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Visionary Investigator

Page 27

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I frowned, sliding the tinted face cover down as I ramped up the engine; the sound was loud and energizing. I kicked off the break, gripping the handle as I increased the speed, signaling to enter the main road.

  "Agent Sinclair here. En-route."

  "Agent Suk, re-routing. I should meet Sinclair at the halfway point. Sinclair! Don't do anything you can't handle." Junho cautioned.

  I smiled. They hadn't seen me in action. "Yup. I'll be good." I said confidently.

  "Total bullshit." Michael answered as gunshots echoed in the background.

  "This isn't Call of Duty, boys. Focus before you actually get shot." I ordered.

  I ignored the fear that gripped me at the thought of one of them getting hurt.

  "Yes, Scar." They replied.

  I increased my speed, turning onto the street designated for our car chase – CAUTION tape and ROAD CLOSED signs blocking off the major intersections.

  I came to a stop; my eyes scanned the area.

  If they're going to come from the warehouse, they should appear approximately one block ahead...right about–


  My head whipped at the sound of screeching tires – two black SUVs and one black Mercedes turned and headed straight down the road – towards our set trap.

  "Crows sighted! One Mercedes, two SUV, in pursuit." I gripped the handles, lifting my leg off as I began to move, reaching a hundred miles an hour in less than six seconds.

  "Shit Scarlet! One of them can use magic! Be careful."

  I didn't reply; my mind already focused. I increased my speed, catching up to the three vehicles.

  "Scarlet. Will you give me control for a moment?" Aurora requested.

  "How do I let you take control?" I voiced out loud; the whipping wind and adrenaline coursed through me making it hard for me to continue inner monologue.

  "Allow your mind to drift as if you are falling asleep. You won't actually fall asleep but switch places." She explained.

  "But we're riding a bike! Aren't we gonna fall off?"

  "It's less than a second Scarlet. I'm not fully taking control. You will see and still feel everything. I'm just taking lead. You can switch back anytime."

  "Seems simple enough. Alright. I'm ready to try it." I braced myself, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, allowing my mind to drift.

  Within a second I felt the shift – as if my very essence had to move to the back seat and the image before me was now like a movie screen. I was surrounded by darkness, but I could see everything going on.

  "HOLY SHIT! This is both scary and cool." I answered, still feeling my hands gripping the handles but not being able to move them.

  "Hehehe, you feel as light as a feather in here." Serenity voiced out – a bright glow formed next to me.

  "Are you like a glowing flame? Where's your actual form?"

  "You haven't really made one for us, silly." Serenity replied.

  I flinched at the sound of gunshots; our attention returned to the car chase unfolding before us.

  Aurora dodged the incoming bullets, pulling out our handgun before aiming.

  "I call upon the darkness that obeys at my will. Revoke their souls of solitude and deliver justice for the sins they commit. I command thee."

  My outstretched hand began to glow, the same markings appearing but in low glowing black – the gun glowing a dark purple.

  I watched as we pulled the trigger, the bullet firing straight at the car on the right – exploding on impact in dark purple fire.

  Mother of fucking pearl. That’s not normal fire. What kind of fire is that?

  "SCARLET! What the fuck did you just do?" Ethan snapped on the intercom.

  "Scarlet is currently unavailable. Please leave a message and I'll make sure she returns your call." Aurora announced as she aimed, moving to the left, dodging the car fragments as the flaming wreck skid past us.

  "Aurora, don't go scaring him like that. He'll think you’re evil." Serenity scowled. I pictured her rolling her eyes.

  "Maybe we should focus back on the car chase and wouldn’t a three-day course of SPIRIT 101- Starlight Gods for Dummies come in handy!" I retorted.

  "SCARLET!" Ethan yelled through the phone.


  I sighed. "Why do I get the feeling those two aren't gonna get along?" I mumbled.

  "It's okay. It's normal for Aura."

  "Don't call me Aura!" She yelled, aiming the gun at the second car and firing. The car attempted to dodge the bullet but it hit the side mirror.

