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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

Page 14

by R S Holloway

  Her gaze fell to the bottom of the movie poster, where she expected to find the names of the actor and his cast mates.

  All she discovered, though, was the movie’s rating; which, much to her shock, turned out to be NC-17.

  Whoa! Her eyes flew wide. The last time I saw a NC-17 movie it was with my last boyfriend. We ended up going home and…well actually come to think of it, we didn’t even make it home.

  “One please!”

  The lady at the counter, a blonde in her mid-40s, acknowledged her with a knowing smile.

  “Do I even need to ask which movie you’d like to see?” She arched her eyebrows.

  In no mood for humor, Verna slipped a fiver and her student ID across the counter. She used her free hand to wipe some telltale sweat from the surface of her brow. “Well I don’t know. Have you ever seen a chicksta get this hot and bothered over Transformers 8?”

  The woman chuckled, taking Verna’s money and handing her a scarlet hued ticket that glowed in the light of the moon.

  “Have fun, Dearie,” she winked.“Your movie will be showing in the balcony theater.”

  Heading inward into the theater, Verna stopped a minute to admire the crystalline chandelier that hung from the ceiling of Theater Rouge. It was a traditionally designed theater that also boasted a brass railed spiraling staircase that lead to the second floor.

  Verna’s heart raced with anticipation as she mounted the velvety stairs that would take her to the midnight showing of Vampire Fantasy.

  Her broad, downright drunken smile dissolved moments later, as she walked into a theater that boasted a stained glass ceiling, paintings of cherubs and woodland scenes, and thick velvet carpet. A carpet that she walked on alone, before claiming an empty seat in an empty row.

  Hmmm, so much for the vampire fans of this city. She shook her head as she turned to face the screen. Heck, I’m pretty sure there are actual vampires in this city. I can’t believe that I’m the only one at a midnight showing of a flick called Vampire Fantasy.

  She took in her breath as in a sudden flourish the lights went down around her. As darkness engulfed her, the sound of a low, eerie harpsichord filled the air above the theater.

  Suddenly the screen came alight with the image of the vamp himself.

  He’s one of those rare people who looks even better in high def. She sat forward in her seat: Blast him.

  The image of the vampire was cloaked in a coat of black leather. He was surrounded by a kaleidoscopic glow that shone alternating colors of red, black and blue. Everything seemed larger than life, but oddly realistic as it shone from the screen.

  “I could almost reach out and touch him...”

  Verna bit her lip, the pounding of her heart almost drowning out the music that set their scene.

  “Well why don’t you?”

  Verna jumped as the vampire parted his lips to deliver this smooth, deeply voiced line. One he said while looking directly at the camera...

  … directly at me, she trembled in spite of herself.

  “That’s right Verna,” the vampire smiled, revealing a sharpened set of fangs as he stared into her eyes. “I’m here only for you.”

  His viewer froze, stunned at the vampire’s personal address.

  “You talkin’ to me?” Her voice broke.

  His deep, melodic chuckle sent chills down her spine.

  “Are you not the only lovely lady named Verna present in my audience tonight?” He arched his feathered eyebrows, burning her with a hungry gaze that touch her at the core.

  Even so, she squared her shoulders and stood from her seat as she fixed the vampire with a deep frown.

  “Well as it happens, I’m the only one in the audience tonight. And I seem to be the only one in this area who has heard of the movie.” She jumped from her seat, planting her hands on her hips.“Did one of your friends put you up to this? Is this some sort of virtual reality stuff?”

  She fell silent as a beam of blue light radiated from the screen, seizing her in its hot rays and lifting her from the ground.

  Her eyes flew wide as her body was pulled toward the screen. She shut those eyes tight to prepare for her collision with its hot, hard surface.

  Instead, she collided with something else hard and hot. And never had anything felt quite so good.

  Verna found herself clutched in a pair of two muscled arms that held her closer than close; pulling her flush against a firm, muscled chest that warmed her with its heat.

