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Page 16

by Elizabeth Noble

  “Dark alley behind what is likely a drug dealer hangout. Perfect.” Raul slipped out of his van and left the door open long enough to toss his jacket and shirt inside. Moving silently, he crept around the other side of the building and ducked behind some dumpsters.

  He gave the dumpster a rattle.

  “Who’s there?” B.Lock.Chain. stopped with his hand on the small store’s back door.

  Raul partially shifted and stepped out of the shadows. He barred his teeth and snarled. The kid gasped and backed away. Raul took another step closer.

  “This is my turf. Humans don’t fuck with werewolf turf.” He held up one hand, claws out and flipped the kid off.

  “I-I didn’t…I’ve never been here.”

  Barking in short bursts, snapping his jaws, Raul moved closer and snarled again. “Your kind stays to the other side of town.”

  It was quite possible the kid wet himself as he turned and ran.

  Raul returned to human form and sighed. Scaring the crap out of a fifteen-year-old boy, though necessary, wasn’t something he prided himself on. He consoled himself with the fact this particular kid wouldn’t become part of a human trafficker ring.

  He returned to his van and headed to his temporary home.


  Brandon stretched awake, rolled to his side and reached for his phone sitting on the nightstand to check the time.

  02:14 a.m.

  He groaned, flopped back down and flung one arm over his face. He’d slept just over thirteen hours this time.

  “I’m never going to be able to reset my bio-clock,” he grumbled and shoved himself to a sitting position before slipping out of bed.

  He padded to the kitchen and pulled one of the bottles of water from the refrigerator. Raul kept it well stocked with water, juice and high energy foods. Brandon smiled at the obvious care and attention to the items Raul chose. He’d learned not only Brandon’s favorites, but the foods that helped him recharge the fastest. Alongside those items were a nice collection of junk food with no other purpose but to be pleasurable.

  Brandon grabbed an avocado and sliced it up then put some bread in the oven to toast before he wandered to Raul’s bedroom. The door was open and the room dark, but there was enough light from the hall for Brandon to see Raul’s bed was empty. He wondered how long Raul had been out tracking down the latest targets. Some nights Raul was back very quickly, other times he wouldn’t return home until nearly dawn.

  His snack ready, Brandon took it to the dining table he’d transformed into a computer workstation. Setting the plate down beside him, Brandon scanned through the footage from the security cameras and reset the one Raul had put on a pre-recorded loop. Since they’d returned there was nothing recorded to arouse suspicion. Brandon and Raul weren’t followed and no one who didn’t have a reason to be in the building showed up on the recordings.

  Brandon burst out laughing when he saw Raul trying to sneak out of building.


  He watched as Ed foiled Raul’s attempt at avoiding him.

  “He’s so got a huge crush on you.”

  He switched views to the pool. A few commands entered via his keyboard and the camera there was set to a loop, then the tall, overhead lights were dowsed. Brandon shoved the rest of his avocado toast into his mouth as he headed for the small linen closet by the bathroom and grabbed a towel. With that and his keys, Brandon left the apartment for his nightly destination, the pool.

  When they’d first found this place, Raul thought Brandon was joking that it was a plus there was a pool. The best part, it was an outdoor pool and Brandon loved to swim. Being submersed in water helped Brandon recharge. He wasn’t sure how it worked and maybe it was in his mind, but the how wasn’t as important as the result. It was such a simple thing, but Brandon much preferred swimming outdoors than in an indoor pool. Living most of his life in Boston he was consigned to predominantly swimming inside.

  The pool was fenced off and secluded from the parking lot and most of the building by a wooden trellis adorned with tiny, white lights. Those still had power, even though the larger lights on tall poles were dark. Brandon climbed the fence picturing how Raul would vault it in one leap. He threw his towel over the sign reading: No Scintillas beyond this point.

  “Ignorant,” he grumbled, finding it hard to conceive the fact people still believed he’d electrocute others in the water. Brandon stripped his clothes off and went to the diving board. Once at the end he bounced a few times before arching into the air, tucked into a ball, rotated twice before stretching to his full length, arms extended overlapping at his hands and sliced through the water. His belly tightened and a shiver ran though him as the water rippled through his exposed body hair, creating a tingle from the slight resistance. It took half the pool length before his body adjusted to the water.

