Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set) Page 11

by R S Holloway

  The knight jerked backwards, shocked to find herself covered in a light veil of sweat. Her hands trembled slightly, and she swallowed heavily. It took enormous effort to prevent her eyes from straying to the princess’s open bodice, which now tested the very limits of propriety.

  The princess’s face grew gentler. “I could order you,” she said. “And I know you would obey. But I will ask. Please. Please let me have you tonight. I promise you that you will be dressed and re-armored by dawn. I promise to protect your secret.”

  Wordlessly, Agnes pulled her shirt over her head and stood before the princess in only her bandages and breeches. The tall woman had a lithe figure hardened by her knight’s life. She stood a full head-and-a-half over the slight princess.

  Princess Helen took a moment to admire the other woman’s sculpted abdomen and muscular arms before reaching up and unwinding the bandages. Beneath them were two beautifully large breasts, dark nipples fully erect in the candlelight.

  “Sit on the bed,” the princess ordered. Agnes obeyed, still trembling. The princess unlaced the knight’s boots in short order, then pushed gently backwards on Agnes’s shoulders, pinning her to the bed. Still clad in her billowing white nightgown, Helen climbed on top of Agnes, straddling her in order to kiss her again. This time, the two women’s tongues danced together, leaving Agnes shuddering with unfamiliar desire. She was painfully aware of the princess’s weight above her and of a growing heat between her own lean thighs.

  Helen’s lips fluttered down to Agnes’s neck, and her red tongue traced a thin line up to her ear. “Pay close attention,” the princess whispered, breath brushing Agnes’s earlobe. “For you will do for me what I am going to do to you.”

  With that, Princess Helen slipped her nightgown over her head, revealing flawless pale skin and pert breasts. Dumping the gown on the floor, she resumed her attentions upon the female knight. Her hands kneaded Agnes’s breasts as her tongue flickered down the prone woman’s chest, gradually moving to an erect dark nipple. She closed her lips over the quivering flesh and sucked, eliciting a soft moan from her partner.

  Tongue still flicking over the other woman’s breast, Helen’s hands moved to the drawstring of Agnes’s breeches, deftly loosening it and tugging them downward. Her fingers followed, parting the dark pubic hairs and pressing gently at the top of Agnes’s sex.

  “Do you like this?” Helen asked, staring up at the knight’s face. Breathless, Agnes nodded. With that, Helen began making slow circles over the hard nub of flesh, gradually increasing tempo as her lover’s breath came faster and faster. Still circling with the pad of her thumb, Helen shifted the angle of her hand and slowly inserted her first two fingers inside Agnes. They slid inside easily, natural wetness lubricating the tight opening.

  Agnes gasped and bit back a cry as Helen’s fingers entered her and began stroking the inside of her body. Her hips bucked upwards involuntarily as the princess increased the speed of her administrations. Every single one of her muscles seemed to be tightening up, as though tensing before a massive leap.

  With a small sigh, Helen lowered her mouth onto Agnes, tongue parting the folds of pink flesh. As her fingers curled slightly during their thrusts, her tongue massaged the outer folds of Agnes’s womanhood. Agnes spasmed slightly and whimpered before finally cresting.

  Her orgasm sent tremors over her whole body, from her innermost parts contracting around the princess’s fingers to her fluttering eyelids. Only a faint sense of self-preservation kept her from screaming with ecstasy as waves of pleasure washed over her, and instead of screaming she gritted her teeth and moaned.

  The princess Helen pulled away as Agnes’s movements abated. Then she slowly lifted herself back over the other woman’s body, almost absentmindedly dropping occasional kisses as she traversed the short distance. Agnes felt a tongue trace the line of her ribs before alighting briefly on the inside of her wrist. A soft kiss at the base of her neck became sudden sucking and a small nip which made Agnes gasp again. Finally, Helen caressed both of Agnes’s breasts again and returned to her original position in order to plant urgent kisses on her mouth with lips still wet from Agnes’s nether parts.

  “As I have served you,” the princess asked between kisses, “are you now ready to serve me?”

  Agnes responded by groping for Helen’s small, firm breasts, massaging each one gently before teasing the pink nipples.