  “Funny,” she said aloud, her head nestled on a rock hard shoulder as her arms wrapped around a trim waist.“I always thought vampires were supposed to be cold.”

  She took in her breath as the vampire’s arms tightened around her, cradling her as the strands of his long, soft hair brushed against her shoulders.

  “I’m your vampire, Darling,” he whispered.“I look how you want me to look, and feel how you want me to feel. I even came to you in the form of a movie, because your passion lies in the cinema.”

  “Well I usually don’t get quite this passionate over a typical matinee.” She giggled as their hips pressed together, sparking fascination into desire.

  “You do indeed, my darling.” The vampire rubbed his strong hands down the surface of her back. “You’re never more aroused than when you come to this theater to enjoy a vampire movie. Your passion, your red hot desire called out to me. And now I’m here, Verna, to satisfy that desire. To make your vampire fantasy come true.”

  She took in her breath as he seized her lips in a hot, passionate kiss. His lips rubbed and stroked hers as their tongues entangled.

  Sinking in his hot embrace, Verna inhaled his citrus tinged scent as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She leaned into his sizzling kiss as he pulled her closer still.

  Finally he pulled away.

  “Open your eyes Verna,” came his whispered urge. “See your world.”

  Following his instruction, Verna opened her eyes to view the type of view she’d seen only in period vampire movies.

  She and the vampire now stood in a plush Victorian-style bedroom; one accented by the thick scarlet carpeting and crystalline chandelier she recognized from the theater.

  Ah, but the blazing fireplace in the corner of the room seemed new to this scene, as did the long satin nightgown she wore and the luxurious rose dream bed at the center of the room.

  A delicious variety of lacy pillows, sleek runners, a silken red canopy and rose-patterned comforter - this heavenly rest place also seemed a product of her wildest fantasies. But then so did the fully naked vamp who sank in its sheets, holding his hand out to her.

  The moonlight that flowed through a nearby window illuminated the beauty of the vampire, a mystical creature with a flawless carved face. A face which was graced with full lips, deep blue eyes and carved cheekbones. His perfect body matched the glory of his face, boasting a massive golden chest, sculpted abs, trim legs, and a long, hard cock that saluted her arrival.

  “You’re perfect,” she breathed, walking as if in a trance to the side of the bed.

  “I am as you created me in your imagination.” He opened his arms to her.

  “What is your name?” She sunk with a relieved sigh into his arms, her wide-eyed gaze taking in every bit of his raw masculine glory.

  Cupping her face in his hands, he tilted her head back and stared deep into her eyes. His lips brushed hers in a light, tender kiss; a sweet brush that nonetheless sparked a fire deep within her soul.

  “My name is not important,” he whispered.“I am your Lestat, your Edward, your Dracula. Every vampire who has stirred your fantasy…this is who I am.”

  Swooping down upon her with vampiric flourish, he bowed his head over her neck and grazed her nape with his fangs. He swept her up in his arms, and pressed his hard massive chest against hers. Reaching beneath her nightgown to rub the sensitive skin of her legs, he stroked her full thighs until both opened for his pleasure.

  Verna took in her breath as he stroked her bare s
kin, seizing her lips in a passionate kiss as he cupped her feminine area.

  She sighed with pleasure as his agile fingers stroked open her tender folds and rubbed her clit; creating sparks that surged upward through every part of her body. In her heightened excitement she kissed him senseless, laving his mouth with her tongue as her pussy throbbed for want of him.

  It gushed outright moments later, as her lover inserted a second finger to the depths of her feminity. He stroked and probed as though he seemed to seek the ultimate source of her pleasure.

  “Only a vampire truly knows how to pleasure a woman.” He whispered against her parted lips, his fingers continuing to work their magic on her clit and pussy in equal measure. “And as I’m your vampire, I know your desires before you do.”

  “Well you’re certainly doing a good job so far,” Verna’s eyes flew wide as her hips bucked his hand. This single slick motion brought his fingers deeper into her, also bringing her arousal to a delirious fever point.

