Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set) Page 12

by R S Holloway

  Anna had been planning this evening for almost a month, first relocating to a large abandoned house that had been on the market for nearly five years, then convincing the realtor to strike the house from the company’s records and transfer the title to her. Anna could be very convincing when she wanted to be. The next few weeks had been spent redecorating the bedroom, shredding the tan curtains and replacing them with as much red velvet and deep purple silk Anna could convince the owner of the craft shop down the road to part with.

  Charming mortals was a knack all vampires possessed. When even your death certificate is crumbling with age, being able to convince people that they don’t need to check your identification becomes a survival skill. Anna just happened to be unnaturally good at it, and it had been a struggle not to use her power on Maria more than was strictly necessary. She didn’t want to fool Maria.

  Once the bedroom had been properly decorated, down to the canopy Anna had built herself by draping extra silk over hanging wires as well as the candles scattered throughout the room, there had been a matter of a few other necessities. Anna had been eighteen when she died, though she was well aware she often appeared younger. Her waist-long dark hair, wide black eyes, and thin frame gave her a fragile appearance that was generally confused with youth. Still, no one had questioned her when she entered the “adult goods” shop on the corner, and the clerk had been happy to dismiss the strange pale child as a trick of the light when Anna smiled and suggested that she wasn’t actually there. She walked out with the items she wanted, which were now secreted safely in her purse.

  Selecting the right strap-on had been a challenge, and Anna had spent an hour poring over the shop’s entire stock before making her decision. The harness was black and adjustable, while the dildo was smooth and slightly curved, just over four inches long. She had tried it on as soon as she returned to her new bedroom, adjusting the straps over her slim hips and making certain that it would lay properly against her body. She couldn’t wait to try it out on Maria this evening.

  The crème brûlée arrived and was as perfect as Anna had known it would be, the crust of caramelized sugar shattering with a brisk tap of a spoon.

  “You were right,” Maria said after tasting it. “This is absolutely gorgeous.”

  “You’re gorgeous,” Anna replied, and was rewarded with another blush.

  Anna was eager to leave as soon as Maria had finished her meal and her third glass of wine, though Maria hesitated when Anna stood.

  “Don’t you need to pay?” she asked cautiously.

  Anna laughed and waved again at their server. “Put it on my tab, would you?” she asked, smiling to reveal her sharp white teeth.

  “Of course, Miss Anna,” the waitress responded. “We’ll see you again soon. Have a good night now, you two.”

  Anna was very convincing. She couldn’t remember the last time she needed to pay for anything at all. The sun had set while they were still hidden in the restaurant, so Anna didn’t bother replacing her gloves when the two of them stepped back outside, tightly clasping each other’s hands.

  “What next?” Maria asked, swaying a little.

  Anna raised her eyebrows. “You said your dad was gone on a business trip?”

  Maria nodded. “Until Monday. He’ll be gone all weekend.”

  “Then,” Anna paused, drawing out the moment as long as she could. “Why don’t you come see where I live tonight? You could even stay until morning. My parents certainly won’t mind. They might not even be home.”

  Maria hesitated. “I really shouldn’t. . .”

  “Please?” Anna begged. “I know you feed Carlos in the mornings, so he’ll be fine for one night. And I’ve seen your house. . . .” She trailed off, trying to look wistful. Maria capitulated quickly at that, and the two girls walked the short distance to Anna’s newly-adopted home, Maria merrily chatting about Carlos and school. Anna replied only absently, her mind on the contents of her purse as well as what she needed to tell her girlfriend that evening.

  The old brick house was forbidding in the light of the early evening. “You live here?” Maria asked dubiously, eying the overgrown yard.

  “It’s great inside,” Anna said. “Come on.”

  The two girls entered the empty house, their footsteps echoing over the bare floors. Anna led Maria to the stairs. “My room’s up here.”

  “Easy,” Maria said, laughing a little. “I can’t see and you’ve given me wine.” Belatedly, Anna realized that the interior of the house was nearly pitch-dark once the sun had gone down, and though she’d acquired enough furniture to make the place look almost lived-in during the day, she’d neglected to find lamps.