  It blew up; the impact enough to send the car off the road and onto the hillside gravel, rolling down till it exploded.


  "Ya. I get it." I nodded.

  "Ugh, I'm tired. Come take over Scarlet. Your Lizard breath is the only one in the car. You just need to stop him before he's an idiot and goes straight into your trap."

  My mind drifted immediately, gasping at the strange sensation as I blinked rapidly, realizing I was back in full control of my body. I ignored the spinning sensation, while I tried to concentrate on the final car a few feet ahead.

  He pressed on the gas; the car jerked forward as he sped faster down the abandoned street, the sign - FREEDOM BRIDGE plastered on the white sign on the side of the road in red writing. Fuck!

  "SCAR?" Ethan called again

  "Yes, I'm back."

  "Who the fuck was that?"

  "Aurora now fucking focus! Lizard breath is approaching the bridge! He doesn't plan on stopping."

  "What?!" Multiple voices answered.

  "Fuck, I won't catch up. I can't go faster than two hundred in this thing." Junho cursed.

  I turned my head, noticing the yellow mustang speeding a few feet behind, attempting to catch up to me.

  "I can. I can stop him." I reassured them, gripping the gas as I began to accelerate.

  "Scarlet, don't you dare. You won't be able to fucking stop!” Christian’s voice boomed through the earpiece. Of course, he'd be the one to warn me of my consequences.

  "Relax! I'll brake right when I hit his car. It will give me more than enough time to brake before I reach the edge.

  I ignored the multiple voices trying to talk me out of it. I wasn't backing out. We needed someone who knew exactly what Xerxes was looking for and his following plans. At least if we had Lizard breath’s confession on tape, it would be enough to finally have a face to the multiple crimes collecting in the back-file cabinet for the unsolved.

  I gained speed, Lizard breath’s Mercedes struggled to keep at two hundred miles, sliding left and right.

  I noticed the warning sign – BRIDGE CLOSURE – DO NOT ENTER- whip past us as we sped by. I need to stop him now. But how, without him blowing up?

  "Let the bullet cause the car to short circuit. The element of electricity should do it." Serenity suggested.

  "Uh. Help please?"

  I felt her essence – the mixture of calmness and peace pressed against the edge of my mind; words flowed from my mouth.

  "Powerful Lightning, I request thee. Short circuit that vehicle and stop it from fleeing."

  I pulled the trigger – aiming directly at the trunk. The car skidded; the tires screeched against the pavement, creating a trail of smoke. The passenger door opened, and Lizard breath ran towards the edge of the bridge as I passed by.


  I looked over my shoulder, aiming the gun directly at his leg – firing without a second thought.

  He cried out, falling to the ground; Junho's Mustang screeched to a stop as he lunged out, sprinting and tackling Lizard breath who clung to the bridge wall.

  "YES!" I called out. I turned back when my eyes locked onto a pair of red ones. Time slowed; my mouth slowly opened as my eyes widened.

  A tall, bulky man with red eyes stood on the side of the bridge, a device in his hand as he smiled wickedly at me.


  I whipped my head around, realizing I was seconds a
way from riding off the bridge. Fuck’s sake!

  I lifted myself up; my feet landed on the seat as I gripped the handles. I have to flip. At this speed, I could potentially make it.

  I gripped the handles; the motorcycle vibrated as it reached two hundred and thirty miles.


  I launched into the air; everything slowed as I began my flip, hoping to gain enough altitude to reach the other side. I looked down to the glistening water of the ocean, looking back at where I'd come from – Xerxes stood there with something in his hand – the device with a button on it.

  It only took me a second to realize what it was as I completed my flip – making enough altitude to land me on the other side. But those plans changed. I let go of the handlebars, pushing myself off the bike as I flipped, going into diving position as I soared downward.

  I didn't hit the water fast enough when a large explosion roared through the air. I braced myself, feeling a wave of power course through me seconds before I crashed into the water.