  With an impassioned growl, he delivered a long last stroke that sent her over the edge. Her clit pounded in orgasmic ecstasy as her chest heaved its passion. His other finger found and ignited her G-spot, bringing a scream from deep in her throat as her body trembled with pleasure.

  The hands of Verna’s vampire lover rose to stroke her breasts. They undid the gown from her shoulders, exposing her body to his admiring eyes.

  “You’re beautiful love.” He swept her up in his arms, searing her chest with adoring kisses and suckling her nipples until they rose to hard peaks beneath his attentions.

  Throwing her head back, Verna growled low in her throat and closed her eyes as she settled herself in his lap. Thrilled at the union of their hot bare skin, their hips locked and their arms and legs entangled.

  She ran her hands through his long dark hair as he leaned her body backward, tossing her body into silken sheets as he hovered above her. Soon her vision was filled with his manly perfection, set against the contrasting loveliness of a rose dream canopy.

  “Really,” she smacked her lips, cupping his cheeks in her hands, “what more could a gal want from a vamped out chick flick?”

  “I don’t know baby,” he graced her with a cheeky smile, “a XXX sex scene, perhaps?”

  “Works for me,” Verna growled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him downward for a heated kiss. She wrapped her legs around his trim waist as their mouths met and their tongues entangled once more.

  Releasing his own intense growl, the vampire descended upon her; his chest pressing against hers as their hips rocked together. The divine friction set them both afire as his shaft surged between them. His firm packs teased her gently rounded tummy as their lips smacked together. Sighs and moans emerged from human and vampire alike, both allowing themselves to get lost in the moment.

  “Talk about a passionate kissing scene.” She licked her lips like a famished animal, all the while running her caressing hands down the surface of his chest and abs.

  Soon his long, hard cock surged inside her, plunging to her core as his lips claimed hers in yet another passionate kiss.

  The couple clung to one another as though they never wanted this moment to end.

  “How long I’ve waited you for to come in to my life.” Verna’s whispered to her lover's ear. “How long I’ve waited for you to give me life.” He hugged her to him and ran his hands through the length of her ebony hair.

  His hips gyrated against hers and he cradled her sweaty body, licking her face and nipping her breasts like a creature of the night. With a long last thrust he plunged deep within her, simultaneously sinking his fangs in her neck.

  Verna’s body trembled as her being exploded in the heat of a multi-layered orgasm; one she shared with her lover as they collapsed together in the depths of their fantasy bed. They rolled as one to the center of the bed, where their arms and legs locked in an embrace that seemed eternally binding.

  They eyes flew open as she considered the consequences of their actions.

  “You bit me,” she gasped out, bracing her hands on his heaving chest.“Did you just make me a vampire?”

  Her lover shrugged, pinning her with an inquisitive gaze.

  “It’s your movie Verna.” He smiled. “So tell me, how do you want it to end?”


  15. Ride The Female Centaur (Centaur sex)

  With great calm she cast a loving gaze across the vast area of her homeland; a pretty meadow that, in the eyes of Angelika, formed the whole of her magical world.

  Throughout this emerald green meadow, grew a variety of surreal flowers. Her favorites, while resembling roses in structure, shone in every color of the rainbow; from rich scarlet red to startling indigo. From a deep violet to a yellow so bright it rivaled the hue of the sun.

  Of course, even the sun shone a greater gold in this surreal living space, causing the leaves of the trees to glow like emeralds in the scope of its tender beams.

  Angelika shared her homeland with a host of birds, butterflies, and other playful woodland creatures. These were neighbors she also claimed as friends and family members.

  I do love them dearly she thought, as she cast an affectionate glance toward a small butterfly that hovered close by her shoulder. Indeed I am blessed by my life, my home and my friends. It would be nice, though, if I could find a mate to share this charmed existence.

  Whenever Angelika inspected her reflection in the surface of a one of the meadow's ponds, she saw a face that boasted wide blue eyes, a long silky fall of pinky blonde hair, a trim waist, and perky breasts that lay uncovered in the light of the sun.