  “Sorry,” Anna said, slowing her step. She opened the first door at the top of the stairs and pulled a lighter from the recesses of her handbag. “Wait here.”

  With the candles lit, the makeshift furnishings looked much more polished, the flickering light giving the small room an eerie atmosphere. Anna turned to find Maria smiling tenderly at her, and a lump formed in her throat.

  “I have something to tell you,” she said slowly.

  “Yes,” Maria said, shaking her head a bit. “You love me, and also you’re a vampire.”

  “What?” The word came out flat, sounding more like a statement than a question.

  Maria ticked off points on her fingers. “You can’t go in the sun and this house is completely unlived in – seriously, did you not notice that we were leaving footprints in the dust down there? No one notices you if you don’t want them to and the school has no actual records of your enrollment. People give you anything you ask for when you do that funny thing with your voice, and also Carlos doesn’t just not like strangers, he normally bites anyone who isn’t me.” She shrugged. “It’s simple, and I’m not dense. Oh, and I love you too, idiot.”

  Anna grinned a bit sheepishly. “Are you okay with proceeding, then?”

  In response, Maria quickly crossed the room. She grabbed Anna’s cold face between her hands and planted a long, firm kiss upon her lips. She paused after a moment, though. “No biting, okay?”


  Anna had never fed upon anything without killing it, and she certainly wasn’t about to risk her beautiful Maria. There was, however, another type of primal hunger surging through her, and she tugged fiercely at Maria’s thin tank top, longing to feel those perfect breasts under her hands. Maria obliged, quickly shedding the shirt and leaning back onto the bed, bringing Anna on top of her.

  Anna let her lips roam down to Maria’s neck, relishing the feeling of the rapid pulse throbbing so close to the surface of the skin. She moved on quickly, nearly tearing Maria’s bra in her eagerness. She kissed each exposed nipple gently, feeling them harden at the touch of her mouth, and made her way slowly down the human girl’s soft, pale body. Her tongue flicked gently over the swell of Maria’s hips, making Maria gasp in sudden pleasure.

  The button of Maria’s jeans caused her momentary frustration, and Maria ended up helping her with it, discarding her sandals and wiggling somewhat awkwardly out of the binding denim.

  “This really isn’t fair,” Maria complained. “I’m down to my panties and you’re still wearing your jacket.”

  Anna smiled smugly. “Do you want me undressed? I want everything we do tonight to be for your enjoyment.” Maria nodded firmly, and Anna slowly stripped down, first shedding her leather jacket. Her button-down shirt went next, exposing her small breasts. She almost never bothered with a bra at all. Her long skirt went last, falling to her ankles. She also hadn’t bothered with underwear that day, so this last action left her naked, softly-furred sex open to the air. She stepped daintily out of the waistband of her skirt and returned her attention to her lover.

  She stroked a single finger against the crotch of Maria’s dark red panties. To her delight, they were already rather damp. “May I?” she asked, hardly waiting for the faint affirmative before stripping the garment from the other girl and tossing it to the

  Maria had shaved, Anna noted with a certain level of satisfaction. Her bare pussy seemed somehow unnaturally obscene, every curve and fold plainly visible. Kneeling on the bed before Maria, Anna bent her head down and slowly licked Maria’s entire sex, ending with a flick of her tongue over Maria’s clit.

  She then pulled back a little, kissing and nibbling the inside of Maria’s thighs, briefly running her tongue along the join where the leg became crotch before returning to the quivering pink folds of flesh. She buried her tongue deep inside her lover, reveling in the sharp, feminine taste of her. Women always tasted a little like a fine, bitter wine to Anna, and Maria was no different.

  Anna shifted her attention to the top of Maria’s sex, running her tongue in ever-faster circles over Maria’s clitoris. At the same time, she inserted a single finger into Maria’s vagina. Maria groaned and her hips began to rock in time with Anna’s movements as Anna simultaneously worked her clit with her tongue and massaged the inside of Maria with her finger.

