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Remus's Revelation

Page 11

by Pearl Tate

  How many years has this information been sitting around but inaccessible? The stone’s been passed to me as if it was a talisman, but really it’s everything we need to expose the sins of our past.

  “Jo-Anne will be able to display it whenever you need. She’s been trained on these since she was a child.”

  Without a word, I jerk my arm from Travek’s. I exit the dome, mind spinning. What a mess our ancestors created by making agreements with this species.

  Their title as observers is well deserved. Do we really want to trust them moving forward? Who says that having any ties with them would be wise?


  - Jo-Anne

  I feel like I’m suffocating as I leave the dome. A heavy, oppressive pressure feels like it’s sucking the life out of me. It must be Remus’s feelings?

  I was so relieved when we went into the dome. I thought I’d get to sit and just remember. Totally remember everything.

  It’s been such a revelation, and there’s still so much I don’t understand. Things I remember without any context. Who’d have thought that I’d ever remember every interaction?

  It’s incredible! I remember how to use the Accord crystal properly, including accessing the display without the hive. In fact, the Accord holder they used, called a “hive”, is only necessary when they want to display all the information in a group of people who haven’t been trained. And now that I remember that, I can recall learning it. The circumstances, the teacher, and even the visit with them. It’s just—kind of weird.

  I stop outside the dome to look at the inviting water. Taking deep breaths of the fresh outdoor air, I walk to the side furthest away from the dome and sink down on the edge of the pool. Dangling my feet in the water, I let my head clear.

  Incredibly, the first time I remember seeing the Greys, I was still in my crib. I don’t recognize the room or even the Grey that comes in. But I remember their smooth hands and the feeling of comfort they left with me.

  Why have things gone so sideways with Remus’s people? When Lisa told me that Remus was one of eight husbands, I expected him to deny it at first. But what I felt was an apology in our bond.

  He forgot. Forgot he never mentioned it, and that I wouldn’t automatically know that his world was set up that way. How can I be upset with him for not telling me when I can clearly feel it was an honest mistake?

  I was actually surprised that Remus had the Accord on a ComRock with him. I’d never seen it and probably wouldn’t have recognized it if I saw it before meeting Bill and Ted. The ComRocks hold more information… but I’ve never been able to absorb everything on one.

  And it can be absorbed. It doesn't have to be played the way we watched it. Similar to watching a video on your computer, you can watch it real time or download it for later. If you do that with a ComRock, you’ll remember it similar to the memories I now have from my abductions.

  So, Remus was sent here by his society on Quasar that—if Bill and Ted are to be believed, is on its last leg. They’re dying out slowly. The lack of mating long term, combined with the lack of female births, and now their men are starting to hook up with human women? That will just cut down on the number of men in the pool…

  A part of me wonders how sincere Remus really is? How could he not know any of this? Doesn’t it seem odd that he had the Accord on him? And then, took me out to this common area as soon as we mated?

  Sure, he acted like he felt guilty. But maybe some of that guilt comes from the thought of using me. Could I just be a means to an end?


  Maybe not.

  And is he going to want to go back to Quasar? After watching how condescending the women and Council were about human’s, talking about us as if we’re inferior… is that still the way they feel? Sure, thousands of years ago the humans on Earth were pretty primitive. But if they consider us lower than their males… that doesn’t sound good.

  Tilting my head back, a shadow catches my eye, and I squint to try to make it out. Covering above my eyes, I can just make out something off in the distance. Which reminds me… we forgot to ask about those flying objects we saw earlier.. Maybe everyone will come out in the next minute or so, and I can point out the object I see now?

  When the object I’m tracking dips lower on the horizon, I stand and move further back towards another bungalow. It’s hedge has cut off my view, so I enter the surrounding area, backing up towards the left side, trying to keep the dark object in sight.

  Incredibly, the closer the flying thing gets, the more it looks like a man-shape! Is that possible? It’s dark in color, but it really does look like a humanoid shape between the wings. And did I think they were closer before?

