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Visionary Investigator

Page 6

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Cece blinked; her face was blank for a second before she burst out laughing - her laughter loud and hard while she wrapped her arms around her stomach. I groaned; my hands fell to my sides as I waited for her to finish. She sighed, wiping the freshly made tears from her eyes.

  "Scarlet. I love you as a best friend but damn. Whatever drugs you took last night, where can I buy them because I want them in my life."

  "Ugh! I didn't take anything."

  "Maybe you were so excited about your passionate lovemaking that you began to hallucinate?" She proposed.

  "Never mind." I huffed.

  I was now back in my own flat, currently in the Scar Only room as I took a final glance at my outfit.

  "I promise. The moment I get my assignment, I will call you. Fine. I'll meet you right in front of the building if it makes you feel better. Okay. Love you too. Bye."

  I pressed the end button, rolling my eyes before stretching.


  I looked down to see Moonlight brush against my legs before walking and jumping onto my bed.

  "I know. Cece worries too much. She's just being overdramatic." I told him, walking to the edge of the bed to pet him. He purred in delight as his tail waved back and forth.

  I smiled, the image of the Cece I saw last night resurfaced. I should draw it out before I forget. My eyes looked to the black, vintage clock on the wall – the hand struck ten o'clock.

  "I have two hours till my meeting. It won't take me long if I Uber to campus. I don't see the point of driving if Cece's going to pick me up later." I mumbled to myself as I continued petting Moonlight.

  I gave him a final scratch under his neck before turning to my vanity. I pulled out the drawer, looking for my sketchbook. I had two, five-hundred-page sketchbooks.

  One I used for when I had visions outside, which was always in my stylish Michael Kors backpack.

  My second sketchbook was my private one; documenting my darker and most precious visions that relate to me. I opened the bottom drawer; my eyes lingered on the decorative box also in there.

  I frowned, taking a deep gulp as I reached into the back of the drawer to retrieve the red, embroidered designed sketchbook from the back. I gave a final glance at the box before closing the drawer.

  I placed my book in front of me, turning to a blank page and grabbing my pencil. I was ready to sketch but the box continued to linger in my mind.

  Mom...was there anything I could have done to see you again? To prevent you from leaving that day?

  My hand unconsciously reached out to the necklace around my neck – the pendant with the matching marking on my back. I always made sure to wear the small trinket of jewelry for my own protection; my mom's words always echoed in my mind.

  "This locket will always keep you safe. Always keep it with you and hold it when you feel like you’re in danger or need help. Understand Scar?"

  I blinked; a tear rolled down my cheek.

  "Fuck..." I swore, wiping the tear from my cheek, making sure not to smudge my makeup. Thank goodness for waterproof mascara.

  "Meow, meow." I looked down again to see Moonlight next to my feet staring at me, before jumping onto my lap.

  "Hey, buddy. You always love to comfort me whenever I see Mom's gift. Are you trying to tell me not to cry?" I whispered as Moonlight pressed himself against my stomach before curling into a ball.

  I took another breath, staring at my reflection. I had to focus on the present and that started with getting this sketch done in an hour and finding out what this final assignment was going to entail.

  I nodded as I changed my focus; my eyes landed on the blank page – the image of the beautiful, demon looking Cece returned. Let's draw this out.

  Less than an hour later, I opened my door, letting Moonlight out before closing it – pressing the entrance lock button. I made my way to the living room, ready to grab my keys and be out the door.


  I mentally groaned as I came to a halt, taking a deep breath and asking the heavens for divine patience. I turned to face Jake, who sat on the couch with a serious look on his face. Great, someone doesn't look friendly this morning.

  "Hi, Jake. I can't stay for long. I'm being assigned my final project today, remember?" I knew he couldn’t care less about anything regarding my schooling. As long as he had his alcohol, friends, and parties, my endeavors meant nothing to him. Very different from Jaxson who seemed intrigued by my goals and plans for the future.

  "Are you going to explain why you didn't get home the previous night and then stayed an extra night at that annoying girl's house?"

