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Under His Command (Six-Alarm Sexy)

Page 2

by Kristine Cayne

  But Jamie had other ideas.

  He flipped her onto her stomach, then wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her hips up so her ass was pressed against his cock. His still very hard cock. “On all fours, baby,” he ground out, the raw hunger in his voice like the rasp of a tongue along her spine. She shivered and wondered how he could possibly expect her to keep going.

  Something soft and cool slid over her eyes. “What’s this?” she asked, reaching for it.

  “Shh… It’s just a blindfold. To heighten your senses.”

  Like she needed her senses heightened? He’d already taken her places she’d never been. “I’m not sure about—”

  His hand smacking her butt cheek completely derailed her train of thought. “Did you just slap me?”

  “That was a spank. Now turn around.” He tied the scarf over her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

  She really should resist, tell him to stop. Something. But she didn’t. “Okay. Why should I let you spank me?” she asked. So far this night had been like nothing she’d expected. Jamie was skilled and unpredictable. And she was genuinely curious.

  “Because you love it.” His fingers trailed down the crease between her cheeks and dipped into her. Her body convulsed, pushing against his hand to take more of him. What was it about fingers that felt so darned good?

  Another smack, this one a little harder, had her trembling. “See how wet you are? How good it feels?” he said.

  He was so right. His hand, brushing her butt, was cool in comparison to her heated skin. And his fingers deep inside her found that most sensitive of spots, massaging it in tight circles.

  With the scarf covering her eyes, she lost all perception of time, of place, of self, of everything except the enthralling sensation of his fingers stroking inside her and the low rumble of his voice. She could go on like this forever.

  She moaned in protest when he pulled his fingers out of her, but she sighed in pleasure when he replaced them with his cock. He wrapped one hand around her hair and tugged until she arched her back, then he pulled her in tight against him with his other hand, his fingers grasping her hip.

  In this position, he seemed even longer—impossibly long—as he glided in and out of her, the occasional swivel of his hips driving her crazy. Her breath hitched when he released her hair and his hands cupped her breasts. His strong fingers teased her nipples with light flicks of his nails before he caught the tips between his knuckles and squeezed. Gently at first. But as the speed of his thrusts increased, so did the pressure on her nipples.

  “I can’t take anymore!” she cried.

  “You can and you will. You’ll take everything I give you.”

  Yes! She clamped her lips together to keep from shouting out her answer as he tweaked and pulled on the tight peaks, making her walk that fine line between pleasure and pain. Yes, he was right. She would take it all, and if she didn’t stop herself, she might even beg him for it.

  Deprived as she was of sight, her sense of touch increased. Every slip, every slide, every heated caress became her only connection with the world, with reality. What was this man doing to her? She’d always enjoyed sex, but she’d never experienced anything like this before. It was a mind-blowing, full-body experience. Maybe even a life-changing one.

  Tension coiled inside her. Eager now, almost desperate to reach the edge and jump over it, she rocked her hips against him, urging him to go deeper, faster. He spanked her again. Blood rushed to the spot, and her juices flowed. She groaned, the pleasure almost unbearable. What was wrong with her that she wanted him to do it again?

  He pushed her face into the pillow and pressed a burning hand on her back to keep her in place. “Stay.”

  His gruffly spoken command echoed with his desire, his arousal. Jamie was clearly on the edge right beside her. As his cock slammed into her again and again, the pressure built higher and higher. Was this what heaven felt like?

  Just as she thought she’d die from the intense sensations, she felt him swell inside her—could he really get any bigger? She contracted her pelvic muscles and screamed into the pillow as a powerful climax sent her soaring. Jamie continued to grip her hips and pound into her, extending her orgasm, catapulting her into another one.

  He plunged into her several more times, shuddering with his own release. Her knees gave out under his weight and she dropped onto the mattress. He followed her down, but before she could be crushed under his weight, it was gone. Where was he?

  “Come here,” he whispered, rolling her over and pulling her into his arms.

