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Page 8

by Joanna Wylde

  “I’m sorry about that,” he said, rubbing his fingers against her scalp absently. “I haven’t come in my pants since I was 13 years old. I don’t know what came over me. Next time it will be better.”

  “It’s fine,” Calla said softly. “We’ve got plenty of time, remember? Just a few minutes ago you asked me what we should be doing with all that time.” She dropped one hand to his penis, which still bulged noticeably. Rubbing it softly, she felt it harden. She watched Seth shift, allowing her more access.

  After a second, he said, “Let’s go down where there’s more room. I think we need to finish this.”

  Rising to her feet, Calla picked up her clothing and started to put it on.

  “Don’t worry about that,” he said quietly. His voice was low and smooth, dancing across her spine. Calla shivered in anticipation. He may have reached satisfaction, but she was still restless with arousal. The molten look in his dark eyes promised she would have her own release before long.

  Dressed only in the black silk, she made her way down the ladder. Seth followed her, and they walked slowly across to the sleeping chamber. Once inside, Calla turned to him for direction, uncertain what he expected from her.

  He stood there, gazing up at her for several seconds. It was nerve-wracking. Finally he spoke. “This time is for you, Devora,” he said. “We’ll go slow, because I want to give you as much pleasure as you just gave me.”

  The thought of him giving her pleasure was delicious. Calla smiled at him tentatively, waiting.

  Seth walked up to her and reached both arms around her. Pulling her into the circle of his embrace, he dropped his head and gave her a soft, slow kiss. His lips felt like little butterflies dancing over hers, gentle and light. She leaned into him, looking to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back. “Slow…” he reminded her. “Let’s make it last this time.” Dropping his head again, he gave her another long kiss, then moved his lips across her cheek to her ear. He could tell that the little nibbles that followed tickled as he felt her giggle. Sensing a vulnerability, he quickly moved his fingers against her sides, and she squirmed, laughing.

  “Ticklish, are we?” he asked, burrowing his mouth against her neck. “I’ll have to remember that.” His hands stilled as he started kissing her again. First her neck, then down to her shoulder, dropping small caresses along her shoulder. His hot breath against her skin made her shiver, and he gave a quiet chuckle of pleasure at her response to his touch.

  Calla’s breath quickened as he continued his slow journey downwards. His mouth reached her breast, and then he started suckling her nipple through the silk. Tendrils of sensation ran through her, and she felt a tightening between her legs. Shifting herself restlessly, she pressed against his mouth.

  Seth moved his tongue to the other breast, laving it for nearly a minute before working down toward her belly. Somewhere along the way he had dropped to his knees, although both arms were still wrapped around her waist, loosely holding her prisoner.

  The feel of his lips against her belly button caused her to stiffen, as he lightly flicked his tongue into it. The sensation made her laugh, and she twisted against him, trying half-heartedly to get away. He grinned up at her, and she was struck by how boyish he appeared. She had never seen him look anything but harsh, or angry. Now it was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders; his mood was lighter, more playful. She liked this new version of Seth. Unable to help herself, she dropped a quick kiss on his nose. It startled him, but she could tell he liked it.

  Seth gave her a funny little smile, then started working down her stomach again.

  As he approached the cleft of her legs, Calla felt her knees growing unsteady. He’d never touched her like this; she liked it, but it also made her feel tense and restless. The feeling grew as his tongue found her clit, lapping at the small nub through the black fabric. Calla twisted against him as the feeling grew. She could feel herself becoming wetter in anticipation. He was torturing her—she needed more. Moaning pleadingly, she reached into his thick hair with both hands, trying to drag his head back up. Either that, or make his tongue move faster…

  Seth resisted her touch, continuing his slow stimulation of her most sensitive spot.

  The pressure rose in her, and she shifted from foot to foot, holding on to Seth tightly for balance. “Oh, that’s too much,” she gasped out faintly. “Seth, I can’t take this anymore. I need you now.”

  His only answer was to quicken his pace. Both of his hands dropped from her waist, pulling her more firmly against him as his palms rested on the smooth curves of her bottom. His tongue delved deeply into her folds, the soft silk of her undergarment easily conforming to his motions.

  Calla’s legs sagged slightly, and she was leaning heavily on his shoulders for support. It had to be uncomfortable for him but he never paused in his attack on her clit.

  The pressure was building. Waves of need and lust coursed through her, and she bit her lip to keep from screaming at him to do something to make it end. She was going to explode from the pressure. Each time her orgasm almost hit, his tongue would slow ever so slightly until she started panting heavily. Eventually, he seemed to decide she’d had enough, and started moving his tongue more quickly. Alternating between suction and motion, he all but commanded her to come under the caress of his tongue and lips. Just when she thought she would die from need, pleasure rushed through her and she stiffened in the throes of her climax. Her body seemed to dissolve, and the room darkened around the corners of her vision.

  She came back to reality to find herself sagging in Seth’s arms. He was standing again, supporting her weight easily. His look was one of smug satisfaction, although she could tell from the bulge of his erection against her stomach that he was painfully aroused.

