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Page 66

by Joanna Wylde

  Of the two holes in the map on this end, one of them seemed to be larger than the other. It was near several of the largest hangars, and also seemed to be centered in the middle of the barracks area. It would be a good, safe place to keep a prisoner, she thought, but perhaps an even better place to store weapons. And would they really keep a prisoner so close to potential escape? There seemed to be hundreds of small vehicles in those hangars…

  The second hole looked more promising. As far as she could tell, their little banquet had taken place in or near it, and she decided that it was most likely Josiah’s private “compound” within the station. In fact, her little room was either in it or very, very close to it. She thought about Josiah for a moment, wondering if he would be the kind of man to keep his prisoners close to him. He’d been playing with her and Jerred at dinner like a big, hungry zarna. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Zarnas enjoyed toying with their prey before killing it, just like Josiah.

  If she was right, Jerred wasn’t far from her at all.

  She looked at the map one last time, then flicked back to the library. The less time spent accessing such dangerous data, the better. She spent another hour scrolling through the titles and watching snippets of different vids, then settled on a drama centered on a Saurellian priestess.

  To her surprise, it turned out to be engrossing. The woman was torn, because her entire family wanted her to take some man as her “life mate,” whatever that was. Giselle assumed some kind of marital bond. But the priestess didn’t want a mate, she wanted to stay single and free at the temple. Finally, toward the end, the scorned life mate kidnapped her and took her to his estate in the mountains. Josiah chose that moment to walk in on her, and the vid fell silent. Giselle stood up and frowned at him.

  “I was watching that,” she exclaimed in disgust. “I want to see how it ended.”

  The normally stone-faced guards seemed surprised by her outburst. Reality hit her. This man held her life in his hands; she had no business berating him over a vid.

  But the corners of his mouth twitched in amusement.

  “Saurellian vids always end the same way,” he said softly. “They fall in love and live happily ever after as life mates. It’s their genetic heritage, did you know that?”

  She didn’t know, but she wasn’t about to admit that. Jerred was only the second or third Saurellian she’d ever met; her entire life had been spent in Imperial space. But she’d be damned if she was going to ask him what he meant. He walked toward her, every step graceful and filled with that languid strength one saw in predators. She met his gaze as he came closer, until they were standing eye to eye. Or rather, eye to chest… He was far too tall for her to meet his gaze head on.

  “Have you been enjoying our library?” he asked softly. “Did you find anything of interest in it?”

  “It’s pretty good,” she said. “Is everything on your station as well-stocked as this?”

  “Yes,” he said softly. “I’m a man who likes his material comforts, and so do my people.”

  Having him so close was unnerving. She took a deep breath, then turned and strolled casually away from him. She had no idea if it would fool him or not, but she couldn’t handle the intensity of being so close any longer.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she said as she walked. “About your offer.”


  “I’ve made a decision,” she replied, turning to stand behind a chair. She braced her hands on the top of it, grateful for the support, and leaned toward him. “I’ve decided that sticking with Jerred at this point is a losing proposition. I’d rather join forces with you, so to speak.”

  She forced herself to look up at him through her eyelashes, hoping that it came off flirtatious, rather than simply desperate. Fortunately she’d had years of practice. Customers tended to tip barmaids who flirted…

  He gave her a cool smile, with just a hint of polite surprise in his expression.

  “I thought you’d stick by him,” he said softly. “I guess I misjudged you, Giselle.”

  Her stomach twisted, but she didn’t let anything show on her face. Prick.

  “I’m very pragmatic in my affairs,” she replied softly. “I believe that a woman owes it to herself to make the most of what comes her way. Jerred was the best at the time, but he’s no good to me now. Something tells me you could be very good… Whatever is it you want me for? Correct me if I’m wrong, but sex doesn’t have anything to do with this, does it?”

  He started laughing, and she thought for a moment there was genuine amusement on his face. It was hard to tell.

  “No, I’m not interested in sex with you,” he said. “Please don’t be offended, you’re a lovely woman. I prefer not to take Jerred’s leavings, however. I want something else from you.”


  “Jerred, of course,” he said, his voice low and intense. “The man is crazy for you. I have no idea why, and I can’t see that there’s any kind of future in it for either of you. He’s a Saurellian, and they can only take life mates from among their own kinds. He’s genetically incapable of having a meaningful relationship with you.”

  She nodded her head slowly, forcing herself to breathe as the knowledge hit her. She’d had no idea, and up to this moment she might have sworn she didn’t care.

  She cared, all right. The thought of him with another woman made her feel sick. Still, she’d rather he be with another woman than be dead. No question.

  “That’s not my concern,” she said. “I’m more interested in what you can offer me.”

  “Survival,” he said. “Perhaps some credits to take with you, and a ride to another space station? I imagine that would be all you could expect at the end of your affair with Jerred.”

  “So what do I need to do?” she asked.

  “I’m going to send you to him.” he replied softly. “I want you to tell him that you’ve stayed faithful to him, and that you’ve chosen prison to stay with him.”

