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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

Page 8

by R S Holloway

  Also surreal, in Anne’s view, was the bizarre sensual vision that met her and her friends on top of the mountain. For although the tip of Mt. Olympus, imbued with the same green grasses and stunning, fragrant floral that lined the Elysian fields, seemed the perfect place for a picnic, the gods and goddesses who stood at its peak seemed more in the mood for a social event of another sort.

  She gasped outright at the sight of gorgeous bare bodies lost in passion; their sinuous, sweat-lined forms entwined as they kissed passionately and clutched one another in the raw heat of a group encounter.

  “Adonis, can you believe…” Her words died on her lips as she cast a stray gaze in the direction of her lover; who now grasped and encompassed the goddess Aphrodite in a hot, passionate clench.

  She watched with conflicted emotions as these two perfect beings - who upon landing on Mt. Olympus had donned their trademark togas - kissed passionately and clung to one another in a timeless and sexy embrace.

  The spectacle they presented was one of sheer dazzlement; indeed, the flawless radiance of their golden bodies merged to form an artistic whole. Her full breasts crushed against his massive golden chest, their manes of long golden hair entangling as their lips merged for a kiss.

  If she was watching this couple in a film, she mused, she would savor the smacking of their full, moist lips and the tender clutch of his sturdy hands around her trim waist. She would chuckle as the single snap of Aphrodite’s fingers obliterated their togas, leaving them naked before the world. She would relish the sight of his rock hard cock as it surged upward to graze her toned tummy. And she would sigh at the vision of his lust drunk gaze as it devoured her perfect face; leaning in for another hot kiss as they tumbled to the grass beneath him.

  Yet this was no movie; and what she saw, in her mind, was an act of infidelity - much like the one that ended her marriage.

  Stepping forward in the grass, Anne cleared her throat loudly - watching in disbelief as Adonis rolled on top of Aphrodite; their arms and legs entangling as he buried his head in her full firm breasts and licked her nipples to erect peaks.

  “Um, heads up you two - I’m still in the room here!” Anne glared in their direction. “I thought this was supposed to be a picnic. The only thing you two seem to be devouring is each other.”

  A firm hand, placed gently on her shoulder, silenced her words; turning her in the direction of one of the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen.

  One that just happened to be holding a bow and arrow.

  “Artemis?” Her extensive Greek studies allowed Anne to recognize the goddess of war; a tall, athletic woman with flowing hair of fire red, gem green eyes, and a hard, sleek form.

  “The one and only.” The goddess’ ruby red lips proceeded to part in a sly, white-toothed smile. “And who, may I ask, are you? You seem to be new around these parts.”

  “Um, yeah, you could say that,” Anne shuffled her feet. “I’m Anne, Adonis’ - um - friend.”

  Her eyes flew wide as Artemis dropped her bow and arrow and encompassed her in a tight, all-consuming hug. She trembled in spite of herself as she felt the full extent of the woman’s strong, yet tender touch.

  “Welcome dear lady.” She drew back to lock gazes with the startled guest. “May I say, Dear, that you don’t seem to be enjoying our paramour’s picnic, one that we planned especially for your friend.”

  Anne shrugged.

  “Well don’t get me wrong, Mt. Olympus is beautiful,” she gestured around her with appreciative hands. “I just don’t savor the sight of my lover in the arms of another woman.”

  She took in her breath as Artemis seized her lips in a heated, passionate kiss, rubbing her full, soft lips against hers as their tongues entangled.

  “I kissed a girl goddess and I liked it,” she mused, pulling back to stroke Artemis’ lean muscled arms as the goddess pressed her womanly breasts against hers.

  “At our picnics, Love, we give ourselves the freedom to explore each other’s bodies for our mutual pleasure,” Artemis explained, running her hands down Anne’s back in long, sensual motions.

  “The freedom to cheat in other words.” Even as she ran her fingers through the length of Artemis’ long, silken hair, Anne pursed her prim lips in a show of blatant disapproval. “I hate to spoil the party, but this is not how we do things on earth.”

  Lifting their heads to meet her tirade with soft, easy smiles, Adonis and Aphrodite acted in sync to hold out their hands to her.

