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Remus's Revelation

Page 5

by Pearl Tate

  “A mate? Right. I keep forgetting this is all new to you.” He’s sitting up again at least. I don’t want him to get weird on me.

  It sounds like we’re in the same boat here. The next thing he’s going to tell me is that they won’t let us go. But a mate sounds like a couple thing?

  “In the Quasar society, a mate was like an Ermada—or a spouse. Husband and wife?” He’s stuttering around like an idiot as I determine it’s exactly what I suspected.

  Cutting him off, I ask the most obvious question first. “How do they figure we’re mates?”

  Instead of answering, he reaches up and unhooks the top of his uniform. Frozen, I feel my mouth drop open. Is he getting undressed?

  “That wasn’t a come on!” Standing quickly, I decide now’s the time for that drink I need. Waving my hand loosely back at him as I walk away, I assure him, “I don’t need to see you that way.”

  His voice so close behind me makes me jump as I’m opening and closing the cabinetry. Bingo!

  Pulling down a tall glass, he’s impossible to miss as I swing around. He’s only undone the top part of his jumpsuit—thank God! My mother would have a fit if she could see this. She guarded my virginity like a pitbull, but I did manage to lose it to a boy at the government home during the year I was there.

  I wasn’t missing anything, that’s for sure. I’m still confused why everyone makes such a big, hairy deal out of it. But I guess it’s how you end up married. That’s just never been on my list of things to do.

  “No, you’re misunderstanding. I wanted to show you these.” He slides his hand slowly over his chest and up to his neck. The move seems sexual as he strokes the dips and planes of his cut, muscular chest. It inspires an ache between my legs, and I shift quickly, willing myself to quit thinking that way.

  Looking away, I try to pull myself together and think of something to say. He does have nice tattoos. “Those are nice.”

  Running the water in the sink, I watch the stream and wait for him to fasten up his suit in my peripheral vision. Come on, come on. I clench my legs together as moisture wets the cleft between my thighs.

  He’s frozen, and I watch him shift from foot to foot. “These are mating marks… you have them too. And they match mine.”

  Wait, what? “Excuse me?”

  “Yes. These are the physical sign that we’re mates. But there are others.”

  Pulling out my shirt in front of me, I peer down the inside of my button down. I’m relieved to see everything looks normal down there. My sports bra is still intact, and I don’t see any strange markings. “Where?”

  When I look back up at Remus, he’s looking at me blankly. My first impression is this must be some kind of prank, right? It wouldn’t be the first time I fell for something like this.

  “Okay. What’s going on?” Setting the glass on the countertop, I roam around the room. “Where are they? Who put you up to this?”


  - Jo-Anne

  When no one jumps out yelling “Surprise!,” I wander back in front of him. I try examine him closely without being too obvious about it.

  Yes, his hair is funky, but in general, he looks like an enormous football player in a wig and spandex jumpsuit.

  Reaching out slowly, I lightly touch one of the elaborate tattoos on his chest, ignoring the strange pulse of awareness that shoots through my body. The design is a swirling pattern, and like calligraphy, some of the lines are thin and some are thick. It’s symmetrical along the front of his chest. The lines wrap and intertwine around and across his muscles and up his neck. But the strangest thing about them is the color.

  As I touch a green area, it morphs under my fingers into an incredible orange, deepening right as I watch. The words he was about to say, probably some crazy denial, die on his lips. But this… this is unique.

  “I’ve been made fun of for years. It’s common knowledge in my dorm that I’m the girl who was abducted. I didn’t… didn’t really think the girls there would do this to me.” Lifting my finger from the tattoo I’m tracing up his collar bone above my head, I meet his eyes. “Who put you up to this, and how did you pull this off? These are really incredible! The hair… the moving colors in your tattoos…”

  My words fade at the strange look on his face. I’m short compared to him, and he has to look way down at me. But he’s watching my lips with a intrigued expression.

  As he gawks at me, his wild hair begins unraveling and floating out toward me. How does he do that?