  Five laps, ten, he counted them off in his head, twenty laps and he was feeling much better. Brandon slowed down for his final ten laps before he rolled onto his back so he was floating instead of swimming and gazed up. The sky was clear, stars and a half moon painted a tranquil picture.

  The faintest rattle of the chain link fencing around the pool alerted Brandon to the fact Raul had returned. It wasn’t every night Raul was able to join Brandon for his swim, but when he did, he made every minute with Brandon memorable. They’d both get the relaxation and release they needed.

  Righting himself, Brandon tread water and watched as Raul knifed through the water beneath him. Werewolves, at least Brandon’s werewolf, were amazing in the water no matter what form they took. The muscles of Raul’s thick legs, back and shoulders alternately bulged and flexed, rippling smoothly as he kicked to the far end of the pool. The water offered Raul no resistance, instead he took on the fluid, powerful properties of the water.

  Raul breached the surface, took a breath, flipped around and swam underwater back the way he’d come. Brandon’s heartrate ratcheted higher, his breathing quickened, and his cock swelled watching Raul transform from completely human form to mostly werewolf. He dove to the bottom of the pool then shot toward the surface, coming up behind Brandon. Even in the water Brandon felt the scratch and tingle along the backs of his legs, across his buttocks and up his spine from Raul’s body hair.

  Brandon sucked in a breath and shuddered when Raul wrapped one arm around his hips. His longer fingers, ending in talons spread over Brandon’s belly, talon tips digging in ever so slightly. Raul growled softly in Brandon’s ear when he let his head tip back onto Raul’s shoulder, throat completely exposed. Raul’s tongue swiped leisurely along Brandon’s neck making him tremble.

  The tips of Raul’s teeth followed, making Brandon’s electrical field spontaneously extend to meet Raul. It was a phenomenon happening more and more in the past two weeks. Brandon no longer had control over how his body reacted to Raul once he shifted and he had barely any restraint when Raul remained in human form.

  Brandon relinquished that control without reservation and made no attempt to wrestle it back. It was exhilarating, the way he fell under such complete sway of this man. Every time it happened the effect was faster and stronger. Brandon leaned against Raul, his legs and arms floating freely, a pale blue haze flowing in lazy waves away from them.

  Raul moved one hand to Brandon’s groin, while he wrapped the fingers of his other hand loosely around Brandon’s neck. The electrical field originating from Brandon stretched to meet Raul’s fingertips. Brandon stared at the sky while Raul manipulated the field between them, taking Brandon to the edge, but not letting him tumble over. Instead Raul backed off just before Brandon’s orgasm hit. Twice he tried to reach around and touch Raul’s heavy thigh. Twice he was given a warning growl that made his balls tighten and his cock ache.

  Leaning farther back in the water, Raul slowly paddled them to the side of the pool. Watching the stars move so quickly made Brandon slightly dizzy and forced him to focus on the tingling waves coursing over his flesh with each of Raul’s movements. The
scratch of one talon began at his groin and traveled to his chest making Brandon gasp and try to arch his back. Raul held firm and retraced his path back to Brandon’s inner thigh. His entire body thrummed and vibrated despite the fact he could barely move his arms and legs. He had the fleeting thought of how jealous Ed would be right now.

  Brandon felt a gentle bump. They must’ve reached the pool’s edge. Raul’s hands moved. Brandon’s field flowed with his movements sending powerful waves of lust through him. Raul hoisted him up. He positioned Brandon face down on a cushion at the pool’s edge with his legs still floating in the water.

  Raul massaged Brandon’s ass cheeks, kneading slowly and methodically while spreading his legs wide. Brandon gasped, unable to catch his breath when Raul’s tongue snaked over his balls and across his ass to the base of his spine. Over and over Raul’s tongue slipped between Brandon’s cheeks, swirled around his entrance, sliding in and out.

