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Page 40

by Andur

  Galia watches the exchange with a tired smile on her face. “Maybe we should get to the point where we discuss more important matters.”

  “Of course.” I let go of the table and wait until I am certain that the glued-on piece is held in place. Then I sit down in my chair. “Point number one is that Aether's diamond dome and the new reactor will be finished in a few weeks. Once that's done the elders ordered us to take a part of the new fleet and go on a mission to the centre of the galaxy. We have to explore which danger the aliens pose our species.”

  I gesture at Roderik and Kandy. “The question is what you two decide to do? It'll be most likely a long mission since we intend to create a teleportation network while we are on our way. The new reactor will supply us with enough power to do even longer teleportations than previously. But all that doesn't change the fact that the way there might take us a year, all the construction time included.”

  Roderik smiles. “And you are asking if we are up for that.”

  I shrug. “You'll have regular chances to be sent home with a shipment of supplies. But that doesn't change the fact that it certainly won't happen over night. Once the network stands we'll be able to travel much faster. But getting there is a problem and we'll have to protect the established nodes until they are running and equipped with enough defense.”

  Kandy gestures at Galia. “She already informed us and we understand. We've also spoken with Earth's government and decided to stay on the mission. The president even offered help since it's a mutual problem.”

  Now it's my turn to raise an eyebrow. “Help? How can Earth help us?”

  “I've no idea.” Kandy confesses. “Resources, technology, troops. That's why Earth is currently talking to your elders.”

  I tap with a finger on my chin while thinking. “Maybe help from Earth should be less material and more in ways of assisting with thought. During our little episode with the drug dealer our police was a little out of the loop since we had nobody to question. An investigator from Earth would have gotten us results much faster since he is less biased by magic. If we have to deal with a crime the first thing we do is truth-reading everyone involved. But in special cases like this one that method is flawed. Most certainly that also applies to other fields of expertise.”

  “I'll make sure that your idea is forwarded to Earth. It's certainly worth exploring.” Roderik answers.

  I smile. “Then I'll do the same with the elders. I am still scheduled to see the fire-mage elder today.”

  Roderik nods. “I hope you won't get into trouble for that news report? Is your office in danger?”

  Galia starts laughing. “It's quite the opposite. The general population is thrilled to have a strong leader who doesn't shy away from smiting evil. The evil blood-mage was defeated by a techno-mage who just came of age. Those guys from the media sold it like a fight of old times. David versus Goliath. In addition they crafted in a romance story with his girlfriend.”

  Sol, Aether


  “I am so glad that you are alright!” My mother hugs me at the entrance to Gideon's mansion. “I already feared the worst when I saw that news report.”

  It's been another week since the incident and all the people whom I invited to our little party are slowly gathering in Aether. My parents arrived just a day before the actual announcement and there is still something I've to tell them.

  “I can assure you that the news channels are overreacting. Absolutely nothing happened to me except for a slight exposure to mana and a little exhaustion. Why don't you come inside and have a drink.” I lead them into the living room. Gideon used his IM's to repair the damage to the house days ago, so there is no trace of the attack.

  Once I have my parents safely on the sofa I hurry to get them a coffee. Upon returning my mother eyes me with curiosity. “Where is everyone? I thought we would get to meet Gideon's relatives.”

  “Yes, they are still at work. I'll make sure to introduce you in the evening and make sure that you aren't completely overwhelmed by the party.” I answer and take a seat next to my mother.

  “I never would've thought that Gideon would manage to become the governor of Aether. No wonder that you are throwing a big party. It's going well between you two I hope? I know how fickle young love can be at times.” She takes my hand to hold it.

  My father starts one of his insensitive speeches. “Yes. That's why I visited, Cyla. Are you sure that you really like this fellow? He didn't manipulate your mind or something like that? You don't have to be with him just because he is rich. A friend of mine has a son who is your age and I am sure that the two of you would fit very well together...”

  Yes, and that friend of yours surely owns an affiliated company. I completely ignore my worthless father and let him talk to himself. Apparently he is still living a few hundred years in the past. “It's going very well. We are still the same as we were when we announced our relationship. Nothing changed.”

  I take a breath. “Actually the party isn't just about Gideon's new job. It's combining several happy events.” My mother raises an eyebrow, but I simply continue talking. Somehow I manage to blind out my father's voice who is still rambling on about possible partners. Which would with no doubt benefit him the most.

  “Since Gideon and I are now practically settling down here, we decided to use the chance to get the ball rolling. That's why we'll announce our marriage contract at the party. Actually we've already signed it. And not just only in ink, but also in blood.” I take my mother's hand and place it on my belly. It's still much too early to see, but if you touch it you can feel the stiffness and a slight swelling.

  A heavy thud marks my father's impact on the carpet and causes me to return my attention to him. He simply lost his consciousness, going out like a light bulb and falling over, planting his face on the carpet. I would have preferred if he had kept standing, but keeping him up while letting my mother sit down was somehow hard to accomplish. This'll still do.

