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Page 21

by Joanna Wylde

  “I don’t know whether to believe you or not,” Seth said finally. He sat up and swung his legs down off the bed.

  Calla sank to the floor, trying not to look too closely at him. It was too hard to be in the same room as him, feeling his hatred. He remained silent for several minutes, contemplating her as she sat. Then she grew angry. Who was he to judge her?

  “Why should you care whether or not I’m telling the truth, now or then?” she finally asked. “All we had was a contract. I provided you with sex, you provided me with money. I know it didn’t work out quite right and that I still owe you, but in the long run why should you care, as long as I repay you? It’s not like we could ever have had anything more together. You must have told me a hundred times that a Saurellian could never stay with a non-Saurellian woman.”

  “Maybe I was trying to convince myself of that,” Seth said finally. “But it didn’t feel that way. I wanted to stay with you.”

  Calla stared at him, unsure of what to say. Part of her thrilled to his statement, but another part wondered if it was just some vengeful game he was playing.

  “Well, you never told me that,” she said finally. “How was I supposed to know? If I’d told you the truth, I would have been totally in your power. I’ve seen what men can do to women. And I noticed you didn’t do a damn thing to help Sarai or her children. Why should I believe anything you say?”

  “I needed to get information from Calvin,” Seth said after a long pause. “I wasn’t going to let him seriously harm Sarai, and I was going to help her escape from him.”

  “After you’d gotten what you needed from Calvin, right?” Calla said skeptically. “And just when, exactly, was that magic moment going to arrive? Did you see the bruises on her face? I don’t know how you could have missed them.”

  “I saw them,” he replied. “I’m sorry to have to say this, but the information was more important. I needed to know if the Pilgrims were a threat to the occupation.”

  “Well, it looked to me like the Pilgrims were all dead,” Calla muttered. “Sarai and her children were still alive, but at the rate Calvin was going they wouldn’t have been for long. I don’t regret what I did.”

  “The Pilgrims weren’t all dead,” Seth said, eyes glittering with anger. “They arrived not too long after you left, actually. Bragan and I had to hide out in the mines to survive. Oh, he’s dead by the way. He died saving my life, no thanks to you.

  “And this may interest you, too,” he said, growing harsher. “They also attacked Discovery station. More than a hundred people died in that attack alone. It might have been prevented if I had been able to get more information back to the Saurellian council in time. It took us six months to regain control of the system. In fact, they’re still out there, just waiting for us to show a weakness. Then they’ll attack again.”

  Calla’s face turned pale in shock.

  “W-was anyone from the pleasure house injured, or the hostel?” she whispered, thinking of her friends.

  “Not that I know of,” Seth said, sighing heavily. His anger seemed to evaporate in the face of her distress. “Most of those killed were Pilgrims.”

  “What about Mistress Jenner,” Calla said. “Was she part of it? She’s a Pilgrim.”

  “I don’t know what happened to her,” he replied. “I heard she disappeared shortly after the attack. They were coming to arrest her.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t know.”

  “Well, I did,” Seth said. “All you had to do was trust me.”

  “And all you had to do was trust me,” she whispered back. “So, now what? Do you want your money back? We can sell the hostel. Or are you going to turn me in as a runaway slave?”

  “Come here,” Seth said, patting the bed next to him. “What I really want to do is touch you again.”

  Calla gave a brittle laugh. “Well, sex is certainly one thing we’ve always been good at. But forgive me if I say I’m not in the mood. I’m a little preoccupied with what you plan to do. How did you find me, anyway?”

  Seth decided to ignore her little bit of rebellion. “It wasn’t hard,” Seth said. “The only time we had any trouble at all was with your friends at the hostel on Calindra Station. They managed to throw us off the trail, at least for a while. But you and Sarai were pretty noticeable no matter where you traveled. I guess people took note when neither of you understood how to do simple things, like catch a flight or use a credit transfer chit.”

