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Remus's Revelation

Page 1

by Pearl Tate


  Title Page



  About This Book
































  About the Author


  By Pearl Tate

  Copyright © 2019 Pearl Tate

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Book Cover Design by Alena Marie


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  This book is dedicated to my fans.

  Thanks for reaching out either on social media or by email to let me know you like where this is going!



  Happily committed and content in my harem, I assume I’m chosen to go after my brother Travek due to my faithfulness. I’m not excited to go off-planet, but I’ll serve my Council mother and Church’s Sacred Mother in whatever capacity they request.

  When I arrive, I’m dismayed to see mating marks have developed on my chest, and the pull to meet the human female inspiring them keeps me distracted—and feeling guilty.

  Do I let this mating progress and betray my Ermada? Is it possible to even deny a mating pull?

  When her life is in danger, any rational thoughts disappear as instinct takes over…


  Struggling to be “normal” at the college I’m attending, I find it aggravating to visit the shrink. She doesn’t understand or believe that I’ve been abducted by little, gray aliens.

  When I’m sucked into their bright light while at a study group, I’m shocked that they’re abducting me from a room with other people—why can I suddenly remember not only this visit but dozens more?

  And who is this strange, new alien claiming I’m his mate?

  REMUS’S REVELATION is the sequel to BREN'S BLESSING (Book One of the Quasar Lineage) and MATTHIAS'S MIRACLE (Book Two of the Quasar Lineage) and AMARI’S ADORED (Book Three of the Quasar Lineage) and DEVLIN’S DARLING (Book Four of the Quasar Lineage) and CALLIM’S CHALLENGE (Book Five of the Quasar Lineage) and TRAVEK’S TREASURE (Book Six of the Quasar Lineage).

  You don't have to read Bren's Blessing, Matthias’s Miracle, Amari’s Adored, Devlin’s Darling, Callim’s Challenge or Travek’s Treasure in order to understand the plot, but the story will be more well-rounded if you do!


  - Remus


  “Are you ready?” My brother, Castor waves me forward. He and Treko flank the large, imposing doors that lead into my new Ermada’s sleeping room. Carved with our combined family lineage, the design shows every nuance highlighted by the deep brown stain.

  Closing the distance between us, my ceremonial robe feels as heavy as my feet. “I am.” My voice gives away some of my misgivings with a quiver I just can’t control.

  It’s not that I’m not ready. But I’m nervous. Everyone endures this trepidation after their commitment ceremony, right?

  Clapping me on the back, Castor nudges me through the doors that Treko opens in front of us. Soothing, traditional strains of music float towards us. The room is dim and smells of lally blooms that decorate every flat surface. The fragrance isn’t soothing, rather it’s nauseating as it sits in the back of my throat, coating my senses.

  Following Treko to the raised sleeping platform, Castor waits patiently for me to remove my robe. He takes it from me to fold meticulously while I standby nude. My body is shining with ceremonial oils applied before the ritual. I’m not sure if it’s the flower’s scent or the oil that’s making my stomach roll.

  The sleeping platform has only white sheets covering its pristine surface. Metal rods extending off each corner hold white bindings tied through the loops at the top of each pole. The bindings long lengths are the only thing draping across on the flat, pristine surface.

  The sheet's cool texture tickles my body's hair as I climb the stairs that circle the platform and slide across to lie in the middle. Lying with my arms and legs spread, I close my eyes and take deep breaths. Now is the only time I have to relax and prepare myself mentally.

  “We only have ten parcs before our Ermada will arrive. Will that be enough time?” Castor drops his voice, but I still hear it reflecting his disgust. Yes, I'm aware I took too long. But that time was already spent settling myself in daily reflections. Breathing deeply in anticipation of this moment before I came.

  It’s not that I’m afraid. I just don’t want to displease her. As her fourth, I have to live up to any of her previous expectations. That’s a lot of pressure.

  “I’m fine. It’ll be enough,” I assure him while cracking my eyelids.

  I’m expected to be in total control when Canesta is administered to me by Lulila. As my new Ermada, and the house lead, she’s the only one in possession of the drug that’ll allow me to harden and procreate.

  Castor and Treko are finishing the ties on the ceremonial bindings to my ankles when Milano enters from another door across the room. As the lead husband, he’s been with our Ermada preparing her.

  “Is he ready?” His voice is serene and low as he hurries across the room.

  “Yes.” All three of my brothers peer down at me with Castor’s words. Big smiles cover all their faces. My stomach rolls again uncomfortably as the gravity of the moment settles upon me. Everything they’ve been reiterating comes back to me.

  Maintain control.

  Don’t release too soon.

  Please her.