  “Join us my ladies.” Adonis crooked an agile finger in her direction.

  “Oh,” Anne could barely hear her own words above the pounding of her heart. “Well that’s more like it.”

  Diving headfirst into the mound of golden flesh that adorned the ground beneath her, Anne smiled in spite of herself as she was immersed in the attentions of two gods.

  While Aphrodite kissed her way down Anne’s body, nuzzling her neck, kissing her breasts, licking her belly button and nipping her feminine mound, Adonis seized the lips of his earthling lover in a warm, succulent kiss; his hands rubbing and massaging his shoulders as his mouth seared hers with the heat of his passion.

  And just as their tongues entangled, Anne felt a kiss of another sort on her nether regions; she squealed in delight as the lips of the mighty Aphrodite made delicious contact with her throbbing nub.

  As Adonis’ fingers fondled her breasts and he continued to kiss her senseless, Anne thrust her hips upward to accept the attentions of the goddess of beauty and love; thrilling as Aphrodite tongued her pussy and kissed her clit. The combined pressure of these two moves quickly drove her insane, sending erotic sparks flying upward through her every part of her voluptuous body. The nipples that Adonis rubbed and flicked flew to hardened attention, and her pussy gushed as - with a last resounding lick - Aphrodite sent her hurtling across the bounds of an intense orgasm.

  Falling with an ecstatic cry into the arms of a smiling Adonis, Anne’s entire body reverberated with pleasure as he cradled her in a loving embrace, covering her lips for an impassioned kiss as their hands clasped between them.

  The world dissolved around them as their eyes flew open to collide in a loving stare; Adonis accented this look with a wicked grin as he reached between them and stroked her still throbbing clitoris - arousing her anew with his tender touch as she ran her hands across his massive chest.

  They leaned in for another kiss when Aphrodite surged upward, pinning them with a teasing grin as she echoed Anne’s words from earlier that day.

  “Um, heads up you two - I’m still in the room here!” She laid a playful slap across Adonis’ leg before laying her ruby red lips on his cock.

  “Same here!” cried a watching Artemis, kneeling at Adonis’ side.

  Adonis gasped in shock as the goddess Aphrodite devoured him; licking and suckling his long, hard shaft as his rock hard abs flexed in pleasure. Coming from behind, Artemis rubbed her hard, toned body against his back; massaging his shoulders and tickling his spine even as she squeezed his taut, tight ass.

  As Aphrodite continued her intimate ministrations, Anne planted adoring kisses across the length of his golden chest and ran her hands down his sensitive sides; charming him with a sweet tickling sensation that somehow seemed to match the heat of the goddess’ probing lips.

  Throwing his leonine back with a godlike roar, Adonis writhed amongst the attentions of three ardent women; relishing equally the feel of Aphrodite’s tongue as it licked and flicked his cock, the sensation of Artemis’ tender caress as she rubbed his back and grabbed his tight ass, and the press of Anne’s insistent lips - not to mention her possessive grasp around his bulging shoulders.

  As his cock expanded in the goddess’ mouth his body startled to tingle from head to toe; he felt a spiral of pleasure soar upward through his being as Anne seized his lips in another passionate kiss - sliding her soft tongue inside his mouth as he hardened in Aphrodite’s. Artemis, meanwhile, tangled her legs with his as she reached across his body to st
roke Anne’s breasts until her nipples were hard and erect.

  He froze moments later as, in an abrupt move, the goddess jerked her head back and released his cock; letting it fall from her lips before it rose erect in the air above her.

  Moaning his protest, Adonis broke his kiss with Anne and shot her a confused look; one Aphrodite answered with a wink and a nod.

  “As the goddess of love, Adonis, I can recognize when two people are ‘head over heels,’ as the Earthlings say,” she made a broad gesture toward Adonis and Anne. “I want to see two lovers together.”

  Nodding their assent, Adonis and Anne collapsed on the grass in a warm, tight embrace; once again merging their lips in the launching of a full-bodied tango. Soon their arms and legs also entangled as their hips and thighs locked; with a mighty thrust he penetrated her, surging deep to her core as her breasts crushed his chest.

  Even as she wrapped her legs around his trim waist, bringing him deeper into her, she crooked her finger at a surprised Aphrodite; turning her head to greet the approaching goddess with an equally deep and passionate kiss.