  “That was fantastic,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around him. His body, solid and warm, seemed to stabilize her. After a second, she rubbed experimentally against his hips. He responded in kind.

  “Shall we move to the bed?” he asked after a moment’s silence. “We still haven’t done this the traditional way, you know.”

  Calla laughed at the strained tone in his voice.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” she said, gazing up at him with joy. They exchanged another long kiss.

  “Devora, you’re so beautiful,” he said, eyes tracing the contours of her face.

  “So are you,” she answered, holding out both arms. He laughed at her response, then caught her up in his arms and carried her over to his bed. Cradled against his body, Calla wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. When he tried to lay her down on the bed, she refused to let him go, preferring to pull him down on top of her. With a smile, he complied, sprawling across her small form before taking her mouth in a series of kisses that drove everything else from her mind.

  His mouth was powerful, his tongue thrusting intimately into the recesses of her mouth possessively. He was careful to balance the bulk of his weight on his arms, yet his sheer size pinned her down into the bed.

  She realized at that moment that she was completely in Seth’s power, yet she wasn’t afraid. He had been angry and frustrated earlier, but even then he hadn’t taken it out on her. Being with him was a beautiful, wonderful thing, she thought. She wouldn’t have him forever, but he was hers, right this minute. The sensation was heady and beautiful. This magnificent man—hers, however temporarily—was on top of her, and he wanted her body.

  She could feel his aroused length pulsing with need as Seth shifted against her, pressing his hips against hers. An answering, agonizing twinge leapt through her as he pushed her legs apart with one knee, settling himself between them. They kissed deep, and Calla arched her body against his, grinding her aching cunt against his hard cock.

  “We have on too many clothes,” Seth gasped out, wrenching his mouth away from hers. “I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  Together they stood, each ripping their clothes off as quickly as possible. Even those few seconds apar
t from Seth’s body were too much for Calla. As soon as he was nude, she threw herself at him, knocking him back on the bed. He landed with a grunt, and for one second she thought she’d hurt him. Then he gave a growl of hunger, and rolled her beneath him so quickly it took her breath away.

  Within seconds he was poised at her hot entrance, and she squirmed against him, ready for penetration. Then he paused, staring down in to her face. He heard her moan in protest, but he refused to move. The effort cost him greatly, the muscle in his jaw twitched with strain, but he didn’t move. Finally, he spoke.

  “Devora, I want to see the look on your face as you come,” he whispered harshly. “I want you to forget all your other clients, every other man in your life, and think only of me. You’re mine, and at this moment I want to be in you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life. Do you want me?”

  “Yes,” Devora gasped. “Please, come into me. I want you, Seth, I need you right now.”

  With a cry of triumph, Seth surged into her, slamming his entire length into her waiting channel.

  The movement was so hard it felt as if he might come right up through her throat. Calla screamed as sensation surged through her, orgasming wildly around him. Her legs gripped his waist with all her strength, and she held tightly to his massive frame as he pounded into her.

  Seth’s movements gained speed as he approached his own pleasure. He captured her mouth with his, plundering her depths with his tongue even as he thrust, as he forced her to feel another orgasm building. He shifted his weight slightly, allowing his penis to scrape along her clit more fully each time he came into her. He could feel her entire body jerk in response.

  The sensation was unbearable. For one horrible minute she thought she’d die from the pressure. Then she exploded again, and he came with her. Locked together in each other’s arms, they shared their pleasure, hearts pounding.

  After several minutes, Seth rolled to his back, carrying her with him. They were still joined, although he had softened somewhat. With a sigh, she nestled her head against his neck. One of his hands cradled her, fingers running through her hair, and Calla slept.

  Twice more in the night he awakened her, each time already hard within her channel. Barely moving, they made love sleepily. By the second time, neither of them came. Instead, they cuddled together while joined at the sex, and kissed languidly.

  The sensation of his hands massaging her back gently eventually lulled Calla back to sleep, where she dreamt of being safe and warm for the first time in her life.

  * * * * *

  Seth awoke well-rested.

  A movement against his side startled him, and for a moment he tensed, automatically preparing himself for battle. Then memory came back. Devora was with him in bed, the woman he’d hired to travel with him. A brief flash of anger threatened his composure as he wondered how many other men she’d traveled with, but he tamped it back down. It wasn’t as if she’d lied to him about her profession, and he certainly hadn’t come into their contract a virgin. He needed to focus on enjoying her, he told himself firmly.

  And he was enjoying her. She was nestled trustingly into the crook of his arm, exhausted from their workout. Seth smiled at the memory—by their final encounter both had been too exhausted to orgasm, something he’d never experienced before. Instead he’d simply held her in his arms for hours, content to luxuriate in the bond that seemed to be between them. She felt so right in his arms…

  That bond puzzled Seth, though. He’d never felt as close to a woman as Devora. He’d certainly never had such amazing sex, but it was more than that. With a sense of disbelief, he acknowledged to himself that she seemed to fill the hunger within him that was always present; the same hunger that had driven him from his Saurellian homeworld.