  Everything about Raul as a werewolf seemed built for claiming his partner in whatever manner he chose. His saliva was better than any man-made lubricant. The ability to keep his urges at bay until he was ready to let go never ceased to amaze Brandon. Raul had an uncanny way of keeping all his power and desire pent up until just the right moment for release.

  It was heady stuff, knowing Raul’s strength and dominance was channeled toward Brandon, and Brandon alone. Ed would definitely be extremely jealous.

  Brandon felt Raul pull himself out the water before he gripped each of Brandon’s wrists and hovered over him. There was a gentle grip of teeth at the back of Brandon’s neck seconds before Raul’s cock pushed into him while Brandon pushed his ass up and back to meet Raul.

  It had taken a while for them to get to this point, where Raul could take him while shifted. His knots bulged, much larger than when he was predominantly human. He thrust in with short, intense bursts, the throbbing along Raul’s dick and knots turned Brandon’s brain to mush. His consciousness reeled and Brandon descended further into the sensations, he closed his eyes and his mind lapsed into currents of euphoria. His entire world narrowed down to the intense and rhythmic pulsing from Raul’s body. Brandon bit the cushion to muffle his moans. Raul had him pinned down in such a way there was constant pressure on his cock, but no friction. The need for release made his skin itch from miniscule sparks dancing across his flesh. His breathing reduced to uneven stutters and gasps.

  Raul’s movements intensified. More of his weight pressed down on Brandon while he gripped Brandon’s wrists tighter. His breathing was harsh pants in Brandon’s ear. Raul’s short thrusts moved both their hips up and down as he pushed closer. His breath hitched, and Brandon felt Raul’s body stiffen and his talons dug into Brandon’s wrist. A long, deep, harsh growl barely preceded Raul’s cock throbbing hot fluid into Brandon.

  Slowly Raul’s body relaxed, his breathing slowed and evened. Brandon shuddered when Raul’s knots softened, their grip on him diminishing enough Raul’s slick, semi-hard cock slipped partially out and in, continuing to thump against Brandon’s prostrate.

  It was another few minutes before Raul eased out of Brandon and gently rolled him onto his back. He was spread eagled. His arms and legs felt like wet noodles and though he wasn’t restrained he didn’t have the energy to move them. Between Raul manipulating Brandon’s electrical field to pulse over the flesh of Brandon’s groin and his well-placed, continuously more aggressive touches, Brandon was shooting his load in no time. Brandon’s back arched and he cried out, riding the waves of tremors consuming him.

  Raul rolled onto his back, stretched beside Brandon and rubbed his knuckles lightly over Brandon’s chest. He pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly then dropped a towel onto Brandon’s belly.

  “Damn, I feel better.”

  It was an effort to even muster a chuckle. “Me too,” Brandon said. He finally convinced one arm to move and reached up, taking Raul’s hand.

  A car coming to a stop in the parking lot followed by a door shutting made Brandon flinch.

  “It’ll be dawn in an hour or so,” Raul mumbled. “That’s Bonnie coming home. She lives one floor down and works at a hospital. She comes home around three-thirty in the morning.”

  Brandon turned his head and smiled at Raul. “And you make sure she gets inside safely, don’t you?”

  Raul shrugged. “I’m a good neighbor.” He sat up and ran one hand through his hair a few times. “We should go inside.”

  Raul held out one hand to Brandon, helping him climb to his feet. Brandon wrapped the towel around his hips then pulled his sweats on. They collected their belongings and Raul put his jeans on before taking Brandon’s hand leading him to the entrance closest to the stairs.

  Once back in their apartment Brandon reset all the security cameras to real time feeds.

  “I don’t know how much longer we can sell this to Bisset. They’re getting frustrated and impatient because every one of their targets washes out,” Raul pointed out.

  “I’m pretty close to finding Bisset’s partners as well as many of his… clients.” Brandon eased down onto a chair at the dining table. “I just have—”

  “To go get more rest.” Raul stood behind him and rested a hand on each of Brandon’s shoulders. “We aren’t expected back until later in the afternoon. Get a couple more hours sleep, then you’ll get more done and faster.”