  “I want you inside me,” said the princess, briefly grinding their hips together. Her wetness left a small moist trail on Agnes’s pelvis. She scooted up slightly, now straddling Agnes’s stomach instead of her legs, and reached for one of Agnes’s hands. She guided the other woman’s hand downwards, placing it flat against her sex. Agnes marveled at the softness of Princess Helen’s downy pubic hair contrasted with the fleshy wetness, at the small rounded body above her which was so different from her own angular form. She extended two fingers, as the princess had earlier, and was more than a little surprised when Helen thrust herself down upon them.

  Helen’s body closed tightly around the knight’s fingers, clenching as though it would try to entrap them. Remembering Helen’s own motions within her body, Agnes curled her fingers slightly forward while slowly withdrawing them, as though beckoning someone to come toward her. She was rewarded with a small gasp from the princess and immediately increased the pace of her movements, hand quickly becoming soaked with the other woman’s fluids.

  Helen came quickly, interior muscles pulsing around Agnes’s fingers. Before her involuntary shudders had completed, though, she had lifted herself off the other woman’s hand and moved still more forward until her knees pressed into the bed on each side of Agnes’s face.

  “I want you to taste me, sir knight,” she said. Agnes nodded eagerly. “Ask for it,” Helen ordered. “I want to hear you beg me for it.”

  Words were, in that moment, difficult for Agnes to remember. “P-please,” she stuttered breathlessly, after a few silent moments. “My lady, please let me taste you. I beg of you, please. . .please honor me.”

  “Ask me again.” The princess’s voice was cool and amused, almost detached.

  Words came more easily now. “My lady, my royal highness, please give me leave to kiss you where I’ve no right. I beg you grant me this, your loyal servant.”

  Satisfied, the princess lowered her hips over the knight’s face. Agnes pressed her mouth to the princess’s sex, gently kissing the folds of flesh before slipping her tongue in between them. The fragrance and taste of the other woman, heavy and musky and feminine, filled her world. Agnes closed her eyes and concentrated upon exploring the most intimate parts of her lady, stretching her tongue as far inside Helen as she could before withdrawing to once again caress the outer lips with her moist mouth.

  Helen began moving her hips back and forth, grinding her sex against Agnes’s face. Agnes felt the princess’s hands snake through her hair, grabbing handfuls of it to stabilize her balance and pinning her head to the bed beneath them. A rivulet of clear liquid from the princess dripped down her cheek, and her tongue frantically moved over the princess’s flesh, desperate to please her again.

  The princess’s motion grew more erratic as desire mounted. She was positively dripping now, as much wetness sliding down her lover’s throat as smeared upon her chin and lips. Finally, she peaked again with a groan, legs trembling with exertion. She rolled off Agnes and collapsed upon the bed, eyes closed and mouth stretched in a blissful grin.

  Agnes slowly sat up and regarded the smaller woman thoughtfully. She untangled her legs from her breeches, then stood, planting her bare feet on the floor. Ignoring Helen’s unconvincing protests, she scooped her up in her arms and crossed to the nearest section of wall, that covered by the tapestry.

  “What are you doing?” Helen finally asked. Agnes chose to once again reply with actions rather than words. With a quick heave of her powerful arms, she draped Helen’s legs over her own shoulders and helped Helen balance herself by leaning the girl against th
e tapestry. Supporting Helen’s weight with her shoulders as well as with her hands pressed firmly against her buttocks, Agnes craned her head forward slightly into Helen’s invitingly-spread cleft. Her efforts were rewarded with a small gasp and a fair amount of ineffectual squirming.

  “That’s not fair,” Helen protested. Agnes smiled a little and buried her face deeper, sucking and licking the most sensitive part of the princess’s anatomy while the fingers of one hand once again penetrated the woman.

  After some moments she pulled her face away. “It is a knight’s duty to serve her lady,” she reminded Helen, still thrusting with her fingers. “Am I serving you as you wish?”