  “He’ll never believe that,” she exclaimed softly. “He’ll suspect something.”

  “Of course he will,” Josiah replied. “But he’ll want to believe. He cares about you, and he wants to be with you. That’s obvious to me. All you need to do is feed his little fantasy.”

  “And what’s the point of this game?”

  “I want you to find out how he got my station plans,” Josiah said. “I have a traitor on board. I could try and get it out of him through torture, but I doubt I’d succeed. His kind of have special training and other safeguards to protect them—this will be much more effective.”

  “All right,” she said softly. “How will I report to you, though?”

  “I’ll bring you out for questioning, of course. Let me worry about the details.”

  “You’ve got a deal,” she replied, smiling brightly at him. She had no idea what she’d do when she reached Jerred, but at least she was going to see him again.

  That was about as close to good news as she could imagine at this point.

  “Now, I’m very sorry, but we’ll have to do something to make this look believable,” Josiah said. The guards advanced toward her, one grabbing her arms and pulling them behind her back. The other punched her in the face. She screamed, and then fell abruptly silent as his fist hit her stomach. Again and again he hit her as Josiah supervised, his face stony and devoid of compassion.

  * * * * *

  How long were they going to leave him like this? Jerred wondered in disgust. He had been through worse, but still, there was something so seedy, so repulsive about lying flat on his back with his limbs tied and his cock hanging out. The door opened, and the light from the outside blinded him briefly. The light flicked on his in room, and he closed his eyes, squinting.

  “I have a surprise for you,” one of the guards grunted. “Your slut decided she wanted to be with you more than she wanted to stay and enjoy our hospitality.”

  The oaf thrust Giselle into the room.

  She w
as still clad in the filmy gown she’d worn for dinner, but now the dress was torn in several places. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth, and bruises formed on her cheek. Jerred forgot his restraints as a bolt of shear hatred and adrenaline shot through him. His entire body lunged toward the guard with every intention of killing him. Unfortunately the ties were far too tight, and he merely succeeded in twisting on the cot. The guard laughed.

  “I’ve given her the keys,” he said after a moment. “She’ll let you up when the door’s closed. I think you might need some time to cool your temper. But don’t take too long. Until I feel like it’s safe to come back, I’m not bringing either of you any food.”

  The man snickered again, and then slammed the door shut. Giselle slowly picked herself up from the floor where she’d fallen, and crawled over to the cot.

  She looked like hell.

  Her eyes were shadowed, and she had a startled look on her face. He knew without asking that she’d never been beaten before. There was sense of violation written across her face that no woman could fake.

  “I’m so sorry they did this to you,” he said softly. “Why are you here? If you’d done what Josiah wanted, you’d be fine. He treats his women well, you know.”

  She gave a haunted little smile. “He’s not as easy to work with as you might think,” she said softly. “I thought you were the better bet. What have they been doing to you?”

  She gave his bare groin a pointed look, and he sighed.

  “Torturing me, in a way,” he said softly. “Josiah sent Celia to me.”

  He saw her breath catch, and she turned away quickly.

  “I suppose you couldn’t help yourself,” she said softly. “She is beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you are,” he whispered, trying to make every word sound as sincere as he felt. “All I could think about was you. I managed to fend her off in the end.”

  “You mean you didn’t have sex with her?” she asked. “They taped you, Jerred. I know you did.”

  “And how did the tape end?” he asked. “Did they show you that part?”

  She stayed silent, then abruptly turned and started to work at the cuffs holding his left arm.

  “It doesn’t matter, Jerred,” she said. “I’ve made my choice and there’s no going back. Do you think there’s any chance that we’ll get out of this alive?”

  “No,” he said softly. “I don’t think we’ll get out of this alive.”

  She sat back, forgetting the cuffs. “I guess I expected you to at least try lying about our chances,” she said after a moment. “You aren’t very encouraging.”

  “Would you rather that I lie to you?” he asked, fighting back a laugh. “I really wish you hadn’t come here. I don’t want you dead, Giselle.”

  She started to work on the cuffs again, managing after a few tries to free his legs. She crawled up to his head and attacked his hands.

  “I don’t want me dead, either,” she said. “But I think it’s too late for that.”

  She looked into his face and smiled at him. He only shook his head sadly at her.

  “I only have one thing left to trade, Giselle,” he said softly. “That’s information. If I give him what he wants, he might let you go.”

  She didn’t reply, focusing instead on the cuffs. He took in a breath to speak again, and she shook her head every so slightly.

  He looked confused.

  “What—?” he started to ask, but she cut him off, kissing him deeply.

  Every time they’d kissed before, he had taken the lead. Not this time. She kissed him hard, like she really meant it. Like she’d wanted to for a long time, she realized. She could feel that attraction leap between them, but she tried to hold her libido in check. This wasn’t the time for sex—she needed to think. There had to be some way to get through this and get them out. She wasn’t ready to give up yet, and she wouldn’t let Jerred sacrifice himself for her.