  Brandon nodded. He took a shower, feeling exhausted again by the time he was done. He went to Raul’s room even though Raul hadn’t offered to share his bed. Brandon had come to learn that it wasn’t necessary. Just as he’d come to always welcome Raul into his own bed. Physically and mentally spent, Brandon slipped under the sheet and pressed close to Raul, knowing he was able to recover in complete safety.

  Chapter 12

  Raul ended the call, set his phone on the table beside their computer equipment then leaned against the table. Brandon pushed away from the work-station tower, shifted in his chair and looked at Raul expectantly.

  “The cops are getting their people into position and preparing to snare Tala while she trolls for victims. We should get to Bisset’s warehouse, that’s our best chance to appear uninvolved in their sting. If at any point we get picked up with the others, be prepared for the fact we might be separated. The cops will know we’re undercover, but we’ll be booked and processed like everyone else,” Raul explained. “It’s standard to preserve operative cover.”

  Brandon nodded and offered him a small, patient smile. “I know.” He reached out and patted Raul’s knee. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be in a police station, under surveillance and will be fine until I’m with my big, bad wolf again.”

  “It’s the other big, actually bad, wolf I’m worried about. If you’re in a cell with anyone, don’t turn your back on them.”

  “Will do.”

  Raul took Brandon’s hand in his and squeezed. “Thank you. I don’t mean to imply you—”

  “Stop. You promised to protect me, and it’s not as if I have a lot of experience with crooks and police station lock-ups.” Brandon returned Raul’s gentle grip. “No offense taken. I rather like that side of you.”

  Raul stood up and let go of Brandon. “Let’s get going so we’re not caught out in the open when the shit hits the fan,” Raul said.

  It didn’t take them long to secure their equipment and make the drive to the printing warehouse. Raul clenched his jaws to keep from biting his tongue in half. He wanted to reiterate to Brandon what they needed to do in every possible scenario, but he didn’t. They’d been through it before and Raul didn’t want to make Brandon feel as if Raul thought him inadequate. It’d been weeks since they’d infiltrated Bisset’s operation, tonight wasn’t any different.

  As far back as Raul could remember, his Yaya and later Tad, Fahim, his wife and his aunts constantly reminded him even a werewolf couldn’t always protect everyone. No matter how desperately they tried.

  So he buried his fears and kept his mouth shut.

  Everything see
med normal when Raul pulled the van into the parking garage attached to the printing plant.

  Raul glanced at Brandon.


  Brandon chewed on his lower lip for a few seconds and then nodded.


  As they made their way to the main part of the plant, Raul pulled air slowly through his nostrils, catching every scent possible. Nothing unusual, but odors still remained from the building’s days as an operational facility. There were hints of oil, ink, and paper hanging in the air that distorted or even masked other scents. Another thing Raul pondered more than once when coming here, was that done on purpose or was it a lucky happenstance? The fact Raul didn’t smell anything or anyone out of the ordinary didn’t stop his senses from jumping and twitching. He was overreacting. This was simply nerves because of the impending raid.

  The building was quiet, but not unusually so. Brandon glanced over at Raul a few times as they walked to the room on the second floor where they worked. Raul felt Brandon’s apprehension; he was no doubt picking up on Raul’s own anxiety. Raul gave himself a mental shake, took a few deep breaths and focused.

  Bisset and Bob were waiting for them. Bob was standing in the middle of the room, looking plenty annoyed. Moving only his eyes, he was watching Bisset pace around as he talked on the phone.

  Bisset swore under his breath and threw his phone onto the desk. Raul saw the screen flash the word END before going dark. Whoever Bisset had called, or was trying to call, wouldn’t be hearing them.

  “Problem?” Raul kept his tone neutral. It pissed both Bisset and Bob off when he did that.

  “Not that I’ll be discussing with you,” Bisset rounded on Raul and snapped.

  Putting both hands in the air in a mock surrender. “No need to get worked up. I was only being nice, won’t happen again. The fact is I don’t give a fuck about you or your life.”


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