  Now it’s close! And huge! As it circles above me, I take in the very human shape between humongous wings.

  Yes. It looks like a man and in addition to the wings, he has arms, too! I’m having a hard time making out details, because his skin is so dark. The sun is still in my eyes and glowing around the large, dark shape. When it seems to freeze fifty feet over me, I’m shocked to watch it fall right out of the sky above me!

  Landing only ten feet from me, I’m relieved it isn’t hurt. With how fast and far it fell, I expected a huge bang when it hit the ground, but it must have used its wings to slow its descent. I’m left staring at a dark-skinned angel?

  Except...are angels naked? Because this one is naked except for feathers. Instead of being bald like he appears at first glance, eathers cover its head in a hair shaped area. Parts of its body on its chest, arms, and even around its groin and legs have more of the feathers instead of bare skin.

  I try not to stare like I’m checking it out sexually, but it’s hard not to when it’s staring back with stark concentration. It looks male though. His eyes are deep set in his face under a heavy brow. With a sharp, defined Roman nose, his features have a regal look.

  Even though he’s clearly part humanoid, part bird, his facial features are all man. He has lips, not a beak. I stare paralyzed in place before I realize neither of us has said a word.

  Lifting my hand slowly, I give him a little wave. “Hi.”

  His head cocks slightly, and he seems to be listening to something? Before I realize what he intends, he’s next to me and his large arms wrap around me. The air is knocked completely out of my lungs as he springs into the air. My stomach plummets! I’m still gasping, trying to catch my breath at the abrupt accent, but his arms are like iron bands around my middle.

  Still not able to breathe properly, I flail and gasp, starting to panic. One of his hands drops lower, wrapping around my low back and grabbing my ass! The position he has me in makes me lay back a bit, so I swivel my head to the left—such a bad idea!

  The ground is already far below me. We aren’t even over the bungalows any longer, and we’re still climbing! Fuck, I’m in deep shit.


  - Remus

  A shock of panic shoots through me as I move toward the door. It only takes an instant for me to realize that it’s Jo-Anne feelings coming through my senses. Bursting out of the dome, I don’t see her, though.

  Walking toward the large body of water, I realize I can smell which way she walked around earlier. It was only moments before, and her scent is strong, tickling my awareness of the fear now coursing through my own nerves.

  “Jo-Anne!” Yelling loudly, I follow her scent trail past the water and toward a bungalow that isn’t ours. It doesn’t make sense, but she seems to be getting further away so quickly. That infinite thread that binds us is thinning as I start to run toward the hedges that block my view.

  Another spike of panic shoots through me and then magnifies as I realize her scent ends next to the shrubs on the one side closest to the communal pool. “Jo-Anne!”

  Spinning in a circle, I know I’m standing exactly where she just was. Her scent is strong. Not only her natural, attractive essence, but also fear. Scanning the area quickly but carefully, I start inspecting the groun

  Travek bursts through the hedge with our brother Sol and his friend Gilip right behind. I haven’t seen Sol or Gilip for a day, but they must have heard my yelling. Lisa’s the last to trail through the break in the bushes. I point to the disturbed ground not far from me. “What made that?”

  Travek circles the area with me, and we both inhale. It’s a foreign scent. Musty and rich, I don’t have anything I can compare it to.

  Even just standing here, I can feel Jo-Anne getting further away, and my heart speeds up in fear. She can’t be that far. I must be misinterpreting this new sense I feel.

  “I’m going to check your place, maybe she’s back there? Have you checked it yet?” I can’t even focus on Lisa’s question. I feel a direction now, and not just a growing distance between us. I realize it’s towards those bungalows we were at. Why would she go back there without me?

  Ignoring everyone, I take off at a run in their direction. Pounding feet follow behind me, but I don’t bother look back. My single focus is Jo-Anne.