  He was right, Calla thought with disgust. They’d had to ask for directions and help no matter where they went. Neither had traveled before, never mind selling a space craft. It had been naive to think they hadn’t left a trail a quadrant wide.

  “So, you didn’t answer my question,” she said. “What are you going to do? Whatever it is, I hope you’ll let Sarai and the children go. She was only trying to protect herself and the kids. The whole thing was my idea.”

  “No, as far as I can tell, the whole thing was Bragan’s idea,” Seth said with a harsh laugh. “He and I had plenty of opportunities to discuss your actions while we were hiding out together. And as for Sarai, I don’t blame her for what she did. I can understand it.”

  Then why can’t you understand why I did what I did? Calla felt like asking, but she didn’t want to push him.

  “Come here,” Seth said again. His voice was smooth and persuasive. She wanted to sink into his arms, have him hold her. Realizing she had nothing to lose, she stood and made her way over to the bed. If she was headed back to slavery, at least she would feel his arms around her one more time.

  Seth pulled her down on top of him as he stretched back on the bed, reaching both hands up to cup her face. She could barely see him in the moonlight, but she could feel the tense urgency in his body. He was rock-hard against her, and she felt an answering rush of sensation course through her own body.

  “I was so angry with you,” Seth said quietly. “I told myself that if I ever saw you again I’d strangle you. But now that I’m here, now that I can feel you, all I want to do is be with you. Do you know what that means for a man of my culture? To only want to be with one woman?”

  Calla shook her head. She had no idea, but she understood how he felt. Just touching him was enough to bring her to life again. This time there were no lies between them, and whatever the morning held was no longer important. She dropped her lips against his, pressing little kisses against his mouth. He kissed her back hungrily, then broke off the kiss.

  “Usually, when a man and woman in Saurellia feel this way about each other, it’s because they’re life mates,” he said.

  “What are you saying?” she whispered. Horror filled her; he had come to get his revenge. Nothing else could explain such cruel teasing.

  “Not long ago, our priestesses confirmed that at least one Saurellian has found his life-mate outside of Saurellia,” Seth said. “She was the daughter of slaves. Imperial slaves.”

  Tears welled up in Calla’s eyes. “Please tell me this isn’t some kind of joke. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “It’s not a joke,” Seth said. He lifted his head to kiss her lightly. “You’re my life mate. I knew it before, but I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it. But now I know. The Goddess created us for each other.”

  “So what does that mean? What do we do now?”

  “I would like it if you’d come back with me to Saurellia,” Seth said. “Once we have a child, we can be officially bonded at the temple. That’s what any other Saurellian couple would do.”

  “But we’re not just any other couple,” Calla said after a brief pause. Seth’s body tensed under hers. “We’ve both lied to each other, and we’ve both hurt each other.”

  “I guess we’d have to learn to trust each other,” he replied slowly. “I’m willing to try if you are.”

  “Do I have a choice?” Calla asked, gazing deeply into his eyes. “It seems like I’ve never had a choice before. Do I have one now, or are you simply
going to take me with you whether I want to go or not?”

  Seth’s jaw clenched. He hadn’t considered that she might not want to go with him.

  “I can offer you a great deal,” he finally said slowly. “My family is one of the foremost in Saurellian society, and we would have our own estate. You would always be well cared for; our children would have every opportunity to succeed in life. It’s more than you’ll ever get here.”

  “But do I have a choice?” Calla asked again.

  “Yes,” Seth said tightly. He stared up at her, begging her with his eyes to come with him. If she said no, he was lost.

  “Seth, I love you,” she said quietly. “But I don’t want to go with you unless you feel you could love me, too. I’d rather stay here than live with someone who hates me, despite whatever quirk of the Goddess has made us biologically compatible. Can you understand that?”

  Seth blinked up at her in confusion. What kind of question was that? She’d felt his response to her a thousand times. What more did she need?