  Without waiting for an answer, she returned her mouth and tongue to their former activities, feeling drops of Helen’s fluids strike her own breasts and slowly begin rolling downward. As she had hoped, using the wall and Helen’s own weight as leverage allowed her to more easily place pressure upon the princess’s sex. Helen’s breathing quickly sped into panting, and her legs wrapped tightly around the knight’s neck.

  “Don’t stop,” she said, shuddering. “Oh, please don’t stop.”

  Agnes didn’t stop until Helen had once again climaxed, hips arching and pushing into her face. Once spent, Helen slumped, and Agnes gathered her again into her arms and laid her back on the bed.

  The castle was beginning to rustle with the noises preceding dawn: cooks placing the morning’s loaves in the ovens, maids waking up and beginning the morning chores, guards leaving their duties.

  “I should dress,” Agnes said with some urgency. Helen nodded, and though she was heavy-eyed she stood and helped Agnes into her clothes and armor again, even re-winding the bandages which bound Agnes’s breasts. Agnes made to replace her helmet and return to the corridor, but Helen’s hand stayed her.

  “Stay in here,” she pleaded. “I’ll dress again, and make to be asleep with you standing watch.”

  Agnes smiled and watched the princess struggle into her nightgown, fumbling with the pale blue lacing in front until it. “Am I decent?” Helen asked, spreading her arms as though to showcase the fully-laced gown. Agnes nodded and gave the princess a hand back up into the blood-red bed, hands twitching over the bedclothes to ensure that her lady was fully covered.

  The knight watched silently as the princess’s breaths slowly slowed and became the easy, shallow sighs of the fast asleep. She had barely been standing vigil an hour before a soft knock echoed faintly through the door. Taking care to replace her helmet and lower the visor, Agnes answered the door. She held up one finger before her hidden mouth, then jabbed it at the sleeping princess.

  The maid at the door, a wizened old crone with a twisted back, smiled apologetically. “Did she have nightmares again?” she asked in an undertone.

  Agnes nodded. “She demanded I stand in here while she slept.”

  “I did the same many a night when she was but a babe,” the maid replied. “Makes for a long vigil, though. I generally brought my crocheting.”

  Grateful for the helmet which concealed her brash grin, Agnes conceded that watching the princess sleep made for extremely dull duty.

  After a few hours’ sleep in her own scantily-furnished quarters near the stable, Agnes rose again, prepared to move on to her next assigned station. A town a day’s ride away had announced a new tournament, and she was in need of more gold as well as occupation. Sir Aldred would be expected to make an appearance.

  Before she could do more than walk out to the stables, though, one of the various ladies-in-waiting hailed her.

  The girl couldn’t have been more than thirteen years old and her red hair was in disarray. She was panting, unable to catch her breath as though she’d been running a mile or more, and clutching a stitch in her side.

  “Princess Helen,” she managed, after waving off Agnes’s offer to support her to a nearby milking stool. “Has decided to hire a bodyguard to accompany her in the months leading up to her wedding. Asked me to find you.” More gasps. “Requests that you stay on duty.”

  Agnes considered the offer for a few moments before giving calm assent, smiling broadly behind the visor that hid her face.


  12. In Love With A Female Vampire (Lesbian vampires sex)

  The date was going fairly well, all things considered. Maria had loved the tiny French hole-in-the-wall café Anna had discovered years ago, gasping at Anna’s daring when she ordered a bottle of merlot for the two of them. The waitress who had greeted Anna by name when the two girls entered the café that evening hadn’t so much as batted an eyelash at the order and brought out not only the wine but a small plate of fruit and cheese.

  Anna hadn’t actually suggested that to her yet and was rather pleased to find the staff taking such initiative. This night had to be absolutely perfect.

  Maria sniffed the wine tentatively. “Is it okay?” she asked in an undertone. “I mean, we’re still in high school and—”

  Anna airily waved away her concerns. “This is a really legitimate place. My parents have been bringing me here for years, and the owners are about as French as you can get. When you have food here, you have wine. No one cares how old you are.”

  Somewhat reassured, Maria sipped the wine gingerly. The girl had probably never had it before, Anna mused, a slow smile creeping at the corners of her pale mouth. She’d have to keep an eye on her date, make sure she didn’t end up in her cups before the end of the evening. Wouldn’t want to take too much unfair advantage, though the single lie hardly counted for much.

