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Page 45

by Joanna Wylde

  The light stopped flashing, and silence filled the room. For a moment, Bethany couldn’t help but wonder if the entire thing had been some sort of surreal dream.

  “That’s strange,” Jess said. “There must be something more than an accident going on. Something suspicious, but less than a full attack. Let’s turn on the news channel. Computer, please turn on vid screen.”

  The screen embedded in the wall across the room flickered to life, and sound filled the room. A woman with a calm face and perfectly coifed hair smiled out at them from the screen.

  “The station commander assures us that the attack was insignificant, and was not orchestrated by Imperial forces,” she said. “According to station sources, the hull breach was sealed quickly according to emergency protocol. The effected areas have been evacuated, and repair crews are already moving into place. We do not yet have an estimation of the damages or an anticipated time of repair. There is also no estimate of casualties, although the affected area was not heavily populated. “

  She stopped speaking for a moment and cocked her head.

  “This just in,” she continued. “Station Command has just informed us that ore processing plant number 15, located in the third sector, has been destroyed. The ore processing plant is one of the smaller plants servicing Discovery Station and was unmanned. Command informs us that they suspect sabotage, although they have not clarified whether they believe it to be sabotage from within the station, or if the saboteurs are at large within the system.”

  “It takes a lot of firepower to destroy an ore processing plant,” Jess remarked coolly. “This could make things more difficult. They’re going to be looking very closely at everyone who goes in and out of this station. We may have to lay low for a while.”

  “What about Bragan?” she asked softly. “He’s waiting for us.”

  “Well, he’ll just have to wait another week,” Jess replied. “It won’t do him any good if we’re arrested and never make it back to him.”

  “And the doctor?” she asked. “Do you think he’ll still be willing to go after an attack like this? We can’t rescue Bragan without him.”

  “I never asked the doctor if he was willing to go with us,” Jess said.

  “You’re planning to kidnap the doctor?” she asked. “That’s crazy!”

  “No more crazy than planning a revolt on a mining colony,” he replied. “I won’t hurt him, and he’ll be paid for his time. It’s a better deal than Bragan ever got. Any of the slaves, for that matter.”

  She stayed silent, unsure of how to respond. On the one hand he was right, but on the other… It was just one more crime. How many crimes would they have to commit before they were free? She didn’t like thinking about it.

  She pulled away from him, laying back down onto the bed and trying to think. The vid screen still flickered in the darkness, but he had turned down the volume. She closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep. Sleeping would be so much better than having to think at this point.

  Jess lay down beside her, wrapping one arm around her possessively. For one moment she thought he wanted to have sex but he simply held her. Perhaps he needed comforting, she thought. She certainly did. She snuggled back into his arms, grateful for the warmth. She would worry about everything else tomorrow.

  * * * * *

  Jess lay awake in the darkness, holding Bethany and thinking. He could tell when she finally dropped off to sleep; her breathing grew slow and steady. The tension in her arms and back also disappeared, and she made a soft snuffling noise as she burrowed into his side.

  Nothing was going according to his plan.

  How could he have gotten this close to freeing himself and Calla, only to find out she was dead and they were caught in the middle of an attack on Discovery Station. How good were the new identities he had purchased for them? With a sinking feeling, he realized they wouldn’t find out until they tried to use them. After an attack like this one, the Saurellians wouldn’t be inclined to treat them kindly if they were caught with false documents.

  Then there was Bragan, patiently waiting for their return. The poor man was alone in that Goddess-forsaken place. Completely isolated, how long would the man last? Even if he survived physically, how would he hold up mentally? And what if some other group of Pilgrims arrived to find their station destroyed before he could get back.

  What would the bastards do to Bragan? He shuddered at the thought.

  Bethany was counting on him, too. She had no idea how to take care of herself in the larger world. She had no skills, no education. He had to admit that, in many ways, his life as a slave on the station had been far better than hers as a woman in the mining belt. He owed it to her to make a better life for both of them. He also owed something to Calla. Revenge. Calla was dead because she’d tried to escape, tried to find him. It had happened the same day Jenner had sold him to the miners. Bitch. She had a lot to answer for, and he would see that she paid. First he would rescue Bragan, and then he would find Jenner.

  After that? He and Bethany would be free. Truly free. They would find some place far away and build a new life together.

  She twisted in his arms, nestling her head into the crook of his arm.

  She deserved so much more than she’d gotten out of life. He would give her everything she deserved and more, he vowed. Just as soon as he avenged his sister.

  * * * * *

  Bethany awoke to find Jess sprawled across her. On the vid screen there was a diagram of the entire mining system, with an arrow pointing at an area almost directly opposite Discovery Station.

  “Computer, raise volume,” she said softly. The newscaster’s voice came into the room.

  “The destroyed outpost is in orbit on the far side of the mining belt,” she was saying. “Apparently Saurellian officials have known of its destruction for several days, although that information did not become public until early this morning.”

  Bethany shook Jess awake. He raised his head, blinking.

  “Jess, they’re talking about Bethesda Station,” she said. “Or at least I think they are.”

  His gaze turned alert, and his eyes moved to the vid screen.