  “Anna,” Maria gasped. “I’m going to. . . .” Her breath caught before she could finish the sentence, and her hips bucked against Anna’s face. Anna pulled away, letting Maria ride out her orgasm and used the few moments when her lover was distracted to pull two small objects from her purse.

  By the time Maria looked up again, Anna had donned the strap-on and opened the tube of lubricant.

  “I want to fuck you properly,” Anna said, squirting lube onto her hand. She ran her wet palm over the little purple strap-on dildo, leaving it shining with moisture. “Will you let me?”

  Maria nodded, and Anna knelt over her and slowly guided the strap-on into her lover.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked. Maria moaned softly. “How about this?” Anna pulled her hips back and gradually moved them forward again. “This is your first time having another woman inside you like this, isn’t it?” Maria nodded again, seemingly too breathless to respond.

  Anna gradually sped up the motion of her thrusts until the sound of flesh slapping flesh resounded through the room. She kept her eyes focused on Maria’s face, watching her lover’s eyes close tightly in ecstasy and her hands grip and twist the sheets beneath them. Shifting her weight onto her left arm, Anna brought her right hand down to massage Maria’s clitoris again.

  Maria’s second orgasm caught both of them by surprise, and Maria cried out as she climaxed, shuddering beneath her partner.

  Anna pulled out and lay beside Maria, who rolled over to her side so the two could look each other in the face.

  “Was that good, love?” Anna asked.

  Maria smiled. “Of course it was. Only you didn’t come.” There was a clear note of disappointment to her voice.

  “Would you like to make me?”

  In answer, Maria sat up again. She deftly unbuckled the harness of the dildo and tossed the apparatus aside, giving her full access to Anna’s vagina. Maria immediately bent her head and began sucking Anna’s clit, tongue occasionally flicking out to explore the inside of her lover.

  Anna lay back, eyes closed, and soon found her breath hitching despite herself. It had been more years than she could remember since anyone had dared come so close to her. The hot, wet tongue parting her and sensually stroking her most sensitive parts combined with those beautiful red lips closing over her hard clit were almost more than she could take. Waves of pleasure washed over her, almost alien in their intensity, and she rocked her hips upward to meet Maria’s mouth more evenly.

  She came spasmodically, twitching and groaning beneath the other girl’s mouth, and it seemed a long time before Maria pulled herself back up to lie beside her.

  They lay that way for some time, trading soft kisses still damp with each other’s fluids, tongues dancing together.

  “Will things change?” Anna asked finally. “Now that you know about me?”

  “Never,” Maria said, yawning slightly. “I love you. I will always love you, no matter what you are.”

  With that, Anna gathered Maria into her arms and listened to her breaths slow into sleep. The two lovers remained intertwined until dawn, Anna wakeful, guarding the human girl who brought such joy into her lonely life.


  13. The Werewolf Huntress (Werewolf sex)

  Amy had been following him for months.

  It wasn’t quite as bad as it sounded, she reasoned. This was nothing different from her day job. She was the expert brought in when the electronic trackers, helicopter flights, and hidden cameras failed. Amy was a modern wolf tracker: a hunter who trapped, tranquilized, and tagged her prey instead of killing it.

  She was rather good at it, if she could say so herself.

  Her blonde hair was long and a perfect enough shade of yellow to be the envy of professional beauty queens if she were ever to keep it clean and groomed. Instead, it spent most of its time soaked in swamp water, tied in a knot at the base of her skull and only occasionally escaping to hang about her face in limp tendrils. She twitched at a strand of it impatiently and squinted at the tracks before her.

  They were far too large to belong to an ordinary wolf, and the spaces between each stride varied from step to step, indicating an uneven gait.

  “It looks,” she thought aloud, “like its legs were shrinking while it was walking.” A grim smile appeared on her face, and she adjusted the heavy pack over her shoulders. She straightened, eyes still on the ground, and continued to follow the trail.