  I smile and wonder if it looks as fake as it feels. My brother knows me too well though, so I don’t know why I bother. Dropping the facade, I tug experimentally on the binding around my wrist, waving them away.

  Milano grabs my ankle and squeezes it affectionately. “Don’t take it too seriously, Remus. She’ll tell you what she wants.” He would know. At almost ten annual rotations older, he’s been committed to Lulila the longest.

  “I won’t. I’m ready.” It’s easier to tell them what they want to hear than explain about the ball of tension sitting i
n my chest. What good would that do? There’s nothing to be done.

  I honestly don’t even understand why I feel this way. Commitment ceremonies are an honor. I’m one of the fortunate males that has a family commitment with Lulila. She has a family commitment with another line, but their first male won’t be the sixteen annual rotations required for another three. So far, Lulila has only committed to my brothers.

  That fact should make this even easier since we’ve slowly migrated from our families home to hers over the years. The soft swish of the automatic door opening, pulls my eyes to the right. I see Lulila smiling as she moves towards the sleeping platform. Without a word, my brothers drop their eyes and file out of the room.

  Lulila’s smile widens as she walks toward me. She’s beautiful with her midnight hair piled high on her head. It’s interwoven in her family line’s style and more of the lally blossoms decorate its length. If I didn’t have such a knot of dread in my stomach, I’d have enjoyed this moment. After all, the mother of my children is introducing me to her bed for the first time.

  I’m honored to join with a fertile line proven by my brother’s son. We delivered Lulila’s first child last rotation. That uplifting thought brings a sincere smile to my face. As my Ermada, all her children will be my own. It’s common knowledge that Castor is the father, and I’ve enjoyed nothing more than spending time with the child Lulila named Castile.

  “You’re exquisite, Remus.” Her soft hand settles just below the binding on my right forearm and travels slowly down until it settles next to my head on my shoulder. Squeezing gently, she quizzes me. “Are you alright?”

  I must appear uncomfortable since she isn’t the first to ask me that. “Yes, of course.” Tugging the corners of my lips up, I concentrate on relaxing as she smiles back softly.

  “Let’s get the Canesta in your system, and then I’ll undress. It can take a few minutes.” I only nod and watch wordlessly as she pulls a long chain over her head. I realize the adornment is a key, but how would I?

  Inserting it into the wall panel next to the sleeping platform, a small door pops open. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her pull out a large tubular device. This will be the most uncomfortable part.

  Moving down my side, she settles her hand on my stomach, just above my flaccid cock. “Ready?”

  As I nod, she turns her attention back to my body, and I experience another's hands on my genitals for the first time. It’s anti-climatic as she straightens and inserts the tube in the tip of my cock. Squeezing a pressure button on the end, the drug enters my system.

  I feel nothing yet… but eighty-five percent of males can establish an erection firm enough for intercourse within ten to fifteen quasenda marcs. The drug is a miracle for our species. They designed it over two thousand years ago when our species stopped mating to their ‘nemete’ or fated mate.

  Due to the change in our biology when the mating died out, the drug was manufactured. Now males can continue to maintain sexual relations with the declining number of females in our society.

  “Now that we’re done with that, we can get onto the fun. Right?” As she speaks, Lulila removes her robe in a slow, practiced move. As the fine material slips over her slight curves and drops to the floor, the levity of her beauty crashes down on me.

  She’s much older than me, but despite her age and recent delivery, her skin is toned. Standing almost a head taller than me, her willowy frame is perfect. I want to touch her just to know what her puckered nipples feel like. Are her breasts as soft as they appear? But the ceremonial bindings are still tied around my limbs. As tradition demands, they'll stay that way until we consummate for the first time.

  Her hair releases the blossoms as she steps up the stairs and climbs on all fours over to me. The undulating waves on her head betray her arousal, and I breathe deeply. Musky pheromones crash over my senses, and I close my eyes and groan.

  Immediately, I snap them open, not wanting to miss a thing. Lifting her body slowly between my spread legs, her breasts sway enticingly. Licking her lips, she smiles slowly, aware I’m staring.

  Willing myself to rise, I watch her hands settle on my thighs as she moves up my body. Her larger body dwarfs mine as she leans into me, running her breasts up each side of my cock and up my chest. The hardened nubs tickle me slightly before she raises her legs over mine, straddling my waist.

  Lifting up to her knees, she sways seductively above me, performing the fertility dance that’s so popular. I personally doubt it has any effect, but she looks wonderful doing it. Staring at her naked form, I watch the hairs around her cunt wave and beckon to my cock below it.

  My cock looks so small and forlorn. Will it really get large enough to fill her? “Relax, Remus.” Her fingers run through my hair floating around us both.