  Adonis looked on with lustful eyes as the two women kissed; and growled outright as Anne reached her hand back to cup the goddess’ femininity; slipping an agile finger into her pussy as Aphrodite stroked the strands of Anne’s silky brown hair.

  He then turned his head to engage Artemis in a lush, full-bodied kiss, their tongues entangling as he reached backward to fondle her throbbing clit. Even as he continued to thrust into Anne, the god of love did not neglect the goddess of war; stroking and fingering the source of her pleasure as his tongue licked and laved her mouth.

  He then turned his head to watch with pleasure as Aphrodite’s eyes flew wide and her cheeks flushed; her thin, lithe body trembling outright as Anne stroked and probed her. He saw his lover’s fingertips go deep inside Aphrodite; seeming to search for a source of pleasure common to womankind. He mimicked her motions as he continue to finger Artemis, listening with relish as he drew a high-pitched war cry from deep in the goddess’ throat.

  Soon enough they both hit the spot.

  Artemis screamed outright and clawed Adonis’ back as her clit throbbed its pleasure; erupting in the divine sensation of a multi-layered orgasm. Simultaneously Aphrodite’s eyes flew wide as Anne’s fingertips made contact with her G-spot; setting her atremble as she threw her blonde head back and her nipples hardened and peaked. Her pussy gushed its satiation as she collapsed against Anne’s back; kissing and nipping the neck of the other woman as Adonis surged within her.

  Impassioned by the vision he’d witnessed, Adonis drove his cock deep in the pussy of an enraptured Anne; the couple kissed and clung together as their bodies were overtaken by the heat of a pulsating orgasm.

  Soon they joined the goddesses in rolling across the length of the fertile ground that formed the floor of Mt. Olympus; their bodies hugging and entwining in a playful tease as they kissed and laughed in equal measure.

  “You three have made me a feel like a goddess today.” Anne kissed the lips of all three of her immortals; giggling as they showered her with flower petals and massaged her from head to toe.

  “You are a goddess Anne.” Adonis held her closer than close. “One who has brought so much love into my life - not to mention magic.”


  9. Fucked By My Vampire Ex Boyfriend (Vampires sex)

  “Stop it Phil. For the nth time, I am not getting back together with you!”

  Claire struggled against Phil’s iron grip on her arm. Her pretty face was contorted with fury and fear as Phil led her into a dark alley. She felt like a child being dragged by a bear as Phil’s 6’2” bulk easily manhandled her petite frame. He slammed her against the alley wall.

  “I told you I’m sorry Claire! I didn’t mean to hit you. I was just drunk and you were acting like a bitch” Phil said, his eyes pleading. The rank smell of hard liquor emanated from his body. He looked disheveled, his face covered with a month’s worth of hair. His large hands were holding on to Claire with desperation, causing her pale skin to slightly bruise.

  “I was acting like a bitch?!! Phil, you cheated on me! With my damn office-mate. How the hell was I supposed to act?”

  “Look, it was a mistake. Things just happened. But I love you Claire. C’mon Claire, we belong together.” Phil said. He tried to force a bearded kiss on her. His drunken breath caused Claire to instinctively recoil with disgust. Phil’s eyes flashed in anger when he saw Claire’s face, which was twisted with distaste. With a low growl, he gripped Claire’s arm tighter, making Claire yelp in pain.

  “I said no Phil! No! Phil, stop it, you’re hurting me, you beast. Stop it!” Claire pleaded as she again tried to twist away from her irate ex-boyfriend. Phil reacted by grabbing a handful of Claire’s brown hair, jerking her head closer to his for a kiss. Claire reacted with ferocity, kicking and screaming.


  Phil and Claire turned their heads to see who had spoken. They stood frozen as a tall, slender figure came out of the shadows. He was dressed in black, a leather jacket covering his torso. The moonlight reflected off his exposed pale hands as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. The man smiled, flashing a row of unnaturally brilliant teeth. His smile dripped pure malice as he looked at the quarreling pair.

  Phil seemed to regain his composure. He took a step back and interposed himself between Claire and the stranger. Claire instinctively cringed behind the man who was hurting her moments before. She felt a surge of unnatural fear.