  “Of course I love you,” he said after a second’s hesitation. “Why else would I have let you go as long as I did? I would have hunted down anyone else who did what you did and punished them. I would never have let you get away. I only came for you when I realized I had something to offer you.”

  “Are you serious?” Calla whispered, still unable to fully believe him. It was too much like a dream, and a part of her expected to wake at any minute.

  “Goddess, what do I have to do to convince you?” he muttered. “I’ve traveled across the quadrant for you. I’ve spent three times what the ship was worth to find you. I haven’t been able to think of anyone but you since we parted. What will it take?”

  Calla opened her mouth to reply, but before she could say anything he crushed her mouth against his. His kiss was hard and harsh, completely different from those light kisses he’d given her just moments earlier. Then he released her mouth, rolling her under him in one smooth motion. His knees thrust between her legs, and he ground his aroused flesh against her desperately. He had to show her, he had to prove himself. If she refused to come with him, he wouldn’t want to live.

  Calla tried to speak again, but once more he crushed her mouth against his even as he reached down with one arm to pull up her shift above her breasts, revealing all that he had been denied for so many months. Unable to speak, she threw her arms around his neck, then brought her legs up to clasp his body. His rock-hard cock pushed against her moist opening, and she gasped under his movements. Then he released her mouth and dropped his head against her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry,” he said in a rasping voice. “It’s just been so long since I’ve felt you against me. I need you.”

  “I need you, too,” she whispered. He looked at her, hope in his eyes.

  “Then you’ll come with me to Saurellia?”

  “Yes,” Calla whispered. “I would be honored to come with you.”

  “I promise, I’ll never mislead you again,” he said, dropping hot kisses across her face. He brushed against her eyelids, then down to her lips again. They kissed for several more minutes, then paused for breath.

  “And I promise I’ll never lie to you again, either,” she said.

  “I’ll always take care of you, you never need to be afraid again,” he replied touching her face in wonder. “You’re so beautiful, Calla.”

  “I’ll always take care of you, too,” she replied. A smirk came over her face. “It seems like you have a pressing problem that needs urgent care right now.” She moved against him suggestively.

  Seth groaned at the sensation, his hips moving involuntarily in response. “What do you suggest?” he asked.

  “I suggest you take off your clothes, then come show me what it means to have a Saurellian life-mate.”

  “I’m happy to oblige,” he said, kissing her again deeply. He pushed himself up off the bed, standing quickly and stripping off his clothing. Then he reached down and pulled her shift over her head, letting it drop to the floor. She lay before him, open and trusting in the darkness. In what little moonlight there was, he could see her breasts rising and falling in time with her breath. She was just as aroused as he was, he noted with satisfaction.

  He lowered himself to the bed between her splayed knees. He dropped his mouth to her breasts, but she thrust one hand into his hair and pulled his face to hers.

  “I’m way past needing that,” she said thickly. “I want you in me, now.”

  “Oh, giving orders now, are we?” he asked archly. “I think that you need to learn a little patience. After all, I’ve been waiting for this very patiently for months.”

  “And I haven’t been?” Calla whimpered. “Seth, I need you.”

  But he merely smiled, then dropped his head to her breasts. He laved her nipple slowly, circling the pink nub with the tip of his tongue. Her stomach clenched in tension, and she gasped. Seth lifted his head and gave her a slow smile.

  “I take it you like that?” he said. “How about this? Do you like this?”

  He slid lower on the bed, dropping small kisses across her stomach as he moved toward her waiting clit. After what seemed an eternity, he reached the small nub that was the center of her pleasure. Using both his thumbs, he held her exposed to his view, then blew softly on the sensitive flesh. Calla rolled her head back and forth, then lifted her hips toward him, begging for more.

  Seth chuckled, then allowed his tongue to graze her flesh. Calla stiffened, pleading with him wordlessly for more. Lowering his head, Seth allowed his tongue to play with her clit, flicking it sensuously. She pressed up against him once more, and with a sigh he sucked her into his mouth.