  My mother takes a deep breath and hugs me, resting her head on my shoulder and rubbing my belly. “Every time we see you it's the same. Will you finally forgive him at some point? You are doing it intentionally, am I correct?”

  “The first answer is: 'No'.” I hug my mother back. “And the second answer is: 'Yes'!”

  55. ~Party for all.~


  The new anti-matter reactors provide enough energy to make long range teleportations a worthwhile undertaking. The units to create the necessary rupture in space-time are designed to enable jumps of a maximum range of up to five thousand light years from unit to unit.

  To accomplish that each facility will harbour several heavily shielded anti-matter reactors. The initial designs also include a network of point defence satellites around the main installation. Top priority is to keep the node from falling into enemy hands.


  -Project report 24-24532

  Sol, Aether


  “At least it looks like this party is going well.” Gideon takes a weary look around the festival hall. We rented a small dance theatre just for this event. Even if Gideon's mansion is big, the amount of people who ended up attending the party would have never fit into it.

  The problem didn't lie in inviting just our inner circle of friends and family, but also their friends and relatives. To make it short everything got out of control when Gideon invited Zibil Firestorm. The whole party suddenly turned from a private announcement with friends and family into a public event. You can't just push a hundred people into Gideon's mansion.

  I step closer and snake my hands around my man. “What's the problem? We somehow managed to organize this event and everything went wonderful so far. We've even announced our contract and people are socializing.”

  “I guess.” He takes a sip from his wine. “It's just the fact that there are so many people. I am not the type who feels comfortable in a crowd. Then there is the fact that the recent months kept us on edge and I am simply e
xpecting that something will blow up in our faces. And I hope you'll excuse it, but talking to your sisters and their 'minions' was tiring. It felt like they were trying to compare their three sizes with you and who has the better man.”

  I rub my cheek against his chest. “The world can't be that cruel.”

  “Then entertain me to divert my thoughts from all of this.” He gestures at the people around us.

  “But how.” I purr at his chest. “It's much too early to sneak away.”

  “Tell me what's up with your father. He looks awfully pale and you already promised me several times to tell me the story behind him and you. I am sure that you instigated another chain of events to freak him out.” Gideon asks. “And why is he passing out every time you pull a prank on him?”

  “Oh.” I look at my parents. Dad is still a little pale from yesterday. “It may be a little petty of me to hold a grudge that long. And in the light of the recent events it may even make me look like a bad person.”

  Gideon kisses my temple. “Let me be the judge of that.”

  “Okay.” I sigh. “The simple one first. Dad's mutation is a very good example how this whole mutation business can go awfully wrong and why someone should never encourage a mutation willingly. There is no reason to draw a bad hand of cards if no one forces you to play the game. Right?”

  “Right.” Gideon confirms.

  “To make it short, Dad doesn't take increased blood pressure very well. If there is something that agitates him it simply goes 'click' and he drops like a puppet with its strings cut. He could take medicines against that, but it would practically mean that he is always stoned. So he refuses.”

  “How unlucky. I bet a person like him ends up with a lot of bumps and bruises.” Gideon comments.

  “Yeah. Especially when he talks to me.” I clarify. “And the other matter is that Dad was always trying to manipulate me. He is very old school with his four hundred years and still believes in marriage alliances to increase the power of his holdings inside the family business. Quantum Computers are a tough market.”

  I gesture at the old crook. “Ever since I was small he tried to set me up with the sons of his partners: 'Go and play a little with that boy, why don't you dance with my young friend?' I didn't mind it as long as it didn't get out of hand. When he just made nice suggestions there wasn't a problem to at least talk to the people whom he introduced me to.

  When I was seventeen I met this guy in school and we really hit it off right from the bat. We fell in love and did all the things a young couple does. It was the first time for both of us, but since we shared minds we both knew that we genuinely liked each other.”

  I grimace. “Then Dad destroyed everything. Dad found out about my 'boyfriend' and his, according to Dad, 'low standing'. Dad invited him to have a little chat and completely alienated him from me. I don't know exactly what went down between them, but apparently he managed to induce something like guilt in him.

  I blame it on the fact that he had a weak character, but still. Ever since then he had something like an inferiority complex towards me because my family was wealthy and he hadn't anything to give to me. Everything ended in us breaking up. That's when I decided that my Dad can do what he wants and that I've my own life. So I simply asked Mom for some money, packed my stuff and off I went.”

  Gideon purses his lips. “That's quite a story of a family dispute. I guess it went down a little harsher than that? A lot of screaming, raised fists and bad mood?”

  “Of course.” I smile.

  “It's just that I can't avoid thinking that if your Dad hadn't been the asshole he is, you might be somewhere else and we would've never met. And was it really your Dad's speech which caused this inferiority complex and the subsequent break up? Wouldn't it have happened anyway at some point later on?” Gideon muses.

  “That's why I am saying that it may be cheap of me to still be mad at my Dad. Others might say that my father simply wants the best for me, but I doubt that. The people whom he suggests are without exception business partners of his. You just have to take a look at the friends of my sisters.” I add. “And just yesterday, shortly before I told him about our marriage he tried to suggest some of his goons to me.”