  I didn't delay, already swimming lower and lower, attempting to avoid the pile of rubble that would come crashing down. I heard the impact of the large rocks as they submerged into the ocean above. I continued to fight the fear that clung to me as I tried to swim farther out. I finally reached the bottom surface of this part of the deep ocean, peering upward to find a route to take without Xerxes seeing me. The rocks crashed a few feet ahead; my eyes wide as I realized I could have been a part of the rubble.

  Minutes passed as I stayed below the waters, waiting for some type of sign that it would be safe to rise back up. I wouldn't last much longer; my body felt the effects of the chase and magic usage. Five-Ten-Fifteen-Twenty. The minutes continued to tick.

  I don't think I can swim back up all the way.

  I began to panic, not knowing what to do. I wouldn't last longer another two minutes and to swim back up with my aching joints would be a suicide mission. Not like sitting at the bottom of the ocean wasn't suicide either.

  "Please me."

  I didn't know what else to do but call to the element’s aid. I think for anyone else it was the stupidest thing to do but if I was gonna die I might as well use up all my ideas in one final go.

  I began to swim upward; my plea unanswered as my lungs began to burn for oxygen. I began to slow; my legs cramped up as my eyes stung.

  I reached out, the surface looking so close, yet so far away. After my years training in the water with swimming lessons and using it as an exercise regime, I never thought that I'd die by drowning, especially with how long I worked to increase my lung capacity.

  I closed my eyes, waiting for the last remnant of oxygen to leave me while my body leaned back, making a slow descent backward when something hard crashed into my back – pushing me upward at a quick pace.

  I opened my eyes, watching the light get brighter and brighter until I burst through the surface. I gasped, coughing as I took deep breaths; water poured off of me.

  I trembled in place; my head whipped back and forth before looking down on what just saved my life.

  A stream of water shot up into the sky, followed by a loud cry, the surface beneath me moving as the gigantic creature stilled.

  "A WHALE. You saved me?" I cried; tears blurred my eyes as I rubbed the surface gently. The whale made a humming noise as if responding to my words.

  "The water listened..." Serenity whispered.

  "I guess so. Or we'd be ascending to Starlight already." Aurora replied, quietly.

  I fell back against the whale’s surface; tears rolled down my cheeks as I giggled. The soft giggle turned into a wave of laughter as I lifted my arm to cover my eyes; tears fell down my cheeks.

  "Fuck. Scarlet!"

  I could hear Junho nearby but I didn't care. I'd almost been blown into bits before being crushed by rocks and almost drowned. What the fuck was I thinking entering this career path?

  I felt something grasp my wrist pulling gently. I opened my eyes to see Junho's eyes which were no longer turquoise but a dark sapphire. I snickered before laughing again. Un-fucking-believable.

  "Michael. Scar's having a mother fucking breakdown on a whale!" He called out; the words made me laugh even harder.

  A breakdown on a whale. I'm a fucking investigator who sees fucking visions and is getting chased by some red-eyed freak who wants some stupid stone that’s gonna eventually kill me, and I'm riding a fucking whale.

  "She's talking to herself out loud, too." Junho knelt, helping me sit up as I continued to stare forward. I felt like was in a daze, and to be honest, I didn’t want out.

  "Scarlet. It's okay, you're just going into shock."

  "Shock? Out of all my days, who would have thought, I'd be sitting on a fucking whale in the ocean with a hot sexy guy whose eyes are now sapphire and can walk on fucking water. Oh heavens, can you fly? Please tell me you can fly." I questioned, my deadpan tone completely new to me. Actually, everything was fucking new. I blinked; more tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to not focus on the black spots that were forming in my line of vision.

  “She sounds like she smoked a joint and is getting hit by the effect. She’s literally acting high. Her voice is sluggish and she’s sputtering gibberish.” Junho commented. I felt something rub my back, turning my head to see Michael's concerned expression as his eyes glowed gold. I gave him a blank stare, waving my hand ever so slowly in front of his face…

  "Hello, angel boy. Look at you and your shiny golden orbs of light. Better than those hideous brown contacts. They seriously make you look so unattractive…are you here to whisk me away to heaven? Well, guess what? You can’t see me." I continued to wave my hand back and forth, the action reminded me of John Cena. I loved watching the classic wrestling re-runs.