  Like every young man of his people, he’d searched for his life mate back home. Once it became clear he wasn’t one of the lucky few to have one, he’d left. It was too painful to watch other men with their women, their families. He hadn’t even been able to stand his own brother’s company, although he enjoyed the pictures the family sent him. Nothing had been able to touch the ache inside of him until Devora, he realized. For one second his heart leapt in hope—could she be his lifemate? Was she actually Saurellian?

  Seth turned her head to his, studying her features carefully. His heart fell, and a small, mocking part of his brain chided him for his foolishness. Devora couldn’t be Saurellian. No Saurellian woman had ever been as short as she was, let alone freckled with brown hair. The women of his race were tall, with translucent skin and dark hair. They bred true, generation after generation, sharing common features and an uncanny ability to communicate with the Goddess. Legend held that they had been created in Her form to serve as Her priestesses.

  No, he thought sadly, his relationship with little Devora couldn’t last. The troubling image of the slave, Calla, rose again in his head. She had made him feel this way, too. When he’d heard that her tracer had been found in the recycling pit, he’d felt a sadness that went beyond compassion for the death of a young woman. Two women had touched him within a span of weeks. Perhaps he was losing his mind, he mused.

  Devora snuggled more closely against him, snuffling softly in her sleep and interrupting his thoughts. He loved the feeling of her lying there, he realized. It felt right to hold her in his arms—almost as if he was complete. She assuaged his gnawing, restless hunger.

  Devora opened her eyes, lifting her head to gaze at him. Giving him a sleepy smile, she said, “Hmmmm… maybe you could set the autopilot so the trip takes more than three days? I think I could get used to this.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he said, chuckling at her. Her brown hair hung around her face in un-kept curls. Her almond-shaped eyes laughed back at him, and on an impulse he pulled her up onto his chest for a kiss. Their lips met for a long moment, and then she started rubbing herself sensuously against his morning erection. It was enough to make him gasp.

  Allowing her knees to drop to either side of him, Calla reached down with one hand to guide his penis to her opening, sliding slowly down on him.

  They kissed again, and his hands rose to her hips to guide her motions. The warm, slippery feel of her cunt enveloping his cock made him groan with pleasure. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I’ll definitely have to reprogram our course,” he said, grunting in time with her movements. “I think we should try to focus on doing this for a while. The miners can wait.”

  Part II: The Rock

  Four Months Later

  Chapter Six

  There were butterflies all around her.

  Calla lay in a field of green grass, warm and content. The sky above her was filled with bright, yellow sunlight, and in the distance she could hear the tinkling of a stream. Birds were singing and the butterflies seemed to dance in time to their song. Then birdsong gave way to the soft hum of the ship. Something delicate touched her—a butterfly? No, a finger traced her spine sensuously, and a voice spoke in her ear…

  “Wake up, sleepy,” the voice said. It was Seth whispering to her, his voice cool and dark. Calla stretched, enjoying the feel of his fingers running across her body. “Wake up, Devora. We’ll be arriving soon.”

  Realizing the field was only a dream, Calla opened her eyes reluctantly. Seth was right, it was time to wake up. But her dream had been so pleasant—were planets really as beautiful as she imagined? Perhaps she would find out some day, she thought with a smile.

  “What are you smiling about?” Seth asked huskily. He was lying beside her, running his hand up and down her back.

  “I was having a lovely dream,” Calla whispered, turning her face toward his.

  “Mmmmm?” Seth replied, dropping little kisses along her shoulder.

  “I was in a field, on a planet, and there were birds and butterflies all around,” she explained. “In fact, when you first touched me, I thought you were a butterfly.”

  Seth gave her an indignant look.

I was a butterfly?” he asked. “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, but you were,” Calla replied, grinning at him wickedly. “Your fingers felt just like butterflies. Or at least they felt like I imagine butterflies would feel. I don’t know that I’ve ever actually seen one in real life.”

  “I have,” Seth said with amusement. “And I assure you, nothing about me could ever be mistaken for a butterfly. They’re small, weak things. If you even touch their wings, they can’t fly any more. I’d say you’re more like a butterfly than I am,” he added thoughtfully, eyeing her delicate bone structure in the cabin’s dim light.

  “Oh, really?” Calla replied with spirit. “I think you might be surprised by how strong I can be.”

  “I doubt it,” Seth said, a grin playing around the corners of his mouth.

  “Is that a challenge?” Calla asked.

  “Maybe,” Seth replied. “What are you suggesting?”

  “Well, perhaps we should have a contest,” she said. “A contest of strength and weakness…Winner takes all!”

  Seth looked at her askance.

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” he asked. “I hate to sound too confident, but I’m pretty sure I can beat you in a contest of strength.”

  “Not that kind of strength,” Calla replied smartly. “I was thinking more about strength of will.”

  Seth cocked an eyebrow at her questioningly.

  “And just how do you propose this contest of wills should take place?”

  “Well,” Calla said with a giggle. “I was thinking that maybe we could take turns tempting each other. Whoever gives in to temptation first wins.”

  “And you think you’ll win this little game of temptation?” Seth asked, laughing back at her. “I’ll have you know I’m a Saurellian warrior, not some sex-starved boy. You’ll be begging me for release by the time I’m done.”


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