  It’s super long, too. Drifting down slowly, the thick strands hang suspended to the side, and I grasp a hunk of them lightly. They immediately wrap around my finger as I gasp and try to release them. Like a snake, they work their way up my arm.

  How is this possible? I’m startled again as another part of his hair brushes my face before creeping along my head and around the back of my neck. Before I realize what it intends, it’s sliding down the inside of my shirt.

  Giggling and squirming backwards to get away, I move out of reach. “I promise I won’t blame you for the prank. And really, I don’t even blame them. I’m aware of my reputation—”

  “Reputation?” Remus sounds stilted as he begins to close up the front of his suit.

  “Sure. The alien girl. Abductee. Whatever.” Leaning to the right, I take another long drink of water. “It’s cool, really.” Tilting my head to the side, I look up at his face again. “I’ve never seen you around, though. Who set you up to do this?”

  “I suspect you’ve misunderstood. Your markings are on your back.” When he maintains his serious face, I realize that he’s going to make me check myself.

  Gritting my teeth, I straighten up reluctantly. “Fine.” Slowly unbuttoning my shirt, I turn away from him and walk back toward the bathroom. By the time I’ve reached the bedroom, my shirt is unbuttoned, so I pause to remove it and throw it on the bed.

  The mirror and sinks are right inside the door, and I swivel around and glance at my back. Holy shit! There’s something there.

  It takes a minute to pull my hair into a messy part in the back and lay it over my chest on each side. When I’m done, I rotate around to scrutinize the lines that cover my back from my neck to where they disappear into the top of my pants. They aren’t colored the same.

  As I study the design that looks eerily similar to Remus’s chest, he arrives at the door. He’s not looking in the mirror, his gaze is locked on my chest and pale pink sports bra. After a moment, he realizes I’m watching him.

  Instead of leaving like I figured he would, he starts unfastening his suit again. At first, I imagine he’s going to put the moves on me, but he doesn’t come any closer. Sure enough, the lines he’s exposing match the design on my back.

  Perfectly. Except for the color difference.

  “Okay.” My voice is a whisper as my nerves overwhelm me. This can’t be real, right?

  “The colors will be the same once we’re mated.” It’s like he read my mind. I’m speechless, really.

  “I thought we’re already mates?” Is he changing the story now?

  Swinging around, I face him straight on where he’s still hovering in the doorway. “We are. Completing the mating means… having sex. Intercourse.” My head gets lighter at his words.

  Sex? With him? He’s huge!

  Is that even possible? It hurt so bad the first time, and that was with someone my size. Sure, a few inches taller but come on! Let’s be realistic.

  Remus is backing away in the doorway. My face must show my horror at his words. He can’t be serious?

  “Do we have to?” He looks surprised at my soft words, but he must have heard me.

  “I… I don’t know.” Relief crosses his face as his legs hit the bed behind him, and he sinks down onto it.

  “Well, I don’t want to offend you or anything, but this is sudden. Unexpected.” I move into the doorway and lean against the jamb. His eyes are large as he gazes at me. It takes a second before I realize he’s staring at
my boobs only partially exposed beneath my hair.

  Pushing off the doorway, I stalk awkwardly over to the bed beside him and grab my shirt. Punching my arms into the arm holes, I wrap it tightly around my body before sinking down onto the bed next to him.

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to you. It was very… unexpected for me as well.” When I swivel to look at him, he isn’t looking at me. Instead, staring straight ahead, he grinds out, “I’ve been with my Ermada for ten annual rotations. A long time to be committed.” His eyes snap closed as his head falls forward.

  “I’m sorry to ask this, but is an Ermada a girlfriend or wife or something?” It’s obvious that he’s going through a hard time about this for his own personal reasons. That only lends more validity to what he is claiming. I’m going to have to accept that maybe this isn’t a prank.

  His head swivels, and his mouth firms into a line before he grinds out, “It’s a committed relationship. We’ve had a commitment ceremony.”

