Page 14
Cryptomycota 12, 25, 35
cyanobacteria 65–7
Cyathus striatus 29
cytoskeleton 6
Daldinia concentrica 91–2
dandruff 99
dead man’s fingers (Xylaria polymorpha) 91
death cap (Amanita phalloides) 3, 47, 61, 111
desert truffles (Terfezia, Tirmania) 114
Dipodascus 32
dog lichens (Peltigera) 67
Dolichousnea longissima see Methuselah’s beard lichen
dry rot 93–4
dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) 93–4
Dutch elm disease 69, 74, 77
earth-balls 28
earth-stars 28, 31
electron microscopy 12, 22
endomembrane system 6–7
endophytes 63–4
ergosterol 5, 100
ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea) 64, 110
Escherichia coli 40
Escovopsis 57–8
eukaryotes (defined) 2
evolution 2–5, 12, 52, 58, 91
eyelash cup fungus (Scutellinia scutellata) 33
filamentous fungi 43–51
fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) 43
flagella 4
Fleming, Alexander 119
Florey, Howard 119
fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) 3, 47, 61, 111
fossils 4–5, 30–1, 63
Fries, Elias Magnus 22
fungicides 82–3
Fusarium 37 fujikuroi 81–2
oxysporum 82
venenatum 124
Ganoderma applanatum see artist’s fungus
genetic engineering 15
genomes 38–9, 43, 49, 106
Glomeromycota 25, 34–5, 49–50, 62–3
Glomus 25
Gyromitra esculenta 111
hallucinogens 15, 110–12
Hartig net 60, 61, 63
haustoria 75, 78
hedgehog mushroom (Hydnum repandum) 28
Helianthemum 114
Hemileia vastatrix see coffee rust
heterokaryons 45, 72–3
high-speed video 26–7, 31–2
Histoplasma capsulatum 104
histoplasmosis 103–4
Hofmann, Albert 110
homokaryons 44–5, 73
Hooke, Robert 1–2
Hormoconis resinae 95–6
human microbiome 13, 98–101
Hydnum repandum see hedgehog mushroom
Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (Chalara fraxinea) 78
hyphae 6–7
hyphal growth 6–9
immunology 104–5, 109
indoor fungi 94
Ingold, C. T. 88
Ingoldian fungi 88–9
insects 28, 30, 53–9
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region 23
Laccaria 61
Lactarius see milkcaps
Laetiporus sulphureus see sulphur shelf
lawyer’s wig mushroom 44
leaf-cutter ants see ants
leaf decay 87–9
Lentinula edodoes see shiitake
Leucoagaricus gongylophorus 57
liberty cap (Psilocybe semilanceata) 85
lichens 13, 31, 65–8
life cycles 40–2, 44–6, 50–2, 70–3
lignin decomposition 14, 88, 89–92, 96
Linnaeus, Carolus 2
Magnaporthe grisea 80–1
Malassezia 99, 102
mating types 40–1, 46
matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake) 59
membranes 5–6
Meruliporia incrassata 93–4
metagenomic research 12, 88
Methuselah’s beard lichen (Dolichousnea longissima) 66
Microbotryum violaceum 77
Microsphaera penicillata 80
microsporidia 36
milkcaps (Lactarius) 61
molecular clocks 4
molecular phylogeny 2–3, 23, 30, 35–6, 91
morels 24
Mucor 25, 35, 50, 123
mucormycoses 102
mushrooms cultivation 116–17
development 27–8, 46–8
edible 17, 113–17
fruit body structure 25–6
hallucinogenic (magic mushrooms) 15, 110–12
medicinal 117–18
picking 17, 113–15
poisonous 15, 111–12
mutants 42
mutualisms (mutualistic symbioses) 13, 53–68
mycangia 56
mycelium (mycelia) 9–10
mycology definition 1–2
field mycology 37
history of field 1–2, 12, 17, 22–3, 37, 48–9, 65, 100
mycorrhizas 5, 59–63 arbuscular mycorrhizas 5, 25, 34–5, 62–3
ectomycorrhizas 61–3
orchid mycorrhizas 59–60
mycoses (infections) 35 opportunistic infections 15, 101–6 see also blastomycosis; candidiasis; coccidioidomycosis; cryptococcosis; histoplasmosis; mucormycoses; ringworm
mucormycoses 35
mycotoxins 15, 95
necrotrophs 74–5, 77, 79
needle blights 69, 78
Neocallimastigomycota 25, 35
Neocallimastix 25
Neolentinus lepideus see train wrecker
Neotyphodium 64
Neurospora crassa 33, 44
Olpidium brassicae 18–19, 24, 36, 82
Oomycetes (water moulds) 14, 82
Ophiocordyceps sinensis 115
unilateralis 108
Ophiostoma see Dutch elm disease
Opisthokonta 3–4
osmotrophy 2
oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) 125
palm wines 122
palynology 86
Panaeolus semiovatus 85
parasexual recombination 13
