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Visionary Investigator

Page 34

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Jeffrey, make sure once the torturing segment is over, their blood is drained and that they are still alive during the process.” He continued. I stared at the Owner, wide eyed. He can’t be serious. The Owner pulled at his tie, loosening the collar as he let out a sigh.

  My body wavered, my knees gave way, causing me to drop to the ground. I couldn’t handle this much blood shed.

  “Aww, my Makoto. Don’t cry my little fox.” I heard the squeaky noise of the chair followed by footsteps.

  I continued to sob uncontrollably, as the tears fell on the floor. Within seconds, I was lifted and cradled in his arms. The arms of the man who murdered almost all of my family. I wanted to push away, to refuse such comfort. I didn’t want his pity. But I knew if I acted in such a way, it would only lead to more bloodshed. Enough was enough.

  “Shh, little one. Shh. I know, you should not have witnessed such bloodshed. Raphael should have known what would happen when planning this charade with Lark and the other shifters. There, there. Don’t worry, it’s almost over.” He mocked, rubbing my back gently.

  Almost over. What did he mean by that? I peeked a glance at Lily, her eyes were wide with fear.

  “Come now, Winners.” The Owner announced.

  Still carrying me in his arms, the Owner made his way to the door, Jeffrey opened and held it, allowing us to leave. I lifted my head slightly, watching the others follow right behind. I could practically feel their despair.

  The Owner carried me into a small room while the others remained outside in the corridor. There were three chairs which took up most of the space, a counter full of buttons and a solid glass window, revealing an empty room on the other side. He placed me down in the middle seat, taking his place on my right. A few seconds later, Jeffrey arrived, closing the door behind him, taking his seat on my left.

  “What's going on?” I accidentally asked out loud. The Owner let out a low laugh.

  “Don’t worry my dear little fox. I want to teach you a lesson. I know how intuitive you are. You knew this was going to happen, but you didn’t tell me. I know, I know, you didn’t want to hurt their feelings, right?” He asked, looking down at me with a stern gaze on his face. I nodded quickly.

  “See, you’re such a good girl. You understand me. You know I don’t like doing this. They’re like my children. No Father wants to punish his child. But what have I always told you?” He asked.

  “Do what you’re told and nothing bad will happen to you.” I whispered, lowering my head in shame.

  “Yes! Exactly. I told you to behave while I was gone and look what you all did? Of course, you didn’t participate and thus why you're sitting here next to me and not on that side.” He stated, happily. I lifted my head to see his arm outstretched, pointing to the glass before me.

  I turned my head and gasped. In seconds, I shot up out of my seat, rushing towards the glass. No, no, no, this can’t be happening! I slammed my hands against the glass.

  “LILY!!! LILY!” I heard my voice scream her name over and over, a fresh stream of tears rolled down my cheeks, as I watch the event before me.

  Lily and the others were lined up, chains around their wrists and ankles. They were stripped down to their undergarments. Four guards came into the room, holding a variety of weapons. From an ax to multiple spike balls, the guards neatly placed the weapons on a black table located in the corner of the room. They then stood at attention, their arms straight against their sides, waiting for orders. The Owner ignored my screaming fit, standing up and moving to the intercom; his finger pressed against a red button.

  “Look what we have here. My winners! It saddens me that some of my finest shifters are standing before me. I don’t understand what motivated you to follow through with this act of defiance, but it must be eliminated. I can’t have you tainting pure, innocent minds like Makoto over here.” He stressed, stroking his chin.

  “YOU KILLED MY WIFE!” Raphael screamed, his brown eyes glowing purple. He sneered as his body shook, falling to the ground in agony. The mark upon his chest prevented him – any of them – from acting against the Owner.

  “Tsk tsk, Raphael. You’re still angry about that. I must say, I’m not surprised. Demons do hold grudges. Your wife knew the rules and broke them. She got what she deserved.” He mocked, taking a deep breath before continuing.

  “None of you can defy me. The loyalty marks upon your chests prevent you from doing so. I’ve claimed you! Go ahead and try to fight against me. You’ll merely hurt yourselves. My mark won’t allow you to harm me. Didn’t you all agree to serve me? I took you all from the wretched lives you once lived. Yet, this is how you repay me, your master? With defiance. Such actions truly hurt my heart.” He complained, pressing his hand against his forehead, shaking it side to side. He took a deep breath; his arms spread wide.

  “Now, your reward for winning Hide and Seek. My loyal guards, feel free to do whatever you wish to these fools. Beat them till your hearts content. I don’t care if they are alive or dead. Teach them a lesson so next time, they will think before going against my instructions. I guess that doesn’t really matter now. If they die, they won’t disobey me in the next life!” He laughed as his finger pressed a green button.