  Gideons hand around me tightens. “You are completely right in taking it out on him every time you two meet. And I hope you continue doing so until and long after he has a genuine change of heart. Any time you need my help for a setup, just ask.”

  I draw a circle on his chest. “I'll make sure to take you up on that offer. Have you seen my brother by the way? I didn't get to talk to him that much tonight.”

  Gideon furrows his forehead. “Which one? The older, or the younger one.”

  “The older one. Brenton is the name. I've introduced Martin to Amia and the two of them seem to be in a world of their own since then.” I point at the dance floor where Martin and Amia are dancing with their eyes locked on each other. Martin's hand is a little too low on Amia's hips than is appropriate, but my friend doesn't seem to have any objections to being felt up.

  Gideon corrects his collar. “Actually he talked to me for a while. Apparently he tried to socialize with me, but I must have failed since he suddenly excused himself and ran off. I am not good at this stuff.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Socialize? What did you two talk about. You didn't chase him off?”

  “Of course not! I would never do that. He is your brother.” Gideon answers.

  “Then what did you two talk about?” I ask.

  Gideon answers with a bored and tired voice. “At first we just talked about random stuff. How you and me are doing? How business is going? For some reason he was much less hostile this time, though he still seemed concerned about you. Then the conversation shifted to all sorts of questions about Galia. Who she is? What's her job? Is she in a relationship? What's her hobby and what does she like? Honestly, at the end of the conversation I was so bored that I was happy that he ran off. I couldn't take much more of it.”

  I bite on my lower lip, a suspicion creeping up my spine. Then I survey the ballroom. “And where is Galia?”

  Now Gideon looks around himself. “I don't know? I think she was here before Brenton ran off, but it has been some time since then.” He pulls a hand-sized touch screen from his pocket. “At least we'll have that problem solved shortly.” A few manipulations display Galia's position on a map. “Hmm. Looks like she is in one of the building's locker rooms?”

  Before I can stop him he gives another set of instructions and the image is replaced by a black screen, then a light turns on and reveals the insides of what's definitely a woman's handbag. Whatever is submitting the images slowly crawls over a pink purse and past a red lipstick to push its camera out of the bag to take a look around.

  The handbag is obviously lying on the ground in a small room. Then the image settles on Galia and Brenton. My brother's pants are down and he is energetically ramming himself into Galia who is pinned between him and the wall. His arms are supporting her ass like a vice and her dress is pushed up to her hips while her legs are firmly locked around him.

  My brother wears female, black panties on his head; most likely Galia's. She in turn has her hands around his head and is firmly burying his face in her cleavage while looking up to the ceiling.

  I have my doubts that Brother can breathe properly in that position. Too bad that we can't see her expression from our point of view. Galia is performing cooperative movements to make it easier for him and the barely suppressed screams to go 'harder' and 'deeper' show quite clearly that she is approving of his efforts.

  I reach for the touch-screen and switch it off. “We haven't seen anything.”

  “But we have and I definitely don't like what I saw. Did I sell her out?” Gideon rubs his closed eyes as if he just got dirt into them. “I never realized that she likes the muscular type. Maybe it's because we always called her a brute?”

  “Trust me. Brenton is a good guy at heart and I am sure that he isn't
a player. That's not how our parents brought us up. You two just had a bad start. The socially best way to deal with this is to ignore it. We saw nothing, know nothing...” My voice trails off. “But how did you get a spy sprite into her handbag?” I ask.

  “It's her phone. Galia isn't skilled at techno-magic, so she needs a device to interact with the network. I didn't bother to remove all my surveillance tools after the incident with the blood-mage.” He answers. “Isn't your father going to freak out about him and her?”

  I smile. “Brenton is the older brother and standing on his own feet since a long time. He can stand up to Dad and both Galia and Brenton are adults. I don't think we have any business in what they are doing.”

  Then Gideon's eyes wander to the fire-mage elder and the representatives from Earth. “At least those three aren't having a threesome.”

  My eyes widen at the mere thought. Though Kandy seems to be the type of girl who is into older men. In combination with her name... but no. Her two peers are much too old for her and I doubt that Roderik can even get it up at his age. Those people from Earth are such sad existences. To look that old and he is just in his fifties. “It's an opportunity to do their politicking. No harm done in letting them playing their games. This is our day and I don't want it smothered by underhanded conversations with politicians.”

  Sol, Aether


  “Look, Paul. There they are.” I point at Gideon and Cyla who are snuggling up close to each other at one of the tables. I take Paul's hand and pull him with me.

  “I still don't get how that introverted guy got a girl like her.” Paul mumbles.

  “Apparently the same way you got me.” I chime and poke his chest with a finger. “Techno-magic works wonders in matters of love once two people who fit together merge their minds.”

  Once we are close enough I greet the two of them and give Gideon a hug. “Hello, little Brother. Apparently you overtook me in matters of relationships.” I throw a meaningful glance at Paul who is still dancing around the topic of children.


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