  While the restaurant was indeed an extraordinarily authentic establishment and stocked excellent wine, Anna’s parents had never brought her here. Anna’s parents were some hundred and fifty years dead and buried in an unmarked grave underneath what was, by now, probably a parking lot or a shopping mall on the outskirts of Paris. It was almost funny.

  Anna took a sip of her own wine, relishing the bitter smokiness of it and swallowing a laugh as Maria gulped a little too much and had to gasp for breath. “I’m not very hungry,” she said. “Do you know what you want to order?”

  Maria stared at the menu, mouthing the unfamiliar names of the various entrées. “I’m not sure what a lot of this stuff is,” she said uncertainly. “I’ve never had real French food before.”

  “I’ll order for both of us,” Anna suggested smoothly, slim fingers caressing the stem of her wineglass. “I know what you’ll like.”

  With that, Anna waved the waitress back over and calmly ordered the veal simmered in the wine sauce this café did so well, and as an afterthought asked for a crème brûlée to be brought out afterwards.

  “What’s in crème brûlée, anyway?” Maria asked as the waitress took their menus.

  “It’s delicious. One of my old favorites,” Anna explained. “You’ll see when it gets here.”

  Anna had met Maria earlier in the year, as the younger girl had been heading to school. Maria had called her over, asking if she knew where Westlake High School was, as she was late and a little bit lost. Anna had been on her way to her daily resting place, but Maria’s dark brown eyes, unruly red hair, and even the freckles dotting her white shoulders beneath that blue tank top had been positively bewitching.

  If she hadn’t known better, Anna might have thought Maria was a vampire, too, and trying to mesmerize her. Of course that hadn’t been the case, and Anna decided to skip the day’s sleep and tag along. Mesmerizing any of the teachers who questioned her presence at the school had been a simple enough matter, and of course avoiding sunlight was by now sheer force of habit. No one had ever dared ask her to remove her gloves or pull down her hood.

  For the next several months, the two girls had been inseparable. Anna had cautiously hedged Maria’s questions about her past and her family by insisting that it was far more boring than Maria could possibly imagine, following up those assertions with questions about Maria’s own life. Maria had been happy to oblige and told Anna all about her annoying older brother who had final
ly graduated and moved to the next state to go to a tech school as well as her single father who was at work almost all the time and was always too tired to talk when he did come home, and of course Carlos.

  Carlos was Maria’s pet rat, and Anna had begged to be allowed to meet him. This secured her the necessary invitation into Maria’s home which she had coveted since meeting the girl, and the two had raced back to Maria’s house as soon as school let out that afternoon.

  Anna found the small white rat with blinking pink eyes absolutely charming, and it had been far too simple a matter to coax him onto her hand where he promptly began grooming himself.

  “He likes you!” Maria had exclaimed. “He’s never this comfortable with strangers.” Anna had simply smiled and placed the rat gently back in his cage before turning her smile upon Maria, who flushed and immediately turned her gaze to the floor.

  Anna kissed her for the first time then, grabbing the other girl firmly by both shoulders and tenderly pressing their lips together. Maria had been wearing strawberry lip gloss, and the memory of that sweet and innocent taste was still enough to make Anna feel a little dizzy. The two girls met more often after that, holding hands and stealing kisses between classes or during movies, and by now Anna could no longer pretend that Maria was merely prey.

  Maria was beautiful, with her brilliant red hair that refused to ever behave properly and her cheeks which flushed easily and those perfect soft lips. And tonight, Anna would have her properly, and tell her about her well-kept secret.

  “Anna? Are you okay?”

  Anna jolted back to the present. “Sorry,” she said. “I was thinking about our first kiss again.”

  Sure enough, this response resulted in another blush from Maria, who was rescued only by the arrival of the entrée. After reassuring Maria that the veal was perfectly safe to eat and that she truly wasn’t at all hungry, Anna was content to watch Maria consume the dish, cautiously at first but picking up enthusiasm after a few bites.


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