  I rolled my eyes before turning to face him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  "First of all, the annoying girl's name is Cece and she's NOT annoying. I think you should apply that label to your own name seeing as you spammed her non-stop yesterday. I don't think her boyfriend appreciated seeing three hundred plus calls and messages on her iPhone. Second of all, I'm an adult and am not obligated to come home to MY flat." I emphasized. I can already sense this becoming another meaningless argument.

  "I wouldn't have to call you so many times if you'd kept your phone on OR came home like you promised." He argued, rising to his feet. I watched the crumbs on his shirt fall to the ground from whatever he ate last night.

  "I hope you clean the living room up by the time I come home." I commented, dryly.


  "Jake. Stop. I can't argue with you today. Sorry I couldn't keep my promise of coming home early. We went to a VIP club and partied the night away with drinks and hours of dancing. I got a bit too drunk and Cece took the liberty of taking my drunk ass to her place to crash. Cece already called and texted you exactly what I've just told you."

  "Who did you dance with?"

  "What?" I asked, tilting my head.

  "You said you danced the night away. Who did you dance with?"

  "Hmm let's see. Cece, a few hot celebrities, and even a private investigator. What a night. Why should it even matter to you? Last time I checked, you hate dancing and whenever we do go out to a club together, you end up so drunk that you got escorted out and thrown into an Uber. Do I need to remind you again what I said two days ago?"

  I glanced at the time – 11:00 AM in bright orange numbers on the digital wall clock that hung in between two of my paintings.

  "You weren't with anyone?"

  "Jake. I can't do this right now. You go out four times a week. Have I ever asked you if you've danced, kissed, or maybe even fucked a female? Should I start asking?" I questioned before narrowing my eyes on him.

  He fidgeted in place; his body grew tense which made me frown. He's hiding something.

  " haven't. Sorry." He apologized before making his way to the washroom.

  "You're going to be late. I'll see you tonight." He closed the washroom door; the sink turned on.

  I stood there in silence; my heart raced. My phone began to ring – ONE AND ONLY BITCH, showing on the display.


  "What's wrong?"


  "When you answer me you're usually like, ‘Hoe, what you want from me this time?’ type deal. You never answer me with ‘Hey’ unless something’s wrong. OR did you just get into an argument with Jake?"

  "I think..." I began but trailed off, needing to get out of the apartment.

  I grabbed my keys off the table before darting out the door – slamming it behind me.

  "You think what?" Cece questioned; her voice low with a pinch of anger.

  "I think Jake may be cheating on me." I announced.

  "How? Do you have any evidence?"

  "He was basically questioning me about the previous two nights and asked me if I was with anyone. You know I've never questioned where he is, and I just got tired of him always pestering me when I never pester him. I trust him even though he's never shown he trusts me. Besides from last night with Jaxson, I dedicated myself to him for five fucking years." I snarled, before
opening the door to the stairs; my legs skipped two steps at a time.

  "Did you ask him who he dances, drink, eats or parties with whenever he goes out four times a week while you mind your own business?" She demanded.

  "Yup. He brushed it off and when I went through my text messages, he apologized. Cece, you know he only apologizes when he's hiding something." Deep down, I knew I shouldn’t have been surprised by this, nor did I have any right to point fingers after my night with Jaxson, but it didn’t make knowing he’d cheated on me hurt any less.

  For five years, I had put up with his nonsense. Never once straying. Now, the question of how many times had he strayed rang in my mind. How many girls? How many nights?

  "I'll look into it." Cece reassured me.

  "Cece? Is my boyfriend going to suddenly vanish in thirty days?" I questioned, slightly anxious. Sure, I wasn't in love with him anymore, but I didn't wish death on him.



  "Fine. I'll get my boyfriend to look into it. At least he'll live for a few weeks."

  "A few weeks?" I commented.

  "And look at the time, 11:15 and your booty’s probably in the stairwell of your condo."

