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Remus's Revelation

Page 3

by Pearl Tate

  We appear to be walking right out into space! I’ve no control over my body as my feet follow him inside the room that doesn’t appear to have a floor. Instead, stars glow all around us as we walk further and further into the dark void.

  Gazing about in wonder, my fear slips away as the beauty here surrounds me. Instantly, I realize we’re moving as a planet appears to get larger and larger in front of me. It’s Earth!

  I recognize the familiar continent as the land masses take shape. It’s beautiful. The deep, blue water is such a contrast to the green, white and brown land.

  Fluffy clouds swirl in trails around the globe as we race through space towards a pinpoint of light hovering in mid-air—or mid-space?—next to the Earth. Even as the light gets larger, it swells and pulses invitingly.

  Beckoning me. Is it really calling my name? Is that even possible?

  “What is that?” Even though I know I’m talking out loud, I can’t hear my voice around me in my ears. It’s similar to wearing headphones with loud music and then trying to talk to someone next to you. You know you’re speaking, but it doesn’t seem like you are.

  Large eyes turn towards me as he answers.

  Your portal.

  His words only register in my mind. As I focus on what he means, pictures expand in my head of a door, then a gate.

  “My portal? Like an entrance?” There’s still no sound around me, but that doesn’t seem to stop him from hearing or understanding me.


  As we get closer to the light, I realize it’s a large circle. And it’s not a white light any longer, it’s a flaming yellow ring. The bright color flares into the center. making a distinct center where they all meet in a pinpoint of orange.

  Do you remember this now? Your portal? Visiting before?

  As we get closer, it become larger until we’re standing in front of it. It towers around me. It must be hundreds of feet around! A skyscraper could fit in it.

  “I do remember it, but am I remembering it now? Or are we actually here?”

  I can sense him smile. Not see it. Which makes absolutely no sense! We’re standing next to each other and not even looking at each other.

  You are exactly right. We are remembering, but technically, we’re also here. I’ve brought you, but this is always here. Look around. Remember.

  I can tell this is important. To him and ultimately to me too. Of course, even though I feel that, I’ve no idea how I know.

  The bright, yellow light from the portal illuminates the grey alien as I turn toward him. His thin, waif-like frame hovers on the nonexistent floor next to me. When I swivel further, I see the interior walls of the commercial building we are in—or did we leave that building? It’s so hard to say.

  Completing my circle, I see Earth, hanging like a sphere off in the distance. So, what’s his point? There’s more he wants me to know, right?

  Smoothly, the grey alien moves just behind my left shoulder, grabbing my elbow to lift my left arm up. His cool fingers trail down my arm to grasp my hand.

  Spread your hand and fingers.

  Following his order, I spread my fingers out obediently. This is the first time I can ever remember actually having a conversation with one of the aliens. Every other memory dredged up by therapists has been reactionary. My panic, fear, and general terror dominate every recollection.

  Line up Earth behind your hand. See how it fills the space? Concentrate on the Earth, there, behind your hand and feel the glow of the portal behind you.

  He’s right. The portal’s light feels warm and comforting on my back. It pulses behind me with a low drone I didn’t notice before.

  This is your portal. Your location to come home to. When you need to bring others, this is the way. For yourself, this is always with you.

  The droning thrum of the portal at my back becomes louder and louder until I can barely hear his words next to me. But all fear has faded away. This is the most comfortable and relaxed I’ve ever been during an abduction.

  This is an abduction, right?

  Sleep, Jo-Anne. And remember.


  - Remus

  “… be waking at any moment now. Remain calm while your system is flushed, and the stasis process is completed. Welcome to your destination. You’ll be waking at any moment now. Remain calm while your system…”

  The craft’s stasis unit drones on around me as my eyelids flutter, and I fight to regain control of my body. Taking a deep breath, I follow the instructions from my Uncle Treelo. He personally supervised my orientation and take off. My lungs swell to bursting as I try to regain control.