  Erica woke feeling trapped. Something heavy pressed across her stomach and her legs. And even though her eyes were open, she couldn’t see a thing. Her heart thundered in her chest as she tried to get her bearings and recall where she was, what had happened the previous night.


  When she remembered what they’d done, her face burned and her pussy quivered. Maybe he was right about that word. The way he’d said it, the tone of his voice—the reverence—had made it sound almost… cute.

  One of her hands seemed to be stuck, but the other was free. She brought it to her eyes and felt the silky material. Jamie had blindfolded her that last time they’d made love. Correction: they’d fucked. And she’d loved every minute.

  Realizing she must still be at Jamie’s apartment, she yanked off the blindfold. And there he lay: his dark hair too short to be ruffled, his closed lids hiding baby blues, and his jaw relaxed in sleep. He was tall, tanned, beautifully muscled, and sprawled over her, as though he wanted to keep her near. She shook off the stupid romantic notion. He’d made it clear last night—no strings, no expectations, no limits. They’d certainly managed that last requirement. Now it was time for her to fulfill the first two by leaving before he woke up. Mornings after were uncomfortable. Not that she’d had many, but this was one she preferred to avoid.

  Maybe she could find out where he worked or where he hung out and arrange a chance encounter. If they met again under more normal circumstances, she’d see if he was still interested in her. Last night had been fantasy-shattering. She could only wonder what it would be like to get to know him, to take things slow and see where the relationship went.

  Carefully, she eased his arm off her stomach and slid sideways, freeing her legs. When he made a noise, she froze and waited to see if he’d awaken. Luckily, he rolled onto his side, away from her, liberating her trapped arm in the process.

  She paused for a moment to admire his sculpted back and what it had felt like to run her hands along all that restrained strength. This was the first time she’d slept with someone more than a year or two older than she was. Not that he was ancient or anything, but after him, every guy at school would seem like a boy. Jamie was a man in his prime and he’d proven that to her over and over again. Her entire body tingled just from the sight of him.

  Spinning around, she grabbed her discarded clothes and tiptoed out of the bedroom to the sunny living room. Her shirt lay on the floor near the door. As she fastened her bra and pulled her blouse on, some pictures on the wall caught her attention. This might be her only chance to discover the identity of this man, this sexual paragon.

  A photograph of Jamie in a spiffy navy blue uniform drew her like a magnet. Was he a cop? She peered at it closely and read the inscription on the badge. SFD. Jamie was a firefighter. In a rush, their conversation from the previous night came back to her. No wonder he’d been so insistent about knowing her age. He probably thought she was one of those women who threw herself at firefighters, hoping to land a husband. The men made good money and had great benefits. How could he not think she was one of them after what she’d said in response to his teasing about finding a rich husband to pay for her school? Someone like you, she’d said.

  She needed to leave. Right away.

  But as she stepped into her panties, she noticed a photo of Jamie with his arm around a young woman who gazed up at him, love shining in her eyes. The photo appeared recent. Al
l residual arousal left her body in a cold rush. Did Jamie have a girlfriend? A wife? She twisted, taking in the rest of the room, searching for signs of a feminine touch. Her heart dropped when she spotted the plant on the coffee table, the colored cushions on the sofa.

  Damn. Damn. How could she have been so stupid? Too busy drowning in her attraction to him, she hadn’t even asked if he was involved with someone. No strings, no expectations. His words made perfect sense now. Fuming, she squirmed into her jeans. He’d used her. Good thing she’d told him her name was Rickie, and he didn’t know her last name. He’d never be able to track her down, even if he bothered to try.

  No matter how great he was in bed, she knew she’d never be—could never be—more than a one-night stand for someone like him. She deserved more. She deserved better.

  Chapter 2

  Seattle, present day (2 weeks after the Seattle Quake of 2014)

  Jamie dragged his tired ass into the fire station kitchen to grab a cup of hot coffee. Regular infusions of caffeine were the only way he’d make it through the rest of the night. Spotting Hollywood with his head in the fridge, he paused. “What’re you doing here?” They’d all been working around the clock since the quake two weeks ago, but Hollywood was supposed to be off tonight.