  There was a ping noise, signaling the guards to begin. I stood there helplessly, slamming my fist against the glass. I needed to do something, anything. I could feel my angel and demon spirits press against my mind. They wanted to help in some way. I knew I couldn’t shift fully yet, but they could take over and do some damage.

  My demon came forward, taking control. Before, she could even cast a spell, I felt something cold and hard pressed against my head. We froze. My demon moved our head to the left, staring up at a frowning Jeffrey, who was shaking his head in disapproval.

  “Do. Not. Interfere. Demon. You know as well as I, if I wanted to kill your host, I could do it.” He threatened. I heard the click noise and knew he must have taken the safety off the gun he held.

  Guns were his weapon of choice, having witnessed him use the silver weapon to kill off the remaining failed experiments after our trial sessions.

  My demon growled, but retreated, giving me control. I gasped; my body trembled from the exchange. I struggled to keep myself upright as I was assaulted by a wave of dizziness. Exchanging bodies temporarily with your spirit takes a lot of energy, especially for my age. I heard the Owner laugh again.

  “You're so feisty little fox. I love that demon of yours. She is so entertaining. Now, watch my punishment. I think your little friend deserves that much from you, don’t you think?” He declared, putting his legs up on the counter.

  I continued banging on the glass wall over and over, till my little hands began to turn purple. Lily was staring directly at me. Her amber eyes filled with tears as the guard continuously whipped her.

  Within an hour, the four shifters were dead, leaving a bleeding Lily and crippled Raphael. His guard had taken the pleasure of cutting each of Raphael’s limbs, one by one, starting with his toes and working his way up. Being a shifter sometimes meant faster healing, but unless you had an angel spirit, you could not simply grow back your body parts. We weren’t immortal, there were limits.

  I had watched them whip Lily for fifteen minutes straight; her back was shredded before they took the liberty to rape her.

  I was forced to watch every second, my only way of showing my distress was my repetitive trashing against the glass. I had to watch my best friend suffer, because I was in the same predicament as they were. Constrained to this man by a loyalty mark.

  “Why don’t we finish this? I’m simply famished.” The Owner said. I turned my head as he pressed the intercom.

  “Finish them both.” He ordered, before standing and glancing at me.

  “I’ll give you the privilege of watching your friend die. It’s the least you can do to honour her. I know you won’t defy me, Makoto. My cunning, little fox. Such struggles are futile, and you know it. So, sit there and witness the results of disob
eying me. Engrave it within your mind as a permanent reminder. When it’s done, go to your room and sleep. I’ll need you in the morning.”

  With those last words, he walked out of the room; Jeffrey followed his lead. He wasn’t serious.

  A shot rang through the room, causing my body to jolt up. I returned my gaze to see a dead Raphael, blood now flowing freely from his open head.

  Lily was on her knees, her head down. Blood dripped from her wounds. I continued with my helpless assault on the glass.

  “LILY, NOO, I…I can’t lose you! Lily, Lily.” I couldn’t even recognize my frantic voice, its pitch two octaves higher.

  I started hyperventilating as the guard behind her approached the table. I watched him pick up the ax, inspecting it for a moment, before turning around.

  At that moment, time slowed. Lily lifted her head slowly, her now dull amber eyes stared into my blue ones. This would be our last moment together. I watched her slowly smile, revealing her broken, bloody teeth.

  “Makoto…” I could barely hear her through the thick glass, even with my hypersensitive hearing.

  “Lily, no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Don’t leave me! I’ll never be bad again. I’ll follow the rules. I won't pee on your side of the bed or steal your favourite books. Don’t leave me Lily.” I cried out, begging, the tears rolled down my flushed cheeks.

  “Mako…take care of her for me? Can you do that? Don’t die. Survive this…be good without me…Phoenix will protect you, kay?”

  What did she mean Phoenix would protect me? Take care of who?

  “Lily what –” I began, but my words halted in my throat as a sudden wave of heat hit me. Even with a glass separating us, the heat was strong and humid. The guards all pulled back as flames burst out of Lily’s little body. I watched her markings come to life, their vibrant yellow glow appeared on her wounded body as they flared, the flames continuing to rise to the ceiling. Within seconds, a form emerged. I was left speechless as I looked up to see a large phoenix.

  She was beautifully divine. From her majestic flow, to the multiple shades of red, orange and yellow that formed her physical body. I had the opportunity to talk to her twice. She truly loved Lily and was wise, full of knowledge. I realized what Lily had just committed.

  In the shifter world, there were two things that could happen when you received a spirit. You could either accept such a gift given from the Starlight gods, or you could release it.

  Releasing your spirit was the most criminal act you could commit. You would be rejecting the Starlight God’s gift, thus making you unworthy of anyone's kindness.

  The person is either exiled, or in the case I had once witnessed, he was killed after days of torture. The spirit that’s released, returns to Starlight, where the gods will gift the spirit to a new host.