  Panic, fear, and dismay well up inside me. I have to find her! I just discovered her, there’s no way I’m going to lose her already. Life wouldn’t be that cruel.

  Weaving through trees, I break through the woods and into the clearing around the dwellings under construction. Pausing, I take a deep breath, hoping that I’ll either smell or feel Jo-Anne’s presence. When I hear crashing behind me, I don’t bother to turn.

  “Whoa. I didn’t know these were here.” Sol sprints ahead of me while I walk carefully around the perimeter. I don’t smell her at all.

  “Who’s building these?” Sol calls out, swiveling to look at me as I head towards the dwelling we were in together before.

  “I don’t know. We came across these before, but I don’t smell her here now. In fact, I’m not getting anything now. She feels really far away.” Marching through the partially completed building, I still smell us and the faint scent of spend from our time in the shower area.

  When I spin and make my way back toward the door, Sol’s face looks surprised and… pleased? Ignoring him, I stand in the clearing between the buildings and spin in a slow circle.

  Yes. I can feel her. It’s far, and I don’t even know how I know that? But it has a clear direction now. Staring at the mountains in the distance, I feel foreboding creep over me. Remembering the large flying objects we saw earlier, I wonder. Could they have been small personal crafts?

  I can’t think that! Someone wouldn’t dare steal her. Would they?

  Hearing movement in the woods, I turn to see Travek and Gilip crash through the clearing. When they spot us, they head in our direction.

  Meeting them halfway, I hear Sol following behind me. “I can feel her. I’m taking off.”

  “Think, Remus.” Travek grabs my arm to shake me, but I pull away disgusted.

  “I have to go. She’s frightened—”

  “Look at what you’re wearing. At least get better shoes.” Gilip nods his head in agreement at this statement, and I look down at my scant clothing. Just what Lisa calls ‘board shorts.’

  I’m having trouble focusing on them as they begin to argue amongst themselves. Advice on what to wear, what to take, and where to go are offered as I start back.

  “We should get Bill and Ted—”

  Travek is cut off by Gilip, who hates how the Ashen can control him so easily. “Those fuckers may have something to do with this.” His face scrunches in hate and disgust as he glances around where he walks next to me, scanning the woods for anyone besides us.

  “Do we even have a way to get in contact with them?” Sol looks to Travek after I shrug. Travek answers, but I’ve pulled away, starting back toward the dwellings.

  My focus is totally on Jo-Anne. It doesn’t feel like she’s getting further away any longer, but if I don’t take off soon, I’m not sure I’ll get back before nightfall. Maybe I should go back and put together some provisions and changes of clothing?

  Yes, she’ll want clothing too…

  “They were just there going over the agreement our ancestors made with them—”

  “They were?” When Sol cuts off Travek, I realize I can’t wait any longer.

  Ignoring them all, I take off at a run towards my room already cataloging what I need to stop and get. Change my clothes, get food and clothing for Jo-Anne…

  “Wait, Remus! We’ll come with you!” I hear them crashing behind me, but I’m at our dwelling before they even get out of the woods behind me.

  Slamming open our door, I’m shocked to see Lisa in our bedroom. “I thought maybe she’d come back? If she just wandered off, you know?”

  Nodding slowly, I ignore her, opening drawers and putting on my travel suit. It’s the most indestructible item of clothing I have and the most comfortable. With flexible, breathable material, it’ll be almost impenetrable to grasping branches and thorns I might run across running over the terrain.

  When I drop my board shorts, Lisa spins around to face the door. “I, uh… I put together this bag of clothing.” Turning her head slightly, she talks over her shoulder. “She was only wearing that bikini and flip-flops.”

  Spinning around, her eyes drill into me as I finish fastening my suit. “Please, find her. Please, Remus.” Tears have welled up in her eyes, and I feel Travek rush by me to wrap her in his arms.

  Pulling the bag from her grasp, he passes it to me without a word. Lisa continues to babble. “I don’t know Jo-Anne that well, but she’s always been quiet. She’s got to be petrified! Who could have her?”