  The wolf tracks disappeared into a gravelly streambed, where they were washed away by the water. She pursed her lips and leapt easily over the narrow creek. She found the trail again quickly – the broken stems of the brush were a dead giveaway. Her quarry was moving fast, and clumsily.

  There. She knelt back down and examined the next print. The pad of the foot had elongated and the claw marks had disappeared completely. She half-crawled, following the trail on the muddy forest floor. After a few more steps, the footprints were indistinguishable from those of an adult human. Probably a man, judging from the size.

  Amy knew better than to try telling anyone back at the office about this. She already had a reputation as an eccentric, due to her habit of camping out in the woods for weeks at a time, often without a tent. After such excursions, she’d often return to the office without bothering to go home and take a proper bath first, hair tangled and whole body reeking of moss and sweat and earth. Eccentric was okay. Geniuses were eccentric. She had no desire to be labeled as “crazy” instead.

  Even if there was a werewolf on her turf.

  She stood up straight again. A man was easier to track in the woods than a wolf, and he left clear signs of his passing. Amy wasn’t entirely sure what she’d do when she found him. Suppose he was dangerous?

  Envy and desire warred briefly with paranoia and self-preservation. This man could become a wolf, a part of the forest. He could live it and breathe it as she never could. She had to find him.

  He was waiting for her behind a copse of trees around a bend in the stream. It appeared that he’d been camping there for some time – a two-man tent was already pitched, and the fire pit looked to have been dug weeks before. He stood bare-chested and massive in the center of the creek, water foaming around his form as he scrubbed vigorously at his wild mane of dark brown hair. Muscles rippled over his back as he moved, ducking fluidly under the water for a last rinse before stretching languidly as he turned to face her.

  He was bearded, Amy noted, a surprisingly neat layer of hair covering his chin and upper lip. Stubble beaded his jaw and cheeks.

  “You’ve been following me,” he said by way of introduction. Amy nodded. “Good job. No one’s ever been able to keep up before. Wouldn’t have expected you to be a woman if you hadn’t slipped up two nights ago and gotten upwind of me.” He grinned, teeth flashing white in the late afternoon sun. “Didn’t think you’d be pretty, either,” he added apologetically.

  Amy felt her face flush slightly. “Pretty” was not something she heard much.
People didn’t call women wearing hiking boots and covered in mud “pretty.”

  “Some people just say hello, you know,” she managed. She dropped her pack on the ground and rocked her shoulders back and forth. “My name’s Amy.”

  “Cain,” the man replied. Amy raised an eyebrow. “The wolf thing is hereditary in my family,” he explained. “And my parents had a sense of humor.”

  Amy nodded, and chewed her lip. She had so many questions, and no idea how to ask any of them. “I’m a. . . a scientist, of sorts,” she managed finally.

  Cain rolled his eyes. “Let me guess. You want hair and fur samples, and you want to test how I react to tides and the full moon, and above all you want to keep me inside.”

  “No!” Amy exclaimed. “I want to know what it’s like. To smell the world around you as clearly as I can see it around us now. To run with the speed and the strength denied to us, us two-legs.” Her pent-up passion poured through her voice. “I just want to know,” she finished.

  Cain stepped out of the water, completely unbothered by his nakedness. Amy fought to keep her glance from creeping to below his waist. He smirked a little.

  “Do you want to see?” His smirk suggested a multitude of obscenities. He didn’t wait for an answer but stretched his arms to the sky, a blissful smile creeping over his face.

  Amy watched, enthralled, as the man before her changed. Thick grey fur crept over his body, while his legs bent oddly and his arms seemed all at once to end in massive paws. His eyes became golden and wise, and all too soon he was stretching his head upwards, letting loose a mournful howl.

  At close range, it was nearly deafening, but Amy was too enchanted to care. “You’re beautiful,” she gasped.

  Thunder rumbled distantly, and the wolf’s ears perked. With an energetic bound, he swept toward her, tugging at her jeans like a playful herding dog.


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