  The Top Pick, the spacecraft assigned to me for my trip to the Ashen’s zone, is small, but the most current technology. The Sinth dominate the new spacecraft market between planets. Their ruling family sold this vessel to my uncle in the last annual rotation. It has the best of everything.

  Originally created for one of their heirs, it was made to go long distances with a crew as small as one. By adjusting the hyper-speed used, you can make it travel faster while a one-man crew is in stasis. This makes you less of a target for space pirates who’d destroy the craft trying to intercept a hyper-trip.

  I’m not sure whether I should be flattered at the technology they allowed me to leave with, or not. Am I that valuable? If I was, why send me?

  Yeah, I understand they think I’m fulfilling some prophecy—but how much of that is us playing into it? If you know and believe in a prophecy, and then engage in actions creating circumstances that make it happen, isn’t it really self-fulfilling? Would it have happened if I decided I absolutely wouldn’t cooperate?

  Feeling my fingers move, I use the buttons built into the panels by my sides to switch off the welcome menu droning on in my ears. Other parts of my body twitch too, as the internal medical checklist runs through activating nerves and reflexes in the muscles of my body. My thoughts are dominated by the dry and chapped sensation of my mouth and lips.

  Just as I think this, a tube lowers from above me and nudges my lips. Even though I want it desperately, it takes a moment for me to peel my lips apart and grasp it enough to draw in the water. It’s perfect timing, because it distracts me from the unpleasant withdrawal of the wires and electrodes buried under my skin.

  The water sliding down my parched throat reminds me of the strange dream I had while in stasis. It makes sense that dreams would be a common side effect of the trip. Even though you’re unconscious, your brain is still busy thinking, planning, and enjoying the break from reality.

  But the dream concerns me due to the female who dominated it. It wasn’t my Ermada. And that not alright with me.

  I know there are many males extremely unhappy in the circumstances they’ve been resigned to. I honestly believe that is a direct correlation to their treatment by their Ermada. Just as there are wonderful and loving female partners like Lulila, there are also many that are the complete opposite. Selfish and domineering.

  I’ve certainly heard the horror stories. Ermada’s who use their males as slaves. Expecting them to cater to every sexual craving she desires, even if it’s not their own.

  Lulila would never force us to be with each other or share us with her friends. Force is the key word. She’s also just as open to making us happy, however that comes about.

  The female in my dreams was similar to Lulila except for her eyes and hair. Dark skin with exotic dark brown eyes that seem to drill into my very essence are the biggest difference. All I see is her face. But the dark eyes and the way her hair is so wavy but lifeless makes her distinctly different from me.

  Even though all I see is her face, I feel her sliding against me. She’s smoother than I’m used to. No one I’ve ever touched has felt this soft and silky sliding against my chest. Hands flutter over my neck and chest as a strange tingling begins around my cock.

  It reminds me of an arousing gel that Lulila purchased as part of our play near the beginning of our relationship. At the time, w
e were still exploring each other's bodies. It ended up being used on her more than me, but it created a similar tingling around my back and over the skin.

  Shaking my head slightly, I try to bring my focus back to the present. It doesn’t matter what I dreamed about. Lulila doesn’t need to be informed. I can’t control what I dream, but I can control what focus on and care about.

  Taking slow, deep swallows of the water, I wait for the stasis chamber to open. The small portal window in front of me shows that everything on the other side appears normal. Dim lighting illuminates the tiny sleep dwelling that the stasis chamber is in.

  After what seems like an eternity, during which I feel like I’ve had motor control forever, the small, narrow doors crack in front of me. Stumbling out, I'm thankful it’s only a short distance to the bathing facility. I don’t care how quickly they want me to find out what happened to Travek. I refuse to go anywhere in the stasis clothing that’s riddled with holes for the wires and tubes that unerringly target then sustain you during the trip.