  All features that, or so I’m told, are favored by most young gents she thought almost aloud.

  Of course, this reflection also displayed a most unusual rear view; one that displayed a fetching set of legs, four to be exact, and a spotless pink and white tail.

  No matter how liked my personality, she sighed, rolling her eyes heavenward, most gents usually stop short when they see the horse’s ass.

  Her troubled mediation was disrupted by a flare of sharp, jarring pain. One caused by a dart thrust without warning deep into the flesh of her side.

  She let out a scream that startled a flock of tropical birds flying low overhead. Their worry-drawn faces formed her final vision just before the world slipped away.


  London, 1905

  “Mum, must we go to the fair again?”

  Julian Ross let out a low sigh, stretching his muscled arms high above his head as he regarded his mother, the respected Editha Ross, with a bored stare that brought a rare smile to her noble face.

  “It’s the event of the season, young man, and you know as much.” She ran a soothing hand through his shoulder-length mass of golden blond hair. “Now get ready, as I am really keen to see the opera singer who opens this year’s fair.”

  “Oh joy.” Her 21-year-old son rolled his eyes as he grabbed the bowler hat that hung from a nearby cherry wood rack. “Fine then, let’s be off.”

  An hour later, Julian found himself trekking the streets of downtown London. There was a number of attraction booths around, featuring everything from games and craft displays, to minstrel performances and public story readings. And while his mother headed directly for the clothing carts after hearing her much anticipated opera performance, he preferred to see shows at the fair, especially those that might in some way shock or titillate him.

  Heaven knows, in the life of a young English nobleman, one does not often get shocked or titillated, he thought, disappointed at the lack of opportunities.

  Indeed, since graduating from university four months earlier, he’d done little more than sit about his family’s manor house and write fantasy stories about creatures and legends that had captured his imagination. He had a thing for mythical creates since early childhood, and this thing had stayed with him ever since.

  I know that my mum wants me to follow in Da’s shoes and became a banker. He shrugged, eyes s
canning the brightly painted signs that oversaw the fair’s booths and tents. I’d far rather write books filled with my own takes on fairy tales and legends. Better yet, I’d love to meet some of the strange and wonderful mythical beings that fill these legends.

  He stopped dead in his tracks as he came to a tent marked Female Oddities.

  “Brilliant, just what I was looking for!” He clapped his sturdy hands together, smiling as he ran between the tent flaps. “I’d most definitely prefer an odd female over any of those boring society maids I’ve been courting the past few months.”

  His grin dissolved the moment he entered the tent; a sparse, dirty space occupied by a tank and a cage.

  “Only two attractions?”

  He cast a disinterested glance toward the tank on the left, which was really a shallow transparent barrel that held a beautiful but bored mermaid. Dressed in a makeshift fin that seemed to be made of cheap, sparkly cheesecloth, she returned his dull gaze before racing to the top of the barrel. She broke the water’s surface as she coughed and gasped for air.

  “Are you quite all right, Miss?” Julian shoved his hands down deep in the pockets of his smart brown pant suit.

  “Yes.” The mermaid spoke, spitting forth a stream of cool water that ruined what was left of her illusion. “I tell you though, after being a ‘sea siren’ for two full days, I’m quite ready to go back to my days in the pleasure houses. At least there I didn’t have to swim or wear this ridiculous fin.”

  “You may indeed have a point,” Julian smiled briefly, “and a plan.”

  His smile again dissolved, this time in shock, as he approached the cage that occupied the right side of the tent.

  Standing inside this enclosed space was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. One whose vivid blue eyes and soft pink hair instantly mesmerized him, along with what seemed to be a unique lower half.

  While the woman boasted a perfect face and top half that would make any man howl with delight, her lower half seemed to take on the form of a fully functioning, anatomically correct horse.

  “By God, she’s a centaur,” he breathed, taking a long gaze across her rear and more animalistic features. It was Angelika.


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