  “We’ll go with you.” Sol’s already dressed and in the doorway. Gilip stands at the edge of the porch, hands on his hips.

  “I don’t know about that. We’ve no idea what I’m walking into—”

  “Exactly!” Sol knocks my arm to get my attention.

  Lisa and Travek watch us carefully before Travek begins to explain why he isn’t coming, “I’d go, but I don’t want to leave Lisa here unprotected—”

  “I’m not unprotected! These places are practically impenetrable. I’ll stay inside—”

  “No!” I cut them both off. “You both stay here and try to get help from Bill and Ted. Find out what I’m up against. I don’t even know where my craft is, and it sure would be nice to have right now. I’m headed towards the mountains.” Walking toward the doorway as I speak, I stop beside Gilip. “There.”


  - Jo-Anne

  As my captor gets higher and higher, I begin to remember I’m not a fan of heights. Oh yeah, it doesn’t help that I’m only being held onto by a man—with wings. I’m not strapped thoroughly into an amusement park ride that’s been safety tested by their insurance carrier.

  I turn my face back into his chest. Scrunching my eyes closed tightly, I make sure I don’t accidentally look and pee myself. Short, soft feathers brush my face, but I’m too frightened at this point to open my eyes.

  I don’t remember seeing feathers on his chest, but his skin is a deep ebony. The feathers must match. With my arms pinned to my sides, I can only use the lower half of my left arm.

  Trying to distract myself, I begin to try to slow my hyperventilating. For some reason, I’m having trouble. Gasping, I turn my head and make the mistake of peeking. Bad, bad move.

  I’m higher than I ever remember being. I’ve never had a chance to take a trip in a plane, so I don’t have any comparison except for photos. Is it my vision, or is the world looking curved this high?

  The arms around me loosen, and I begin to worry he plans to drop me. My left hand has burrowed into his feathers along his side and onto his back, but other than that, I feel strangely limp.

  It isn’t until I feel shaking that I realize he’s looking down at me. My head lolls back to glance up. I can’t seem to support my neck any longer.

  I’m surprised to see a concerned look in his gaze. His arm around my upper back loosens, and I’m instantly threading my arm up out of the support under my ass to grip his side and f
eathers there too.

  Will these rip out if he drops me? Don’t they pluck feathers out of chickens and turkeys? Is that before or after they kill them?

  My thoughts flit from one topic to another with wild abandon before I realize his hand has crept up behind my head where he’s plastered my face to his chest. What’s with all these huge men? I’m constantly being manhandled. Is it called “manhandled” if they aren’t technically men?

  When a hollow thump sounds and I jerk in his arms, I scream. Not a healthy, full-breathed scream either. A little girl, breathless high-pitched scream. His arms loosen, and I feel his silky feathers sliding against me as I’m lowered down.

  Looking behind me, I grasp at him again desperately. We’re on a ledge! Peering down, I realize it’s a healthy size ledge, but still!

  Letting go of me, he backs up, and I realize that we aren’t just on a ledge. There’s a cave opening behind him. I’m too afraid to take the five steps back and see exactly how high we are—but it’s really fucking high up!

  A crisp, healthy breeze whips across me, and I move toward him automatically. He ducks into the opening in the mountain we’ve landed on, while I crouch down. There isn’t much to see.

  A narrow fissure continues into the mountain, and he beckons to me to follow him. Dropping to my butt, I look back out and only see other mountains. We aren’t just on the first mountain that showed up at the edge of the valley the bungalow was in. There’s now a full out mountain range in front of me. I’m so fucked.

  Crawling on my hands and knees to the edge a few feet away, I peek carefully over the side. Nothing. No trail or path exists from here.

  If I wasn’t afraid of heights—and I’d brought my mountain climbing gear—and I had a buddy, maybe… maybe I could get down. As it stands now, I’m not going anywhere. Not this way.


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