  Okay. So, he’s married. “Sounds like marriage on Earth. We have a ceremony, too.”

  “Lisa said you aren’t married though.” So, they’ve been talking about me, huh?

  Yeah, score one point for him though. He’s probably a really great person. “I’m a little young for marriage.” He doesn’t need to know that I’ve never even had a real, long-term boyfriend.

  Nodding, he turns back to face the wall. I take the opportunity to study his profile. It’s unfair how good-looking he is. Especially now, with the serious set of his brow and lips, I can tell he's thinking hard. I've always liked the brooding types.

  Yes, I’m attracted to him. Now more than ever. There’s something about a guy that’s totally committed to his wife. It’s an attractive trait.

  And me creeping on him is very unattractive. Turning away from his face, I stare at the wall too. “Well, I don’t see why we have to get mated, do you?”

  When he turns toward me again, I keep my gaze fixed to the wall in front of us. “I believe that we make choices. You’re a good man, and you’ve already chosen. So, what is this?”

  I grasp my shoulders as I turn to look at him. He’s staring at me with a funny look on his face. “These markings? Can they make us be together?”

  His mouth is hanging open as he stares at me incredulously, contemplating my question.

  “What?” He still looks stunned. Hasn’t the thought crossed his mind? If he wanted me, he could have taken advantage of me while I was still coming around on the bed.

  “I… I just didn’t consider that.” His brilliant, green eyes are wide as he looks at me with surprise.

  “Hm.” Seems pretty closed-minded. “Well, I don’t know why we can’t make our own choices. If something develops down the road between us, I’d expect you to let your wife… or Ermada know--before! It’s not really fair to start something new before you let her off the hook and all.”

  He’s nodding by the time I’m finished. Well, that was easy. But why do I feel all the more attracted to him now?


  - Remus

  Jo-Anne’s logical conclusion about our mating makes sense. Of course, I need to let Lulila know. Will she be as devastated as I’ve been over the last couple days?

  It’s been torment for me. Feeling Jo-Anne so close. The pull between us so strong and yet knowing in my mind that I’ve already committed my life to someone. Someone who has been kind and committed in return.

  Yes, there are my brothers to take care of her. I wouldn’t be abandoning her to fend for herself, but the situation is just so different for me. I’m willing to admit that I don’t take change well. It’s one of the reasons I opted to pursue the historical records for my after-studies.

  I’ve always known my path in life. Growing up, I knew my Ermada and visited regularly getting to know her slowly. The idea of a stranger—let alone another species—it scares me.

  Everything about her attracts me, though. Her beauty and kindness are something I never would have anticipated. The way she invokes such strong emotions in me, makes it hard to understand what I should do.

  I’ve never been in such an awkward and uncomfortable position before. Actually, I’ve never spent time alone with another female besides my Ermada and mother.

  When she spoke about others and what they called her, my blood heated, and I could discern my rage building. Her fingers on my mating marks calmed me, but almost made my knees buckle too. It’s strange that such a light and innocent touch could have that effect.

  I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s confusing and arousing. No wonder Travek was so smug.

  It hadn’t crossed my mind to inform Lulila that mating marks had appeared on me. I should have told her. Immediately. This Earth female is obviously more educated in the nuances of relationships.

  “Do you have anyone special on Earth?” Already, I want to know everything about her. Does she have a lover there? My breathing picks up at the thought. How is it that I care so much already?

  Wait. Maybe she’ll want to go back to Earth? Could I let her?

  “No. My mother passed away a few years ago.” Studying her, I can feel her sadness at this direction in the conversation.

  “A father or male in your life?” The sadness deepens in her, and I feel awful that I’ve asked.

  “No. My dad left when I was young. No brothers or sisters either.” Her eyes flicker to me, and I see the moisture in them. I feel terrible when I realize I’ve already made her cry!