  She gasped. “Oh Goddess, don’t stop,” Calla said, twisting against him. Waves of desire built in her, and she strained to achieve that pinnacle of pleasure she knew was waiting for her.

  Seth laughed again, and the vibrations from his laughter stimulated her almost beyond endurance. Then he leaned back abruptly.

  “I don’t want to make this too easy for you,” he said. “I think you need to earn your pleasure. Make it worth my while to finish things.”

  Leaning up on her elbows, Calla stared at him blankly.

  “What do you want?” she finally said, her voice husky with desire. “I’ll do anything for you. Anything.”

  Her words sent a twist of agonized longing through his groin. She was so beautiful, lying there with her legs splayed wide open and her eyes glazed with lust. She was fully his, he realized. This was his life mate, right in front of him, and she wanted to bring him pleasure. It was more wonderful that anything he could have imagined.

  “I’ll let you decide,” he said finally. “You do whatever you feel you need to do. I’ll trust you to be fair,” he added with a smile.

  “I’m honored that you would trust me,” she whispered. “I won’t betray that trust, now or ever. Now come up here.”

  She gestured imperiously to the bed, and he bounded up beside her. Pushing him back against the covers with one hand on his chest, Calla knelt between his legs.

  “I think you need a taste of your own medicine,” she said, looking up at him slyly. Then she allowed her head to drop slowly toward his jutting cock. It pulsed in anticipation, and Seth let out of a low groan. When she was just an inch from the head, she stopped moving. Then she slowly flicked out her tongue, allowing the tip to swirl lightly around the swollen helmet.

  Seth gasped, then reached his hand toward her head. She looked up at him, abandoning his hard length to glare at him warningly. He dropped the hand to his side and let his head fall back with a sigh.

  “That’s better,” she whispered. Reaching out with her tongue, she found the small groove on the underside of his penis, exploring it for several seconds. Seth gasped, then thrust his hips up at her.

  “Take all of me,” he gasped. Calla laughed huskily, then allowed her mouth to encase his length. Massaging the base of his cock with one hand, she bobbed her head quickly up an
d down on him, sucking steadily to give him as much pleasure as she could. She could feel him tensing beneath her, and realized he was close to coming. Then he gave a stifled moan, grasped her arms and dragged her up his body.

  “Cover me,” he said, looking in her eyes fiercely, then he slanted his mouth across hers in a powerful kiss. She pressed down against him, teasing his cock with her hot, wet lips. He felt so good, and as she slid down his length she felt tears build in her eyes. Then, fully impaled, she rocked vigorously against him, still locked in his embrace as he kissed her. His cock thrust high and hard, right to her womb. It was too much to bear. With a cry, orgasm washed over her.

  “I love you,” she moaned as she spasmed against him.

  “I love you, too,” he grunted, thrusting as hard as he could. She was going wild on top of him, and it was all he could do not to come on the spot.

  “Seth, there’s something I should tell you,” she gasped.


  “My birth control implant is expired,” she said.

  An image of her stomach swelling with their child washed over him, and it was too much. He came in a burst, collapsing under her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I guess it’s been a little too long.”

  “I don’t think that will be a problem,” she said, flexing her muscles around his length. He hardened instantly, then moved against her experimentally.

  “No, I guess it won’t be,” he replied with an answering smile, then he rolled both of them over, so she was lying under him. He gave an experimental thrust, his sex still fully erect within her.

  “Oh, that feels good,” she whispered. She raised her legs around his waist, cradling him with her body.

  Taking the hint, he started moving rhythmically within her. With each thrust, his length scraped along her engorged clit. She was so stimulated by the exquisite sensation that she felt as if she might explode. Then another orgasm hit her, and her body arched beneath his.

  Seth laughed triumphantly as she came, then thrust against her even harder. He knew he wouldn’t be able to last too much longer. The feeling of her muscles locking up around him as she took her pleasure was beyond anything he’d ever felt. If he could just get her to come one more time before he exploded…


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