  "Fuck! It's eleven fifteen! Shit, shit, shit. I didn't schedule an Uber." I raced down the remaining stairs, pulling the door open before rushing to the front entrance.

  "Morning Miss Sinclair. Your Uber is waiting for you outside." Alfred greeted me with a smile.

  "Uber? I didn't schedule one yet." I announced, stopping at the desk, as I tried to catch my breath.

  "The black Cadillac is waiting for you." Alfred confirmed, pointing to the gorgeous 5032 Cadillac Escalade parked right up front – a tall man with black sunglasses and wearing a suit stood at nearby.

  I gaped at the expensive vehicle, forgetting that Cece was still on the line.

  "Did you tell Jaxson you had your assignment today?" Cece questioned.

  I blinked before shaking my head, placing the phone back to my ear to hear my best friend properly.

  "Um. I did tell him I was being given my final assignment for my program and the time..."

  "He's smitten." She purred.

  "Oh stop. He's not anything. There's no way he scheduled an Escalade Uber to come pick me up." I argued.

  I bowed to Alfred, waving goodbye before rushing through the transparent, glass doors, approaching the driver with Cece still on the line.

  "Good morning, Miss Sinclair. I've been awaiting your arrival." The driver stated with a smile. His violet purple hair with silver highlights shone brightly in the sunlight – his short cut haircut styled back smoothly with gel. His figure was slim, but I couldn't let his appearance fool me. I could already imagine the hidden, sculpted masterpiece beneath his suit; a beautiful six pack hidden away.

  "Um, good morning. There must be a mistake. I didn't schedule for the VIP express Uber service." I explained; my eyes landed on the UBER sticker on the front windshield of the car. Shit, he's with UBER. I didn't know they had these types of luxurious cars. I wonder if they have a Lamborghini.

  He smiled; his perfectly straight teeth made an appearance and caused my heart to flutter, making me wish to see his eyes that were hidden behind his Ray Bans.

  "There's no mistake Miss Sinclair. Does Jaxson White ring a bell? He figured you'd need a ride to school seeing as Cece informed him of you being unwell yesterday when he inquired. He wanted to make sure you had a relaxing drive to school."

  I gawked at his words. Jaxson sent an Escalade with such a sexy driver to take me to school because he was worried about me?

  The driver smiled before making his way to the back seat, opening the door before bowing.

  "Right this way Miss Sinclair. I don't want you being late. I will take the express toll route, so we'll be there in no time." He gestured; his hand aimed at the light brown, leather seats.

  "Sure. Um, thank you uh...." I began but trailed off.

  "Christian Ross." He introduced as he helped me into the oversized vehicle.

  He closed the door, making his way to the driver seat.

  I got comfortable, putting my seatbelt on before taking a good whiff of the clean, new leather. Did they just buy this car this morning? Smells brand, fucking new.

  "Oh Scar? Your best friend is still on the fucking line." Cece yelled through the tiny speaker. Oh Shit. I lifted my phone to my ear.

  "Hold on a second, Cece dearest." I soothed.

  Christian opened the driver door, settling in before putting his seat belt on. His fingers pressed against the keyboard of the GPS, inputting the coordinates for Mc. Ryerson’s School of Criminology and Special OPs.

  He put the car in drive, making a smooth exit out of the entrance way of my condo to the main street.

  "Wait. Christian? Like Christian from Fifty Shades of Grey?" I wondered to myself, remembering the book in detail.

  Wouldn't it be nice to have a guy as rich and hot as Mr. Grey? I'd love to see him naked and do many exciting things with his sexy body.

  He chuckled as the car came to a stop light before he removed his black shades to reveal a pair of exquisite, uniquely colored, amethyst eyes glancing my way through the rear-view mirror. In all my days, I've never seen colored eyes like those! They must be contacts.

  "Yes, Christian like the guy in the popular porn book but no, I don't know how to fly a helicopter. I do own one and a few businesses. Nothing crazy, but I can't say the same in the bedroom." He admitted, winking at my shocked, blushed expression.