  "Fuck. She's having a mental breakdown. Scarlet baby, I'm sorry I have to do this, but I need to knock you out."

  "Knock me out? Then you'll whisk me away to heaven? Can I bring Moonlight with me? Can cats go to heaven? I'll be lonely if he doesn't come along. But he's a god, he can come whenever the fuck he wants. Oh shit, I can't fucking swear if I go to heaven. Fuck, fuckery, fuck shit, fucking. That was a nursery rhyme. Can the whale come too? He saved me. He came out of the water and saved me. See, I’m on a whale.” I emphasized, raising my hands to demonstrate the size of the whale.

  "Michael." Junho's voice was low.

  "Sorry Scarlet." Michael whispered. His hands pressed my temples. I stared into his eyes – a throbbing pain formed in my head; my laughter dimmed as the world began to spin, black circles appeared in my line of vision.

  Everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I woke up to the Mc. Ryerson drum line playing in my head. I swear to the fucking gods, who let those musicians stroll in my apartment to bang on those annoying things called drums?

  "Tell them to stop." I groaned, rolling over as I clung to the pillow; my head pounded.

  "Scarlet. Tell who to stop?" A hand brushed down my back; Ethan questioned my outer monologue.

  "The fucking band playing. It's hurting my head." I cried, squeezing my eyes shut. I heard the door open, closing lightly.

  "Does she have a splitting headache?" Michael questioned.

  "She thinks there's a drum line in here, so yes." Ethan replied. I let out a frustrated groan.

  "Michael. Make them stop playing." I begged, knowing he could do something to stop the band. Why the hell would there be a band playing in my room? Was this even my room? Where the fuck was I? Wait, what had happened to begin with?

  My thoughts were fuzzy as I tried to figure out what was going on, but the annoying pounding only seemed to worsen.

  I could smell the soft, lavender scent as a hand brushed against my left temple, pressing firmly.

  I tensed up, not knowing what to expect but the pounding got softer and softer till it vanished; a sigh escaped my lips as I relaxed. It took me some effort before my eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light. Ever
ything was a blur – I was unable to see the person in front of me aside from the bright yellow orbs of light.

  "Michael? I can't see." I confessed.

  "Ethan go get Scar's glasses. Her eyes are probably struggling to adjust with all that magic usage from yesterday.

  "Got it." I heard shuffling; the door opened and closed. I laid still, lying on my right side as I tightened my arms around the pillow. I frowned.

  "Yesterday? What happened yesterday? Wait, where am I?" I questioned. Michael's hand slid down to my cheek; the sensation seemed more sensitive. Maybe it was due to my lacking sight.

  "Easy there, Ace. Let's wait till you get your glasses back on and I get you to eat something before I give you the rundown."


  His finger slid against my lower lip; the action enough to silence me.

  He leaned forward; the blurred image of his face coming closer to mine – his soft, moist lips pressed against mine, followed by a calm sensation.

  It was a simple kiss, yet it held much more. I could sense the hesitation and fear.

  "We will explain Scarlet. Just let's get you some food."


  Ethan returned with the brown pair I left in Junho's car before he left again and returned with a platter of food; I fixed my glasses on my face. I wanted to ask questions, but the rich smell of chili stew, bread and crackers was enough to pull my attention away.

  I was forced to eat slowly; Michael kept a watchful eye as I tried not to swallow everything within five seconds.

  Within ten minutes everything was finished; my mouth left the now empty glass of milk. It's been awhile since I've drunk milk.

  The door opened, Jaxson, Junho, and Christian walked in.

  "Glad to see you’re okay now, Scarlet. You scared us." Junho greeted, not hesitating to shove Michael over and sit on the edge of the bed.

  He leaned forward, placing a kiss on my forehead; his hand caressed my left cheek as he pulled back to give me a soft smile.

  "Scared, you? How?" I frowned in confusion.

  I didn't understand why I would have scared them. I looked around the room, realizing I was in Jaxson's room.


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