  “For all of you waking up,” the newscaster said. “I would like to repeat the morning’s news. Following last night’s attack, Saurellian officials have announced that a mining station belonging to a small religious sect, calling themselves Pilgrims of the Apocalypse, has been destroyed. The explosion encompassed more than 500,000 square miles of space. Discovery Station Commander Ivankov has also notified us that station officials received a message this morning from a group identifying themselves as Pilgrims. The group is claiming responsibility for this morning’s attack on the Discovery Station, apparently in retaliation for the destruction of their mining outpost. The commander will be addressing all station residents in approximately one standard hour to discuss the situation.”

  “Jess, what they are talking about?” she whispered quietly. “Why would somebody destroy the mining outpost? Who could do something like that?”

  “Well, as far as I know, only the Saurellians or the Empire has that kind of fire power,” he said softly. “I can’t imagine why they’d target the outpost, though. There was nothing left there…”

  “Bragan was left there. Do you think he’s dead?”

  Jess took a deep breath, then replied, “Yes, he has to be. There’s no way he could have survived something like that, and we were his only hope of rescue.”

  Bethany shook her head. So much destruction.

  “Poor Bragan,” she said softly. “He’d been through so much already. It’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair,” Jess said curtly, rolling out of bed. “I’m going to take a shower before the station commander does his address.”

  Bethany nodded, watching him stalk into the fresher. Then she leaned back against the pillows, eyes moving to the vid screen. The newscaster was now presenting an overview of Pilgrim beliefs.

  “The Pilgrims of the A
pocalypse have existed in small pockets for more than 1,000 years,” the woman was saying. “Very little is known about this obscure and secretive cult. Until recently, they have been largely located within the Empire, and are headquartered on the planet Karos. Their founder, known as the Celestial Pilgrim, was a young Imperial nobleman who gave up his rank and status, retreating to a cave in the mountains above his ancestral home. Nearly ten years later, all but forgotten, he re-emerged and announced that he was the new incarnation of truth and reality. He invited all those present to follow him into the realms of enlightenment, and the Pilgrim movement was born.

  “The Basic tenets of the Pilgrim religion are obscure, although rumors abound. Only elders and a hand-picked group of priests are given access to the full range of writings and instructions left behind by the Celestial Pilgrim. The rest of those born into the cult are trained to be obedient pawns, working blindly to fulfill the goals of the group.”

  Well, that was certainly accurate, Bethany thought darkly. She had never been privy to the secrets of the religion that governed her life. Of course, neither had her father. She gave a wry smile as she thought of what they had all been taught. Only that which is needed is known. Do not question the Pilgrim’s needs; strive to meet them.

  As far she knew, nobody in the mining outpost had known what they were truly working toward. All they knew was that the Pilgrim had asked them to work for him, and they must obey.

  “While the Pilgrims have been the victims of some persecution under the Empire,” the newscaster said in the background, “nearly 200 years ago they reached an agreement with then-sitting Emperor, Nahn’vet VIII, on taxation and religious freedom. Since that time, they have operated largely independently within the Empire, although always respectful of Imperial law. They do not participate in any type of local government, and have been excused from fighting in the Imperial army. They are not known to exist within the Federation.”

  Jess came back out of the fresher.

  “What are they talking about?” he asked.

  “Pilgrim culture,” she said. “Did you realize that they know more about the Pilgrims than I do?”

  “Are you sure they’re right?” he asked. “That doesn’t make sense to me.”

  “I think being a Pilgrim doesn’t make much sense,” she said darkly.

  “I can’t argue with that, he said, rubbing a towel against his hair.

  “I love how the showers here have water,” she said quietly. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It’s actually pretty common,” he said, voice muffled by the towel. “The only places that don’t have water are some of the long-haul cargo ships. Even those usually have both, though.”

  “Oh,” she said, feeling foolish. There was so much about this outside world that she had no understanding of. It was hard at times. He turned away from her, and suddenly she felt very alone.

  “Jess, would you like to come back to bed?” she asked softly. She didn’t like this distance between them; it needed healing.

  “No,” he said tightly.

  “There’s nothing else we can do,” she said. “We’re stuck in here. Maybe it will help.”

  He shook his head and she sighed heavily.

  Throwing off the covers, she went into the fresher herself. Might as well take advantage of the shower if there was nothing else to do.

  The hot water sluiced over her, washing away some of her fears. Just standing here, allowing this water to run down her body, seemed so decadent. Dangerous, even. There was so much more to life than she’d ever realized.

  It was good.

  She turned her face into the stream and closed her eyes. Despite everything—the suffering, the loss, the pain—life was good. Even if she died within the next hour, she had had this one perfect moment in the shower. The absurdity of her thoughts hit her, and she laughed out loud. The sound echoed off the walls of the shower, and she laughed again with sheer pleasure.

  The door opened abruptly.

  “Bethany, are you all right in here?” Jess asked, his voice tense.

  “I’m wonderful, Jess,” she said, laughing again. “You have no idea how wonderful this shower is.”

  “Bethany, what’s going on?” he asked, stepping into the room. She could hear the concern in his voice, and realized that she must sound crazy to him.