  “Captain asked me to come in and finish the paperwork on the inspections we did this week.” Hollywood closed the fridge and set a carton of milk on the counter. “The mayor’s breathing down the chief’s neck and—”

  “The captain’s breathing down ours. Yeah, I know. I’ve got a mile-high stack of reports on my desk,” Jamie finished. The quake that had almost killed Rickie and Chloe—that had almost killed them all—had left the city in shambles. The rescue team, all four shifts, was responsible for inspecting every building in the SoDo district. After that, they’d branch out and assist other teams throughout the city.

  Hollywood angled his head, seeming to study him. Jamie wiped his mouth, wondering if he had something on it. “What?” he barked. Hollywood could be so fucking exasperating. When he stared that way, Jamie had no idea what he was thinking.

  “Didn’t you have the night off yesterday?” Hollywood asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Cause you look like shit.”

  Feeling heat race up his neck, Jamie turned his back on his friend and got a mug out of the cupboard. He looked like shit because last night for the first time in almost a year—since Rickie had asked for a divorce—he’d made love to his wife.

  Hollywood’s chuckle had him reeling around. “I get it now,” he said, slapping Jamie on the shoulder. “How does it feel to be back in the saddle, so to speak?”

  “You’re such an ass, Hollywood,” Dani said as she entered the kitchen, cementing Jamie’s embarrassment. His sex life was the last thing he wanted to discuss in front of Dani, even if she and the entire team had heard way more of the Caldwell family drama than they should have the night of the quake. Sex was something you just didn’t discuss with female team members. Since he was Dani’s lieutenant, it could even be considered harassment.

  Hollywood shrugged. “I’m just trying to wake him up. He looks like the walking dead.”

  Jamie snorted and brushed past Dani. “I’ll be in my office.” As he walked down the hall to the officer’s room, their bickering made him smile. Dani could shovel shit with the best. And Hollywood definitely qualified.

  Setting his coffee on the desk, he dropped in his chair and stared out the window as images of last night filled his mind. Rickie had been so fucking sexy in the blue negligee she’d worn. After almost a year of doing the solo tango, he’d been so hot for her—so incredibly turned on—they hadn’t even made it to the bedroom. Thankfully Chloe had been sleeping over at his parents’ place.

  His hardening cock had him shifting in his seat. Christ. He’d never get enough of Rickie. He loved her independence, her intelligence, her ability to do whatever she set her mind to. Ironically, these very qualities had led to their separation. But they were back together now. Things were supposed to be better between them. So why weren’t they?

  A knock on the door startled him and he almost spilled his coffee on the keyboard. “What?” he snapped.

  “What’s your fucking problem?” Hollywood grumbled as he crossed over to the second workstation and threw himself into the chair.

  “Sorry. I guess I’m a little on edge.”

  “Why? You should be on cloud nine.” Hollywood propped his feet on his desk, a frown creasing his brow. “Getting back with Erica was what you wanted, right?”

  Jamie scrubbed the stubble on his cheeks and heaved a sigh. “It was. It is.”

  “Then what’s the issue?”

  “I think I already pissed her off.”

  Hollywood laughed. “Now that’s not hard to believe.” Then he sobered. “Is she mad that you’ve been working so much? If that’s the case, maybe I can take a few of your shifts.”

  The big blond lug could be a real bastard sometimes, but he’d give his life to help a friend. And Jamie would do the same for him. He shook his head. “She understands that things are crazy right now. Chloe’s only been out of the hospital for a few days, and Rickie’s been spending all her time taking care of her.” The earthquake had destroyed several floors of the King County Courthouse, including the offices of the Prosecutor’s Family Support Division where Rickie worked, so getting the time off had been easy.

  “Then what?”

  “We had sex.”

  “No shit,” Hollywood said, his tone slimy with sarcasm. “How do you fuck up make-up sex?”

  Jamie groaned. “I don’t know, man.” But somehow he had. Royally. “I even apologized.” Remembering the disappointment on her face made his chest hurt. She’d just stared at him, her eyes growing more and more distant.