  Dropping my head onto the sleeping platform under me, I follow her command. It’s only a matter of time before the Canesta kicks in. Watching her body sway, I imagine my own small son—or if we’re truly blessed—daughter.

  Will they resemble me or Lulila? It doesn’t matter. I just crave the idea of a large family of little ones. I’ll be praying to the Sacred Mother to bestow her blessing for a fruitful union.


  - Jo-Anne


  “Have you had any panic attacks in the last week?” Flipping her expertly coiffed hair over her shoulder, my school-appointed therapist peers at me over the top of her iPad. She’s taking notes on it from behind her desk.

  “No.” When Dr. Dickson just continues to look at me expectantly, I let out a frustrated breath and continue. “I’m sleeping all night and taking my meds.” I’m such a liar, but whatever.

  They can shove the Prozac they’ve subscribed right up their ass. Besides feeling exhausted all the fucking time, the loss of sleep in and of itself was doing me in. Of course, they all said that would taper off. That I’d get “adjusted” to the dosage.

  Total bullshit.

  I’m in college for fuck’s sake. I need to sleep and be able to concentrate during the day. Nervousness, nausea, and lack of sleep are not a student’s best friend. I refuse to play their games.

  “Any other episodes you’d like to talk about?” By episodes, she means hallucinations, visions, nightmares, etcetera. Like I made up the shit I’ve seen.

  “No.” We lock eyes, and the battle of wills begins. I’m not losing this, damn it! She can not believe me all she wants, but I know what I’ve experienced.

  Starting from my earliest memories, I’ve been abducted. By little, grey men. Aliens.

  Yes, I'm aware it sounds crazy as hell. I’ve been told that over and over. From friends, doctors, and teachers during the course of my life.

  The only person who ever believed me was my mother, and she passed away just over a year ago. She was my only family. Here anyway.

  Sure, I’ve family back in Mexico that I’ve never met. Or I did when I was an infant. My parents immigrated to the US when I was less than a year old. By the time I was four, my father no longer came to visit regularly. My mom thought he ran off with a waitress at the restaurant he bussed tables at.

  Giving up, the doctor’s eyes shift back to her notes as she continues to type. Looking around the tiny office, I study her credentials behind her. That’s what I want.

  Those silly pieces of paper with the fancy initials after your name. They make you legit. Believable.

  When my mother passed away, I was still sixteen, so I ended up in the foster care system. It was brief, but put me on the radar for the headline “Crazy Bitch” and that just isn’t the case. It’s how I ended up here.

  When Dr. Dickson sighs heavily, my focus drops back to her behind the desk. “It looks like your last episode was… three weeks ago.” I roll my eyes as she continues. “Reported by your dorm supervisor.”

  Yeah, that was unfortunate. She thought I’d been raped when she found me in the bushes, naked and catatonic. It’s strange, but I rarely remember the experiences. I th
ink that aspect is a blessing.

  What I do remember, is bad enough. They scared me more when I was younger. Now, I’m just resigned.

  “I don’t remember what happened.” My voice is quiet, but firm. If I don’t remember, we can’t discuss it. And what’s the point in talking about it?

  “You don’t remember leaving your room naked?” Her eyes are wide on me behind her designer glasses that she nudges up with her shoulder. Skepticism is heavy in her voice.

  Aren’t therapists supposed to be unbiased?

  “No.” Shrugging my shoulders, we lock eyes again. “Sorry.” I tack that on for good measure.

  Until I came to college, I’d only dealt with the in-house therapist at the group home. Dr. Freeman was a pervert, but never blatantly disbelieving. This is only my third session with Dr. Dickson though.

  Only about six more to go this year. Easy, right?

  Closing her iPad cover, Dr. Dickson settles back into her chair looking resigned. “I'm informed you aren’t here because you want to be. I get that. But you realize how concerning it is when someone finds a naked, catatonic woman outside, right?” When I stare at her blankly without responding for a few seconds, she continues. “Don’t you think that scared your poor dorm supervisor?”

  Fuck. “Yes.”

  “With anyone else, this could have been a big deal. You need to participate with me. Don’t make me question your prescription usage. If these things keep occurring, we’ll have to get your blood work done and make adjustments accordingly.” Her serious expression has me mute.

  What does that mean? I can’t control this. It’s an aspect of my life that hasn’t been under my power since… forever.

  Never, really. I’ve been abducted from sleepovers at a friend’s home before too. I always come wandering back in a few hours. Sometimes naked. Sometimes in pajamas.

  “Okay.” What else can I say?

  “Okay.” Focusing on her iPad, she taps around a bit before continuing. “So, our next scheduled appointment is in four weeks.” She passes over the typical doctor’s business card with the time and date on it.


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