  I couldn’t believe Lily released her phoenix. The phoenix screeched, the sound piercing. I clamped my hands down over my ears to try and dim the sound. I watched the other guards do the same, cringing from the sound and heat. Before I knew it, the guard with the ax was behind Lily; his arm slowly rose, readying himself to perform the final blow.

  Our eyes connected one more time, her previously amber eyes, were now a dull brown. The last, stray tears flowed down her cheeks as her lips formed a small smile.

  “Farewell Makoto…love you.”

  I heard myself scream, as the ax dropped, disconnecting her head from the rest of her small body. My eyes trailed her head as it fell to the ground, rolling in an arch. It bumped into the glass, stopping in front of me. Lily’s dull, lifeless eyes stared straight into mine.

  Everything fell silent, as if my brain suddenly shut off. I stood there, staring at Lily’s head.

  I could remember all the good times we had shared, as well as the bad. I was the trickster, who always went around causing mischief and trouble, but she would always follow, taking the blame. If I broke something, she’d admit to breaking it. If I deserved to be punished, she would take my place and receive it. She was my shield, my strength and protector. She watched over me throughout the day, listened to me in the evenings as I shared my misery and sorrows, and soothed me to sleep when the nightmares consumed me at night. Now, here I was, staring at her lifeless eyes, her soul long gone. My best friend was no more, but a memory.

  I would have to live on without her warm hugs and snuggles, her lively laugh that made my heart blossom with joy and satisfaction. The one person I could always talk to and reveal my insecurities and fears. The girl I valued as a sister, was now one with the stars, but I couldn’t accept such fate.

  Had she known how much I loved her? How vital her existence was in mine? She was my light amongst the darkness, my air to breathe when I felt like I was suffocating. Why hadn’t I volunteered to take her place? To offer myself so she could live. If I did…would she still be here?

  I slammed my hand against the glass.

  “Comeback…” I choked. No answer was given, igniting a wave of anger within me.

  “You can’t leave me. You promised to always be by my side. Why aren’t you here? You lied!” I screamed. The pain was nothing compared to the heartache that consumed me. I screamed and thrashed against the glass, as I continued to sob, uncontrollably.

  “Lily!!! I’m…sorry.” I wailed, sliding to the ground, in defeat.

  I laid there crying my heart out, the pain never ceased. I curled into a ball, shutting the world around me out. Why did the gods take my Lily? Give her back…I beg you. I prayed over and over in my head. I knew such a wish would never become a reality.

  I heard a gentle voice echo in my head; the intrusion prompted me to open my eyes.

  “Fear not child. The gods have spoken. Embrace my power. Consume it, wield it, and mold it to your call. I am yours as you are mine. I will protect or destroy at your will. May the Starlight gods protect Thy child. Give you strength and a better future than my beautiful Lily. In stars, we trust.” The voice proclaimed.

  My eyes grew wide as I looked up at the phoenix, it’s wings spread out wide, rising up to the top of the ceiling. It performed an arch, before diving straight towards the glass – straight for me.

  I felt the impact as the Phoenix charged into me. My body arch up as I tried to scream, yet no sound left me. I was consumed by heat, a burning sensation that made my blood boil. The pain was the worst I had ever experienced, never enduring this with my two residing spirits. I could feel my body seize up as I tried to breathe, gasping for air. I couldn’t handle it anymore.

  To think just a moment ago, my one true friend told me to live and now she was dead. Would I be joining her in the stars?

  With that last thought, I felt my conscious fade; my eyes rolled back as my world plunged into darkness.

  “In stars, we trust.” The last words I heard before my world went black.

  About the Author

  Yumoyori.W.Wilson lives in Toronto, Ontario with her lovely Mother, Queen Loulou. When she’s not working the night shift as a Community Registered Nurse, she’s out relaxing with friends or sipping bubble tea while playing Elsword with her gaming friends.

  She has an obsession with fashion and currently owns 100+ lipsticks, 50 being various shades of nudes though she insists all of them are different in their own way. She enjoys reading during her night shift, immersing herself in reverse harem, paranormal and romance novels to pass the time and prevent herself from falling asleep.

  To connect with Yumoyori online:


  Yumo’s Star Knight Facebook Group:


  Instagram: @yumoyoriauthor

  Books By Yumoyori Wilson

  The Starlight Gods Series:

  Dark Wish

  Tainted Rose

  RYDER (January 26th, 2018)

  Poisonous Dream (February 2018)

  Paranormal INC Series:

  Visionary Investigator (December 8th, 2017)

  Holiday Series:

  Visionary Christmas (November 21st, 2017)

  Starlight Christmas (December 22nd, 2017)

  Visionary New Years (December 29th, 2017)


  Visionary X Starlight- Chapter One (January 12th, 2018)




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