  Hollywood threw his head back, his deep laughter making his chair roll away from the desk. His feet hit the floor with a thud. Jamie balled up a sheet of paper and pitched it, hitting the asshole in the head. Hollywood leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, trying to catch his breath. “Did you have an early come-to-Papa moment?” Just asking the question had Hollywood’s shoulders shaking with barely contained amusement. “Seriously though, I wouldn’t blame you. I don’t know how you made it through a year without even looking at another woman.”

  Heavy reliance on his hand and several tubes of lube. Not that he’d share that with anyone. “I made it up to her, though. Acted like her fucking sex slave.” Shit! Definitely TMI.

  “I’m not seeing the problem,” Hollywood said, shaking his head.

  Picking up a pencil that lay on his desk, Jamie twirled it between his fingers while he tried to put into words what was bothering him about last night. He’d made Rickie come, but… How did you admit to your best friend that your wife just wasn’t that into you anymore? He swallowed and forced the words past his dry lips. “I don’t think she enjoyed it.”

  What the fuck was wrong with him? He glanced up at Hollywood, expecting to see derision on the guy’s face. Yeah, he knew he was acting like a girl.

  “None of it?” Hollywood asked, his voice gentle.

  Christ, now Hollywood was treating him like one. He held up his hands. “The first time was a complete”—disaster—“blur. I don’t know how she took it.”

  After the earthquake, Rickie had hinted that she’d like to relive their first time together. So last night, he’d taken her up against the wall, hard and fast. But that had been all about him. He’d been too revved up by her suggestion, so blind with lust, with wanting to be buried deep inside her, that he didn’t know, didn’t care if she’d enjoyed it. He’d gone too far.

  Hollywood rubbed his chin, making him look oddly analytical. “And then you apologized?”

  Jamie wanted to disappear, to evaporate into the ether. He didn’t talk about stuff like this. Ever. He pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. “Yeah.”

  “What did she say?”

  And there was the k
icker. “Nothing. She didn’t say a fucking thing.”

  “How did she seem?”

  “Annoyed, disappointed. Like I hadn’t lived up to expectations.”

  Hollywood’s hand came down on the desk with a loud thwack that made Jamie jump. “That’s it!”

  Jamie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know. That’s why I said I was sorry.”

  “You’re my friend and all, man, but sometimes you act dumber than shit. Now listen. I’ve had my share of women”—he shined his nails on his shirt—“so I’m a bit of an expert.” Ignoring Jamie’s loud snort, Hollywood continued. “Let’s try this on for size. You have sex. It’s fast and furious because you’re so turned on by your wife, so hot to have her. Then after what was for you no doubt fan-fucking-tastic sex, you turn to her and beg her forgiveness.”

  Yep, that pretty much summed it up. Jamie nodded.

  “Did you ever think maybe she liked that you wanted her so much you were out of your mind?”

  No. He hadn’t considered that at all. The second time had been all about her. Hard and fast became slow and easy, and he’d made sure she’d enjoyed herself. But Christ, it hadn’t been easy, and he couldn’t help but wonder why. Was she regretting her decision to call off the divorce? He massaged his chest. He couldn’t go through that again. Rickie and Chloe were his life. “Even if that were the case,” he said, frustration deepening his voice. “I treated her right the second time. She shouldn’t be upset.”

  “Maybe she likes it rough.”

  Jamie scowled. “Watch your fucking mouth. That’s my wife you’re talking about.”

  Hollywood shrugged. “Just saying.”

  Closing his eyes, Jamie massaged his temples and reluctantly admitted the truth. Rickie did like it rough. Well, at least, she had liked it rough. “The night we first met, the sex was a little… wild. I know she liked it. But after we got together, she shut me down whenever I went there. I don’t understand why.” Seeing such an incredibly strong woman submit had taken him to a level of sexual fulfillment beyond anything in his experience. He knew she’d enjoyed it too. But for some reason, she’d rejected his attempts to dominate her after that first night. And she’d never explained her reasons.


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