  In fact, it isn’t until I’ve left the sleeping chamber and gone out to check on the autopilot that I realize I’m no longer orbiting in space. The craft is sitting on the ground, and except for internal capability controls, it’s totally powered down. How is this possible?

  Maybe if I was a pilot and used to the sound of the vessel, I’d have noticed this earlier. But everything is new to me. For a moment, I’m overwhelmed as the gravity of my situation settles on me.

  What do I do next? I’m not sure if it’s coming out of stasis or just the overwhelming situation, but I lean back in the pilot chair to reassess my situation. Carefully, I review the numerous gauges and logs in front of me.

  My uncle and his top pilot went over every control of this small vessel. The Top Pick should have entered the Ashen zone. We picked a point between the zone boundary and Earth for the ship to exit accelerated speed and power down to wait. This was exactly what the Sacred Mother ordered. Did someone change those coordinates before I left without my knowledge?

  Ignoring the exterior cameras for the moment, I review the logs more closely. The more I look, the more I realize that I don’t really understand exactly what I’m looking at. It’s as if I’m reviewing a foreign language and hoping it’ll all eventually make sense.

  Instead, I need to focus on where I am. All the exterior cameras have been shut down along with any extraneous surveillance. Navigating the menu, I quickly tap through them, watching in fascination as a clear, blue sky and green foliage is shown.

  “Welcome, Remus from Quasar.”

  It takes a moment for me to grasp that the voice I’m hearing isn’t coming through on any of the systems in the Top Pick. How is that possible?

  “We understand you’re confused. Coming out of stasis has that effect on your physiology.”

  The words seem to echo inside my head, and I’m reeling with the implications of what has occurred. These must be the Ashen!

  “Yes, we’re the beings known to your race as the Ashen. Unfortunately, we can’t meet with you at this time. Due to new circumstances, and the current agreement with your Quasar race, you must bond with your mate before any discussions can proceed between us.”

  No. No, no, no. My mate! I don’t have a mate… this can’t be happening to me! It feels as if my entire body’s hairs all stand up at once.

  The carefully trained and controlled hair on my head is in front of me and around me in an instant. My skin tingles in anticipation, and I stand to rip open the fastening on my suit. Sure enough, the light, but clear markings are appearing on my skin, deepening as I watch.

  A ball of dread and horror descends over me. I assumed if it wasn’t something you were aspiring to—it couldn’t possibly happen. After all, I’m happily committed to my Ermada!

  “Are you?”

  Can they hear me? Pulling my suit back together, I scramble to my feet and look behind me, my gaze swinging back and forth. Could they be watching me?

  “We can hear you. Your thoughts are projecting due to stress. Now, would you prefer to meet your mate first or check in with your brother before that?”

  “Travek is here?” My voice is incredulous as I use it for the first time. It’s scratchy and low, but if they can hear my thoughts, certainly they can hear me speak as well?

  “Yes. We’ve all been waiting for you.”

  This is the most incredible and also, disheartening day I’ve ever experienced. My mission was to find the Ashen and Travek. Not betray my commitment to my Ermada by bonding to a mate.

  Standing up straighter, I consider my options as I look around the vacant spaceship. “I’ve been sent by the Quasar Council to discuss our past and potential future agreement. They’ve sent me with this.”

  Pulling out the strange crystal, I hold it up in front of me. Are they here? Can they see me too?

  “We can perceive the Accord. Its resonance is true.”

  Is that what this thing is called?

  “Yes. Its vibrational level is in harmony with ours and was what let you pass into this dimension without issue. It was the key for your people to travel back to us without an invitation.”

  All of this is so overwhelming that I sink back into the chair. I feel exhausted already. And I’ve already failed my Ermada by losing myself to a human female.

  “Exit your craft. You will have no trouble finding your brother, Travek. Will you allow us to transport you directly to his location?”

  What choice do I really have? What would happen if I said no?