  Fair enough.

  “I’m happy, Jess,” she said, pushing open the door to the fresher. She smiled at him invitingly, lifting her arms and slicking back her wet hair. She could feel her breasts lifting, her nipples hardening as the cool air hit them. The look on his face was priceless.

  “I’m happy despite everything that is wrong right now, because I’m alive and I’m in a shower and all the odds were against success. Would you like to join me?”

  He shook his head slowly, and she laughed again. She reached up and cupped her breasts, kneading them softly with her fingers.

  “Are you sure?” she asked archly.

  He grunted, then shrugged out of the pants he must have pulled on after she left the room. He stepped into the small booth with her, reaching both arms down to her butt and pulling her up hard against him. His mouth took hers, harsh and demanding. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sunk into his kiss with a sigh of relief.

  They were connecting with each other again.

  He was hard against her, and she wiggled, enjoying the feel of him as he grew more eager for her touch. Bethany felt as if the Goddess were inside her, feminine energy and power pumping through her veins as her tongue darted out, meeting his in a dance as old as time. He groaned, and then kissed her even more deeply. He pressed her against the wall of the shower, his pelvis pumping against her even as he sought entry to her body.

  She lifted herself, and he thrust deep inside her. He hit her cervix and she gasped; it always amazed her that they fit together so well. He was massive, yet her body seemed to have been created for his touch. Nothing they did could be anything less than perfect.

  He pulled out of her and then thrust back inside, seeming to go deeper and deeper with every motion. Tension built within her. She was aware of the slippery surface of the shower wall behind her in a vague way, and that the hot water still slid over them, yet he never lost his grasp. A sudden thought caught him. What would it be like if they could do thing this together in a tub full of water? Before she could think any further on her new idea, he thrust against her again, this time at a slightly different angle. She could hardly breathe because now his entire length was rubbing against her clit. The arousal that had been slowly dancing along her nerve ending grew suddenly urgent. She couldn’t breathe; she could hardly hold on to him. Everything in her body seemed to be wrapped up in him. He was her ground, her base, the source of her energy. She needed to take him into her fully, to become one with him.

  She tried to urge him to move more quickly, grasping at his neck and shoulders as hard as she could, but the water kept her from gripping him like she needed to. Instinct cried out for her to clutch him tight, to bind him to her as her mate. Without thinking, she opened her mouth against his shoulder and bit deeply. He moaned, and she felt something salty filling her mouth. Blood.

  He was pounding into her now, each thrust grinding her clitoris against her pelvic bone. The tension was tight within her, and she squeezed him, desperately seeking something more. More pressure, more of his hardness. She had to be filled.

  Then it slammed over her. She felt the waves of heat moving through her body, and she screamed out in a mixture of triumph and joy. He followed her a moment later, hips pulsing as hot waves of his seed shot deep into her body. She collapsed against his shoulder and his grip on her softened.

  They stood there in the shower, breathing heavily, for several minutes. He leaned down and kissed her wet face softly. She started to say something, but she was cut off by a low-pitched buzzing noise.

  “May I have your attention please,” a voice said coolly and calmly from a small speaker in the
corner of the shower. Bethany started, then realized it was yet another emergency system announcement. “Discovery Station Commander Ivankov will be addressing all station residents in two minutes. Please proceed to your vid screen for this important and mandatory presentation.”

  Jess reached behind himself, fumbling to turn the shower off.

  She relaxed her grip on his shoulders, expecting him to set her down, but he lifted her away and strode out of the fresher. He carried her all the across their room to the bed, where he sat down, still holding her close. They were dripping all over the bedding, but he didn’t seem to care. Instead, he simply pulled her against him, then grabbed a blanket to cover them both.

  Within seconds, the vid screen flickered to life, and a man who looked strikingly like Jess came into view.

  “Who are these guys?” she asked. “Why do they all look like you?”

  “They’re Saurellians,” Jess replied. “And they don’t look like me. At least not to anyone besides you.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, doubting him. “I thought you looked an awful lot like Logan.”

  “You’re crazy,” Jess said, kissing her on top of her head. “I’m a slave, I wasn’t even born on the same side of the quadrant as these guys.”

  She pursed her lips, wondering how he could miss the resemblance. Sure, he and the man on the vid screen looked different. The man was wearing a military hair cut, and his eyes were a different color. But that was just a matter of dress and grooming. Their bone structure was strikingly similar, although Jess was far paler than the man…

  “As I’m sure you are aware, the station was attacked early this morning. We have determined that this attack was planned and executed by members of the Pilgrims of the Apocalypse, apparently in response to activity that has taken place on the far side of the asteroid belt.

  “Several days ago, our sensors detected an extremely large explosion centered in this region. We have yet to determine who was behind this explosion, but we have assured ourselves that Imperial interference is highly unlikely. Not only have our scouts failed to detect any sign of Imperial spacecraft in the area, we have received assurances from the Imperial capital that they were not involved in this incident. Given the fact that such an attack would cause the Emperor a great deal embarrassment, combined with a complete lack of any understandable motive for such an attack, we find no reason to believe they were involved with events within this system.


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