  Either both of them got out together, or they wouldn’t get out at all. There was nothing in the middle she’d accept. She pulled away from his mouth slowly, and he shifted awkwardly. He seemed dazed, and then he pulled himself together and flexed his arms, still cuffed above his head.

  “I’d really like it if you’d finish the job,” he said softly. She shot a look down his body to his erect member.

  “Which job?” she asked archly. “I can see a couple of things that need attention.”

  He laughed at the joke, although the noise sounded a bit strained.

  “As much as I’d like you to take care of other things, I think my hands need to come first,” he said. “I wish this wasn’t true, but I’m glad to see you, Giselle. Even if you are an idiot for coming to me.”

  “What a touching sentiment,” she replied dryly, turning her attention to the cuffs once more. “You’ll turn my head with talk like that.”

  He laughed and she joined him, feeling some of the tension ease. Things weren’t looking good, it was true, but she was still glad to be with him.

  Now she just had to figure out how they were going to escape.

  Chapter Ten

  Josiah sat on his bed, watching Giselle and Jerred on a large vid screen on his wall. He could see how much Jerred cared for her easily enough. Now if he could just tell for sure how she felt about Jerred. There was a tenderness in the way she worked to free him. And the kiss…well, that had been spectacular. Either the woman cared or she was an amazing actress.

  The woman sucking his cock make a mewling noise, and he run his fingers through her hair absently as she moved over him. Karia was stunning, of course. All his women were. But even as she worked her mouth around him, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of boredom.

  How long had it been since he’d kissed anyone with the fervency he’d seen between Giselle and Jerred? He couldn’t remember.

  Karia took his soft caress as encouragement, and he let himself fall back among his pillows to enjoy. Her mouth worked up and down him steadily, each stroke sending streaks of sensation through his body. He managed to watch Giselle and Jerred through slitted eyes, although he no longer paid close attention to them. They whispered together, nuzzling like puppies. His guards were monitoring them, of course, and he’d be able to hear the playback later if they said anything of interest. Still, he liked to watch their faces. Maybe he was crazy, but he really did think the woman cared for Jerred.

  He realized with a start that he was more than a bit jealous of his old friend. The thought disgusted him.

  With a snort, he waved the vid off and turned his attention to Karia. Her long, curly black hair spilled over his stomach in a way that couldn’t help but arouse him. He shifted his hips beneath her, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. He could feel his body pulling together, energy building at his center. His response was purely physical, his body reacting to hers the way men had responded to women since time began. Her mouth was hot and moist around him, sucking him deep within, and then pulling slowly back until he felt like screaming.

  He didn’t want to come in her mouth tonight, though. He wanted her beneath him—he wanted this time to be mutual. The thought startled him. He had been with Karia many times, and her mouth was definitely her best feature.

  Still… if she came too, he had a feeling it would be a bit more like what Jerred and Giselle seemed to share. What would it be like to have sex with a woman who really cared? Karia didn’t care—he knew that. But she was very good at pretending.

  He reaching down and pulled her up his body. She came hungrily, her eyes large and brown and smoky. He pulled her across his chest, kissing her deeply and running his hands down the smooth length of her back. She wiggled against him, all but purring in his arms, and thoughts of Jerred and Giselle faded.

  He gripped her round, firm ass in his hands, pulling her close, and then slowly rolled her over on to her back. She seemed a bit startled but more than willing to go along with him. He kissed her again, this time rubbing the spot between her legs with
his thigh. He could feel moisture there; her response wasn’t feigned. He started kissing down her chin, and then followed the long, smooth line of her neck. She twisted against him appreciatively, her fingers curling into his shoulders.

  He reached her chest, nuzzling the hollows between her soft, rounded breasts. Her nipples were hard, and he reached over to nuzzle them with his lips and tongue.

  She growled.

  He moved lower now, kissing his way across her stomach, dipping his tongue into her navel. She shuddered beneath him, and her nails dug into his shoulders sharply. The slight pain shot through him, and for the first time he felt a shock of real interest in her.

  How jaded had he become?

  She dug her nails into him further, and he moved lower. Her mound was smooth and shaved, almost unnaturally perfect, and he wondered if she’d had surgery. Not that it was any of his business; he hardly cared what she chose to do with her body. Giselle had never had surgery, he was relatively sure of that. She seemed to be utterly comfortable with herself just the way she was… He shook off the thought. He reached Karia’s clit, a small, hard point of desire that called sweetly to him. He licked the tip, and then sucked the small organ into his mouth softly. Her fingers dug into him again, and he sucked harder.

  The harder he sucked, the more she seemed to respond, until he realized that she liked it rough. This was a side of Karia that he’d never seen. He’d never followed her lead before, never tried to truly please her.

  No wonder he didn’t have a woman like Giselle; he was a selfish lover.

  The thought threw him off balance, and he grazed her clit with his teeth. Instantly, he pulled back, but she sighed in pleasure and murmured, “Do it again…”


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