parasite 75
parasitism 53–4, 69–83
Pasteur, Louis 100
pathogen 75
Peltigera see dog lichens
penicillins 119
Penicillium 25, 34, 94–5, 120 camemberti 123
chrysogenum 119
roqueforti 123
perithecia 33, 44
Peziza badia see pig’s ear fungus
Phakopsora pachyrhizi see Asian soybean rust
Phallus impudicus see common stinkhorn
Phanerochaete chrysosporium 90
Phellinis ellipsoideus 91
pheromones 40, 50–1
phyla 24–5
phylogenetic trees 2–3, 23
Phytophthora infestans 14, 82
pig’s ear fungus (Peziza badia) 33
Pilobolus 15–16, 35, 85–6
Piptoporus betulinus see birch polypore
plant pathogens (parasites) 14, 18–19, 69–83 crop losses 14, 69–70, 74
Plasmopara viticola 82
pleomorphism (pleomorphy) 33–4
Pleurotus ostreatus see oyster mushroom
Pneumocystis jiroveci 105–6
porcini (Boletus edulis) 28, 114
potato famine 14
Potter, Beatrix 65
powdery mildews 78–80, 83
Prévost, Bénédict 100
prokaryotes (defined) 2
Pseudogymnoascus destructans 107
Psilocybe 110 semilanceata see liberty cap
psilocybin see hallucinogens
Puccinia 72–4 graminis see black stem rust
monoica 72
striiformis see stripe rust
puffballs 28–9
Quorn 124
Remak, Robert 100
Rhizocarpon geographicum see yellow map lichen
rhizomorphs 92
Rhizophagus irregularis 49–50
Rhizopus 25, 50, 123 stolonifer 95r />
rice blast disease 80–1
ringworm 99–101, 106
Rozella 25
Russula 57, 61
rusts 31, 49, 70–6
Saccharomyces cerevisiae see baker’s yeast
saprotrophs 84–97
scale insects 53–5, 57
Schizosaccharomyces pombe see fission yeast
Schwendener, Simon 65
Scutellinia scutellata see eyelash cup fungus
septa 10
Serpula lacrymans see dry rot fungus
sexual reproduction 13, 33, 35
shaggy mane or lawyer’s wig mushroom (Coprinus comatus) 44
shiitake (Lentinula edodes) 90, 116–17
silver ear (Tremella fuciformis) 117
smuts 31, 76–7, 100
species defining 36
numbers 36
spermatia 72–3
Sphaerobolus stellatus see artillery fungus
Spirodactylon aureum 19–21, 24, 25, 35, 51
Spitzenkörper 8–9
spores discharge mechanisms 15–16, 21, 25–30, 31–2, 48, 79, 85
insect dispersal 28, 30
numbers 2, 26–7, 29, 90–1
splash discharge 29–30see also aeciospores; ascospores; basidiospores; conidia; teliospores; urediniospores; zoospores; zygospores
Sporisorium scitamineum see sugar cane smut
Sporormiella 86
Stachybotrys chartarum 109
Staphylococus aureus 119
Sterbeeck, Franciscus van 22
stinkhorns 30
stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) 70–1
sugar cane smut (Sporisorium scitamineum) 76
sulphur shelf (Laetiporus sulphureus) 92
symbiosis (defined) 53–4
systematics 22–4, 33–7
Taphrina deformans 32
taxonomy 22–4, 33–7
teliospores 71, 73
tempe 123
Terfezia see desert truffles
terminology 24–5
termites 12, 58–9, 67
Termitomyces 58 titanicus 58
tetrad analysis 42–3
Tilletia caries 100
Tirmania see desert truffles
Tolypocladium inflatum 119
train wrecker (Neolentinus lepideus) 96
Trametes versicolor see turkey tail
Tremella fuciformis see silver ear
Trichoderma reesei 120
Tricholoma matsutake see matsutake
Trichophyton 99
truffles 24, 25, 38–9, 40, 49, 114
Tuber magnatum see white truffle
melanosporum see black truffles
Tulasne, Charles and Louis-René 79–80
turgor pressure 6–8, 80, 101
turkey tail (Trametes versicolor) 90, 118
two-hybrid screening 43
Uncinula necator 82
urediniospores 70–1, 73–4
Ustilago maydis see corn smut
Wakefield, Elsie 48
water moulds see Oomycetes
webcaps (Cortinarius) 61, 111
wet rot 94
white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) 39, 116–17
white nose disease 107
white rot 90–1, 97
white truffle (Tuber magnatum) 114
winemaking 121–2
wood decomposition 14, 89–94
wood ear (Auricularia auricula) 117
woodwasps 56–7
Xylaria polymorpha see dead man’s fingers
yeasts 11, 32–3, 39–43 fermentation 11see also baker’s yeast; Candida albicans; fission yeast
yellow map lichen (Rhizocarpon geographicum) 66
zoospores 4, 18–19, 51
Zygomycota (zygomycetes) 25, 35, 50–1, 95
zygospores 50–1
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