  I'll be damned. No wonder he wears those shades. His looks can commit adultery without even trying. I wonder if the ladies just throw themselves at him. Is there a waitlist? And he's a sexy Uber driver with multiple businesses, on top of being a potential sex god. Yup, I'm finally going crazy.

  "Well damn. I have a boyfriend, but you know...I'd totally be down to party one day."

  The words flew out of my mouth before I regretted them. I could hear Cece giggling on the other end on my phone.

  "I'd totally take you up on that offer, Miss Sinclair. When I'm not working." He gave me another seductive smile before his eyes returned to the road; the car moved forward as we made our way to the toll highway entrance.

  I lifted my phone to my ear, realizing Cece was on the line, still.

  "Cece, I'm going to call you back when I get to campus."

  "There's condoms in the side pocket of your back–"

  I hung up the phone, letting it drop on the leather seat as I relaxed.

  Yup, my best friend is a bad influence.

  Chapter Five

  "Thank you so much, Christian. I would have never gotten here on time if it wasn't for your smooth driving skills and shortcuts."

  "I aim to please, Ms. Sinclair." He replied as he held his hand out to help me get out of the comfortable Escalade. If only I could have a driver like him and a car like this. Maybe, I could hire him privately. Oh, the sinful temptation.

  "I have to get going but...well..." I began but trailed off, wondering what would be the best method of getting his number. His hand went into his front pocket – retrieving a cream colored card. He presented it to me.

  "This is my private Uber line. If you ever need me to drive you around or party, just call me. I have another job besides this one, but I wouldn't hesitate to see you again Miss Sinclair." He admitted.

  I took the card; his name in black, cursive ink with a purple bat at the corner, below his credentials was his private number. I looked up, giving him a sincere smile.

  "Thank you Christian, and please, call me Scarlet or Scar." I thanked him.

  "My pleasure Scarlet." He whispered before half bowing.

  "I best be off. We'll keep in touch." I affirmed, pulling out my Louis Vuitton card holder and placing the delicate card in one of the slots.

  "Indeed. All the best with your assignment." He bid his farewell, I waved as I speed walked my way up the entrance stairs of the large, university complex.

  It t
ook me five minutes to compose myself, passing by the washroom to fan myself. I looked up at the mirror to see my flushed face.

  Jeez, Scar. Get a hold of yourself. Less than three days and you’ve already fucked a hot, sexy private investigator. Don’t try to add gorgeous, VIP Uber driver to the list.

  I slipped my gloves off, opening the tap to splash cold water on my face. I was so glad my makeup was waterproof, or things would have gotten messy.

  I set my black backpack with gold zippers down; the MK symbol dangled on my zipper as I opened it. I retrieved my makeup bag before taking my LV wallet from my pocket.

  I couldn't ignore the urge to view his card again – the thickness and texture of the card demonstrated class and elegance.

  The moment my hand brushed over the card I hissed; my surroundings changed rapidly.

  I looked up to see Christian in combat attire – black pants with a bulletproof vest as he walked into the entrance of a what seemed to be a psychic shop. I noticed the gun, safely secured on his hip as he reached the entrance of the shop. As his hand reached out to knock on the door, a black van pulled up.

  Before the door slid open to reveal the passengers in the large vehicle the vision faded.

  I groaned, grasping the sink as I steadied myself from falling. I shook my head, blinking a few times as the dizziness faded.

  I scrambled to grab my gloves – slipping on the black, fingerless gloves before I frowned at the card. His other job is a cop? I wonder if that really happened? It must be the past, seeing as he was just here. I guess I don’t need to worry.

  My phone began to sing, cueing me in on a new text message from Cece.

  I gathered my belongings, slipping the card gently into its slot before putting my card holder in my bag. I quickly touched up my lipstick and lashes before putting my makeup bag back and pulling the gold zipper closed.

  I rushed out of the washroom, pulling my phone out of my pocket as I entered the main hall, heading towards Professor Hartwell’s office.

  I gaped at the phone as I opened her text message and stopped in my tracks. This bitch.


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