  “This is none of your business. We were just arguing a bit.” Phil said, an edge to his voice. ”You best move on now man.”

  The stranger smiled in amusement. He calmly took a step forward, closing the distance between him and the frightened pair.

  “Look pal, for the last time, don’t come any closer. We don’t want any trouble” Phil said. The sight of this strange man had sobered him up. He was tense, ready to fight or flee.

  The stranger smiled as he continued to walk closer to the pair. His steps were sure, smooth. His form seemed to shimmer in the moonlight.

  “I warned you, step away!” Phil yelled as he threw a roundhouse punch. His large frame lent weight to his fist but the man effortlessly swatted his beefy arm away. The stranger stepped inside the arc made by Phil’s swing, his cold gaze holding Phil’s eyes. Phil felt his desire to fight the guy wavering. With a roar, he summoned his will, fighting against the intense pressure emanating from the stranger. He took another swing, but this time, the stranger’s slender hands caught it in a vise-like grip. Phil could feel his tendons straining as the stranger twisted his arm behind his back. With a sigh the stranger flicked a cold tongue onto the neck of Phil’s skin. Phil shuddered in disgust. He struggled against the man’s surprising strength but his efforts were futile.

  Claire watched in horror as the stranger calmly leaned his head towards Phil’s neck. Claire saw a flash of white teeth and then all her attention became riveted to the thin stream of blood that trickled from Phil’s neck. Phil’s eyed widened and then his gaze became lifeless, his eyeballs wandering in their sockets.

  “Stop it! Stop whatever you’re doing to him. God W-what are you!” Claire sobbed. The stranger ignored her, still feeding off of Phil. Phil was beginning to slump, his face was becoming a pale mask.

  “Phil!” Claire cried.

  Phil tried to focus. He turned his eyes to Claire’s tear-streaked face and with supreme effort mouthed a single word.


  Claire saw Phil’s lips move. She understood the message but she was frozen, staring blankly at sight of the strange man drinking blood from Phil’s neck. Her thoughts were in turmoil. Her mind replayed the image of the man biting Phil’s neck. The flowing drop of blood. Phil’s pallid face. His dead eyes.


  Phil put all his will into shouting the word. Claire was shook out of her reverie. With a gasp she turned and scrambled away from Phil and the stranger.

  She was thro
wn back immediately.

  Claire raised her head and saw a thin girl looking at her with starved eyes. The girl was dressed in rags, showing her almost desiccated flesh. Her pale, slender limbs were fraught with thin scratches. The girl looked expectantly at the man who was now wiping Phil’s blood off his lips with a white handkerchief.

  She’s yours, Tori.

  The girl smiled a wolfish grin. She lunged at Claire. Her movements were jerky, but fast. She took a swipe at Claire, her long nails managing to rip a portion of Claire’s clothing. A huge gash bled from where the girl’s nails came into contact with Claire’s arm.

  Seeing the blood, the girl let out a maniacal laugh. She approached Claire slowly. Claire backed away and felt someone behind her.

  She turned and saw the strange man looking at her with mesmerizing eyes. Claire tried to look away, but she couldn’t. His eyes held her, kept her frozen. She could feel the girl behind her coming closer, but she couldn’t move.

  You’re a pretty one.

  The man’s voice was ice cold. So were his fingers as they traced the outline of Claire’s jaw. The man’s hand moved lower, caressing her neck gently. Claire felt the girl come up behind her, the girl’s body pushing against her back. A hand caressed her breast. Another reached under her skirt and started stroking her smooth thighs. The man bent lower, his breath like ice on Claire’s neck. She felt something sharp, twin fangs pressing against her skin.

  Suddenly, the man in front of her was thrown sideways. The man’s spell broken, Claire threw an elbow at the girl behind her, using every muscle in her body to expend the maximum amount of force. The girl reeled back, stunned not at Claire’s strength but at the fate of her master.

  Phil, blood streaming down his neck, staining his blue shirt, was on top of the strange man, pummeling him with fists the size of beer cans. The man was desperately trying to shield himself from Phil’s vicious blows, his face shocked, but Phil continued to beat him down savagely.


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