs to the enlisted pilots. Probably he doesn't answer your calls because he has something better to do?”

  Sadina's avatar flickers for a moment, then she starts pacing up and down the room like a cat. “He was indeed enlisted. And he even got a co-pilot.” Suddenly a jolt runs through the avatar's body and it freezes.

  Did she just access the mainframe? It's highly unlikely that she managed to do that without getting discovered.

  A few moments later Sadina starts moving again. “Ow.” She starts massaging her temples, an expression of pain on her face. “I wish Sanguin wasn't that good. One day I'll find a way to fry his brain.”

  “But you got what you wanted?” I raise an eyebrow. Sanguin is one of the best techno-mages I know. He isn't the elder without reason and he has access to the most powerful computers.

  Sadina's ability to snatch information away from him shows that her skills are beyond good. If she hadn't taken the wrong path she could be the elder right now.

  “Oh, no. The co-pilot is a girl!” She starts pacing again. “That wasn't planned. I already had someone in mind. This could ruin the plan! And to send my project out of my reach! It's like Saguin knows!”

  I frown. “That's good. Everything that doesn't go according to your plans regarding Gideon is fine. I think the mission he got from the SDF lasts at least few months. That's plenty of time for two yo
ung people to succumb to their hormones.”

  “Urgh! I've to go over my plan once more.” She growls.

  “So what's your great masterplan for Gideon? Am I allowed to know, or will I be able to stop you once I am privy to the matter?” When he returns and is in a relationship I'll definitely support it, just to anger Sadina.

  “It doesn't matter if you know, so why not. Listen well, I won't repeat myself. What I plan for you and Gideon is this.” She spreads her hands in a dramatic gesture and I raise an eyebrow while waiting for her to reveal her plan.

  “Enlightenment!” Then her avatar vanishes, leaving me not a bit smarter on what she is planning to do to her, our son.


  Sol, Earth, Australia – Central Government Building

  Galia Alvar

  “It's so nice to have you at my side, Samantha. I wouldn't know what to do without you. A man couldn't wish for a better aide.” Rob Sheffield, the president of Earth takes the coffee cup and the files from my hands.

  Yeah, sure. As if my employers would send someone unprepared as a spy. “Thank you, Sir. Is there anything else you need? Maybe some research regarding the incident in Africa?”

  I tilt my head and beam my best smile at him. I always wanted to do something exciting with my life, so I joined the mage's security force right after graduating.

  Who would have thought that I would become a spy? I hardly believe that I could have gotten a position which is less important. Of course it would've been exciting to join the SDF. Real aliens are also a kick, but sadly the SDF is only enlisting pilots and their ships so far. I wonder if Gideon is doing fine.

  The president dismisses my suggestion with a gesture. “Forget about Africa. We need to find out what happened at Jupiter. It seems like the mages are a far bigger problem than anyone suspected. They didn't move their city for centuries and we grew accustomed to the status quo of ignoring each other. The last thing we detected from their city is that they left Earth's atmosphere!”

  He starts kneading his hands. “The big political factions are pressing me for answers. How can I give answers if we have no link to them. How can I lead Earth's government if there is obviously a big and powerful faction of humans hiding in the shadows? Haven't you read the reports about them?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Mr. President, Rob, I don't see any problem with that. Whatever the mages are, they are not our foe. Nor do we have to fear them.”

  The president looks at me with a haunted expression. “Didn't you read up on the powers of those we caught? No human should have such abilities. It's like all their civilians are running around with inbuilt bazookas! And we've no idea what their intentions are.”

  I roll my eyes. “Rob, from my point of view they don't have to fear us. They have a cloaked, levitating city for god's sake. All we see of it are radar shadows most of the time, if at all. What else can they do? Yet it doesn't seem like they even want to talk to us. And those whom we caught were obviously outcasts of their own society. At least that's my interpretation.”

  Finally the president stops his erratic behaviour. “Outcasts?”

  “Yes. They can float a huge city through the air. Don't tell me that you believe that they can't break one of their own out of our jails. They didn't even try. That tells me that the people whom we caught breaking our laws are of no interest to them.” I point at the report. “It would be far better to concern yourself with the problems at hand. We don't want to go on another witch-hunt, do we? If my history teacher is right, then those were dark times which we don't want to repeat.”

  “N- No.” Finally the president takes the files to skim through them.



  “Sabik, 82396, 84143, bla, bla, Kaus Borealis, Ascella, Nash, Kaus Australis!” Cyla rattles down the names of the stars on our course. “Three weeks! How long are we going to hunt those murderous bastards? I am fed up with it! Just let us blow them to bits once they enter the next system!”

  “We'll wait until we find out where they are coming from.” I try to take a more comfortable position in my chair. “What do you want? I already gave you my bed. Sleeping on an improvised mattress is no fun. I am aching all over my body.”