  Admitting defeat, I slowly nod at the empty air in front of me, at the same time answering. “Yes. That’d be easiest.”

  The voice in my head sounds jovial at my defeat.

  “In time, we’ll send your mate to you to meet and see if your feelings change. Due to the Accord, it’s imperative that you bond with her, in order for us to continue discussions with your kind.”

  Dropping my head into my hands, I wait to see if they say anything else. When it’s silent for long moments, I wonder how much the Sacred Mother knew but didn’t share. Was she aware that I would mate? That they’d insist I complete the mating before I even communicate with them?

  There’s a possibility Travek can tell me more. At this point, I’ve no choice but to go along with whatever they decide. Now the mating… that’s another thing entirely.

  It’s not that I didn’t realize that it was a possibility. Although there are many males, including my brother Castor, who claim it’s all an elaborate hoax. Perhaps a way to find unfaithful or unwilling males in the harems?

  When he proposed this late one night when we were talking, I asked him for what purpose? He mentioned to be sent off planet, but then clamped his mouth shut and wouldn’t speak of it any longer. I’m sure he felt as if he was betraying our Ermada just by discussing the topic.

  As I stand up, still contemplating all the intricacies of the situation, the voice in my head begins a countdown.

  “Five… four… three… two… transfer.”

  The voice fades as a light brighter than any star seeps into me, blinding my vision with rainbows of color and light. Am I passing out?

  I feel weightless, and all my thoughts fade into nothing quicker than they did when I entered stasis.


  - Jo-Anne

  Rolling over, the first thing I notice is my screaming bladder. I really need to go! Prying my eyes open, I stare at the white sheets over and under me.

  That’s strange. I have flowered sheets. In the college dorm, the beds are all twin long mattresses. I had to go out and buy a set for school. The god-awful orange and pink flower design was all they had left at the discount store where I purchased them.

  Sitting up quickly, I groggily examine the immaculate bedroom I’m in. This wasn’t what I was expecting. At all.

  I’ve had my fair share of waking up disoriented and discombobulated after an abduction. It wasn’t unusual for me to be catatonic for at least a few
hours. Often in that time, somebody well meaning would take me to a hospital thinking I’d been mugged or raped. But I’ve never come to in a place this nice.

  Natural light streams in a sliding glass door. As I roll onto my back, I spot a man sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from me. His head is in his hands as I lift onto my elbows. Sensing my movement, his body shifts towards me and deep, green eyes lock with mine.

  A deep pulse pounds through my body as I tense in fright. Something deep inside me tells me I shouldn’t be alarmed, but this is exactly what I feared would happen someday. I get abducted and end up waking up in some strange man’s bed after they found me wandering around outside!

  “Don’t be frightened… I mean you no harm.” His voice wavers. Springing to his feet, he backs to the bedroom door. At the same time, I drop my feet onto the floor on the side of the bed away from him.

  The next thing that assures me all is well, is I’m still wearing my clothes. Freezing, with the bed between us, I rock slightly as I remember more. I was at the study group.

  With Karen. Shelly’s group. Right?

  Did they take just me from a room full of people?

  “Who are you?” My voice comes out low and hoarse as I think again about how much I need to use a restroom.

  Glancing around, I see another door just to the right of him with the familiar looking sink right inside. Bingo! Knowing where it is, just makes me have to go all the more.

  Just as he opens his mouth to answer, I cut him off. “Hold that thought—I’ll be back.”

  Sprinting into the bathroom, I let out a sigh of relief as he stays frozen in place while I shut the door and lock it. I don’t bother to look at myself before running to the toilet area and letting out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. What the hell is going on?

  This is a new one even for me. I’ve woken up alone many times, but never with a strange man! Where could he have found me?

  As I wash my hands, I stare in dismay at myself. It doesn’t look like I’ve run a brush through my hair in days, and the dark, heavy weight of the brown waves is in chaos.


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