  Instinctively, I move closer to her and wrap my arm around her, tugging her closer to my side. She doesn’t let go of her shirt that’s she pulled tightly against her chest. It’s easy to pull her closer and draw her into my lap. She’s so light and so small, I rest my head on top of hers lightly. My hair goes wild at the contact even as I detect my heart rate speed up.

  She stiffens but doesn’t pull away, and we sit there silently, both lost in thought. It only takes a few moments before she relaxes into me. I don’t know if I'll be strong enough to fight the mating pull. Her scent in my arms is pure heaven.

  I can’t help it. The sorrow I sense from her is making me sad too. Perhaps she doesn’t realize the depth of our connection yet.

  “You have me,” I state boldly.

  She stiffens up again and pulls away slightly to look up at me behind her. “Why are you saying that? What am I going to do? Go home to live with you and your wife? Which reminds me, are they even going to let us leave?”

  “You mean the Ashen?” She nods as I notice that her fear has escalated again. I need to assure her that they won’t harm us, and we’ll be leaving, eventually.

  Ignoring her other statements, I try to explain more thoroughly what’s going on. “Our people made an agreement with the Ashen over two thousand years ago. It stated that they wouldn’t interfere with any unmated Quasarians they come across. Once we’ve completed the mating, the Ashen have agreed to discuss our past negotiations with all of us and draw up a new agreement with the new mated couples.”

  Pulling away, she gingerly drops to the ground, still facing away from me. “Wait. I’m a little confused.” When she swings around, I see that she’s finishing the fasteners on her shirt. “Why would they wait? Don’t you want to tell them that we aren’t mating? I mean… I don’t really want to tell them. But don’t you want to go home to your wife? And why are you married when you could get mated at any time? Is she your mate too?”

  My head spins at all the questions. I’m trying to decide what to answer first. “We can’t discuss the agreement with them until we’re mated, because they’ve too much control over us. They could make us agree to something, and we wouldn’t know. They’d make it seem as if it was our idea, and from the sounds of it, it isn’t always intentional. The mating prevents that. From what they’ve said, the mating locks our minds to each other, creating a bond between us that no one else can penetrate mentally.”

  A look of shock and then elation washes over her face. “You
mean that if we mated, the Greys—Ashen… they wouldn’t be able to control my mind like they have before during all my abductions?” Stepping away, she starts pacing at the foot of the bed.

  “Yes. It’s why our people cut ties. When our mating stopped, they felt controlled. I don’t know all the specific—”

  “Wait.” She stops directly in front of me, almost touching my knees. Holding her hands up in front of her, her unfocused gaze is fastened to my neck directly in front of her line of sight. “So, there’s a lot more to this that I realized. You guys used to mate… then stopped. Made a pact with the Ashen, took off to a new planet. So how long has it been since these matings stopped?”

  “Over two thousand years.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m catching up.” Visibly shaking herself, she moves back to the bed to sit by me. I’m not sure what she’s thinking as I turn to look at her again, but I can perceive something different in her. “And mating isn’t something that you ever planned on, and you got married to… what’s her name?”


  “Pretty.” Biting her lip, she seems to drift off into her own thoughts for a few moments. “And you don’t want to mate. That’s too bad.”

  What’s she thinking? The last comment has me intrigued. It’s been kind of her to offer to try not to mate, but I'm aware the likelihood of us ignoring the mating pull is slim. It will only get stronger.

  Especially, with the way I feel about her already. I’m drawn to her. The small touches we’ve shared only make me crave more.

  I’m torn by the guilt of my obligations to Lulila, but she’ll know there was nothing I could have done. I can’t help wondering when I’ll be able to send a communication to her. Travek and I agreed, against my better judgment, to wait until we’ve reviewed what the Ashen have to say before either of us contact them.

  “Explain what you mean by ‘too bad’?” I have to know if she’s thinking the same as I am. I’d do anything to strip her body bare and study every difference between our species. The obvious differences, such as her tiny body and bountiful breasts, draw me like nothing I’ve ever felt before.


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