  She raises a hand while sitting in the pilot chair at my side. Then she starts counting on her fingers. “I am caught in a tin can with six rooms. There is no space to go for a run, even if we converted a part of the storage room into a training facility. And there is simply nothing to do!”

  “You are just mad because you didn't like the ending of Game of Thrones.” I throw in.

  “Yes! How could they do that! They simply killed the only likeable character and returned him as a zombie!” She throws up her hands. “And you do realize that we are leaving charted space? From here on out most systems are just numbers in the database. We are very, very far away from home.”

  “I noticed.” I mumble. Though our time together went astonishingly well if you consider that we have to arrange ourselves in such a tight space. She isn't even complaining about me, but about our living circumstances, which I find... odd.

  “But you do realize that we are learning a lot about them even if we are just following their ship?” I ask.

  The 'rabbit', as we came to call the other ship, arrived after us in Rigil Kentaurus. They used the gas giant for a flyby manoeuvre and crossed the system from where they continued on towards the star Sabik.

  We overtook them once more and set up our recon-platforms and an industrial node. The rest of the time we mined asteroids for fuel and resources.

  Our little hunting game continued like this for a long time. We took great care of not being seen by them. “By observing our enemy we learned a lot of valuable information. First of all their average speed and fuel requirements. They already stopped two times to dive into the atmosphere of a gas giant. The only reason for that can be refuelling.”

  I raise a finger to emphasize my point. “The most important thing is that they avoid using their FTL-drive over long distances. They always jump from star to star, probably because they fear running into something. I think they are using pathways which are known to be free of matter. That forces them to take such a strange route. Yet their course is as straight as possible. But they are sheering off to the left, further down the spiral arm. I think we are close to their destination.”

  Cyla whines and gestures for me to go on. “Fine. I am just frustrated. Let's make the jump. We'll have to go dark and observe the system for a few hours anyway. We can use the time to refresh ourselves.”

  We make our preparations in silence and plot our next transition. Everything goes smoothly and we arrive at our next destination.

  Kaus Australis, once again a binary star system. A hundred and fourty-three light-years away from Sol.

  “I'll go first.” Cyla stands up and leaves the cockpit while I grunt my acknowledgement. Our standard procedure for entering unknown territory is going silent for a few hours while accelerating away from our entry point.

  During that time we only collect data and let the computer puzzle it out. I take the necessary steps and wait until I get the first results.

  Our close neighbourhood is empty, which is to be expected. A faint electromagnetic signal from the other side of the system hints at a presence. There is no way to judge it at this point, so I order the computer to continue with gathering information.

  There is no need to die of boredom while sitting in the pilot chair. Even if someone saw our entry we'll see them coming long before they reach us.

  The next point on my list is getting a shower, so I get up and stretch. My cramped shoulders hurt and crack loudly as I stretch myself.

  Afterwards I head over to the bathroom. A little dazed I open the door and freeze.

  Cyla is standing naked under the shower and looking at me. I force my eyes away from the godly sight of her body. “Sorry.” Then I close the door. What did I just do and why didn't she lock the bathroom?

bsp; For some reason I've the unreasonable urge to attack her.

  A few moments later the door opens and Cyla steps outside, wrapped in a bathrobe which is kind of disappointing. “It's free now.” She smiles and heads to the sleeping room, which she practically took over from me.

  Okay. Seems like I wasn't killed. My grandmother was very exact in her lessons regarding the intrusion on the private sphere of women. I try to recall what I've seen and realize that Cyla had a really strange expression on her face with her hand between her legs. For some reason I start feeling dizzy while thinking about it.

  I guess women need it too? My next action is to enter the shower, not bothering to remove the clothes. Then I activate the water and set the temperature to ten degrees. After a while my raging blood pressure lessens a bit. Then I try to empty my mind.

  “What are you doing?” Cyla's voice stops my vain attempts at clearing my thoughts. She returned, but is still in her bathrobe.

  “Cooling down. Obviously.” I answer.

  “You'll get sick. Don't let it bother yourself. We are both adults and not in a relationship.” She starts playing with her fingers. “Do you want a massage?”

  “A massage?” I blink. “Well, cold water didn't do a lot against my muscle tenseness.”

  “Come to the living room when you are done. In a bathrobe and dry.” She leaves without sparing me another glance.

  Was that an invitation to do more, or was it just what she said? Either way, both possibilities seem like a good offer.

  I hurry to get myself ready and follow her. In the living room I find out that she spread the mattress which I use to sleep on the ground. “Lie down.”

  I do as told, only to get a rebuke for lying on my back, so I turn and lie on my belly. Apparently she really doesn't intend more than giving me a massage.

  She slowly starts working her way upwards from my legs and towards my back. Her fingers are stronger than I imagined, but she is good at what she is doing. Slowly I feel my muscles relaxing. “You are good. Where did you get that skill.”

  Without answering she sits on top of me and starts working on my shoulders. “That's a secret. So did you like the sight of my naked body in the bathroom?”


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